video — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
David Maisel, KYDOIMOS: The Din of Battle , Single-channel HD (1:1) video projection, with surround sound, 31:38 minutes, Dimensions variable, 2017, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: DavidMaisel , blackandwhite , singlechannelHD , video , battle , SFMoMA , California , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , 'UkraineputspressureonPutinwithraid' , 30kilometersdeepintoRussianborderregion , Kursk , UkrainewantstoshiftwartoRussia , Kamikazeactionorcleverstrategicmove? , 'ThepoliticalpressureonPutinwillbeenormus.' , Paris , ParisOlympics2024 , 'Belgiumdeliveredbestperformanceever' , portraiture , NafiThiam , trackandfield , goldmedals , Politicsawakensfromitssummerslumber , TsarB , musician , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Goingtothepsychologististhegreatestgiftyoucangiveyourself' , UkrainiansoldiersinSemyregion , Ukrainewar , military , tank , camouflageuniform , KBC , KBCturnsfarmyear , courtesyofKate , IsitagoodideatooutsourceyourbankingtoAI? , pinkheart , EmilyinParis , Naivelycontinuetobelieveingreatlove , Thetriumphantreturnoftheromcom , verywarm , sunny , humid
Elena Tejada-Herrera, The Girls Train To Fight, Video, 15’44, 2019 |Who Will Write The History Of Tears, Artists on Women’s Rights, 2021-2022 | Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie , Poland
Tags: ElenaTejada-Herrera , TheGirlsTrainedToFight , video , socialpractice , community , WhoWillWriteTheHistoryOfTears:ArtistsonWomen'sRights , MuzeumSztuki , Warsaw , Poland , NYTimes , landscape , sunset , terrace , stone , gridpattern , lightbluegrey , groupexercise , KungFuNuns , CrackGenderBarriers , Nepal , Buddhistreligiousorder , Himalayanregion , challengingrulesandcustoms , mixingmeditationwithmartialarts , environmentalactivism , FewEmployersOutsideOfTech , OptForLayoffs , DespiteFed'sActions , Pandemic , LeftManyCompaniesFearingStaffShortages , ToppenishWashington , snowystreetscene , twowomen , portraiture , AstriaToppenishHospitalshutdown , JazzminMaldonado , withherwifeSofia , MaternityClosuresLeaveRuralAreasinLurch , WardsShutDown , EvenasPregnancy-RelatedDeathsClimb , childbirth , low-incomecommunities , EnergyDepartment , SuspectsVirusWasFromLab , coronaviruspandemic , accidentallaboratoryleakinChina , WashingtonDC , InWartime , TalkofPeaceAddstoFight , Ukrainewar , WhereCanYouCarryGuns? , It'saLegalJumble , ToppledNewYorkLaw , UpendsRulesinU.S. , IndianAmericans , RisingForceinPolitics , BidsforPresidentin3StraightCycles , increasingcloudiness , rainsnowandiceintheafternoon
SUPERFLEX, Flooded McDonald's , Digital video, Twenty-one minutes, 2009, Hammer Museum , Los Angeles (Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via the title of the work).
Tags: SUPERFLEX , video , sculpture , film , McDonald's , HammerMuseum , Houston , Texas , TelephoneRoad , Déjàvu , HurricaneKatrina , residentsscrambled , toreachsafety , flood , DeadlyStorm , TransformsStreets , RagingRivers , CountlessRescues , DrenchedandDazedCity , DevastationOverwhelms , TorrentialRain , FarFromOver , WashingtonDC , Strains , OnCrewsandVessels , SetStage , NavyCrashes , Beirut , HezbollahWieldsRisingPower , Iran'sEnforcer , Tehran , BuildingMilitiaNetwork , Iran'sAgenda , SanFrancisco , ExpediaLeader , DaraKhosrowshahi , PickForUber'sChief , PresidentTrump , OverhaulNuclearArsenal , DespiteRisk , PriceOfOneTrillionDollars , CriticsCautionAgainst , MakingLimitedWar , AnOption , USAdministration , BuildsUpMilitary , sunshine , cloudy , NYTimes
Francis Alÿs, Tornado, Milpa Alta , Video, high definition, projection, color and sound (surround), 39 minutes / 58 seconds, 2000 - 2010, Tate Gallery , Britain (video clip is hyperlinked in artwork title)
Tags: FrancisAlÿs , photography , performance , video , TateUK , weather , tornadoes , deadlystorms , South , homes , Georgia , NYTimes , Bangladesh , Islam , textbookrevisions , Cubans , Mexicanborder , USborder , migrants , AffordableCareAct , repealandreplace , DonaldTrump , rockystart , campaigntactics , Twittermessages , jeopardizesleverage , damagecontrol , MikePence , flags , WhiteHousestaff , WashingtonDC , Women'smarches , states , unity , disparategroups , dissent , nextsteps , againstpresidency , cloudyweather , heavyrain , windy , cooler
Adrian Paci, Centro Di Permanenza Temporanea, color video, 5' 30", 2007, Jeu de Paume , Paris (Note: Video is hyperlinked via YouTube )
Tags: AdrianPaci , NYTimes , migration , Greece , Macedonia , EU , CityHall , NewYork , Paris , Brussels , PaulRyan , cloudyweather , running , standing , waitinginline , video , photography , borders , tarmac , fields , GOPfield , foreignpolicy
Laura Belém , Ao encontro de... (Meeting with...), video installation, single-channel video, color, with sound, 8:37 minutes, dimensions variable, 2003-2004, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California. (Note: Full video can be viewed via the artist's website, hyperlinked above.)
Tags: LauraBelém , SFMoMA , video , pooltable , billiards , JohnKerry , MohammadJavadZarif , USforeignpolicy , prisonerexchange , BernieSanders , HillaryClinton , MartinO'Malley , DemocraticDebate , Charleston , WashingtonDC , Iran , NYTimes , diplomacy