yellow-green — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: RomanStańczak , mixedmedia , sculpture , wood , glass , cupboards , MuzeumSztuki , Warsaw , Poland , NYTimes , brokenconcrete , wreckage , Dnipro , Ukraine , rescuingwomanfromapartmentbuilding , destroyedbyRussianmissile , emergencyservices , DniproMourns , DozensDieInRussiaStrike , InApartments'Rubble , SignsOfTacticalShift , warcrimes , ARomanceAuthor'sTwist , FakingHerDeath , DramaInBookWorld , OnlineFansLearnTruth , "Romancelandia" , SusanMeachen , mentalhealth , Atlanta , SubduedSermon , ReflectsDefeatsOnVotingRights , PresidentBiden , BidenAtKingChurch , EffortsThwarted , InYearSinceFierySpeech , BlackAllies , Rev.Dr.MartinLutherKingJr. , EbenezerBaptistChurch , CollegesFaceMajorChangesInRecruitment , diversity , highereducation , SCOTUS , widelyexpectedtooverturn , orrollbackaffirmativeaction , collegeadmissions , Brasília , yellow-green , crowdscenes , smoke , riotpolice , PlottingOpenly , RiotersinBrazil , BreachedSecurityWithEase , January8 , attackonBrazil'sgovernment , announcedplansonsocialmedia , Williamsport , Pennsylvania , LycomingCounty , DespiteRecountof2020Ballots , County'sDeniersClingtoDoubts , conspiracytheories , mostlysunny , turningwarmer
Waldemar Cordeiro, Gente Ampli*2 , Computer output on paper, 134.5 x 72.5 centimeters, 1972, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: WaldemarCordeiro , computeroutputonpaper , photography , abstraction , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , yellow-green , Brazilianflag , architecture , OscarNiemeyer , thousandsofsupporters , Brazil'sformerpresidentJairBolsonaro , EsplanadadosMinistérios , Brasília , InBrazilCapital , AFrenziedMob , StormsCongress , AkinToJan.6Attacks , SupportersofBolsonaro , ClaimVoteRigging , WithoutEvidence , FacingCriticism , PresidentBidenVisitsMexicanBorder , SurgeInImmigration , BidenSetforSummitonCrossingsandTrade , AfterElPasoTrip , U.S.MexicoBorder , G.O.P.Rules , FaceLogjam , FrozenTight , WashingtonDC , SpeakerKevinMcCarthy , negotiatedwithhard-rightrebels , inexchangefortheirsupport , FightingforUkraine , toTakeRevengeonRussia , InspiredbyEnmityfortheKremlin , EthnicGroupsRaiseArms , Kyiv , snowylandscape , Chechenbattalion , trainingwithnewrecruits , whitecamouflage , warmemorial , blackgranite , soldierinuniform , blackandwhitephotography , etchednames , whiteroses , KoreanWarMemorial , RiddledWithErrors , misspellednames , ImperfectRecords , FederalMissteps , KoreanWarProject , BolsteredbyNetanyahuDeals , Ultra-OrthodoxPushAutonomy , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , rainandsnowearly , somesunshine
Pat Steir, Introduction (from The Burial Mound Series) , Drypoint on HMP handmade paper, 25.1 x 25.1 centimeters, 1976, RISD Museum , Providence, Rhode Island
Tags: PatSteir , TheBurialMoundSeries , drypoint , etching , letters , markmaking , handmadepaper , RISDMuseum , RhodeIsland , NYTimes , Adviser'sQuest , TieDiseasesToImmigrants , PushingObscureLaw , LongBeforeCrisis , StephenMiller , coronavirus , pandemic , borderpolicy , Bangkok , Thailand , hasavoidedworstofoutbreak , beganeasingrestrictions , sunflowerfield , pyramid , landscape , outdoors , yellow-green , Brazil , grid , cemetery , massburial , earth , Amazonasregion , victimsofCovid-19 , VirusBattersSomeAreas , WhyDoesItSpareOthers? , ResearchersHuntingforPatterns , ExplainWideVariation , InfectionRates , hundredsofstudiesunderway , demographics , pre-existingconditions , genetics , 3HelpedMakeHospitalSafer , All3Died , WayneEdwards , DerikBraswell , PriscillaCarrow , ElmhurstHospitalCenter , Queens , "Youknowhowpeopleclapforhealthworkersat7o'clock?" , EneidaBecote , husbanddiedafterworkingaspatienttransporter , "Ifeellikethoseotheremployeesarenotfocuseduponasmuch." , WashingtonDC , SupremeCourt , argumentswillbeheardremotely , SupremeCourtToHearCasesByTelephone , lettingpubliclistenin , BurdenHeavy , BidenSeeksRunningMate , JosephR.BidenJr. , pledgetopickawoman , OfficeTools , Computer , Stapler , SneezeGuard , ModifyingWorkplaces , foraNewWorld , plexiglassbarrier , UniversityofCaliforniaIrvine , officeworkers , newbarriersbetweencubicles , masks , partlysunny , afternoonshowers
Job Koelewijn, Jump , Wood, mirrors, grass, 280 x 600 x 415 centimeters, 2005, De Pont Museum , Tilburg, Netherlands
Tags: JobKoelewijn , sculpture , installation , wood , grass , mirrors , jump , DePontMuseum , Tilburg , Netherlands , NYTimes , Davant , Louisiana , ThePlaqueminesParishDetentionCenter , rebuilt , flood-proneland , afterbeingdestroyed , HurricaneKatrina , yellow-green , darkgreen , blue , orange , silver , water , white , prisonarchitecture , IgnoringClimateScience , FEMA , MiredinCycleofRepairs , SpendingBillions , OverandOver , VulnerableAreas , "TajMahal" , ofLouisianacorrections , riskbecoming , accidentalAlcatraz , Rutland , NorthDakota , CourtShowdown , InvigoratesG.O.P. , InCrucialRaces , DemocratsPutToTest , EndangeredSenators , InRedStates , ShiftFocus , toLocalIssues , Democrat , SenatorHeidiHeitkamp , Republican , RepresentativeKevinCramer , UffdaDay , farm-focusedstate , farfromWashington , blueyellow , campaignsigns , localresidents , supportersofHeidiHeitkamp , walking , UffdaDayParade , WallStreet , BoomingWithTrump , GetsExcitedAboutDemocrats , donorswanttoelect , "Democratstoserveasacheck" , onPresidentTrump , WoundedSenate , Assessingthedamage , uglyconfirmationfight , WashingtonDC , London , U.K. , SaudiCritic , WenttotheConsulate , andVanished , prominentSaudidissident , JamalKhashoggi , lackoffreespeech , inArabworld , "Everyoneisfearful" , Istanbul , Turkey , RiodeJaneiro , Brazil , BraziliansVentFrustrations , inVoteforPresident , EmbraceLightningRod , Far-RightPopulism , JairBolsonaro , uniteanation , "onthebrinkofchaos" , "TogetherwewillrebuildourBrazil" , nightscene , supporterswithflag , campaignpublicity , neongreen , yellowtext , redbluescreen , portraiture , "DeusAcimaDeTodos" , Schoharie , NewYork , 20DeadUpstate , AsLimoCrashes , OnWayToParty , ANotoriousJunction , SpeedingVehicle , BarrelsDownaHill , 40MilesWestofAlbany , residentshadlongwarned , worstfearsrealized , dampandmisty , cloudy
Edward Middleditch, Dead Chicken in a Stream , Oil paint on board, 1365 x 1092 millimeters, 1955, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: EdwardMiddleditch , painting , animals , stream , TateUK , NYTimes , Latta , SouthCarolina , portraiture , CynthiaWarren , AnthonyWheeler , refusedtoevacuate , motherisbedridden , houseunderwater , reflections , whitehouse , redroof , frontporch , furniture , lightgreentrashcan , BBQ , tealplasticchair , foldingchair , StPaulAME , pink , red , green , blue , yellow , plasticsheeting , windows , holidaylights , woodpaneling , signs , BewareOfTheDog , ADryRefuge , FortheBody , AndtheSoul , Fayetteville , NorthCarolina , MannaChurch , "We'vegot10port-a-potties" , officialstormshelter , fleeing , flood-doomedhouse , flood , disaster , Wilmington , CrisisEscalates , StormShows , MenacingFloodwaters , AtLeast16Killed , SlowBattering , NorthandSouthCarolina , TropicalDepressionFlorence , statewidecrisis , GovernorRoyCooper , "neverbeenmoredangerousthanitisrightnow" , CajunNavy , rescuersinraincoats , nightphotography , yellow-green , volunteersinboats , guidedresidentsaway , risingwaters , darkandrainy , WilmingtonN.C. , Monroe , Michigan , groundzero , politicalmeteorite , struckMichiganin2016 , Democrat'sPlaybook , RustBelt , ReclaimLabor , Rebound , FlipTrumpStates , MichelleLaVoy , runningforstatelegislature , working-classhero , "westillstruggle" , HongKong , Typhoon'sFury , StaggersRegion , InuredtoStorms , HongKongandMacauLashed , TollRises , inthePhilippines , TyphoonMangkhut , emergencyworkers , orangehelmets , raingear , collapsedbuilding , debris , treeroots , metal , removingabody , aftermudslide , nearManila , LasVegas , Nevada , OneFamilyTree , ReflectionofImmigration , JagdishPatel , "IamsogladIcametoAmerica" , fromIndia , "wehaveprovidedvaluableservicetothiscountry" , WashingtonDC , AccuserGoesPublic , RisktoKavanaugh , SupremeCourt , accusedofsexualassault , ChristineBlaseyFord , "Ithoughthemightinadvertentlykillme" , mostlycloudy , showersintheafternoon