exhibitions — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
October 22, 2024
performance , news , museums , Monday'simage , frontpages , exhibitions , dance , currentevents , contemporaryart , arthistory
Eszter Salamon in collaboration with Boglárka Börcsök, MONUMENT 0.5: The Valeska Gert Monument , Performance trailer, 2:58, Video documentation: Walter Beckmann, 2019, Tanzforum Berlin , University Library of the Berlin University of Arts, Germany
Tags: EszterSalamon , BoglárkaBörcsök , collaboration , performance , dance , ValeskaGert , TheValeskaGertMonument , videodocumentation , trailer , TanzforumBerlin , UniversityLibraryoftheBerlinUniversityofArts , Germany , NYTimes , L.G.B.T.Q.inJapan , same-sexunionsremainoutlawedinJapan , bullyingremainsriskforchildren , thosewhoaregaytransgenderornonbinary , distinctivepaths , portraiture , liveshopesfears , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , TrumpBecomesStarofHarris'sClosingPitch , DemocratShiftsStrategy , UsingHisWordstoPortrayHimasUnfittoServe , BidsforVotes , Drowning7SwingStates , electronicbillboards , socialmedia , televisionadvertisements , ElectoralCollege , ElonMusk , MusktheContractor , MusktheU.S.Adviser , ConflictofInterestSeen , IfHeLeadsaTrump'Efficiency'Panel , Shaabanal-Dalou , Palestinian'sDreamsofEscape , EndinFlamesSeenWorldwide , GazaStrip , HowHalloweenRetailBecameItsOwnMonster , Halloweencostumes , storessellfrightfulwaresearlierandearlier , phenomenon , "holidaycreep" , IsraelHamaswar , plentyofsunshine , warmerafternoon
Beatrice Mandelman, Spectators , Lithograph, Publisher: Works Progress Administration / Federal Art Project-New York City, n.d., 40.3 × 49.5 × 2.9 centimeters, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art , Bentonville, Arkansas
Tags: BeatriceMandelman , spectators , lithography , printmaking , blackandwhite , workonpaper , WorksProgressAdministration , FederalArtProject , NewYorkCity , CrystalBridgesMuseumofAmericanArt , Arkansas , NYTimes , TelAviv , Israel , Thousandsprotesting , downtown , lackofceasefirewithHamas , 6hostagesfounddead , flags , banners , crowds , IsraeliHostagesFoundDead , AngerRises , 6BodiesinTunnel , GrowingSplit , BetweenVengeanceandCease-Fire , PatientsHeldAgainstWillByHospitals , AcadiaHealthcare , TopChainIncentivizesPsychiatricStays , Gaza , RacetoHaltPolio'sSpread , War'sFleetingPauses , poliovaccination , hundredsofthousandsofchildren , undertheageof10 , doctors , globalhealthemergency , SixmilebridgeIreland , AsAshTreesDie , AncientIrishGameAdapts , PlayersinHurlingFindBambooMightDo , hurling , Irishsports , "theclashoftheash" , woodworkshop , WillieBulfin , craftinghurleys , formidablewoodensticksinsportofhurling , JDVance , Vance'sCombativenessMayVexSomeVoters , TrumpLikesIt , presidentialelection , GratitudeWanesWithProliferationofGratuities , tipping , No-TaxIdea , CouldEndUpHurtingWorkers , mostlysunny , breezy , lesshumid
Cypriot, Cypro-Archaic II, Terracotta statuette of a donkey and rider , Terracotta, handmade, 11.3 centimeters, 600-480 BCE, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Cypriot , Cypro-ArchaicII , terracotta , statuette , donkeyandrider , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , DouarTnirt , village , AtlasMountains , Morocco , mensearchingforsurvivors , caved-inhouse , rubble , mountainvillage , Azgour , MoroccanTownsStruckByQuake , CutOffFromAid , DebrisBlocksRoads , GovernmentHasOfferedLittleInformation , RescueEfforts , 6.8magnitude , earthquake , ForgingNewTiesWithAnOldFoe , VisittoVietnam , BidenSeekstoBluntChina , AnOceanFromGroundZero , APeacefulGrove , Recalls9/11 , September11 , KinsaleIreland , firefighterswhodiedonSept.112001 , RingfinnanGardenofRemembrance , plantingtrees , memorialgarden , ChiefSoccerOfficialofSpain , ResignsOverUnwantedKiss , LuisRubiales , FIFA , mapofUnitedStates , graph , bluegraypeach , AbortionsRoseDespiteBan , HaleyIsRunningasEnvoy , ForNewG.O.P.AbortionPath , GovernorNikkiHaley , SouthCarolina , mostlycloudy , showers , thunderstorms
Waldemar Cordeiro, Gente Ampli*2 , Computer output on paper, 134.5 x 72.5 centimeters, 1972, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: WaldemarCordeiro , computeroutputonpaper , photography , abstraction , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , yellow-green , Brazilianflag , architecture , OscarNiemeyer , thousandsofsupporters , Brazil'sformerpresidentJairBolsonaro , EsplanadadosMinistérios , Brasília , InBrazilCapital , AFrenziedMob , StormsCongress , AkinToJan.6Attacks , SupportersofBolsonaro , ClaimVoteRigging , WithoutEvidence , FacingCriticism , PresidentBidenVisitsMexicanBorder , SurgeInImmigration , BidenSetforSummitonCrossingsandTrade , AfterElPasoTrip , U.S.MexicoBorder , G.O.P.Rules , FaceLogjam , FrozenTight , WashingtonDC , SpeakerKevinMcCarthy , negotiatedwithhard-rightrebels , inexchangefortheirsupport , FightingforUkraine , toTakeRevengeonRussia , InspiredbyEnmityfortheKremlin , EthnicGroupsRaiseArms , Kyiv , snowylandscape , Chechenbattalion , trainingwithnewrecruits , whitecamouflage , warmemorial , blackgranite , soldierinuniform , blackandwhitephotography , etchednames , whiteroses , KoreanWarMemorial , RiddledWithErrors , misspellednames , ImperfectRecords , FederalMissteps , KoreanWarProject , BolsteredbyNetanyahuDeals , Ultra-OrthodoxPushAutonomy , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , rainandsnowearly , somesunshine
Matias Faldbakken, Dobbeltherme Adolph Tidemand , Marble sculptures, pallet, polyethylene foam, cargo strap, 80 x 120 centimeters, 2014, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: MatiasFaldbakken , sculpture , marble , pallet , installation , Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo , Norway , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , Russianmissilesbombardthecity , apartmentbuildingsonfire , walls , residentswatch , smoke , rainystreets , FateOfMariupol , HinglesOnBattleAtSteelFactory , BrutalityofInvaders , HasDeepRoots , flashbacksofviolence , Chechnya , Grozny , Aleppo , Bucha , Ukraine'sLastStand , inCriticalCity , AzovstalIronandSteelWorks , "Thecitystillhasnotfallen" , DenysShmyhal , Ukraine'sprimeminister , Vanished , Russian-occupiedvillage , fivemenwenttofeedcattle , neighborswonderingwhathappenedtothem , Mar-a-LagoMachine , TrumpasModern-DayPartyBoss , GainingCash , GrantingFavors , TryingtoCrushRivals , PalmBeach , Florida , WeighingRisks , VirusThreatBecomesNorm , coronavirus , aerialview , statueofGeneralStonewallJackson , camedowninRichmondVirginia , hundredsgatheredtocheer , PerilousJob , TopplingConfederateStatues , Black-OwnedCompanyMetWithThreats , TeamHenryEnterprises , hauledaway15piecesofConfederatestatuary , HowDomesticPoliticsUnravel , TheWorld'sPledgetoRefugees , Britain'sgovernmentannouncednewplan , shipforeigncitizenstoRwanda , sunshine , clouds , somerainlate , cool
Jim Leedy, Colorful Vessel , Stoneware, resin, 36.2 x 21.3 x 14 centimeters, 1954, Speed Art Museum , Louisville, Kentucky
Tags: JimLeedy , vessel , stoneware , resin , ceramicsculpture , SpeedArtMuseum , Louisville , NYTimes , trashtrucks , workers , plastictrashbags , TurningTrashIntoIncome , Senegal , legionsofplasticpickers , newrecyclingmarket , moundofdetritus , InnerCircleOfHard-Liners , HasPutin'sEar , SignsPointtoAdvisers'SwayonUkraine , Moscow , "conservative-reactionary"worldview , Russia'ssecurityelite , KetanjiBrownJackson , topcandidateforSupremeCourt , JudgeWithViewofJustice , ShapedbyFamily , PossiblePickHasKin , BothSidesofLaw , Miami , PoliticsFuelsSurge , CallsForBookBans , Tennessee , McMinnCountyBoardofEducation , votedtoremovegraphicnovel , "Maus" , PulitzerPrize-winningbook , Holocaust , AmericanLibraryAssociation , "unprecedented"330reports , bookchallenges , ElectionDeniersSeekStatePosts , ToCertifyVotes , EffortByTrumpAllies , WatchdogsAreAlarmed , OnceQuietOfficeAttractsPartisans , nearlytwodozenRepublicans , disputed2020electionresults , runningforsecretaryofstate , To-GoCocktails , WeretheToastOfNewYork , ButNowAClash , Albany , defeatofpermanentproposal , lobbyists , aggrievedliquorstoreindustry , RafaelNadal , woninAustralia , 21stGrandSlamtitle , bluetenniscourt , victory , Nadal'sMarkCapsTournament , ThatDashedDjokovic'sShadow , sunshine , patchyclouds , notascold
Graham Sutherland, Devastation, 1941: East End, Wrecked Public House , Crayon, ink, pastel and gouache on paper on plywood, 1030 x 928 x 148 millimeters, 1941, Tate , U.K.
Tags: GrahamSutherland , painting , paper , plywood , mixedmedia , TateUK , TheIrishTimes , Ireland , SportsMonday , Gibson-Park , MalachyClerkin , culturewar , football , soccer , uniforms , UnaMullally , Togooutornottogoout? , ConorPope , Pricewatch , worstorbestcustomerexperiencein2021? , Contractsofviruscontacttracers , extendedforsixmonths , Seven-dayaverageofCovid-19cases , rises51%inaweek , hospitalityoutlets , shouldfacesanctions , forfailingtocheckcerts , 'Atfullstretch' , Boostereffectiveness , wreckage , burnedcar , twistedmetal , SierraLeonetankerexplosion , deathtollrises , Freetown , DNAtesting , Localswalkpastburnt-outcarsandhomes , aftertruckcollidedwithfueltanker , 'Thefirewasalloverhim' , Crackcocaine'epidemic' , westTallaght , Dublin , warnsreport , TDATF , 'Mostpressing' , 'byfarthemostpressingsubstanceabuseissue' , rainwillpusheastwardsearly , gooddryspellsbyafternoon , moderatewinds
René Daniëls, Het Glazen , Oil on canvas, 200 x 130 centimeters, 1984, De Pont Museum , Tilburg, Netherlands
Tags: RenéDaniëls , oiloncanvas , windows , architecture , glazing , DePontMuseum , NYTimes , hospital , medicalworkers , medicalequipment , glassdoors , bluePPE , 'WhenWillThisEverEnd?' , waveofCovidcases , I.C.U. , SantaMonica , California , dashedthehopesofdoctors , whothoughttheworstwasover , OfficialsEnlistStarsofTikTok , InVaccineWar , TappingInfluencers , SteerFactstoYouth , WhiteHouseenlistedTwitchstreamers , YouTubers , TikTokers , ShortOnDoses , StrugglingToDeliverThem , ChallengesForCovax , Money , Bureaucracy , Logistics , ClipGlobalVaccinationPlan , workers , orangejackets , Covaxshipment , AstraZeneca , Madagascar , Covax , multibillion-dollaralliance , internationalhealthbodies , nonprofits , Biden'sClimatePlansHobbled , AfteranExodusUnderTrump , WashingtonDC , hundredsofjobs , climateandenvironmentalscience , acrossthefederalgovernment , remainvacant , RiotsShatteredIllusion , CoexistenceinIsrael , AcreIsrael , InArab-JewishTowns , ResentmentFestersOverInequality , citysquare , stonefacade , stairwells , bluedoors , archway , youth , InthemixedcityofAcre , Palestiniansaccountfor30% , populationof56000 , NewYorkPushToClearStreets , HitsHomeless , cityworkers , sometimescleardozensofencampments , broadereffortbyMayorBilldeBlasio , transferringover8000peoplefromhotels , FightOverRezoningBid , TestsCharlottesville'sProgressonRace , Charlottesville , Virginia , CityRemovesStatues , butBalksatMore , sunshine , lesshumid