family — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Miriam Cahn, City , Charcoal on two sheets of paper, 2720 x 3790 millimeters, 1985, Tate , U.K.
Tags: MiriamCahn , charcoalonpaper , drawing , city , blackandwhite , TateUK , NYTimes , CaughtOffGuard , IsraelFightsBack , MissedWarningSigns , SlowResponses , Israeliairstrike , explosion , fire , smoke , GazaStrip , Palestiniansdiggingthroughrubble , relativesingrief , family , missing , Hamas , ReadyingForBattle , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , NetanyahuwarnsIsraelis , "longanddifficultwar"ahead , BeershebaIsrael , AtDanceandKibbutz , AttackersSlippedInandUnleashedHorror , 'ShakentotheCore' , IsraelisQuestionNation'sSecurity , JailedWithoutCharges , PressuredtoTestify , MigrantsAreDetainedforSmugglingTrials , so-calledmaterialwitnesses , federalcriminalproceedings , BidenAlliesTrytoQuash3rd-PartyCandidates , Fearing'Spoiler'Votes , MayHelpTrump , centristorganizationNoLabels , partlysunny , breezy , cool
Ejagham peoples, Headdress:Head , Nigeria, Cross River region, Wood, skin, pigment, iron nails, 41.3 x 12.4 x 18.4 centimeters, 19th-20th century, Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Ejaghampeoples , Nigeria , CrossRiver , sculpture , mixedmedia , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NYTimes , TurkanaCounty , Kenya , portraiture , family , 650000children , acrossKenyaSomaliaEthiopia , severelymalnourished , FastestDryingin2000Years , globalwarming , ImperilsMillions , ManyofWorld'sPoorest , FaceWarmingCrisis , inHornofAfrica , barrenplainsofsandandstone , treebranches , grazinganimals , children , orange , white , yellow , blue , textiles , beads , Riyadh , SaudiArabia , Ritz-Carlton , hotel , royaljail , SaudisHeldinGuildedJail , PaidBillionsforRelease , ClaimsofAbuseandCoercion , inCedingAssets , inNameofCorruptionFight , ornatelobby , horsesculpture , chandelier , IPODelayed , Aramco , biggest-everpublicoffering , WashingtonDC , IranDealPutsTrumpinBind , ForKimTalks , Pittsburgh , Voters'Choice , TheirPresidentOrTheirUnion , working-classvoters , Democrat , ConorLamb , HelicopterGoesDownOffManhattan , emergencyservices , FDNY , sirens , glowingredlights , reflections , stretcher , patient , paramedics , photojournalists , helicoptercrashinEastRiver , emergencyworkers , Erie , Pennsylvania , FailingBridgeDividesaCity , ShortonHope , "RoadClosed" , bridgeismicrocosm , ofAmerica'scrumblinginfrastructure , mostlycloudy
Vong Phaophanit, Neon Rice Field , Rice and neon tubes, 15,000 x 5000 millimeters, 1993, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: VongPhaophanit , ricefield , neon , sculpture , installation , TateUK , NYTimes , Niamey , Niger , UnitedNations , asylumseekers , compound , barbedwire , family , brickroad , walls , prison , interviewees , maygetfreepassage , FranceGrantsAsylum , SelectFew , Migrants , TravelingtoNiger , immigration , Beijing , China , PresidentXiJinping , SurprisePlan , EndTermLimits , GivePresidentVastControl , StayInPowerForYears , LimitlessPower , renewedfears , strongmanpolitics , Chineseflag , portraiture , WebofDonors , SeesChance , ToCurbLabor , unions , fair-sharepayer , havemorefreedom , notboundbyunionrules , SaudiArabia , LowOilPrices , SpurSaudis , ToPlaytheField , Psst! , TheCompetition'sOver , WinterOlympics2018 , closingceremony , elation , skating , France , MorganCiprès , VanessaJames , multicoloredlights , LED , gridoflights , nationalflags , pixels , victorypose , WashingtonDC , PressuretoAct , OnGunLimits , TestsCongress , massshooting , Parkland , Florida , HugsInTheHalls , Studentsreturnedtoschool , ScarredByAMassacre , Ifthepastisprologue , Congresswilldonothing , gunlaws , stalledlegislation , sunshineandclouds , milder
Helen Frankenthaler, Silent Curtain , Lithograph, Edition 14/25, 30 x 22.5 inches, 1967-1969, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo
Tags: HelenFrankenthaler , painting , lithography , paper , printmaking , AlbrightKnoxGallery , NYTimes , Venezuela , MyChildHasDied , children , siblings , family , mourning , severemalnutrition , Thegovernmentknows , butwon'tadmitit , drapery , cross , burial , tan , green , bronze , stripes , multicolor , WashingtonDC , RobertMueller , PresidentTrump , FrictionRises , BetweenMueller'sTeam , andSomeTrumpLawyers , governmentbuilding , white , portraiture , photographers , photojournalists , cameras , Muellerdefendedoffice'stactics , EPAStaff , FearsEnvironmentalCatastrophe , GOP-LinkedFirm , HiredToTargetEmailsofCritics , MediaMonitoringService , DissentersViewasOminousSign , PresidentTrumpasAlly , ofthe'LittleGuy' , forgottenAmericans , "Youwillneverbeignoredagain" , InWords , NotActions , NewJersey , TaxBillLooms , LikeaDarkCloud , One-TwoFiscalPunch , CouldThreatenSuburbanDream , Republicanleaders , "They'recripplingus" , Toronto , Canada , IntrigueGripsElite , After2Deaths , Canadianbillionaireandwife , cloudsandsunshine , notascold
John Chamberlain, Nanoweap , Painted and chromium-plated steel, 53 1/4 x 59 3/4 x 40 1/2 inches, 1969, The Menil Collection , Houston
Tags: JohnChamberlain , sculpture , steel , painting , 3D-Object , TheMenilCollection , NYTimes , Houston , ScenesAlongaHighway , CityDeterminedtoRecover , family , embrace , cleanhome , detritus , trash , Interstate45 , HurricaneHarvey , DevastatingFloods , HerdingbyHelicopter , cowpoke , helpingdrivestraycattle , higherground , $180BillionDisaster , WashingtonDC , NuclearBlastbyNorthKorea , AmplifiesCrisis , LargestTestToDate , USWarns , MassiveMilitaryResponse , RiftsWiden , Trump'sResponse , sharpestwords , forSouthKorea , AnalyzingAWeapon , ExpertsAreSkeptical , Tokyo , MotivesofKimJong-un , RemainPuzzle , ToRestofWorld , JohnAshbery , PulitzerPrizeWinner , PoeticVoice , OftenEchoedNeverMatched , Self-PortraitinaConvexMirror , HaroldBloomwrote , HeisjoiningtheAmericansequence , WhitmanDickinsonStevensHartCrane , NewYorkSchoolofpoetry , 1950s , Jackson , Michigan , smallbusinessowners , LivingonCrumbs , PlantStrivestoLowerCosts , carmakers , constantlypushingcostsdown , PresidentTrump , WeighsEndingShield , ForDreamers , PlanAllowsSixMonths , CongresstoAct , DACA , youngundocumentedimmigrants , threatofdeportation , sunshine , warmer , breezy
Claes Oldenburg, Two Cheeseburgers, with Everything (Dual Hamburgers) , Burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 7 x 14 3/4 x 8 5/8 inches, 1962, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: ClaesOldenburg , sculpture , painting , stilllife , food , MoMA , NYTimes , DonaldTrumpJr. , EricTrump , TrumpTower , family , dynasty , pilot , empire , ThroughaTempest , Manhattan , expandbrand , ethicalqualms , Golfer-in-Chief , NationalSecurityCouncil , tension , chaos , foreignpolicyviaTwitter , MichaelFlynn , Russia , governmentinquiry , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , ICEraids , immigration , Syria , airstrikes , civilians , quietdefiance , corporateactivism , London , ticketscalpers , Hamilton , HarryPotter , theater , London'sWestEnd , Japan , agingpopulation , gourmetmenus , timesofclouds , sunshine , verywindy
Zinaida Serebryakova, Peasants , Oil on canvas, Dimensions unknown, 1914, The State Russian Museum , St. Petersburg, Russia
Tags: ZinaidaSerebryakova , painting , portraiture , TheStateRussianMuseum , St.Petersburg , LeMonde , ManuelValls , candidacy , SocialistParty , France , FrancoisHollande , notrunningforre-election , DonaldTrump , Taiwan , China , apprehension , diplomacy , taxevasion , football , Islam , Ma'Rosa , family , peasants , returntothevillage , myths , hommage , Cuba , FidelCastro , Paris , sunshine , cold , seasonabletemperatures
Ben Shahn, Democracies Fear New Peace Offensive (Spring, 1940), Tempera on paper, 14 1/4 × 21 3/8 inches, 1940, Museum of Contemporary Art , Chicago
Tags: BenShahn , painting , agitprop , MCAChicago , NYTimes , WashingtonDC , DonaldTrump , Twitterstorm , illegalvoting , StephenBannon , populism , provacateur , mission , latter-dayReagan , portraiture , FidelCastro , Havana , family , sixdecades , Cubangenerations , fadedloyalty , revolution , "Mydreamistoleave" , loveofsports , Cubanpride , vulnerability , sunshine , partlycloudy , seasonabletemperatures
Tags: PeterHujar , NYTimes , photography , NewYork , Orlando , Pulse , gunviolence , gunlegislation , nightclub , race , LGBT , community , family , friends , portraiture , socialjustice , mourning , discrimination , sunshine , partlycloudy , breezy