candles — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas


Monday's image: December 26, 2022

Francis Piatek, Red Light, Oil on canvas, 54 x 61 inches, 1987, Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois

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Monday's image: January 27, 2020

Kirsten Hawthorne, Untitled from Found Masks 1975-1978, One from a portfolio of 29 photocopies, Edition of 15, 27.9 x 20.2 centimeters, Published by the artist, 1978, Museum of Modern Art, New York

Monday's image: July 22, 2019

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Saint Bernardino Preaching from a Pulpit, Tempera on parchment, 21 x 14.3 centimeters, 1470-75, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York