metal — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: unknownartist , VoteButton , metal , NationalMuseumofAmericanHistory , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Georgia , FrankHonoréandhisfatherStephan , Mableton , speakingtoDemocraticvoters , presidentialelection , MesaArizona , AmandaBlakecanvassing , hopingtoconvinceRepublicanstovote , InFinalDays , CampaignsDivergeonGroundGame , KamalaHarris , DonaldTrump , HarrisRevsUpTurnoutMachine , TrumpTriesUnprovenAlliance , FeelingPennedIn , TrumpRantsAtDonorsOverLackofMoney , HilsaNepal , NepalisEdgyOverBorderAlongChina , SignofXi'sPushtoExpandandControl , Chinesesecuritytower , loomsoverNepalborder , CaliforniaAimsto'Trump-Proof'ClimateRules , SettlementsDesignedtoExtendBeyondPresident'sReach , ballotmeasure , create$10billion"climate bond" , Tokyo , PoliciestoRaiseFertilityRates , Haven'tProducedBabyBooms , BillionsinTaxBreaks , DictateFilmLocationsTesttheCrews , filmset , FindingrightspotsinNewYork , "Rosemead" , filmsetinCalifornia , filmcrews , windy , cooler , partlycloudy , spottymorningshower
Tags: MargaritaCabrera , mixedmedia , sculpture , ceramic , paint , metal , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , LeSoir , harassment , studentsfromBrusselsConservatory , breakthesilence , Football , Standardisstillnotsafe , Cycling , VismaandVanAert , strikefromthestart , FarmersReturntoPutPressure , AfterarowdyagriculturalshowinParis , severalhundredtractors , onceagain"descend"onBrussels , 4500emptyaccomodations , Researchersestimatednumberofemptyhomes , potentially"mobilizable"homesinBrusselsRegion , thelandregistermustenablemunicipalitiestoact , Electorallists , goodgovernancebeginsintheparties , Elections , SophieWilmès , undeniablenewfaceofMR , WesternersclingtohopeofUkrainianvictory , Liège , Nightdivewithpoliceinlivelyneighborhood , cold , cloudy , rainy
Tags: GediminasUrbonas , sculpture , granite , metal , MuseumofContemporaryArtKiasma , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , pileofluggage , suitcase , backpacks , plasticbags , clothing , bloodstainedfloor , trainstation , Kramatorsk , Ukraine , 50peoplekilled , missileattack , apartmentbuilding , damagedbybombings , peopleremainingfear , willsoonbeshelledintooblivion , PerilsGrowDire , OnEscapeRoutes , ToUkraine'sWest , 'TownIsDead' , AfterStationAttack , MassingofRussians , PosesNewThreat , burnedoutcars , signsofmassacreonhighway , nearDmytrivka , tableauofhorror , photographstakenbyTarasDidych , mayorofDmytrivka , CryptoFirmsHaveWishList , StatesAreTurningItIntoLaw , Florida , warmembraceofcryptocurrencyagenda , Binance , Ethereum , Dogecoin , Bitcoin , Paris , MacronandLePen , WillBattletoLeadFrance , Right-WingSurge , MayThreatenIncumbent , extremepartiesofrightandleft , took51%ofvote , Frenchangerandfrustration , PresidentEmmanuelMacron , whitestage , campaign , crowdwavingFrenchflags , runoffvoteonApril24 , KushnerFirm , Got$2BillionFromSaudis , SovereignWealthFund , OverruledAdvisers , AffinityPartners , JaredKushner , CollegeSpreadsBeliefsofRight , InK-12Charters , HillsdaleCollege , Michigan , "1776Curriculum" , fighting"progressive"and"leftistacademics" , sunshine , increasingclouds
Beverly Buchanan, Three Families (A Memorial Piece With Scars) , Wood with paint, charcoal, and metal, Overall dimensions: 17 x 32 x 10 inches, 1989, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: BeverlyBuchanan , wood , paint , charcoal , metal , sculpture , threefamilies , memorial , scars , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Virginia , NYTimes , women , domesticinterior , sandbags , pilesofwood , cots , bedding , Armenians , secludedinbasement , apartmentbuilding , Stepanakert , Nagorno-Karabakh , ResignationandDespair , StokeArmenianConflict , BattleWithAzerbaijanIntensifies , CallstoSuspendFighting , GoUnheeded , disputedterritory , CaucasusMountains , whereEuropemeetsAsia , brutalwarofattrition , Azerbaijanidrones , TrumpStaysUpbeat , CampaignTurnsGrim , SoberingView , SpreadsAmongStrategists , asElectionNears , thrice-a-dayrallyschedule , finalweeksoftherace , HowAgendasFill , LocalNewsVoid , ClientsPay , forFavorablePoliticalCoverage , MaineBusinessDaily , fast-growingnetwork , nearly1300websites , aimtofillvoid , vanishinglocalnewspapers , builtonpropaganda , voters , TheySpurnedClintonin2016 , ButLikeBiden , "IidentifymorewithBiden--" , ThomasMoline , independent , HillaryClinton , JosephR.BidenJr. , Haiti , FromanOrphanage , totheRoseGarden , AfterOrdeal , NewLifeforBarrettChildren , earthquakehitHaitiin2010 , childrenfromorphanage , boardedcharterplane , Americanhumanitarianeffort , tostartnewlives , inanewcountry , withnewfamilies , blackandwhitephotography , TheEastVillage , OldandNew , tourtheneighborhood , theRamones , rockband , wheremanyhaveheldcourt , Beijing , VirusinCheck , China'sEconomy , BouncesBack , Chineseeconomysurged4.9% , July-Septemberquarter , vigorousexpansion , settodominateglobalgrowth , mostlycloudy
Edward Middleditch, Dead Chicken in a Stream , Oil paint on board, 1365 x 1092 millimeters, 1955, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: EdwardMiddleditch , painting , animals , stream , TateUK , NYTimes , Latta , SouthCarolina , portraiture , CynthiaWarren , AnthonyWheeler , refusedtoevacuate , motherisbedridden , houseunderwater , reflections , whitehouse , redroof , frontporch , furniture , lightgreentrashcan , BBQ , tealplasticchair , foldingchair , StPaulAME , pink , red , green , blue , yellow , plasticsheeting , windows , holidaylights , woodpaneling , signs , BewareOfTheDog , ADryRefuge , FortheBody , AndtheSoul , Fayetteville , NorthCarolina , MannaChurch , "We'vegot10port-a-potties" , officialstormshelter , fleeing , flood-doomedhouse , flood , disaster , Wilmington , CrisisEscalates , StormShows , MenacingFloodwaters , AtLeast16Killed , SlowBattering , NorthandSouthCarolina , TropicalDepressionFlorence , statewidecrisis , GovernorRoyCooper , "neverbeenmoredangerousthanitisrightnow" , CajunNavy , rescuersinraincoats , nightphotography , yellow-green , volunteersinboats , guidedresidentsaway , risingwaters , darkandrainy , WilmingtonN.C. , Monroe , Michigan , groundzero , politicalmeteorite , struckMichiganin2016 , Democrat'sPlaybook , RustBelt , ReclaimLabor , Rebound , FlipTrumpStates , MichelleLaVoy , runningforstatelegislature , working-classhero , "westillstruggle" , HongKong , Typhoon'sFury , StaggersRegion , InuredtoStorms , HongKongandMacauLashed , TollRises , inthePhilippines , TyphoonMangkhut , emergencyworkers , orangehelmets , raingear , collapsedbuilding , debris , treeroots , metal , removingabody , aftermudslide , nearManila , LasVegas , Nevada , OneFamilyTree , ReflectionofImmigration , JagdishPatel , "IamsogladIcametoAmerica" , fromIndia , "wehaveprovidedvaluableservicetothiscountry" , WashingtonDC , AccuserGoesPublic , RisktoKavanaugh , SupremeCourt , accusedofsexualassault , ChristineBlaseyFord , "Ithoughthemightinadvertentlykillme" , mostlycloudy , showersintheafternoon