1966 — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Dirk Skreber, Ohne Titel (Überschwemmung) , Oil and seliotape on canvas, 290 x 170 centimeters, 2000, Städel Museum , Frankfurt, Germany
Tags: DirkSkreber , untitled , oiloncanvas , seliotape , StädelMuseum , painting , Frankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , HurricaneFiona , MakesLandfall , PuertoRico , 1.5millionwithoutpower , couldbringmorethan2feetofrain , submergedlandscape , brownwater , wind , destruction , horizon , trees , stormdamage , grey , lightblue , green , TrollsinRussia , SchemedToDivideWomen'sMarch , FakeAccounts , TargetedFeministMovement , IntensifyDiscordinAmerica , crowds , orangesignage , pinkhats , "TheFutureIsStillFemale" , Women'sMarch , drewfourmillionprotestersin2017 , socialmedia , adoptingpersonas , offictionalAmericans , TheDehumanizingOffense , MassGrave , AnonymousBodiesinUkraine , RecallEvilofPastAtrocities , Izium , AcceptDefeat? , SomeinG.O.P. , RefusetoSay , WashingtonDC , wouldnotcommit , toacceptingthisyear'selectionresults , LayingOutthe6LegalBattles , PuttingTrumpatGrowingRisk , escalatingconflictwithinvestigators , AWelshVillage , EmbracedIts'GuardianAngel' , blackandwhitephotography , QueenElizabethII , visitedfamiliesofvictims , Aberfan , Wales , miningdisaster , 1966 , killed116childrenand28adults , villageofgrayroofs , narrowWelshvalley , quietloss , BusTicketOutofTexas , WasaTickettoStability , UnwelcomeImmigrants , FindWorkinNorth , thousandsofmigrants , mostofthemVenezuelans , coaxedontobusesandplanes , headingtoWashingtonDC , NewYork , Chicago , Martha'sVineyard , tomakeafreshstartintheUnitedStates , partlysunny , verywarm , abithumid , ashower
Augusto, ¿Que Fais-Tu Pour Empêcher Cela? (Poster incorporating a photograph by Robert Capa), Lithograph, 31 3/4 x 22 inches, 1937, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: Augusto , MoMA , NYTimes , Lithography , photography , RobertCapa , SpanishCivilWar , USAirForce , 1966 , Spain , women , children , hunger , Venezuela , economiccrises , healthcrises , riots , agitprop , sunshine , thunderstorm
George Brecht, End, Sewn fabric with metal grommets, Dimensions: overall (flag, irreg.): 27 3/4 x 28 9/16, Edition: unknown, Date: c. 1966, Museum of Modern Art , New York