DebrisBlocksRoads — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Cypriot, Cypro-Archaic II, Terracotta statuette of a donkey and rider , Terracotta, handmade, 11.3 centimeters, 600-480 BCE, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Cypriot , Cypro-ArchaicII , terracotta , statuette , donkeyandrider , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , DouarTnirt , village , AtlasMountains , Morocco , mensearchingforsurvivors , caved-inhouse , rubble , mountainvillage , Azgour , MoroccanTownsStruckByQuake , CutOffFromAid , DebrisBlocksRoads , GovernmentHasOfferedLittleInformation , RescueEfforts , 6.8magnitude , earthquake , ForgingNewTiesWithAnOldFoe , VisittoVietnam , BidenSeekstoBluntChina , AnOceanFromGroundZero , APeacefulGrove , Recalls9/11 , September11 , KinsaleIreland , firefighterswhodiedonSept.112001 , RingfinnanGardenofRemembrance , plantingtrees , memorialgarden , ChiefSoccerOfficialofSpain , ResignsOverUnwantedKiss , LuisRubiales , FIFA , mapofUnitedStates , graph , bluegraypeach , AbortionsRoseDespiteBan , HaleyIsRunningasEnvoy , ForNewG.O.P.AbortionPath , GovernorNikkiHaley , SouthCarolina , mostlycloudy , showers , thunderstorms