TheIsraelMuseum — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Unknown artist, Qafzeh Cave, Burial of a youth with antlers of a fallow deer , Cast, 60 x 19 x 50 centimeters, Middle Palaeolithic, The Israel Museum , Jerusalem
Tags: unknownartist , QafzehCave , MiddlePalaeolithic , cast , body , animal , burialofayouth , deerantlers , TheIsraelMuseum , Jerusalem , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , archivalphoto , TheCivilWar , soldiers , theconflictof1922 , thattorethecountryapart , MicheálMartin , It'snotassimpleas'whowasright' , 'Theymetaviolentgruesomeend' , bones , brownearth , someoftheremainsfound , NancySpain'spub , menburiedwithhandstiedbehindtheirbacks , archaeologicaldig , siteworkers , garda , redfence , CorkCitypub , centuriesoldremains , eleventhcenturyCork , sixpeople , defensiveditchfound , 1000yearsago , BarrackStreet , Mary-LouMcDonald , portrait , SinnFéinleader , insistsnegotiation , thewayforward , 'Dublinisfurious' , Protocolplans , customsprocesses , betweenBritainandNorthernIreland , Torygovernment , 'proposingtocreatehugedamagetonortherneconomy' , underminingGoodFridayagreement , Ukrainiansoldiers , flowntoIrelandfortreatment , BeaumontHospital , CorkUniversityHospital , UniversityHospitalGalway , EuropeanDisasterReliefProject , mostlycloudy , riskoffewlightshowers , windsmostlymoderateandwesterly
Heidi Bucher, Banister I, Obermuhle (Ancestral Home) , Latex, cotton, bamboo, and metal, 78 x 235 centimeters, 1980, The Israel Museum , Jerusalem
Tags: HeidiBucher , sculpture , installation , banister , TheIsraelMuseum , Jerusalem , LATimes , streaminglight , holes , architecture , lightandshadow , rubble , destroyedroom , MahmoudKhdeir , detritus , agriculture-product , storagefacility , burnedbuilding , 11-daywar , Gaza , Gaza'seconomy , smokingruins , GazaCity , businessowners , seelittlehope , forswiftrecoveryafterwar , scorchedhusks , singedmetal , meltedplastic , horsecart , smoke , bluetarp , carryingdebris , pilesofrubble , upscaleAl-Rimalneighborhood , fourdaysaftercease-fire , betweenIsraelandHamasmilitants , Gascón'sScrutinyOfPoliceKillings , Sputters , Delayinhiringspecialprosecutor , narrowstheD.A.'soptions , forchargingofficers , GeorgeGascón , LosAngelesCountydistrictattorney , SherrilWells , harvestsvegetables , plantedbyherlatehusband , RodneyWells , AfricanAmericanFarmersofCalifornia , farmland , Fresno , ReapingwhatRodneysowed , Awidow , neededareasontocarryon , founditintillingthefields , givingfoodtothehungry , L.A.inmates , getaccesstolifesavingdrug , foroverdoses , OpioidCrisis , fentanyl , naloxone , drugreverseseffectsofopioids , basketball , whiteandblackuniforms , ClippersAdvance , KawhiLeonard , L.A. , withstoodLukaDoncic , Mavericks , Game7 , Manchinrejectskeyelectionbill , overhaul , U.S.votinglaw , Ethicsconcernsraisedinrecall , GavinNewsom , Astheheatrisesthissummer , canCaliforniakeepthelightson? , morninglowclouds