Germany — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Susan Hiller, Thoughts are Free , Jukebox, music, wall text and benches, plastic, metal, chipboard, and paper, 2011-2012, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: SusanHiller , ThoughtsareFree , multimedia , installation , jukebox , music , walltext , songs , dOCUMENTA(13) , Kassel , Germany , Oslo , Norway , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , Firsthostagesfreeafterdifficultceasefire , Emily Damari(28)takenfromthekibbutzKfarAzaOctober 7 , 2023 , hesitantstartofthetruce , anomenforadifficultpeaceprocess , long-awaitedceasefirebetweenIsraelandHamas , ThreeIsraeliwomenreleasedbyHamas , reunitedwiththeirfamilies , PresidentTrump , DeportationsRevenge , MaybeJustCallPutin , PresidentTrumpplansradicalinterventions , THEVERYRICHEST , CONTINUETOGETRICHERATAHIGHRATE , 'By2024thegapwillgrowfasterthanever' , EnoughoftheBelgiandarkness? , Tothesuninlessthansixhours , emojis , Empire , AmericaandEurope , OrangemanisbackintheWhiteHouse , lightsnow , cold , afternoonclearing
October 22, 2024
performance , news , museums , Monday'simage , frontpages , exhibitions , dance , currentevents , contemporaryart , arthistory
Eszter Salamon in collaboration with Boglárka Börcsök, MONUMENT 0.5: The Valeska Gert Monument , Performance trailer, 2:58, Video documentation: Walter Beckmann, 2019, Tanzforum Berlin , University Library of the Berlin University of Arts, Germany
Tags: EszterSalamon , BoglárkaBörcsök , collaboration , performance , dance , ValeskaGert , TheValeskaGertMonument , videodocumentation , trailer , TanzforumBerlin , UniversityLibraryoftheBerlinUniversityofArts , Germany , NYTimes , L.G.B.T.Q.inJapan , same-sexunionsremainoutlawedinJapan , bullyingremainsriskforchildren , thosewhoaregaytransgenderornonbinary , distinctivepaths , portraiture , liveshopesfears , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , TrumpBecomesStarofHarris'sClosingPitch , DemocratShiftsStrategy , UsingHisWordstoPortrayHimasUnfittoServe , BidsforVotes , Drowning7SwingStates , electronicbillboards , socialmedia , televisionadvertisements , ElectoralCollege , ElonMusk , MusktheContractor , MusktheU.S.Adviser , ConflictofInterestSeen , IfHeLeadsaTrump'Efficiency'Panel , Shaabanal-Dalou , Palestinian'sDreamsofEscape , EndinFlamesSeenWorldwide , GazaStrip , HowHalloweenRetailBecameItsOwnMonster , Halloweencostumes , storessellfrightfulwaresearlierandearlier , phenomenon , "holidaycreep" , IsraelHamaswar , plentyofsunshine , warmerafternoon
Šejla Kamerić , Ballot Box , Calcareous sandstone, granite, rope, wax, 60 x 46 x 46 centimeters, 50 x 50 x 50 centimeters, 2012, Art Collection Telekom , Germany
Tags: ŠejlaKamerić , ballotbox , sculpture , plinth , sandstone , granite , rope , wax , ArtCollectionTelekom , Germany , DeMorgen , Brussels , historicballotboxforTurkey , Turkishpresidentialelection , determinesfutureofcountry , RecepTayyipErdoğan , ifcurrentpresidentmakesit , continuationofconservativeanti-Europeancourse , challenger , KemalKılıçdaroğlu , oppositionleader , possiblereversalintheworks , OneSecondIsEnough , professionalbicycleracing , timetrial , Giro-leader , RemcoEvenepoel , winner , visitingschoolgroups , Utrecht , pre-schoolerslearnwhoJuliusCaesaris , insteadofplayingshop , TheMole , floralgreen , portraiture , explainshowshesabotaged , Eurovision , adivinetorture , anti-tobaccopolicygettingstronger , JoëlDeCeulaer , lookingforwardtofirstsmoke-freegeneration , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Iprayalotthatoffersmerest' , cloudyconditions , rainanddrizzle
Jerzy Bereś, Protest , Wood, textiles, mixed media, 2030 millimeters, 1976, Museum Kampa , Prague, Czech Republic
Tags: JerzyBereś , PROTEST , wood , textiles , mixedmedia , sculpture , MuseumKampa , Prague , CzechRepublic , NYTimes , bluetents , jobfair , Beijing , educationsupposedtoleadtowell-payingjob , economistsaid , "Thatisnolongermaterializing" , DeepDiscontentInChineseYouth , GoesPastCovid , JobProspectsDryUp , AsPandemicRulesEase , GenerationSeesBleakFuture , "zeroCovid"restrictions , protesters'demands , Moldova , PaidProtests , RussianPressure , GasLimitsbyMoscow , StirAngerAgainstPro-WestLeader , MaiaSandu , callingforremovalofMoldova'spresident , crowds , anti-governmentrally , ChisinauMoldova , protestsigns , pro-Russiapartypaysprotesters , DeemedFree , SomeRemainBehindBars , LouisianaDawdlesatReleasingInmates , NewOrleans , JohnnyTraweek , "overdetention" , LouisianaDepartmentofPublicSafetyandCorrections , BrittneyGriner , hostagediplomacy , GrinerStoryPointstoRisksForDetainers , Divorce , BeatriceWeber , portraiture , seeksstrongereducationforyoungestson , DivorceCanLockSomeChildren , IntoInadequateHasidicSchools , BadLobenstein , Germany , ACoupPlot , aPrinceandtheFarRight , GermanSpaTown , Royal'sLodge , Oneof150TargetsRaided , PrinceHeinrichXIIIofReuss , Waidmannsheillodge , rainorsnowshowerearly , decreasingclouds
Michael Riedel, Vier Vorschläge zur Veränderung von Modern (31-34) , 1/2: Cotton fabric, dyed, 250 x 275 centimeters, 2/2: Digital print on canvas, 250 x 275 centimeters, 2009, Städel Museum , Frankfurt, Germany
Tags: MichaelRiedel , cotton , dyedfabric , digitalprintoncanvas , installation , blackandwhite , StädelMuseum , Frankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , signatures , HouseRepublicans , majorityrejectedresultsofElectoralCollege , historicvote , wouldreshapetheirparty , lawmakers , threateningtransferofpower , TheyCementedtheMyth , OfaStolenElection , DemocracyChallenged , TheRiseoftheObjectors , FatalStampedeforExits , AsPoliceFiredTearGas , FocusTurnstoRiotOfficers , After125DieatSoccerStadium , Malang , Indonesia , AremaF.C. , "Aremania" , KanjuruhanStadium , greensoccerfield , policeofficers , soccerfans , whitesmoke , RetracingPathDeSantisTook , ToFlyMigrants , GovernorRonDeSantis , $12million , transportunauthorizedmigrants , outofFlorida , Lyman , Ukraine , IWasRussian? , Putin'sDecreeDoesNotStick. , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , annexationoffourregionsofUkraine , AsFloridaWaterRose , FightToSaveTwoDisabledBrothers , interiorscene , motheranddaughters , LifeUndertheTalibanAgain , photographerwholongcalledAfghanistanhome , capturedjarringchanges , RaceHasRoleInMajorCasesBeforeJustices , SCOTUS , SupremeCourt'sShifttoRightMayGoOn , WashingtonDC , six-justiceconservativesupermajority , education , voting , adoptions , cloudymorning , sunnyafternoon , windy
Dirk Skreber, Ohne Titel (Überschwemmung) , Oil and seliotape on canvas, 290 x 170 centimeters, 2000, Städel Museum , Frankfurt, Germany
Tags: DirkSkreber , untitled , oiloncanvas , seliotape , StädelMuseum , painting , Frankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , HurricaneFiona , MakesLandfall , PuertoRico , 1.5millionwithoutpower , couldbringmorethan2feetofrain , submergedlandscape , brownwater , wind , destruction , horizon , trees , stormdamage , grey , lightblue , green , TrollsinRussia , SchemedToDivideWomen'sMarch , FakeAccounts , TargetedFeministMovement , IntensifyDiscordinAmerica , crowds , orangesignage , pinkhats , "TheFutureIsStillFemale" , Women'sMarch , drewfourmillionprotestersin2017 , socialmedia , adoptingpersonas , offictionalAmericans , TheDehumanizingOffense , MassGrave , AnonymousBodiesinUkraine , RecallEvilofPastAtrocities , Izium , AcceptDefeat? , SomeinG.O.P. , RefusetoSay , WashingtonDC , wouldnotcommit , toacceptingthisyear'selectionresults , LayingOutthe6LegalBattles , PuttingTrumpatGrowingRisk , escalatingconflictwithinvestigators , AWelshVillage , EmbracedIts'GuardianAngel' , blackandwhitephotography , QueenElizabethII , visitedfamiliesofvictims , Aberfan , Wales , miningdisaster , 1966 , killed116childrenand28adults , villageofgrayroofs , narrowWelshvalley , quietloss , BusTicketOutofTexas , WasaTickettoStability , UnwelcomeImmigrants , FindWorkinNorth , thousandsofmigrants , mostofthemVenezuelans , coaxedontobusesandplanes , headingtoWashingtonDC , NewYork , Chicago , Martha'sVineyard , tomakeafreshstartintheUnitedStates , partlysunny , verywarm , abithumid , ashower
Kai Hügels, Silveride , Wood, screws, skateboards, PUR glue, hot glue, and paint, 118 x 105.5 x 115 centimeters, 2011, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden , Germany
Tags: KaiHügels , mixedmedia , sculpture , figuration , StaatlicheKunstsammlungenDresden , Germany , NYTimes , yellowblue , advertisements , WaryOfContact , luger , EmilySweeney , "Itjustfeelslikesuchabigriskjusttobeexistinginthisworldrightnow" , CoveringUp , NathanChen , nationalfigureskatingchampionships , hehaswornmasks , duringfull-speedpracticesessions , DifferentSchedule , snowboarder , ChloeKim , halfpipegoldmedalist2018 , satouttheXGames , VirtualCelebration , MaameBiney , speedskater , decidednottogooutwithfamilyandfriends , , 2022Games , Beijing , ToAvoidVirus , OlympiansBendOverBackward , ShunFriends , ChangeTrainingandSkipCompetitions , WinsMarredbyMissteps , Biden's1stPandemicYear , ErraticVirus , SpurredConfusingMessaging , PoliticsOftenStymiedAction , WashingtonDC , Dr.RochelleWalensky , "heartsink"moment , U.S.WeighsTroopDeployment , ThousandstoEasternEurope , mountingfearsofRussianincursion , RolesofF.B.I.andInformants , MuddleGovernorKidnapCase , GovernorGretchenWhitmer , Michigan , paybackforCovid-19lockdownmeasures , ObsoleteBulbs , FilltheShelves , DollarStores , lower-endretailers , lowincomeneighborhoods , affluentcommunities , storessellmoreefficientLEDs , AlexMulumba , criticalcarenurse , Lusaka , Zambia , consideringjobopportunitiesinCanada , PoorNations , LoseTheirBestNursestotheRich , RecruitmentPromptsEthicalDilemma , Covid-19pandemic , healthcareworkforce , drasticallydepleted , blendofsunandclouds , seasonablychilly
Tags: CyThao , oiloncanvas , figurepainting , landscape , MinneapolisInstituteofArt , NYTimes , U.S.BorderPatrolagent , menonhorseback , DelRio , Texas , water , bluereflections , Haitianmigrants , RioGrande , river , peopleinwater , plasticbags , triedtostopHaitianmigrants , fromenteringacamp , HaitiObjects , U.S.SendsMigrantsBack , about14000Haitians , willbeexpelledfromU.S. , encampmentformedinTexasbordertown , Haitianappeal , suspensionofdeportations , WashingtonDC , JoeManchin , powerfulDemocrat , WestVirginia , SenatorHasFossilFuelLinks , andaPotentPen , ManchinBacksCleanEnergy , CanAlterBiden'sPlans , crucialup-or-downvote , sharplydividedSenate , Mr.Biden's$3.5trillionbudgetbill , couldreshape , nation'ssocialwelfarenetwork , FirstLadyJillBiden , classroom , desks , students , raisedhands , Americanflag , TheFirstLady'sAgenda , AsPresidentBidentriestorestorebipartisanship , JillBidenisnotstandingonsidelines , ARevolvingDoor , KeepsTaxPolicyonClients'Side , Lawyers'BriefLucrativeRoundTrips , FromAccountingFirmstoTreasury , PwC , giantaccountingfirm , helpingworld'sbiggestcompaniesavoidtaxes , younggirls , AMerkelnamesake , SeaofAngelas , GivesThanksToChancellor , Wülfrath , Germany , HibajaMaai , gavebirththreedaysafterarrivinginGermany , fledSyria , "AngelaMerkelsavedourlives" , UsingVirusTest , WaytoKeepPupilsinSchool , "testtostay" , modifiedquarantine , VirginiaBeach , DemocratsLooktoAbortionFight , toMotivateSuburbanWomen , RattlingaVirginiaRace , Loomingin2022 , abundantsunshine , mild
Tags: HollyZausner , film , GrandCentralStation , womanalone , abandonedstation , Americanflag , lightreflections , SchirnKunsthalleFrankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , chandeliers , walkway , stone , underground , TooQuiet , subduedGrandCentralTerminal , gloomsettledonanation , suddenlyingripofpandemic , FedCutsRatesToNearZero , VirusTollSoars , WashingtonDC , ItalyReportsSharpIncreaseinDeaths , ClosingsAcrosstheU.S. , globaleconomy , imminentperil , shuttersfactories , quarantinesworkers , disruptseverydaylife , topofficial , "I'mnotgoingtosaythatthelabtestingissueisover." , BusinessGrindstoaHalt , TheCostofDisruptionSurges , KalenaMasching , realestateagent , "LastweekIwouldhavetoldyounothinghadchanged" , "Thisweekithasallgonetohell." , NewYorkOrders , SchoolsBarsAndRestaurantstoShutDown , TrackingAnOutbreak , StockingShelves , Foodsuppliersandretailers , saytheyhaveenoughgoods , stilladjustingtheirpacetomeetdemand , Biotechnology , Germanofficialsappearedrattled , reportedAmericanoverture , tocompanyresearchingvaccine , Airports , TravelersreturningtoUnitedStates , waitedinline , foraslongassevenhours , "enhancedscreening" , customs , Brussels , AcrossEurope , VirusPuncturesCafeSociety , coronavirus , severedhumanity , fromitsconceitofcontrol , fragmentation , TodayEuropeanstoldtohideaway , erectingborders , redbluescreen , DemocraticPresidentialDebate , JosephR.BidenJr. , BernieSanders , pointingfingers , avoidedshakinghands , noliveaudience , redcarpet , TwoRivalsTakeOnOutbreak , andEachOther , Gainesville , Florida , Ex-FelonsinFlorida , CanVoteAtLast , SomeDon'tWantTo , portraiture , JuliusIrving , canvasser , hisprisonexperiences , "mademenottrustthisgovernment" , Floridarecentlyoverturnedlifetimeban , DeontreWashington , "Idon'tcareabouthisgovernmentandthisgovernmentdoesn'tcareaboutme." , sunshinegivingwaytoclouds , achillierday
Richard Marquis, Confetti Pyramid , Kiln-formed glass, 20.3 x 28.9 x 28.9 centimeters, 2007, The Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: RichardMarquis , sculpture , glass , murrine , kiln , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , Corning , NewYork , NYTimes , Americanflag , confetti , yellow , blue , redwhiteblue , hands , celebration , trophy , champions , U.S.women'ssoccer , WorldCup , 2-0victory , overNetherlands , fanschanted , "Equalpay!" , blurrycrowd , banners , BurdensBorne , ByaU.S.Team , WithNoEqual , Lyon , France , fewathletesexpectedtolead , equalpay , gayrights , socialjustice , swaggerofpopstars , Americanwomen , clinchingsecondconsecutiveWorldCuptrophy , LasVegas , Nevada , WomenMakePrimaryFoes , StarttoSweat , "IwantsomeonewhoIknowillstandup" , "thathasabackbone" , SenatorElizabethWarren , Massachusetts , SenatorKamalaHarris , California , "They'rebothveryverystrongwomen." , IranAnnouncesPlans , ToBreachEnrichmentCap , Violationof2015Deal , PressuringU.S.andEurope , IntoOfferingSanctionsRelief , uraniumenrichment , onpathtoproduceatomicbomb , Trumpadministrationblamed , forsettingoffthecrisis , byEuropeans , "Itisaback-to-the-futuremoment" , SanamVakil , ChathamHouse , researchinstitute , London , U.K. , portraiture , GeorgeMonroeJr. , gardenlandscape , whitepicketfence , ledgerwithhandwriting , bluebackground , windowframe , lightandshadow , ConnectedtoaPresident , bySlavery , 7GenerationsHaveLived , inShadowofMonroe'sPlantation , ancestors , enslavedbyPresidentJamesMonroe , amongfirsttocarryhisname , ledgeridentifyingslavesMonroesold , tocoverdebts , afterhispresidency , Charlottesville , Virginia , Monroetown , predominantlyAfricanAmericancommunity , "Itwasjustunderstoodthatwewereconnectedtothepresident" , "notbybloodbutbyslavery" , workingtogetherwithmuseum , tochangethewayslaveryispresented , formerpresidentialplantation , NewSexChargesforEpstein , FocusonManhattan , AccusationsofLuringMinors , toaMansion , billionairefinancier , JeffreyE.Epstein , sex-traffickingoperation , under-agegirls , Berlin , Germany , PoliticalMurder , FarRight , ShockGermany , HatefulNewReality , DredgesUpthePast , WalterLübcke , defendedrefugeepolicy , ChancellorAngelaMerkel , Germany'sfirstfar-rightpoliticalassassination , sinceNaziera , partialsunshine , lowhumidity
Janine Antoni, Unveiling , Bronze bell, lead clapper, fabric tassle, Edition 3/3, 53.5 x 33 x 33 centimeters, 1994, Irish Museum of Modern Art , Dublin, Ireland
Tags: JanineAntoni , bronze , bell , tassle , sculpture , installation , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , Ireland , NYTimes , silhouette , manbehindscreen , gauze , screen , anonymity , black , grey , taupe , portrait , 'ItIsNotaCloset' , 'ItIsaCage' , ASilentCrisis , forGayPriests , FearingBlame , CatholicAbuseScandal , unspokenstories , FatherGreiten , Milwaukee , Wisconsin , "Ireallyamgay" , "Itwaslikeadeathsentence." , Munich , Germany , RiftinAlliance , LeavesEurope , FumingatU.S. , RussiaandChina , MayExploitStrainedTies , trans-Atlanticalliance , seniorGermanofficialsays , "It'sbroken" , Russianforeignminister , SergeyV.Lavrov , "weseenewcracksforming" , "oldcracksdeepening" , SanFrancisco , California , HackingofU.S.Networks , TracedtoChinaandIran , RenewedStrikes , onBanksandAgencies , SeenasReaction , toTrump'sPolicies , NationalSecurityAgency , FireEye , Boeing , GeneralElectricAviation , T-Mobile , recenttargets , Sanders'sTask , ForBlackVote , FixingDamage , SenatorBernieSanders , preparestoannounce , anotherrunfortheWhiteHouse , campaignstrategy , socialmedia , handscrossed , greysweater , MohammedKhalifa , narratedbrutalISISvideo , CanadianFace , BehindaVoice , PromotingISIS , Hasaka , Syria , facelessevangelist , anonymousnarrator , LosAngeles , streetscene , SunsetBoulevard , Hollywood , CravinganOscar , Netflix , TurnstoTirelessStar , ANewStrategist , LisaTaback , "thebestofthebest" , Roma , AlfonsoCuarón , artfilm , domesticworkerinMexico , Netflixspent , estimated$25million , topromote"Roma" , cloudy , morningshowers , cold
Charles Sheeler, Incantation , Oil on canvas, 61.3 x 51.1 centimeters, 1946, Brooklyn Museum , Brooklyn, New York
Tags: CharlesSheeler , Incantation , oiloncanvas , painting , BrooklynMuseum , Brooklyn , NewYork , NYTimes , TomBrady , Patriots , footballteam , winners , cheering , handsraised , stadium , crowds , redglove , cameralens , footballuniforms , #11 , #12 , redwhiteblue , YawnsTurntoRoars , PatriotsPrevail , lowest-scoringSuperBowl , NewEngland , Rams , 13-3 , record-tyingsixthchampionship , WashingtonDC , TrumpMayHaveTroops , InIraq , MonitorTehran , StrategyAfterSyria , CommentsCouldImperil , TalksWithIraqis , ShiftISISFight , "IwanttobeabletowatchIran" , Mr.Trumpsaid , interview , "FacetheNation" , JawadalMusawi , memberofParliament , Iraq , "ThereisdistrustoftheAmericangovernment" , Norfolk , Virginia , VirginiansSeeClearNuances , InUglyImage , GovernorRalphNortham , inhotwater , medicalschoolyearbook , blackface , KuKluxKlanrobe , StevePeacock , rememberedthetime , restaurantwouldnotservehim , "Theworstfeelingofmylife" , PushedbyTrump , DemocratsTrytoSetExample , ShowingZeroTolerance , forBadBehavior , inTheirOwnRanks , AShoePolishFarce , Wherewerethehistoryandtheshame? , Caracas , Venezuela , InVenezuela , InsurgentSeesPathtoVictory , TryingtoRallySupport , AbroadandatHome , JuanGuaidó , VenezuelaNationalAssembly , "Thiscan'tbeinvain" , forceNicolásMadurooutofpresidency , window , computermonitors , oilproduction , equipment , shaledrilling , PermianBasin , enabledUnitedStates , tobecomemajorexporter , 'Monster' , TexasFieldRevives , U.S.OilFortunes , EmpoweringNation , inTradeandPolicy , Midland , Texas , aggressiveinvesting , oil-richshale , onceconsideredworn-outpatch , world'ssecondmostproductiveoilfield , Berlin , Germany , AutobahnSpeedLimits? , VotingWithLeadFeet , CarlBenz , builtfirstcarinGermany , wheredrivingisbeloved , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , Ahighwayspeedlimit , "contrarytoeverycommonsense" , transportminister , AndreasScheuer , areasofmorningfog , partlysunny , milder
Jean Baptiste Oscar Mallitte, Group portrait at the Governor Generals Camp , Albumen silver print, 20.5 x 24.7 centimeters, 1858-61, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: JeanBaptisteOscarMallitte , nineteenthcentury , photography , albumensilverprint , portraiture , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , generals , soldierscamp , fourmen , militarybunker , tents , concreteblocks , window , sunlight , uniforms , weapons , tea , jackets , blankets , comraderie , BloodyShowdown , LoomsinSyria , Rebelfighters , IdlibProvince , preparingforgovernmentassault , worldfearing , humanitariancrisis , ElizabethIanelli , alumna , FamilyFoundationSchool , Hancock , NewYork , counts101deaths , womanatcemetery , trees , whitevirginmarystatue , treeheadstone , grass , OneSchool , DozensofAlumni , DeadBefore40 , AlarmingTrend , FromaFormerAcademy , forTroubledYouths , drugoverdoses , "Thisisouttacontrol." , WashingtonDC , U.S.CurbsVisas , PuttingSqueeze , OnHiringPlans , EmployersScrambling , JobsUnfilled , RedTapePilesUp , WorkersLookElsewhere , PresidentTrump , "BuyAmericanandHireAmerican." , MeghanMcCain , DaughterofaMaverick , GoestoBattle , eulogy , SenatorJohnMcCain , father'sdyingdirective , "Showthemhowtoughyouare." , ChiefJusticeJohnG.RobertsJr. , reliablyvotesconservative , HowNominee , CouldRedirectSupremeCourt , SwingVote , WouldFalltoChiefJustice , BrettKavanaugh , Hollywood , DailynRodriguez , television , writerproducer , EmbracingDiversity , butFindingIt , OutofReach , TVIndustrySweats , toHireFewWriters , inItsPipeline , OscarsSoWhite , HerxheimAmBerg , Germany , SwastikaintheSteeple , SetsOffVillageFeud , CitingHistory , MayorPledges , toKeepBell , InscribedbyNazis , "EverythingfortheFatherland" , AdolfHitler , cloudsandsunshine , warmer , humid , NYTimes