PuertoRico — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas


Monday's image: November 11, 2024

David Inshaw, November 11 Sky, Oil on canvas, 190 x 121.9 centimeters, Royal West of England Academy (RWA), Bristol, England

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Monday's image: September 19, 2022

Dirk Skreber, Ohne Titel (Überschwemmung), Oil and seliotape on canvas, 290 x 170 centimeters, 2000, Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany

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Monday's image: July 22, 2019

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Saint Bernardino Preaching from a Pulpit, Tempera on parchment, 21 x 14.3 centimeters, 1470-75, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Monday's image: April 8, 2019

Dona Nelson, Full Sack, Acrylic mediums, muslin, dyed canvas strips, and dyed cheesecloth on canvas, 1990, Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Saratoga Springs, New York

Monday's image: January 21, 2019

David Bomberg, The Mud Bath, Oil paint on canvas, 152 x 224 centimeters, 1914, Tate Gallery, U.K.

Monday's image: May 7, 2018

Manuel Saiz, Cordillera. Paisaje romántico (Mountain Range. Romantic Landscape), Iron and electric light, 100 x 130 x 80 centimeters, 1988, Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain

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Monday's image: December 11, 2017

Judith Scott, Untitled, Yarn, embroidery floss, trims, cardboard, fabric, and newspaper, 36 x 25 x 16 inches, 2000, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California