(N-VA) — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
N.N. Rimzon, Speaking Stones, Resin, fiberglass, marble dust, stones, photographs, acrylic sheets. Installed as life-size figure encircled by stones, photographs, 500 x 90 centimeters, 1998, Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt , Berlin, Germany
Tags: N.N.Rimzon , SpeakingStones , mixedmediainstallation , sculpture , stones , HausDerKunstKulturenDerWelt , BerlinGermany , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , IsraelBlocksAccessToNorthernGaza , crowds , ambulances , TrumphintsatforcedPalestiniandeparture , BrusselsIndiePopTalent , Uwase , StandsforaBreakthrough , 'Myideasweretoobig.' , 'Ihadtogotothestudio.' , CrisisinCongo , RebelGroupM23ReadytoTakeGoma , "Whatweareseeingisahumanitariancatastrophe" , 'Proust'sQuestions' , MarcHerremans , 'IconsidermyselfaSundaychild' , Upordown:deadlineformationremainsFriday , Belgiangovernment , Despitedifficultweekendheremainsatrainer , BartDeWever , (N-VA) , Hewantstoworktowardsa'makeorbreak'moment. , Everythingonthetable , politicalnegotiation , TheRulesoftheGame , relationships , “Everyoneislyingtoday , that'sthespiritofthetimes , ” , cold , clearskiesinthemorning , cloudyafternoon
Unknown artist, Female Street Player with Guitar , Dummy board (life size), Oil on wood panel, British, 167 x 92 x 2.5 centimeters, circa 1780, Victoria and Albert Museum , London, U.K.
Tags: unknownartist , Dummyboard , lifesize , portraiture , femalestreetplayer , guitar , V&AMuseum , London , U.K. , DeMorgen , Belgium , eighteenthcentury , PinkpopFestival , musicfestival , K3 , Metalband , TheBirdDance , GuidoAlfani , historian , 'Nothingstopsusfromappealingtotherichduringacrisis' , FinalMatchDay , GroupE , soccer , RomeluMenama , AndréOnanaOnana , celebrateagoal , wouldhavebeendisallowedforoffside , Howtofindthatnoseforgoalsagain , Belgiannationalfootballteam , 'Victimsofabusebarredonpapalvisit' , Vatican , bishopsselectvictimsofsexualabusetomeetwithPopeFrancis , 'OurpeopleandallwhowereinvolvedinGodforsakenarebarred' , RikDevillé , WorkingGroupforHumanRightsintheChurch , (WMK) , 'Anyonewhowenttopolicecourtsorparliamentisapriorinotwelcome.' , LindaOpdebeeck , lust , AlbertSerraexhibition , Amsterdam , FilmmuseumEye , immersiveart , LouisXVI , ActressPatriciaKargbo , 'Theworldisnotcompletelyfuckedupevenifsometimesseemsthatway' , FormationofFlemishgovernment , ZuhalDemir , (N-VA) , WillZuhalDemirsoonbeallowedtotakecoarsebrushthroughChristiancolumn? , sunny , warm
Tags: FransMasereel , man , woodcut , printmaking , paper , MSKGent , Belgium , DeMorgen , AlexanderDeCroo , ForDeCrooit'sfinished , Vooruit , Vooruitwins , thankstotheConnerandMelissaeffect , ConnerRousseau , MelissaDepraetere , VlaamsBelang , HowVlaamsBelangstillstumbled , Belgianelections , Georges-LouisBouchez , Mouvementréformateur , TherevolutionofBouchez , Walloniashiftstotheright , BartDeWever , BartDeWevertriumphs , IshenowchangingBelgium? , (N-VA) , formidablecampaign , avoidedmonstervictoryoffarright , anevenmoredifficulttaskawaitshim , Hisambitiontoformgovernment , withright-wingandstatereform , opposingwishesofothers , sunnyspells , chilly , rain