wreaths — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Artist unidentified, Wreath of Flowers with Mourning Doves and Nest , Reverse painting and foil on glass, 18.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 inches, circa 1870s, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunidentified , reversepainting , foilonglass , 1870s , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , wreathofflowers , mourningdoves , nest , foil , painting , funeral , wreathlaying , soldiersinuniform , AlonShamriz , oneofthreeIsraelis , killedbyIsraelisoldiersinGaza , kidnappedbyHamas , bouquetofflowers , wreaths , grave , sorrow , mourning , crowds , community , NetanyahuVowsToKeepUpFight , DespiteCriticism , 200TargetsInADay , ChangingTone , GermanandBritishOfficials , CallforCease-Fire , "sustainable"cease-fire , WarErasesFullBranchesofGazanFamilyTrees , AClanLosesOver100Members , IncludingDozensofChildren , funeralformembersofAstalfamily , CiviliansinGaza , havevirtuallynosafeplacestohide , VoterSupportForAbortionFacesLimits , SomeStatesTryingtoKeepIssueOffBallot , yardsigns , signsbeforeOhiovoted , tocodifytherighttoabortion , CampusAlliesofPalestiniansFeelMuzzled , collegecampuses , SolitaryConfinementPoisedtoEnd , DespiteAdams'sWishes , MayorEricAdams , NewYorkcityjails , Iran , viraldancecraze , It'sNotJustaSongandDance , It'saNationwideProtest , PublicOpinionRevoltsAgainstCrackdown , crowdofmen , fathersholdingtheirchildren , war , heavyraininmorning
Fred Williams, Burnt Landscape II (Bushfire Series) , Oil paint on canvas, 1748 x 1368 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: FredWilliams , burntlandscape , oiloncanvas , painting , TateUK , NYTimes , cemetery , crosses , flowers , wreaths , GravesofWagnerfighters , ex-prisoners , southernRussia , 40000inmatesjoinedwar , BackFromWar , ConvictFightersWillTestRussia , HardenedInBattle , AfterStintWithWagner , CriminalsRejoinWarySociety , RussiaBehindBars , prisoners'rightsassociation , MemphisUnit , WasDeployedToGetTough , Chief'sPrizedSquadMadeSomeUneasy , Scorpion , StreetCrimesOperationtoRestorePeaceinOurNeighborhoods , arrestandkilling , TyreNichols , MemphisPoliceChiefCerelynDavis , ForCalifornia , SoulSearchingOnGunLaws , N.F.L. , PlayersInjuredYoungFaceUncertainty , HamlinEpisode , PointstoHolesinCare , fortheLessFamous , ZekeMotta , DamarHamlin , footballplayers , orangeyellowuniforms , SuperBowlBound , PatrickMahomes , KansasCityedgedtheBengals , advancedtofacetheEagles , RepresentativeMattGaetz , portraiture , GoingUpAgainstMcCarthy , GotGaetzClout , What'sNext? , GasStovesAreJustFine , ClaimstheScientistPaidtoSaySo , UtilitiesPushtoRebutHealthHazards , mostlycloudy , acoupleofsprinklesinthevening