video — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas


Monday's image: August 12, 2024

David Maisel, KYDOIMOS: The Din of Battle, Single-channel HD (1:1) video projection, with surround sound, 31:38 minutes, Dimensions variable, 2017, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California

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Monday's image: February 27, 2023

Elena Tejada-Herrera, The Girls Train To Fight, Video, 15’44, 2019 |Who Will Write The History Of Tears, Artists on Women’s Rights, 2021-2022 |Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie, Poland

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Monday's image: August 28, 2017

SUPERFLEX, Flooded McDonald's, Digital video, Twenty-one minutes, 2009, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via the title of the work).

Monday's image: January 23, 2017

Francis Alÿs, Tornado, Milpa Alta, Video, high definition, projection, color and sound (surround), 39 minutes / 58 seconds, 2000 - 2010, Tate Gallery, Britain (video clip is hyperlinked in artwork title)

Monday's image: January 18, 2016

Laura Belém, Ao encontro de... (Meeting with...), video installation, single-channel video, color, with sound, 8:37 minutes, dimensions variable, 2003-2004, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California. (Note: Full video can be viewed via the artist's website, hyperlinked above.)