fire — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Miriam Cahn, City , Charcoal on two sheets of paper, 2720 x 3790 millimeters, 1985, Tate , U.K.
Tags: MiriamCahn , charcoalonpaper , drawing , city , blackandwhite , TateUK , NYTimes , CaughtOffGuard , IsraelFightsBack , MissedWarningSigns , SlowResponses , Israeliairstrike , explosion , fire , smoke , GazaStrip , Palestiniansdiggingthroughrubble , relativesingrief , family , missing , Hamas , ReadyingForBattle , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , NetanyahuwarnsIsraelis , "longanddifficultwar"ahead , BeershebaIsrael , AtDanceandKibbutz , AttackersSlippedInandUnleashedHorror , 'ShakentotheCore' , IsraelisQuestionNation'sSecurity , JailedWithoutCharges , PressuredtoTestify , MigrantsAreDetainedforSmugglingTrials , so-calledmaterialwitnesses , federalcriminalproceedings , BidenAlliesTrytoQuash3rd-PartyCandidates , Fearing'Spoiler'Votes , MayHelpTrump , centristorganizationNoLabels , partlysunny , breezy , cool
Pipilotti Rist, Das Blut Kocht , Videostill on Duraflex behind glass, 1/3 artist proofs from an edition of 15, 80 x 113.5 centimeters, 2001, The Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst , Zurich, Switzerland
Tags: PipilottiRist , videostill , photography , photoedition , artistproof , MigrosMuseumfürGegenwartskunst , Zurich , Switzerland , NYTimes , Chaos , HongKongCampus , protesters , usedMolotovcocktails , arrows , torepelriotpolice , whotriedtostorm , HongKongPolytechnicUniversity , nightscene , orangeyellow , fire , stripes , umbrellas , helmets , masks , respirators , WashingtonDC , TrumpBacksOff , LimitsOnVaping , StallingaPlantoBan , FlavoredE-Cigarettes , swayedbyadvisers , warnedofpoliticalrepercussions , HouseHearingsRollOn , ManyTuneOut , Overwhelmed , FactFictionandSpin , impeachmenthearings , AlotofAmericansweren'tlistening , "TrumpDidThis" , "TrumpDidThat" , "theywanttograbyouwiththoseheadlines" , JerreCorrigansaid , AShift , Republicansemploynewdefense , ofPresidentTrump , Hedidnothingwrong , SenatorElizabethWarren , HowWarrenFoundaFocus , InHealthCare , TopCampaignIssue , ThatHadNoPlan , $20.5trillionpackage , "Medicareforall" , "make-or-breakmoment" , formerMayorMichaelR.Bloomberg , NewYork , HeNowRegrets , 'Stop-And-Frisk' , AReversalInBrooklyn , ApologizestoBlacksandLatinos , HePondersRunforPresident , "Iwaswrong" , Mr.Bloombergdeclared , Mr.Bloomberg'spolicingrecord , negativelyaffectedpeopleofcolor , AnElectricMustangS.U.V. , Detroit'sBigSustainabilityBet , MustangMachE , inshowroomsin2020 , redblue , FordMotors , blurryportraits , cityscape , lights , architecture , tickertape , "briberyorcollusion" , swathsofpublic , disoriented , informationsaturation , FreelanceforAmazon , YouTooCouldMake , 97centsanHour , AmazonMechanicalTurk , thousandsearnpenniesanddollars , doingtasks , computerscannoteasilydo , mostlycloudy , periodicrain , breezy