chromogenicprint — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: LygiaPape , Divisor , divider , performance , whitesheet , MuseudeArteModernaRiodeJaneiro , chromogenicprint , PaulaPape , ProjetoLygiaPape , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NYTimes , crowds , Urumqi , China , Beijing , firekilled10people , apartmentbuilding , setoffseveraldaysofprotests , whitesheetsofpaper , muteprotestsigns , FatalFireSpursUnrestInChina , Over'ZeroCovid' , XiFacesNewPressure , SharedSuffering , UnitesDisparateGroupsintheStreets , Covidlockdown , trappedvictimsintheirhomes , tragedy , BahkmutFight , SapsBothKyivAndRussians , TroopsArePulledIntoBloodyStalemate , Ukraine , soldierscarryingtheinjured , camouflageuniforms , London , UnderBritain'sToughTactics , DrugDealerIsAlsoSlaveMaster , GlodiWabelua , homeinterior , convictedandfacingmanyrestrictions , Britain'sModernSlaveryAct , RetailersTrytoWooShoppers , BlackFriday , sales , WhileThey'reWillingtoSpend , StrongElectionShowing , EasesDemocrats'Fears , Biden'24 , midtermelections , WhyRoadDeathsAreDecliningAcrossGlobe , NotintheU.S. , partlysunny , breezy , windsnorthwest , 10-15milesperhour
Wang Jin, Beijing - Kowloon , Chromogenic print, 116.8 x 78.1 centimeters, 1994, Asia Society , New York
Tags: WangJin , performance , chromogenicprint , Beijing , Kowloon , AsiaSociety , NewYork , DeMorgen , Belgium , Chinesevisitors , Communistmonument , Shaanxi , brickredsculpture , CommunistPartysymbol , hammerandsickle , publicart , textetchedonsurface , XiJinping , 20thNationalCongressofChineseCommunistParty , "TheGreatResurrectionoftheChineseNation" , NeleBauwens , portraiture , caberetartist , "Proust'sQuestions" , "Ireallydon'tcareaboutmyage" , Thefreelife , Doesthe'TomatoSoupAction'HarmtheClimateMatter? , protest , "araghadtobewashed" , Whatarewetalkingaboutthen? , SecretaryofStategrabsenergysuppliers , numberofcomplaints , billsfromenergysuppliers , stillrising , statesecretaryofConsumerProtection , EvaDeBleeker , OPENVLD , manybreadboxes , stillemptyatschool , oneinthreechildren , hasnonepoororinsufficientfoodwiththem , 'Forcemajeureisnotallowedtobecomeanexcuse' , 'nottocomplywithadecentservicegrant' , 'solveit' , LuisterenVersusKijken , Footballpodcasts , pushTVprogramsonthedefensive , rainthroughouttheday , cloudyskies
Sophie Ristelhueber, Untitled from the series FAIT , Chromogenic color print, Edition: 1/3, 100.97 x 125.73 x 5.72 centimeters, 1992, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: SophieRistelhueber , FAIT , scarredlandscape , war , destruction , chromogenicprint , photoedition , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , NYTimes , landscape , houses , massgrave , trench , pileofdirt , burial , tocoverbodies , Bucha , Ukraine , yellowbrown , ochre , blackplasticsheeting , ScoresofBodies , KyivSuburb , 'TheyShotEveryoneTheySaw' , CiviliansWereFoundTiedandExecuted , CoronerSays , UkraineAccusesRussianSoldiers , WarAtrocities , OutragedWestDemandsNewSanctions , Putin'sTroopsPivottoDonbas , plumeofblacksmoke , explosion , Russianairstrikes , hittingOdesa , Trostyanets , FleeingNortheast , OccupiersLeaveBitterMemoriesinWake , storiesofviolence , frontyard , motheranddaughter , AntoninaPomanzanko , withbodyofherdaughterTetiana , waskilledinFebruary , Paris , France , DaysBeforeFrenchElection , LePenSeesSurgeinPolls , EmmanuelMacron , Macron'sUkraineFocus , TookTimeFromTrail , firstcampaignrally , MarineLePen , hard-rightcampaign , Sacramento , NewLawsRevealWideChasm , StatesVeertoLeftorRight , DividedOverAbortion , GenderandVoting , SCOTUS , WhenDiabetesandCovidCross , ResultIsOftenHealthDisaster , ConditionPlaysPart , In30%ofVirusDeaths , Covid-19 , mostlysunny , seasonablycool
Linda Hofvander, Vik I , Chromogenic print, type C, mounted on treated MDF, 41 x 82 x 99 centimeters, 2013, Moderna Museet , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: LindaHofvander , photography , chromogenicprint , MDF , fold , ModernaMuseet , Stockholm , NYTimes , shadow , white , black , medicalexaminer , morgue , bodybag , interior , PPE , LinaEvans , coroner , ShelbyCounty , Alabama , suspiciousofsurgeofdeathsincounty , manyinvolvingseverepneumonia , coronavirus , lackoftesting , AsDeathsSurge , GovernorsPleadWithWashington , WashingtonDC , ACountUnderstates , theTrueU.S.Toll , morethan9400peoplewithcoronavirushavedied , undercount , inconsistentprotocols , limitedresources , patchworkofdecision-making , misidentifiedasinfluenza , ClamorforMoreAid , andCoordination , surgeongeneral , toldnationtobraceforcascadingdeaths , thisweek , "ourPearlHarbormoment" , GovernorJayInsleeofWashington , "Thisisludicrousthatwedonothaveanationaleffortinthis" , chaoticfederalresponse , CasesKeepClimbing , graph , redline , orangelines , NewYork , NewOrleans , Detroit , Seattle , QueenInvokesBritishResolve , AsPremierAils , PrimeMinisterBorisJohnson , hospitalized , QueenElizabethII , "wewillmeetagain" , enforcedseparation , Britain'slockdown , sacrificesfamiliesmadeduringWWII , HorrorforaNurse , 3RelativesAreBroughtIn , VirusTightensGrip , NewJersey'sCitiesandSuburbs , MicheleAcito , directorofnursing , HolyNameMedicalCenter , "Youcompartmentalize" , concretesteps , banisters , balcony , architecture , danceroutdoors , Distancing , JenniferAnnJones , DanceQueen , onstreetsofNewOrleans , citygrowingaccustomedtoemptierspaces , NavyCaptain , BrettE.Crozier , FiredAfterDissent , IsNowSick , QuarantinedinGuam , CareerAdrift , captainofaircraftcarrier , askedforhelp , VirusBattleShreds , theRight'sPoliticalPlaybook , Disdainfor'Socialism' , CollidesWithCrisis , 2020ConservativePoliticalActionConference , PresidentTrump'sre-electionmessage , "Americavs.Socialism" , mostlysunny
Elizabeth Kunreuther, Untitled (The Names Project: The AIDS Quilt, New York), Chromogenic print, 15.9 x 23.6 centimeters, 1988, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, MA
Tags: ElizabethKunreuther , TheNamesProject , TheAIDSQuilt , NewYork , photography , portraiture , documentary , chromogenicprint , HarvardArtMuseums , Cambridge , NYTimes , Texas , desertscene , escape , chase , BorderPatrolagent , CoveringStoryofImmigration , FromAllSides , aerialview , photographerspentyears , capturingvariousscenes , MarchforOurLives , protestposters , signage , language , placardsinNewYork , Opinionpolls , powerfulsupportforgunlaws , crowdcontrol , fence , childphotographing , handmadesigns , redmarker , SayTheirNames , NeverAgain , Enough , NoMoreGuns , ArmsAreForHugging , schools , protestmarch , PassionofGunProtests , TestingGOP'sHold , SwingSuburbs , AlsoBehindRallies , Adults , organizationalmuscle , helpedeaseway , foryouthmarches , bluemarker , printing , yellowblackmarker , WashingtonDC , MarketingTiestoTrump , TopDonorMadeMillions , OffersofPrivatePartiesWithPresident , SentWithBusinessDeals , fund-raiser , ElliotBroidy , RobinBroidy , 60minutes , StephanieClifford , StormyDaniels , interview , AndersonCooper , AdultFilmStar , FearedforSafetyofDaughter , AfterTrumpThreat , MichaelCohen , non-disclosureagreement , LaborRevolts , SignalThreatsBeyondMoney , WestVirginiateacherwalkout , stagnantwages , recedingbenefits , devaluedtrainingandcertification , bystateLegislature , DefenseTeamForPresident , ArmyofOne , lawyersdepart , JohnDowd , JosephdiGenova , Beijing , DefectingFromNorthKorea , Vowing , 'WeAreReadytoDie' , fleetoSouthKorea , sunshine , patchyclouds , rathercoolforlateMarch , ThoughtsPrayersLaws