tents — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas


Monday's image: November 13, 2023

Dan Halter, Rifugiato Mappa del Mondo (Refugee Map of the World), Stitched-together new and used plastic-weave shopping bags, edition: 7 (unique) from a series of 8, 72 x 150 inches, 2016, Buffalo AKG Art Museum, New York

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Monday's image: October 1, 2018

George Romney, Erminia and Vafrino Ministering to the Wounded Tancred, Pen and brush and brown ink on dark cream antique laid paper, 11.3 x 14.3 centimeters, circa 1776, Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan

Monday's image: September 24, 2018

Isa Genzken, Fenster (Window), Concrete and steel, 260.9 x 94.9 x 50.3 centimeters, 1990, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Illinois

Monday's image: September 3, 2018

Jean Baptiste Oscar Mallitte, Group portrait at the Governor Generals Camp, Albumen silver print, 20.5 x 24.7 centimeters, 1858-61, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York