tents — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Dan Halter, Rifugiato Mappa del Mondo (Refugee Map of the World) , Stitched-together new and used plastic-weave shopping bags, edition: 7 (unique) from a series of 8, 72 x 150 inches, 2016, Buffalo AKG Art Museum , New York
Tags: DanHalter , RefugeeMapoftheWorld , mixedmedia , textiles , sculpture , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , Buffalo , NewYork , NYTimes , SeekingRefuge , shelter , KhanYounis , Gaza , Israel'schief , seesnopostwarroleinGazastrip , forPalestinianAuthority , fatherandchild , resting , blankets , bed , community , ClaimofHamasTunnelsUnderHospital , FacesTest , IsraelPressesInonFacility , ItSaysSitsAtopVastCommandComplex , AlShifaHospital , tents , campofdisplacedpeople , aerialphotography , plastictarps , TwoYoungDemocratsatOdds , OverIsraelandDemocraticParty'sFuture , RepresentativeAlexandriaOcasio-Cortez , RitchieTorres , millennialNewYorkers , BylasArizona , PlantoHelpNativeAmericansGetSober , EndedinaNightmare , sober-livinghouses , JohannesburgSouthAfrica , WhereLackofJobsIsSpurringDesperation , OldWorldYoungAfrica , AGenerationFeelsLeftBehind , highyouthunemployment , OchopeeFlorida , AmySiewe , snakehandler , teachespeopletofindandeuthanizeinvasivesnakes , FloridaEverglades , She'sLessThanCharmingtoEvergladesPythons , Burmesepythons , nightlandscape , MayorEricAdams , FocusOnTurkeyInAdamsInquiry , F.B.I.andfederalprosecutors , AsksifMayorDidFavorforConsulate , publiccorruptioninvestigation , sunnyandwarmer , asouthwestwind
George Romney, Erminia and Vafrino Ministering to the Wounded Tancred, Pen and brush and brown ink on dark cream antique laid paper, 11.3 x 14.3 centimeters, circa 1776, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: GeorgeRomney , MinisteringtotheWounded , penandink , drawing , paper , inkwash , tanandbrown , eighteenthcentury , Britishartist , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , Palu , Indonesia , airport , tarmac , cargoplane , rescue , camouflageuniforms , greenberet , manonstretcher , fabricpatterns , bandages , surgicalmask , crowd , onlookers , injuredman , evacuated , Rescuers , searchforsurvivors , earthquake , tsunami , Bangkok , TwinDisasters , TurnCoastline , IntoGraveyard , DeathToll , ClimbsAbove800 , IndonesiaReels , 7.5magnitudeearthquake , unleashed18footwave , nationaldisaster , Bodiescoveredintarps , WashingtonDC , Last-MinuteDeal , WithCanada , SalvagesTradeAgreement , PactAddressesMatters , DairyProtections , VehicleTariffs , NAFTA , UnitedStates-Mexico-CanadaAgreement , frantictalks , PrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau , PresidentTrump , DemocratsIrked , LimitsPlaced , OnF.B.I.'sInquiry , SeekingWiderPurview , Interviews , MeanttoStop , KavanaughFight , MayClosebyMonday , JudgeBrettM.Kavanaugh , allegations , sexualmisconduct , constraintsofinvestigation , couldmakeita"farce" , Democratsdemanded , moreinformation , ChadLudington , NorthCarolina , collegeprofessor , formerYaleclassmate , frequentlysawKavanaugh , "staggeringfromalcoholconsumption" , AQuietDocket , MayEaseFuror , OverTopCourt , USSupremeCourt , returnstobench , inshadow , titanicconfirmationfight , WheretheChildrenAre , Migrantchildren , moved , undercoverofdarkness , totentcity , WestTexas , aerialview , tents , oblongshapes , walkinginformation , shadows , detention , Beijing , China , LinesBribesViolence , AHealthCareCrisis , ChinaFacesStruggle , ToAddPrimaryDoctors , longpatientlines , "Thereshouldbeareasonablesystem" , London , U.K. , Brexit , SixMonthsAway , Anxiety , OnlySureThing , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , profileportrait , redsuit , silverchainnecklace , bluebackground , PrefersNotToSeverAllTies , March29deadline , partlysunny , warmer
Tags: IsaGenzken , sculpture , concrete , window , void , whiterectangle , MCAChicago , NYTimes , Tanzania , LakeVictoria , whitesheets , emergencyworkers , tents , stagingarea , tanuniforms , greenuniforms , massgraves , whitetents , earth , surgicalmasks , MassBurial , Funerals , beganonSunday , morethan200people , perished , ferrycapsized , Springfield , Missouri , CampaigningonCourtPick , GetsComplex , BoonBecomes , PossibleLiability , Midterms , JudgeBrettKavanaugh , JoshHawley , Missouriattorneygeneral , accusesDemocrats , "ambush" , Surburbanwomen , pivotal , thisyear'scampaign , PresidentTrump , frustrated , watchesnominationspectacle , beyondhiscontrol , BrettM.Kavanaugh'sconfirmation , onceseemedassured , WashingtonDC , AccuserCommits , DetailEpisode , BeforeSenators , ChristineBlaseyFord , TestimonyHasPotential , DerailKavanaugh'sElevation , toCourt , 2ndWomanSpeaksOut , U.N. , SawFieryTrump , in2017 , NowAidesFear , He'llPlayNice , nowcallsNorthKoreanleader , "veryhonorable" , "alwaysavailable" , formeetingwithIran'spresident , Beijing , China , FacingU.S.Hostility , VowstoComeOutSwinging , UnitedStates , begintaxing$200billion , importsfromChina , tradewar , strongmanleader , XiJinping , CollateralDamage , Technologyandtelecomcompanies , warn , America'sdominanceatrisk , TigerWoods , caddieJoeLaCava , embrace , winningTourChampionship , golf , red , blue , CocaCola , Atlanta , Georgia , After5PainfulYears , WoodsReturnstoPinnacle , 80thPGATourwin , ForSevereHeartFailure , TinyClipOffersHope , TrialShowsFixingValve , SharplyCutsRateofDeath , FDA , somesunshine , increasingclouds
Jean Baptiste Oscar Mallitte, Group portrait at the Governor Generals Camp , Albumen silver print, 20.5 x 24.7 centimeters, 1858-61, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: JeanBaptisteOscarMallitte , nineteenthcentury , photography , albumensilverprint , portraiture , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , generals , soldierscamp , fourmen , militarybunker , tents , concreteblocks , window , sunlight , uniforms , weapons , tea , jackets , blankets , comraderie , BloodyShowdown , LoomsinSyria , Rebelfighters , IdlibProvince , preparingforgovernmentassault , worldfearing , humanitariancrisis , ElizabethIanelli , alumna , FamilyFoundationSchool , Hancock , NewYork , counts101deaths , womanatcemetery , trees , whitevirginmarystatue , treeheadstone , grass , OneSchool , DozensofAlumni , DeadBefore40 , AlarmingTrend , FromaFormerAcademy , forTroubledYouths , drugoverdoses , "Thisisouttacontrol." , WashingtonDC , U.S.CurbsVisas , PuttingSqueeze , OnHiringPlans , EmployersScrambling , JobsUnfilled , RedTapePilesUp , WorkersLookElsewhere , PresidentTrump , "BuyAmericanandHireAmerican." , MeghanMcCain , DaughterofaMaverick , GoestoBattle , eulogy , SenatorJohnMcCain , father'sdyingdirective , "Showthemhowtoughyouare." , ChiefJusticeJohnG.RobertsJr. , reliablyvotesconservative , HowNominee , CouldRedirectSupremeCourt , SwingVote , WouldFalltoChiefJustice , BrettKavanaugh , Hollywood , DailynRodriguez , television , writerproducer , EmbracingDiversity , butFindingIt , OutofReach , TVIndustrySweats , toHireFewWriters , inItsPipeline , OscarsSoWhite , HerxheimAmBerg , Germany , SwastikaintheSteeple , SetsOffVillageFeud , CitingHistory , MayorPledges , toKeepBell , InscribedbyNazis , "EverythingfortheFatherland" , AdolfHitler , cloudsandsunshine , warmer , humid , NYTimes