eighteenthcentury — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Unknown artist, Female Street Player with Guitar , Dummy board (life size), Oil on wood panel, British, 167 x 92 x 2.5 centimeters, circa 1780, Victoria and Albert Museum , London, U.K.
Tags: unknownartist , Dummyboard , lifesize , portraiture , femalestreetplayer , guitar , V&AMuseum , London , U.K. , DeMorgen , Belgium , eighteenthcentury , PinkpopFestival , musicfestival , K3 , Metalband , TheBirdDance , GuidoAlfani , historian , 'Nothingstopsusfromappealingtotherichduringacrisis' , FinalMatchDay , GroupE , soccer , RomeluMenama , AndréOnanaOnana , celebrateagoal , wouldhavebeendisallowedforoffside , Howtofindthatnoseforgoalsagain , Belgiannationalfootballteam , 'Victimsofabusebarredonpapalvisit' , Vatican , bishopsselectvictimsofsexualabusetomeetwithPopeFrancis , 'OurpeopleandallwhowereinvolvedinGodforsakenarebarred' , RikDevillé , WorkingGroupforHumanRightsintheChurch , (WMK) , 'Anyonewhowenttopolicecourtsorparliamentisapriorinotwelcome.' , LindaOpdebeeck , lust , AlbertSerraexhibition , Amsterdam , FilmmuseumEye , immersiveart , LouisXVI , ActressPatriciaKargbo , 'Theworldisnotcompletelyfuckedupevenifsometimesseemsthatway' , FormationofFlemishgovernment , ZuhalDemir , (N-VA) , WillZuhalDemirsoonbeallowedtotakecoarsebrushthroughChristiancolumn? , sunny , warm
Unknown artist, Shrewsbury and the River Severn , Oil on canvas, 30.5 x 71.5 inches, circa 1720, Yale Center For British Art , Connecticut
Tags: unknownartist , river , landscape , oiloncanvas , clouds , sky , aerialview , eighteenthcentury , YaleCenterForBritishArt , NewHaven , Connecticut , NYTimes , Rowlesburg , WestVirginia , rawsewage , CheatRiver , heavystorms , sewagespills , exposedtofloods , mountains , aerialphotography , greenery , landscapepainting , Farmington , BlockingClimatePlan , HometownatRisk , ManchinProtectsCoalEconomy , AsFloodsSwampHisState , SenatorJoeManchin , Democrat , voteiscrucial , topassingclimatelegislation , DebateWeighsPrice , BigBillVs.NotActing , WashingtonDC , PresidentBiden , initialproposal , $3.5trillionover10years , PortAngeles , Washington , PublicHealthCrisisGrows , WithDistrustandThreats , NewLocalLaws , StripOfficialsAcrossU.S. , PowertoFightSpreadofViruses , Dr.AllisonBerry , localhealthofficer , DeltaVariant , maskmandate , Covid-19 , nation'spublichealthsystem , underfundedandneglected , Don'tCallItaColdWar , U.S.LaborstoNameChinaRivalry , generationalstruggle , "autocracyanddemocracy" , restaurantdining , groupofmen , ManyAsian-ownedbusinesses , Yumpling , openedinLongIslandCity , sinceMarch2020 , AsianInflux , ReshapesCornerofNewYork , QueensNeighborhood , ReflectsWiderShift , GangsGripHaiti , With'NewLevelintheHorror' , 17WithU.S.missionarygroup , ChristianAidMinistries , LatesttoBeAbducted , breezy , sunshine , someclouds
George Romney, Erminia and Vafrino Ministering to the Wounded Tancred, Pen and brush and brown ink on dark cream antique laid paper, 11.3 x 14.3 centimeters, circa 1776, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: GeorgeRomney , MinisteringtotheWounded , penandink , drawing , paper , inkwash , tanandbrown , eighteenthcentury , Britishartist , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , Palu , Indonesia , airport , tarmac , cargoplane , rescue , camouflageuniforms , greenberet , manonstretcher , fabricpatterns , bandages , surgicalmask , crowd , onlookers , injuredman , evacuated , Rescuers , searchforsurvivors , earthquake , tsunami , Bangkok , TwinDisasters , TurnCoastline , IntoGraveyard , DeathToll , ClimbsAbove800 , IndonesiaReels , 7.5magnitudeearthquake , unleashed18footwave , nationaldisaster , Bodiescoveredintarps , WashingtonDC , Last-MinuteDeal , WithCanada , SalvagesTradeAgreement , PactAddressesMatters , DairyProtections , VehicleTariffs , NAFTA , UnitedStates-Mexico-CanadaAgreement , frantictalks , PrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau , PresidentTrump , DemocratsIrked , LimitsPlaced , OnF.B.I.'sInquiry , SeekingWiderPurview , Interviews , MeanttoStop , KavanaughFight , MayClosebyMonday , JudgeBrettM.Kavanaugh , allegations , sexualmisconduct , constraintsofinvestigation , couldmakeita"farce" , Democratsdemanded , moreinformation , ChadLudington , NorthCarolina , collegeprofessor , formerYaleclassmate , frequentlysawKavanaugh , "staggeringfromalcoholconsumption" , AQuietDocket , MayEaseFuror , OverTopCourt , USSupremeCourt , returnstobench , inshadow , titanicconfirmationfight , WheretheChildrenAre , Migrantchildren , moved , undercoverofdarkness , totentcity , WestTexas , aerialview , tents , oblongshapes , walkinginformation , shadows , detention , Beijing , China , LinesBribesViolence , AHealthCareCrisis , ChinaFacesStruggle , ToAddPrimaryDoctors , longpatientlines , "Thereshouldbeareasonablesystem" , London , U.K. , Brexit , SixMonthsAway , Anxiety , OnlySureThing , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , profileportrait , redsuit , silverchainnecklace , bluebackground , PrefersNotToSeverAllTies , March29deadline , partlysunny , warmer