wax — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Šejla Kamerić , Ballot Box , Calcareous sandstone, granite, rope, wax, 60 x 46 x 46 centimeters, 50 x 50 x 50 centimeters, 2012, Art Collection Telekom , Germany
Tags: ŠejlaKamerić , ballotbox , sculpture , plinth , sandstone , granite , rope , wax , ArtCollectionTelekom , Germany , DeMorgen , Brussels , historicballotboxforTurkey , Turkishpresidentialelection , determinesfutureofcountry , RecepTayyipErdoğan , ifcurrentpresidentmakesit , continuationofconservativeanti-Europeancourse , challenger , KemalKılıçdaroğlu , oppositionleader , possiblereversalintheworks , OneSecondIsEnough , professionalbicycleracing , timetrial , Giro-leader , RemcoEvenepoel , winner , visitingschoolgroups , Utrecht , pre-schoolerslearnwhoJuliusCaesaris , insteadofplayingshop , TheMole , floralgreen , portraiture , explainshowshesabotaged , Eurovision , adivinetorture , anti-tobaccopolicygettingstronger , JoëlDeCeulaer , lookingforwardtofirstsmoke-freegeneration , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Iprayalotthatoffersmerest' , cloudyconditions , rainanddrizzle
Eliane Duarte, Fragmento de Oxosse , Seeds, fabric, wax, synthetic pearls, metal coins, and various materials, 96 x 66 x 8 centimeters, 2002, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain , Paris, France
Tags: ElianeDuarte , mixedmedia , seeds , fabric , wax , syntheticpearls , metalcoins , sculpture , FondationCartierpourl'artcontemporain , Brazil , Yanomami , tribedevastatedbyminingoperations , governmentraid , tinmine , threemen , helicopter , aerialview , landscape , Brazil'senvironmentalspecialforces , YanomamiIndigenousTerritory , IllegalGoldRush , PoisonsIndigenousPeopleinAmazonHaven , Amazon , rainforest , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , NetanyahuFiresMinister , OpponentsUnleashAnger , ProtestsSpreading , OustedDefenseChief , CriticizesPlantoLimitJudiciary , Jerusalem , civilunrest , HeroesorStillConvicts? , RiftInRussiaOverDeadFighters , NuclearThreat , RussiaconsideringstoringweaponsinBelarus , NewYork'sNativeAmericantribes , SenecaNation , Tribes'RelationsWithHochul , WitherinClashOverGraves , Nashville , GunThievesTurntoEasyTarget: Parked Cars , EverytownforGunSafety , DeepGriefintheDeepSouth , DebraMorris'shome , RollingForkMississippi , homedestroyedbytornado , rubble , Jesuspainting , trash , treestumps , detritus , BrooklynRoots , ThenBigLawShapedJeffries , HakeemJeffries , BinghamtonUniversity , culture-wardisputes , sunshinemixingwithsomeclouds , rainintheafternoon
Michel Nedjar, Untitled , Acrylic, oil pastel, and wax on brown paper bag, 12 x 8 inches, 1988, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: MichelNedjar , painting , portraiture , acrylic , oilpastel , wax , brownpaperbag , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , body , clothing , baseballcap , blanket , textiles , Mexico , 100000DisappearedPeople , acrossthecountry'sdeserts , mothershuntformissingchildren , NewYorkTimesphotographer , FredRamos , documentedtheirsearch , clothingfoundwithunidentifiedbodies , humanremains , identifyingthedead , longandarduousprocess , AlaskaDoctors , ForcedToPickWhoIsTreated , Overwhelmed , WorstU.S.CovidOutbreak , ProvidenceAlaskaMedicalCenter , Anchorage , ChiefJusticeJohnG.RobertsJr. , nolongertheswingvote , AbortionLeadsChargedDocket , CourtReturn , ChallengeForRoberts , JusticesDefendRecord , PollsShowDeclineinPublicSupport , WashingtonDC , Roev.Wade , SupremeCourt , increasinglyassociatedwithpartisanship , StudiesonUseOfPoliceHoldsAreChallenged , Face-DownRestraints , IgnoredinAutopsies , Greensboro , Maryland , AntonBlack , unarmedpeople , whodieafterbeingrestrained , Germany'sParliament , Isn'tJustNew , It'sYoung , AGenerationalShift , LedbyTwoParties , NowKingmakers , theGreens , theFreeDemocrats , HungaryRunsVastCampaign , ForU.S.Sway , governmentsaroundtheworld , seektoshapepoliciesanddebatesinWashington , foreigninfluenceinU.S.politics , aerialphotography , blueice , spotlight , whitelight , SpelunkingforClimateHints , Scientistsexploringicycaves , studyrelationshipwithglacialmelting , VietnameseAmericansMobilize , ToAidtheNewestWarRefugees , Afghans , mostlycloudy , rain , thunderstorms
Tags: JamalCyrus , textiles , wax , ink , canvas , fabric , TangTeachingMuseumandArtGallery , SaratogaSprings , NewYork , NYTimes , openbook , textbubble , redwhiteblack , parchment , Americanhistory , textbooks , differentstatesdiverge , nation'sdeepestpartisandivides , TwoStates , EightTextbooks , TwoAmericanStories , annotatedBillofRights , Californiaedition , SecondAmendment , rulingsallowedforsomegunregulations , Texasedition , showsablankspace , greylandscape , ash , EruptionRattlesPhilippines , Taal , volcano , nearManila , forcedthousandstoevacuate , NewArenafor#MeTooCases , MeToo , DefamationSuits , LegalMethod , TryOldAbuseClaims , defamationlaw , alternativelegalbattleground , foraccusationsofsexualmisconduct , SenatorJosephR.BidenJr. , BidenHauntedby2002Vote , ForIraqWar , portraiture , ChrisLevi , KelliHakeandhersonGage , LostLivesandLimbsinIraq , JusticeinMissileStrike , Melville , dozensofsoldiers , familiesofdeadservicemembers , pursuedjusticeinfederalcourt , suedIran'sgovernment , ACrackdown , AndApology , FromTehran , MilitaryOfficial , AsksForgivenessOverJet , UkrainianInternationalAirlines , disaster , humanerror , WashingtonDC , EsperDidn'tSeeEvidenceOfPlot , ToHitEmbassies , NarrativeShiftsAgain , DefenseSecretaryMarkT.Esper , FailstoBackTrumpClaimAgainstIran , reasoningbehinddronestrike , againstMaj.Gen.QassimSuleimani , publicexplanationsshiftedbytheday , sometimesbythehour , mostlycloudy , notaswarm
Benjamin Armstrong, Old Friends , Blown-glass, pigment, plaster, wax, 104 x 36 x 17 centimeters, 2004, Museum of Contemporary Art , Sydney, Australia
Tags: BenjaminArmstrong , OldFriends , sculpture , blown-glass , pigment , plaster , wax , portraiture , eyes , MuseumofContemporaryArtAustralia , Sydney , PresidentTrump , KimJong-un , doubleportrait , bluesuits , redtie , securityguards , cameraman , bluerooftops , governmentbuilding , whitesteps , firstsittingUnitedStatespresident , tosetfoot , inNorthKorea , TwitterOverture , TrumpandKim , MeetOnNorthKoreanSoil , Seoul , SouthKorea , EyeingArms'Freeze' , EaseNewTalks , made-for-TV , spectacle , DemilitarizedZone , TwoLeadersAgree , RestartWorkonNuclearDeal , "Itisgoodtoseeyouagain" , Mr.Kimtoldthepresident , interpreter , "Bigmomentbigmoment" , Mr.TrumptoldMr.Kim , PleasantGrove , Alabama , CityUnmovedByIndictment , InFetusDeath , MarshaeJones , herunbornbabyfatallyshot , hatemailpouredin , "personhood"movement , fetusesrights , equality , rightsofmothers , BrooklynBound , TheWarriorssuperstar , KevinDurant , brightblueuniform , yellowtype , agreedtojointheNets , Denver , Colorado , Colorado'sMarijuanaExperiment , After5Years , NoRiseinTeenageUse , RacialDivideinArrestsPersists , blue-skyrhetoric , marijuanaindustry , sincerecreationalsales , morevisitstoemergencyrooms , NYC , PrideMarch , "IAmMe" , rainbowcolor , flags , celebration , women , "Thisiswheretherevolutionbegan" , PrismofPrideandRevelry , Born50YearsAgo , CelebratingStonewall , L.G.B.T.Q.Lives , FifthAvenue , GreenwichVillage , Berkeley , California , KamalaHarris , sisterandmother , home , 1970 , BusingThatDividedBerkeley , ShapedHarrisandHerPeers , Integration , segregation , Brownv.BoardofEducation , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , oppositiontomandatorybusing , NYTimes , sunshine , someclouds