politician — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Fernand Léger, Woman in Front of the Window (Femme devant la Fenêtre), Oil on canvas, 88.9 × 69.85 × 5.08 centimeters, 1923, Los Angeles Museum of Art , California
Tags: FernandLéger , WomaninFrontofWindow , oiloncanvas , painting , LACMA , LosAngelesTimes , PresidentClaudiaSheinbaum , beamsbeforesupporters , MexicoCityrally , flagsofMexico , politician , welcomePresidentTrump'sdecisiontopostponetariffs , Mexico'sleaderfacesTrumptest , she'skeptupdelicatebalancingact , ClaudiaSheinbaumhaswonnoU.S.guarantees , CaliforniaOfficeforCivilRightsclosing , About1500casesarepending , agencyshieldsstudentsagainstbias , RecentgainsupliftstateGOP , Republicanscelebrateatconvention , howtheyandTrumpwonmorevotesinCalifornialastyear , LifeAfterLife , LifeAfterLifeClubatLagunaWoodsVillage , Foralmost20yearstriedtointeractwithspiritworld , 'Theyhavenoproblem...takingresponsibilityforwhattheyhavedoneinthislifetime.' , JenniferRosespeakingofthedead , Reallyhopingthespiritsmovethem , O.C.retirementcommunity , enlistspsychic , tosharewhatmightlieintheworldbeyond , U.S.deportsmigrantsdespitefederaljudge'sruling , SweepingDEIundertherug , SinceTrumpretookoffice , Hollywoodhasscaledbackinitiatives , Hazardouswasterollbacksought , Strayp.m.shower
Tags: JeanMetzinger , AttheVelodrome , oilandcollageoncanvas , PeggyGuggeheimCollection , VeniceItaly , IrishExaminer , Rulethewaves , AreweneutralwhenBritaindefendsus? , 'Allthatisgood' , TributespourinforDillonQuirke , Denisedelivers , Gauleholdsnerve , Catsclaimcamogiecrown , Tourdeforce , TourdeMunster , cycliststrivesfortopofPatrick'sHill , Cork , Freshcalls , forbanonevictingrenters , Noticesfortenantstoquittheirhomes , doubleto5599inayear , Nothavingyourownplace , at43yearsofage , verydifficultonmentalhealth , Twomenincustody , €8.4millioncocainehaul , Tributestoman , 23 , whodiedinWestCorkcrash , EoinCoughlan , Ballydehob , Ministersattackedaftertroikabailout , FiannaFáilMEP , BillyKelleher , politician , dryandbright , sunshine , cloudyperiodstothewest
Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.001, hanging seven interlocking double trumpets) , Brass wire, 30 x 36 x 36 inches, 1958, de Young museum , San Francisco, California
Tags: RuthAsawa , sculpture , brasswire , installation , interlocking , doubletrumpets , deYoungmuseum , SanFrancisco , LATimes , NaftaliBennett , politician , podium , speech , bluewhiteflag , goldfringe , handsinair , addressesparliament , 60-59voteofconfidence , Israel'snewgovernment , thehard-liner , YairLapid , centrist , splitprimeminister'sfour-yearterm , Bennettwillgofirst , Anepochends , Netanyahuispushedout , unusualnewgovernment , ejectslongest-servingprimeministerofIsrael , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , 120-memberKnesset , rulingcoalition , Motheranddaughtervanish , husbandspillsabizarrestory , Anallegedkidnappingin2019 , continuestobaffleIrvinepolice , ChengZhang , Uberdriver , AmberAiaz , MelissaFu , parallelinvestigationbyFBI , SongGirlsinquiry , hasechofrom2016 , USCprogramanditslongtimecoach , subjectofTitleIXinvestigation , LoriNelson , famedcollegiatedancesquad , cheerleaders , whiteuniforms , redpompoms , footballfield , maroonyellowuniforms , USCSongGirls , raceontofield , Trojans , schoolofficialsdeclinedtocomment , TitleIXprobeoftheprogram , Dr.Dre , mogultostartmagnetschool , L.A.UnifiedSupt. , AustinBeutner , campusinLeimertPark , couldbe'thecoolest'inAmerica , JimmyIovine , musicindustrymogul , Dr.Drewantstoreach , "theinner-citykidtheyoungerme" , rareinvestmentbyentertainmentelite , Withouttrust , apost-COVIDnormalwillnotbepossible , coronavirus , emotionaljourney , PresidentBiden , G-7allies , condemnChina , criticismforitsuseofforcedlabor , andotherhumanrightsabuses , Downtownfire , destroyedstudios , Artistsmayhavelostmanypieces , inlastweek'sblaze , theystillhavetheirspirit , 19thGrandSlamTitle , trophy , kiss , FrenchOpen , NovakDjokovic , celebratescomebackvictory , mostlysunny , warm