Bessie Harvey, Figure with Headdress, Polychrome and mixed media, found wood, paint, 47 x 26.5 x 21.6 centimeters, 1986, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Clinton Adams, Dark Window, Published by Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Lithograph on white Nacre paper, 665 x 455 millimeters, 1960, Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois
Poklong Anading, Counter Acts, Chromogenic transparency in lightbox, four parts, approximately 90 x 48 x 5 inches each, 2004, Guggenheim Museum, New York
Janine Antoni, Unveiling, Bronze bell, lead clapper, fabric tassle, Edition 3/3, 53.5 x 33 x 33 centimeters, 1994, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland