Peru — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: S.E.CasadeMoneda , coin , 100pesos , specialcirculation , PesoLeyLine18.188 , aluminumbronze , MuseoHistóricoyNumismáticoHéctorCarlosJanson , BuenosAires , Argentina , NYTimes , WorldCup , goldtrophy , goldmedals , blueandwhiteuniforms , soccer , LionelMessi , celebration , twogoalsagainstFrance , helpedArgentinaend36-yeardrought , Messi'sMagic , EndsAnguishForArgentina , Qatar , Peru , PeruvianCityProcessesPain , FatalClash , 9areKilledinProtest , OverArrestofEx-President , PedroCastillo , aerialview , crowds , mourning , flagdrapedcoffin , Peruvianflag , ClemerFabricioRojas , killedwhileprotesting , Ayacuchoregion , stateofemergency , ElectionVictor , HasBigHolesInHisRésumé , ClaimsofPastSuccess , Don'tCheckOut , GeorgeSantos , Republican , electedtoCongress , LongIsland , SeditionTrialForProudBoys , January6Role , FiveAreFacingPrison , Prosecutors , AimtoShowMenPlotted , StopTransferofPower , "normies" , Trump'sWeek , theformerpresident , awaitsdecisionsonhistaxes , andcriminalreferral , Streaming'sGoldenAge , SuddenlyDimming , AfterYearsofGrowth , NewTVSeriesFlag , PeakTVhaspeaked , Telescope'sName , IgnitesFightonHomophobia , PersonalBarbs , DrivingDebateOverWebb , NASA , deep-spacetelescope , JamesE.Webb , plentyofsunshine , windy
Nellie Mae Roe, When I Was a Little girl Looking for Santa Claus, Crayon, colored pencil and pencil on paper, Dimensions unknown, 1982, High Museum of Art , Atlanta, Georgia
Tags: NellieMaeRoe , painting , drawing , portraiture , SantaClaus , HighMuseumofArt , Atlanta , NYTimes , Lima , Peru , landscape , mountains , rocks , shrubs , nurses , PPE , blue , surgicalmasks , orangebag , orange , Sinopharmvaccine , offerszeroprotection , fromOmicroninfection , mostshotsusedabroad , maynothaltOmicron , AllSeemtoOffer , MajorShieldAgainstSevereIllness , ManchinSaysNo , DesertingBiden , OverPrizedBill , SenatorIsAdamant , OnInflationFear , WestVirginiaDemocrat , PotentialFatalBlow , Hits$2.2TrillionSpendingPlan , SenatorJoeManchinIII , citedconcernsaboutnationaldebt , DavidLevitan , listedasoneofNYC'sworstlandlords , SheltersRelyOnLandlordCalledWorst , nonprofitgroupsdon'townspaces , mustrentfromprivatelandlords , protectiveglass , separation , MariaEduarda , storewindow , Boston , SeasonalSnifflesPromptWorry , ColdorCovid? , EvenTestingNegative , FailstoSootheSome , panic , APopStar , WhoFeltTrapped , AManagerWhoBenefited , BritneySpears , JamesP.Spears , TRiStarSports&EntertainmentGroup , ownerLouiseM.Taylor , plentyofsunshine , seasonablychilly , alightwind