trash — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Albert Bierstadt, Wreck of the “Ancon” in Loring Bay, Alaska , Oil on paper mounted on Masonite, 35.88 x 50.16 centimeters, 1889, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AlbertBierstadt , oilonpaper , landscapepainting , shipwreck , "Ancon" , Alaska , MuseumofFineArtsBoston , Massachusetts , DeStandaard , Brussels , 10Maradona , sports , bluewhitestripeduniform , championagainafter33years , ResurrectionofNapleswithoutMaradona , Whostillbelievestheeconomists? , Theircrystalballisbroken , glasses , MonaLisaeyes , PresidentJoeBiden , ActiveEighties , 'Slowerthanbeforemyretirement?' , 'Iamevenmorealert' , PeoplesmugglersinTunisia , 'Iwouldnevergetintooneofmyboats' , beach , sand , trash , boattiltingover , ocean , water , fatherandchild , nature , landscape , HowdoyoubecomeaBerberresident? , brainscientist , IsabelBeets , 'Ifwerememberalltheinformationthatcomesinwegocrazy' , drawingofbrain , VicepremierPetraDeSutter , 'Sexismingovernment?' , 'I'mnotcontradictingit' , portraiture , partlycloudyconditions , partlysunny
Eliane Duarte, Fragmento de Oxosse , Seeds, fabric, wax, synthetic pearls, metal coins, and various materials, 96 x 66 x 8 centimeters, 2002, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain , Paris, France
Tags: ElianeDuarte , mixedmedia , seeds , fabric , wax , syntheticpearls , metalcoins , sculpture , FondationCartierpourl'artcontemporain , Brazil , Yanomami , tribedevastatedbyminingoperations , governmentraid , tinmine , threemen , helicopter , aerialview , landscape , Brazil'senvironmentalspecialforces , YanomamiIndigenousTerritory , IllegalGoldRush , PoisonsIndigenousPeopleinAmazonHaven , Amazon , rainforest , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , NetanyahuFiresMinister , OpponentsUnleashAnger , ProtestsSpreading , OustedDefenseChief , CriticizesPlantoLimitJudiciary , Jerusalem , civilunrest , HeroesorStillConvicts? , RiftInRussiaOverDeadFighters , NuclearThreat , RussiaconsideringstoringweaponsinBelarus , NewYork'sNativeAmericantribes , SenecaNation , Tribes'RelationsWithHochul , WitherinClashOverGraves , Nashville , GunThievesTurntoEasyTarget: Parked Cars , EverytownforGunSafety , DeepGriefintheDeepSouth , DebraMorris'shome , RollingForkMississippi , homedestroyedbytornado , rubble , Jesuspainting , trash , treestumps , detritus , BrooklynRoots , ThenBigLawShapedJeffries , HakeemJeffries , BinghamtonUniversity , culture-wardisputes , sunshinemixingwithsomeclouds , rainintheafternoon
John Steuart Curry, Tornado Over Kansas , Oil on canvas, 117.5 x 153.35 centimeters, 1929, Muskegon Museum of Art , Michigan
Tags: JohnSteuartCurry , scenicpainting , landscape , portraiture , tornado , MuskegonMuseumofArt , Michigan , NYTimes , Kentucky , SurveyingtheAftermath , salvagingremains , destroyedhome , DawsonSprings , town , scoresofresidents , stillmissing , AmazonDepot , WinterPeak , AsStormsHit , Edwardsville , Illinois , alarmblared , "Ifeltlikethefloorwascomingofftheground" , AlonzoHarris , CovidHasKilled , OneOfEvery100 , OlderAmericans , DeathToll , Nears800000Overall , Three-QuartersAre65orOver , statisticalgraph , lightbluegreyorange , CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention , Port-Au-Prince , Haiti'sLeader , HadaListHisAssassinsWanted , ImplicatingPoliticiansandBusinessmen , DrugTrade , PresidentJovenelMoïse , portraitofthreemen , bluedressshirts , PresidentMichelMartelly , 2015photograph , LosAngeles , LitanyofCrises , ForNextMayorOfLosAngeles , crime , homelessencampments , drought , trash , RosyPlansFail , CompaniesPutOffReturns , DocuSign , Omicronvariant , FoxNewsAnchor , ChrisWallace , DecampsasRight-WingHostsSetAgenda , LeavingforCNN , LatestExit , NetworkWaxesConspiratorial , TuckerCarlson , recentdocumentary , "PatriotPurge" , objections , plentyofsunshine , milder
Clarissa Tossin, Spent , Porcelain and trash, Dimensions variable, 2009, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: ClarissaTossin , castporcelain , trash , detritus , white , installationart , HarvardArtMuseums , NYTimes , ash , yellowbrown , rubble , desks , twistedmetal , fragmentsofwood , Californiawildfires , destroyedBerryCreekElementarySchool , studentsequipped , remotelearning , RelentlessBlaze , EngulfsTheWest , InSmokeAndFear , SchoolsAdaptPlans , SecondCrisis , WindsGainStrength , RisksIncrease , red-orangebackground , firefighter , watching , out-of-control , BearFire , BigBend , California , "massivewalloffire" , SanFrancisco , climate-changedisaster , SenatorJeffMerkley , DemocratofOregon , "Idrove600milesupanddownthestateandIneverescapedthesmoke" , Trump , BoldClimateDenier , ConfrontsaCharredCalifornia , WashingtonDC , acresofscorchedearth , ash-filledskies , AmericanWest , rolledbackregulations , weakeningfederalpolicy , tocombatdangerousemissions , HowNewYork'sPoliceUnions , EmbracedTrump , LeadershipDoesNotReflect , DiversityofLowerRanks , PatrickJ.Lynch , PoliceBenevolentAssociation , ThousandsstrandedinLesbos , Greece , firerazedrefugeecamp , LivinginMisery , AfraidoftheFuture , familiesdisplaced , red , blue , yellow , grey , waterbottles , IsraelisSenseMideastShift , Jerusalem , normalizeties , UnitedArabEmirates , Bahrain , back-to-backagreements , ScientistsUrgeTransparencyonVaccines , IncreasePublicTrust , coronavirusvaccine , AstraZeneca , Pfizer , vaccinerace , mostlysunnyskies , lowhumidity
Albert Fichte, Toil (From the journal Camera Notes) , Photogravure, 12.6 x 14.7 centimeters, 1902, Philadelphia Museum of Art , Pennsylvania
Tags: AlbertFichte , toil , photography , photogravure , CameraNotes , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , NYTimes , GazaCity , Palestine , PalestinianAuthority , payroll , clerksandpensioners , waitinginline , ATM , streetscene , portraiture , sidewalk , women , children , struggle , poverty , WashingtonDC , NancyPelosi , TopDemocrat , FightingToKeepHold , LosingIronGrip , SplitParty , "We'rebetterwhenwesticktogether" , PresidentTrump , UnrestInWhiteHouse , JohnKelly , MayBeinHotSeat , TrumpContinuesSupport , RobPorter , Aide'sDepartureExposesFissures , abuse , DelaysAhead , Trump'sinfrastructureinvestment , facesobstacles , MoonMission , NASA , hasbudgetedforreturntrip , won'thappenanytimesoon , ScottGottlieb , millionairewithlibertarianbent , FDAChief , Doesn'tQuiteFit , AdministrationStereotype , TrumpRules , AMeasureofBalance , Pyeongchang , SouthKorea , WinterOlympics2018 , womenathletes , training , anticipation , practice , competition , yellowblue , architecture , running , jumping , Charlottesville , Virginia , lawsuit , Sinesv.Kessler , bitterlegalbattle , blameviolenceonFarRight , GazaIsNearFinancialCollapse , survival , detritus , trash , PromptingFearsofViolence , redplasticbag , NewConflict , Israel'sclash , withIranandSyria , suggestsfurthertrouble , inregion , MarissaBrandt , adoptedbyAmericans , representingSouthKorea , asParkYoon-jung , cloudytostart , thensunshine , cooler
John Chamberlain, Nanoweap , Painted and chromium-plated steel, 53 1/4 x 59 3/4 x 40 1/2 inches, 1969, The Menil Collection , Houston
Tags: JohnChamberlain , sculpture , steel , painting , 3D-Object , TheMenilCollection , NYTimes , Houston , ScenesAlongaHighway , CityDeterminedtoRecover , family , embrace , cleanhome , detritus , trash , Interstate45 , HurricaneHarvey , DevastatingFloods , HerdingbyHelicopter , cowpoke , helpingdrivestraycattle , higherground , $180BillionDisaster , WashingtonDC , NuclearBlastbyNorthKorea , AmplifiesCrisis , LargestTestToDate , USWarns , MassiveMilitaryResponse , RiftsWiden , Trump'sResponse , sharpestwords , forSouthKorea , AnalyzingAWeapon , ExpertsAreSkeptical , Tokyo , MotivesofKimJong-un , RemainPuzzle , ToRestofWorld , JohnAshbery , PulitzerPrizeWinner , PoeticVoice , OftenEchoedNeverMatched , Self-PortraitinaConvexMirror , HaroldBloomwrote , HeisjoiningtheAmericansequence , WhitmanDickinsonStevensHartCrane , NewYorkSchoolofpoetry , 1950s , Jackson , Michigan , smallbusinessowners , LivingonCrumbs , PlantStrivestoLowerCosts , carmakers , constantlypushingcostsdown , PresidentTrump , WeighsEndingShield , ForDreamers , PlanAllowsSixMonths , CongresstoAct , DACA , youngundocumentedimmigrants , threatofdeportation , sunshine , warmer , breezy