LATimes — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Catherine Yass, Corridors , Photograph, dye destruction print on transparency on lightbox, 890 × 725 × 140 millimeters, 1994, Tate , U.K.
Tags: CatherineYass , photography , transparency , lightbox , dyedestructionprint , TateUK , candlelight , public , worshipers , OrthodoxEaster , TroitskaChurch , Dnipro , Ukraine , bearinggifts , basketsfilledwithcakes , fruits , goodies , forsoldiersatfrontlines , U.S.boostingmilitaryaid , afterKyivvisit , SecretariesofStateandDefense , traveltoUkraine'scapital , Russiakeepsupitsbarrage , intheeast , $300million , newmilitaryaid , They'rewarmingtoicehockey , Mexico , thesportgainingtoehold , L.A.Kings , otherNHLteams , chancetodevelopfanbase , southoftheborder , icerink , youth , youngicehockeyplayers , skatethroughdrills , MexicoCityrink , Only2690playsportinMexico , 1600arejuniorplayers , BeverlyHills , increasessurveillance , cityhas2000closed-circuitcameras , planstobuy900more , privacyadvocatesandpolicecritics , seeroomformisuse , handholdingolives , leftoverolives , super-high-densityplantingdemonstration , UCDaviscampus , bitterconflict , oliveoillabels , Whocanuse'California'name? , fighthaswideimplications , Petaluma , McEvoyRanch , Womendumpedathospitals , bringscopsbacktorapecases , Allegedpatterncomestolight , afterdeaths , HildaCabralesArzola , ChristyGiles , drugcocktails , Travelersshouldtakeprecautions , CDC , topCOVIDdoctor , howtoreducerisk , L.A.paystribute , sixrevolutionarycomposers , ensuringsoundsliveon , What'soldisnewagain , vintagegasguzzlers , transformintoEVs , mostlysunny , warm , LosAngelesTimes , LATimes
Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.001, hanging seven interlocking double trumpets) , Brass wire, 30 x 36 x 36 inches, 1958, de Young museum , San Francisco, California
Tags: RuthAsawa , sculpture , brasswire , installation , interlocking , doubletrumpets , deYoungmuseum , SanFrancisco , LATimes , NaftaliBennett , politician , podium , speech , bluewhiteflag , goldfringe , handsinair , addressesparliament , 60-59voteofconfidence , Israel'snewgovernment , thehard-liner , YairLapid , centrist , splitprimeminister'sfour-yearterm , Bennettwillgofirst , Anepochends , Netanyahuispushedout , unusualnewgovernment , ejectslongest-servingprimeministerofIsrael , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , 120-memberKnesset , rulingcoalition , Motheranddaughtervanish , husbandspillsabizarrestory , Anallegedkidnappingin2019 , continuestobaffleIrvinepolice , ChengZhang , Uberdriver , AmberAiaz , MelissaFu , parallelinvestigationbyFBI , SongGirlsinquiry , hasechofrom2016 , USCprogramanditslongtimecoach , subjectofTitleIXinvestigation , LoriNelson , famedcollegiatedancesquad , cheerleaders , whiteuniforms , redpompoms , footballfield , maroonyellowuniforms , USCSongGirls , raceontofield , Trojans , schoolofficialsdeclinedtocomment , TitleIXprobeoftheprogram , Dr.Dre , mogultostartmagnetschool , L.A.UnifiedSupt. , AustinBeutner , campusinLeimertPark , couldbe'thecoolest'inAmerica , JimmyIovine , musicindustrymogul , Dr.Drewantstoreach , "theinner-citykidtheyoungerme" , rareinvestmentbyentertainmentelite , Withouttrust , apost-COVIDnormalwillnotbepossible , coronavirus , emotionaljourney , PresidentBiden , G-7allies , condemnChina , criticismforitsuseofforcedlabor , andotherhumanrightsabuses , Downtownfire , destroyedstudios , Artistsmayhavelostmanypieces , inlastweek'sblaze , theystillhavetheirspirit , 19thGrandSlamTitle , trophy , kiss , FrenchOpen , NovakDjokovic , celebratescomebackvictory , mostlysunny , warm
Heidi Bucher, Banister I, Obermuhle (Ancestral Home) , Latex, cotton, bamboo, and metal, 78 x 235 centimeters, 1980, The Israel Museum , Jerusalem
Tags: HeidiBucher , sculpture , installation , banister , TheIsraelMuseum , Jerusalem , LATimes , streaminglight , holes , architecture , lightandshadow , rubble , destroyedroom , MahmoudKhdeir , detritus , agriculture-product , storagefacility , burnedbuilding , 11-daywar , Gaza , Gaza'seconomy , smokingruins , GazaCity , businessowners , seelittlehope , forswiftrecoveryafterwar , scorchedhusks , singedmetal , meltedplastic , horsecart , smoke , bluetarp , carryingdebris , pilesofrubble , upscaleAl-Rimalneighborhood , fourdaysaftercease-fire , betweenIsraelandHamasmilitants , Gascón'sScrutinyOfPoliceKillings , Sputters , Delayinhiringspecialprosecutor , narrowstheD.A.'soptions , forchargingofficers , GeorgeGascón , LosAngelesCountydistrictattorney , SherrilWells , harvestsvegetables , plantedbyherlatehusband , RodneyWells , AfricanAmericanFarmersofCalifornia , farmland , Fresno , ReapingwhatRodneysowed , Awidow , neededareasontocarryon , founditintillingthefields , givingfoodtothehungry , L.A.inmates , getaccesstolifesavingdrug , foroverdoses , OpioidCrisis , fentanyl , naloxone , drugreverseseffectsofopioids , basketball , whiteandblackuniforms , ClippersAdvance , KawhiLeonard , L.A. , withstoodLukaDoncic , Mavericks , Game7 , Manchinrejectskeyelectionbill , overhaul , U.S.votinglaw , Ethicsconcernsraisedinrecall , GavinNewsom , Astheheatrisesthissummer , canCaliforniakeepthelightson? , morninglowclouds
John Baldessari, Gemini G.E.L., Two Opponents (Blue & Yellow) , from the portfolio America Coming Together (ACT): The 2004 Election Benefit Print Series, Lithograph on paper, Image/sheet: 30.2 x 30.2 centimeters, 2004, Nasher Museum of Art At Duke University , Durham, North Carolina
Tags: JohnBaldessari , GeminiG.E.L. , Lithography , TwoOpponents , Blue&Yellow , printing , NasherMuseumofArtAtDukeUniversity , Durham , NorthCarolina , LATimes , LosAngeles , TheGoldenGlobes , bluebackground , signage , whitetype , golddot , dots , SamMendes , wonbestdirector , bestpicture , WorldWarIepic , "1917" , 'OnceUponATime' , '1917' , TopoftheField , Periodpieceswinbig , addingtwisttoawardsseason , ReneeZellweger , MotionPictureActressDrama , "Judy" , JoaquinPhoenix , MotionPictureActorDrama , "Joker" , MotionPictureMusicalOrComedy , "OnceUponaTime...inHollywood" , MotionPictureDrama , 1917 , HollywoodForeignPressAssociation , MoreInside , HowitmightinfluencetheOscars , goldstatues , howguestsdefiedRickyGervais , Repercussionsarestackingup , afterkillingofIraniangeneral , Tehrantossesnucleardealrestrictions , IraqwantsU.S.troopsout , anti-IslamicStateeffortsareonpause , U.S.reasoningforattackquestioned , Deadlyairstrikeintensifiesdebate , overjustificationforextrajudicialkillings , Iranrenewedvow , toavengethedeath , Gen.QassemSuleimani , Analysis , Adeathknellfornucleardeal? , U.S.strike , couldputIranbackonpathtoarmament , someanalystsseehope , inTehran'sstatement , WashingtonDC , "Thedealisnotdead" , JoeCirincione , PloughsharesFund , anti-proliferationgroup , IraneagertoretainitsEuropeanallies , Madurofoeblockedfromcongress , 3AmericanskilledinKenya , SeahawksandVikingsadvance , BayAreathieves , targetingL.A. , forsmash-and-grabs , Exploitingaloophole , gangsarestealing , fromtourists'rentalcars , Carburglaries , Detectives , BrentHopkins , DouglasOldfield , portraits , discussthefts , infrontofposter , ofcarburglarysuspectsfromBayArea , JohnBaldessari1931-2020 , QuestioningTheNatureOfArt , workingathisSantaMonicastudioin1986 , watchedtelevisionwiththesoundoff , hewasfascinatedbytheimages , GiantofConceptualart , Tirelesscreator'sethic , valuedideasoverobjects , tirelessspirit , gentlegiant , irreverentquestions , painting , "CremationProject" , sunnyandwindy
Tags: GustaveCourbet , nineteenthcentury , painting , oiloncanvas , thewave , NationalGalleriesofScotland , Edinburgh , Indonesia'sGrief , cryingman , embrace , rescueeffort , bluebackground , blueshirts , surgicalmask , portraiture , Amanisovercome , afteridentifyingrelative , amongbodiesofvictims , Carita , tsunamikilledmorethan280people , followingeruptionofvolcano , SundaStrait , Crimesurge , castsshadow , overreforms , TheCaliforniaExperiment , Databolstereffort , torollbackchanges , prisonandparolepolicies , Californiahaslednation , reducingprisonpopulations , Once-crowdedjail , hasemptybeds , ReformsinSanJoaquinCounty , bringstartlingresults , theMarshallProject , crimestatistics , bluelines , graph , Sacramento , California , Newsonandlegislators , innewpowerdynamic , Theysharewishlist , he'spreparedtosayno , Gov.-electGavinNewsom , speakingatpodium , intendstocollaborate , withlawmakers , onmajorpolicy , healthcare , financialprudence , GradeforBrown? , It'sano-brainer , GivehimanA , WashingtonDC , TrumpforcesoutDefenseSecretary , twomonthsearly , AngeredbyJamesN.Mattis'srebuke , Thepresidentnames , formerBoeingexecutive , PatrickShanahan , toleadthePentagon , adminstrationgrapples , withpartialgovernmentshutdown , plummetingstockmarket , president'smountinglegalwoes , MickMulvaney , "Idon'thinkthere'sconcern" , "thatthepresidencyisincrisis" , Mayordefends , dumpingcopfiles , Inglewoodofficial , TheRams , arebackontrack , Hollywood , setsbox-officerecord , steadyslewofhits , liftedticketsalesin2018 , forU.S.andCanada , DirectorJonM.Chu , discussesscenewithactresses , onset , MichelleYeoh , AmyCheng , SelenaTan , romanticcomedy , "CrazyRichAsians" , greenery , foliage , mostlysunny , LATimes
India, West Bengal, Murshidabad, Woman Holding a Sparkler, Folio from the Thomas Edwards Album , Opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 5 3/16 x 4 1/4 inches, circa 1760, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: India , WestBengal , Murshidabad , watercolor , painting , SoutheastAsianArt , LACMA , LATimes , Christmas2017 , CraigSwanson , portraiture , dogs , Santahats , DockweilerStateBeach , Christmasholiday , hohoho , Christmastree , twinklinglights , Dutchmen , trailer , beachchairs , LosAngeles , March-December , driestperiodonrecord , Rain? , There'sverylittleontap , FromSanFranciscotoLA , Californiatosuffer , unusuallydrywinter , TheLastJedi , 2017'sbiggestfilm , femalelead , lightsaber , neonlight , blueskies , mountainbackdrop , drama , Moviegoingaudience , maykeepfading , despiteStarWars'surge , Blamefalloffonflops , streaming , risingticketprices , Hollywood , filmticketrevenue , vs.attendance , Protestsplanned , RobertMueller , Activistsstash , hotchocolate , bullhorns , incase , ifPresidentTrump , firesspecialcounsel , WashingtonDC , GovernorJerryBrown , immigration , Someseekapardon , tostayinUS , Acrossthecountry , immigrantsfacingdeportation , duetolow-levelcrimes , askgovernorsforhelp , partlycloudy , haze
Terri Garland, Political Candidate, Scott, Louisiana, Chromogenic print, 16.9 x 24.6 centimeters, 1991, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: TerriGarland , photography , portraiture , politicalcandidate , crowds , ArtInstituteofChicago , LATimes , FreshVictory , PrimeMinister , Japan , ShinzoAbe , greetingsupporters , Tokyo , seekchanges , Japan'spacifistConstitution , adoringfans , wavingtocrowd , meninbluesuits , hats , shakinghands , JamesToback , filmmaker , Sexclaims , focusonnewfigure , citedby38women , sexualharassment , LATimesinvestigation , moviebusiness , fordecades , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Virginiagolfclub , Presidentiallimousine , throughthedarkglass , pushesRepublicans , taxoverhaulbill , givesCongressdeadline , throwsobstaclesinway , taxrateforrich , MichaelWeinstein , AIDSHealthcareFoundation , MeasureS , targetshousingcrisis , , failingtoblock , 'megaprojects' , aimstohelppoorrenters , Thecurrentmodeldoesnotwork , Nanmiao , China , Loudspeakers , crackleaftersunrise , CommunistPartydictates , PresidentXiJinping , embracenation'sredpast , allears , forwordfromXi , localofficials , villagetoserveasmodel , Barcelona , Spain , pro-independence , Independencebid , maycometoboil , Si!Si! , posters , graffiti , flags , Senateexpected , approvecall , imposedirectrule , Catalonia , It'sabouthumanrights , long-simmering , secessioniststruggle , GOPcollegians , UCIrvine , takesharpright , Seattle , Amazon'sgrowth , cautionarytale , sunny , hot
Tags: EnricoBaj , LATimes , MCAChicago , sculpture , CoBrA , avant-garde , Berlusconi , USelection , CaliforniaPrimaryElection , HillaryClinton , BernieSanders , DonaldTrump , politicalrallies , race , gender , Democrats , Republicans , medals , campaigns , sunshine
Dieter Roth, Lion Cage (Löwenkäfig) , Intaglio printing (etching and halftone block), photomechanical reproduction of a drawing and a picture postcard, 23 13/16 × 19 7/8 inches, 1971, Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: LATimes , WorldWildlifeFund , snowleopard , Mongolia , endangeredspecies , activism , Wildlife , Oregon , SaudiArabia , publicland , USCongress , marijuanalegalization , DieterRoth , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , Printmaking
Tags: MatsumiKanemitsu , LACMA , LATimes , Lithography , ElysianPark , drought , AngelsPoint , LosAngeles , FrankO'Hara , JuneWayne , nature , BrooklynRail , Tamarind
Tags: AshCanSchool , painting , LATimes , musicschool , artschool , ArtStudentsLeague , RobertHenri , performingarts , CarlosSantanaArtsAcademy , NorthHills , 2016election , GOPfield , marajuanalegalization , BernieSanders , LAUSD , arteducationdecline