bouquetofflowers — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Artist unidentified, Wreath of Flowers with Mourning Doves and Nest , Reverse painting and foil on glass, 18.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 inches, circa 1870s, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunidentified , reversepainting , foilonglass , 1870s , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , wreathofflowers , mourningdoves , nest , foil , painting , funeral , wreathlaying , soldiersinuniform , AlonShamriz , oneofthreeIsraelis , killedbyIsraelisoldiersinGaza , kidnappedbyHamas , bouquetofflowers , wreaths , grave , sorrow , mourning , crowds , community , NetanyahuVowsToKeepUpFight , DespiteCriticism , 200TargetsInADay , ChangingTone , GermanandBritishOfficials , CallforCease-Fire , "sustainable"cease-fire , WarErasesFullBranchesofGazanFamilyTrees , AClanLosesOver100Members , IncludingDozensofChildren , funeralformembersofAstalfamily , CiviliansinGaza , havevirtuallynosafeplacestohide , VoterSupportForAbortionFacesLimits , SomeStatesTryingtoKeepIssueOffBallot , yardsigns , signsbeforeOhiovoted , tocodifytherighttoabortion , CampusAlliesofPalestiniansFeelMuzzled , collegecampuses , SolitaryConfinementPoisedtoEnd , DespiteAdams'sWishes , MayorEricAdams , NewYorkcityjails , Iran , viraldancecraze , It'sNotJustaSongandDance , It'saNationwideProtest , PublicOpinionRevoltsAgainstCrackdown , crowdofmen , fathersholdingtheirchildren , war , heavyraininmorning
Charlotta Östlund, Bouquet , Plant parts, stone, mixed media, 79 x 60 x 60 centimeters, 2016, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: CharlottaÖstlund , mixedmedia , sculpture , flowers , petals , plants , branches , stone , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , bouquetofflowers , memorial , prayer , kneelingman , messages , bottles , cups , yellowpolicetape , victimsofcrowdsurge , Itaewondistrict , Seoul , Korea , relativesofmissingpeople , weepingatcommunitycenter , 11-foot-widealleyway , deaths , over150peoplesuffocated , DeadlyCrush , LeavesSeoulInMourning , Halloween , BrazilRejectsBolsonaro , BringsBack'Lula' , AfterPrison , StunningRevivalfortheLeftist , cheeringcrowd , Brazilianflag , LuizInácioLuladaSilva , SenateContestsAreTight , In4KeyStates , Polls , FightOvertheWhiteWorkingClass , Pennsylvania , Scranton , ruralareas , smalltowns , DemocratsLeadinArizona , OtherRacesTeeter , midtermelections , StarPower , high-profiledisplay , RepublicanandDemocraticefforts , NewYork , manyracesareclose , GoingModerate , SomeRepublicansmakingheadway , distancingthemselvesfromrightwingoftheirparty , WashingtonDC , YearsofEffortstoVilifyPelosi , PrecededBrutalAttackinHome , SpeakerNancyPelosi , attackonPaulPelosi , ResearchersDefendMeat , WithIndustry'sHelp , ClearCenter , UCDavis , fundingfromindustrydonations , coordinateswithmajorlivestocklobbygroup , messagingcampaigns , somesun , givingwaytoclouds
Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, A Rite of Passage: The Velvet Cat Tail and the Silk Tiger Lily , Wood, metallic foil, 45 RPM vinyl record, artificial flowers, Saran wrap, metal staples, fabric, plastic beads, and fiber-tipped pen, 98.7 x 39.4 x 38.4 centimeters, 1987-1988, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: ThomasLanigan-Schmidt , sculpture , shrine , mixedmedia , riteofpassage , WhitneyMuseum , NYTimes , roses , lilies , sunflowers , bouquetofflowers , red , pink , orange , yellow , cemetery , umbrella , familyofVictorBailón , gatheringatgrave , Tonanitla , Mexico , HospitalFear , DrivesDeaths , WithinMexico , PatientsComeTooLateForAid , DoctorsSay , MexicoCity , morethan52000confirmeddeaths , OrdersByTrump , OnEconomicAid , BreedConfusion , DemocratsSeekTalks , ThePresident'sAdvisers , DefendActions , LegallyShaky , patchworkofmoves , executiveorders , $400weeklysupplement , unemploymentchecks , fundingcontingent , onagreementwithstateofficials , WashingtonDC , LosAngeles , Battling2Contagions , CoronavirusandAnxiety , contacttracer , ATracer'sStruggle , HelpContacts , WhoAreWaryofHer , RadhikaKumar , portraitgrid , men , women , blue , PPE , masks , stethoscope , InHarm'sWay , healthcareworkers , inSouthandSouthwest , facingbattle , theyhopedtoavoid , 'TopCop' , NowaReformer? , WrestlingWithHarris'sRecord , portrait , SenatorKamalaHarris , soughtmiddleground , California , "reimagininghowwedopublicsafetyinAmerica" , leadingcontender , JosephR.BidenJr.'srunningmate , BoycottorNot , FoxNews , BoltsPastNetworks , inJuneandJuly , highest-ratedtelevisionchannel , prime-timehours , 8-11p.m. , TuckerCarlson , SeanHannity , moreliveviewers , thancompetingbaseballandbasketballgames , 'DefundthePolice' , NotSoFast , SeveralBlackPoliticiansSay , RaisingSafetyWorries , inNewYorkCity , clash , acrossracialideologicalgenerationallines , dividingBlackandLatinocouncilmembers , citycouncilwoman , VanessaL.Gibson , They"wanttoseecopsinthecommunity" , "Theydon'twanttoseeexcessiveforce" , partlysunny , ratherhot , humid
Tags: GeorgeSegal , TheCurtain , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , thefigure , portraiture , window , brick , painting , white , ivory , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Mobridge , SouthDakota , bluelandscape , snow , winter , blackdiagonalline , road , MobridgeCareandRehabilitationCenter , closedinJanuary , residentsmoved , toothernursinghomes , manymilesfromtheirfamilies , snow-sweptruralroads , RuralNursingHomesShutter , FamiliesSplinter , corporatebuyouts , unpaidbills , financialruin , HaroldLabrensz , farmingandranching , rollingDakotaplains , sentoff , 220-mileroadtrip , nursinghomeinNorthDakota , LorettaLeonard , portraitinmirror , bedroom , framedphotos , husbandwife , paintingofholyfamily , Christianity , religion , cross , rosarybeads , dressingtable , bouquetofflowers , red , green , pink , gold , tan , grey , 'SometimesIwonderwhetherheknowsmeanymore' , can'tmake20-miletrip , tovisit91-yearoldhusband , whohasdementia , theelderly , mentalillness , McAllen , Texas , BravingHeatandCoyotes , ToBeRaped , attheBorder , MigrantWomen , SeekingSafetyinU.S. , FindaNightmare , inLockedRooms , lookaway , concealedidentity , anonymity , firstname , Melvin , outdoors , branches , bluesky , blackhair , rapedbysmuggler , sexualabuse , ubiquitousthreat , undocumentedwomenonborder , liveinshadows , of#MeToomovement , Seattle , Washington , Amazon'sOfferToCities , TakeItOrWe'llLeave , threats , closedwarehouses , stophiring , leastoutspace , demandtaxexemption , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , "shocktothesystem" , Amazondroppedplans , tobuildNYCheadquarters , NewDelhi , India , India'sMilitary , AilingandPoor , NearsItsBrink , IndianAirForce , dogfight , PakistaniAirForce , agingSovieteraplane , MiG-21 , armyequipmentconsidered"vintage" , Cambridge , Massachusetts , BattleErupts , OverTreatmentThatOnceRepelled , F.D.A.Ruling , WillPickWhoProspers , FromFecalTransplants , F.M.T. , revolutionarytreatment , Clostridioidesdifficile , debilitatingbacterialinfection , eyeofcrocodile , tailofcrocodile , yellowblackbrown , TheScalyPredatorNextDoor , Crocodilesarefactoflife , Balabac , Philippines , someconsiderreptilessacred , otherswantrevenge , forattacks , countlessdogsandgoats , snatchedaway , PresidentTrump , TradeStatisticsRivetPresident , BoredbySpies , intelligenceagencies , focusoneconomicsandtrade , hisrepeatedquestion , Whoiswinning? , cloudsgivingwaytosunshine , breezy , cold