yellowbrown — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Sophie Ristelhueber, Untitled from the series FAIT , Chromogenic color print, Edition: 1/3, 100.97 x 125.73 x 5.72 centimeters, 1992, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: SophieRistelhueber , FAIT , scarredlandscape , war , destruction , chromogenicprint , photoedition , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , NYTimes , landscape , houses , massgrave , trench , pileofdirt , burial , tocoverbodies , Bucha , Ukraine , yellowbrown , ochre , blackplasticsheeting , ScoresofBodies , KyivSuburb , 'TheyShotEveryoneTheySaw' , CiviliansWereFoundTiedandExecuted , CoronerSays , UkraineAccusesRussianSoldiers , WarAtrocities , OutragedWestDemandsNewSanctions , Putin'sTroopsPivottoDonbas , plumeofblacksmoke , explosion , Russianairstrikes , hittingOdesa , Trostyanets , FleeingNortheast , OccupiersLeaveBitterMemoriesinWake , storiesofviolence , frontyard , motheranddaughter , AntoninaPomanzanko , withbodyofherdaughterTetiana , waskilledinFebruary , Paris , France , DaysBeforeFrenchElection , LePenSeesSurgeinPolls , EmmanuelMacron , Macron'sUkraineFocus , TookTimeFromTrail , firstcampaignrally , MarineLePen , hard-rightcampaign , Sacramento , NewLawsRevealWideChasm , StatesVeertoLeftorRight , DividedOverAbortion , GenderandVoting , SCOTUS , WhenDiabetesandCovidCross , ResultIsOftenHealthDisaster , ConditionPlaysPart , In30%ofVirusDeaths , Covid-19 , mostlysunny , seasonablycool
Clarissa Tossin, Spent , Porcelain and trash, Dimensions variable, 2009, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: ClarissaTossin , castporcelain , trash , detritus , white , installationart , HarvardArtMuseums , NYTimes , ash , yellowbrown , rubble , desks , twistedmetal , fragmentsofwood , Californiawildfires , destroyedBerryCreekElementarySchool , studentsequipped , remotelearning , RelentlessBlaze , EngulfsTheWest , InSmokeAndFear , SchoolsAdaptPlans , SecondCrisis , WindsGainStrength , RisksIncrease , red-orangebackground , firefighter , watching , out-of-control , BearFire , BigBend , California , "massivewalloffire" , SanFrancisco , climate-changedisaster , SenatorJeffMerkley , DemocratofOregon , "Idrove600milesupanddownthestateandIneverescapedthesmoke" , Trump , BoldClimateDenier , ConfrontsaCharredCalifornia , WashingtonDC , acresofscorchedearth , ash-filledskies , AmericanWest , rolledbackregulations , weakeningfederalpolicy , tocombatdangerousemissions , HowNewYork'sPoliceUnions , EmbracedTrump , LeadershipDoesNotReflect , DiversityofLowerRanks , PatrickJ.Lynch , PoliceBenevolentAssociation , ThousandsstrandedinLesbos , Greece , firerazedrefugeecamp , LivinginMisery , AfraidoftheFuture , familiesdisplaced , red , blue , yellow , grey , waterbottles , IsraelisSenseMideastShift , Jerusalem , normalizeties , UnitedArabEmirates , Bahrain , back-to-backagreements , ScientistsUrgeTransparencyonVaccines , IncreasePublicTrust , coronavirusvaccine , AstraZeneca , Pfizer , vaccinerace , mostlysunnyskies , lowhumidity