politicalcampaign — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Richard Mantel, U.S. Voter , Colored film and ink on paper and acetate overlay, 35.3 x 28.3 centimeters, 1980, National Portrait Gallery , Washington, D.C.
Tags: RichardMantel , mixedmedia , worksonpaper , portrait , U.S.Voter , NationalPortraitGallery , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , AnEagerElectorate , InsideandOut , longlineofvoters , AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory , NYC , earlyvoting , setsrecords , pollingstation , TrumpOfferingPromises , HeWoosBigBusiness , Candidate'sStancesReverse , HeChasesMoneyHeDeniedNeedingin2016 , VapingIndustry , baseballhat , stickers , politicalcampaign , "YESon3" , DonaldJ.TrumpbackinglegalmarijuanainFlorida , HamtramckMichigan , MuslimMayorBacksTrump , RoilsHisCity , AmerGhalib , LiberalResidentsSeeBetrayal , OfTheirWelcomingSpirit , Pennsylvania , LuzerneCounty , BeforeaVote , PanicButtonsAndBoulders , securitymeasures , boulderinstallationaroundcountybuilding , BureauofElections , StrikesCouldCornerIran , HasteningNuclearPush , IsraelHamaswar , Corngrownwithalteredbacteria , morerobust , requireslessfertilizer , Missouri , ModifyingDNAtoHelpClimateChange , ManipulatingNatureataRisk , UkraineRussiawar , Ukraine'sSurpriseIncursion , EpisodesofBrutalityandMercy , Korenevo , plentyofsunshine , mainlyclear
Tags: CatherineMurphy , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , painting , stilllife , blanket , comfort , grass , landscape , shadows , ground , NYTimes , Florida , politicalsigns , politicalcampaign , HillaryClinton , FloridaTogether , Dealmein , crowds , federalinvestigation , emailcache , publicpressure , Democrats , voterturnout , earlyballoting , Octobersurprise , DonaldTrump , InternationalChurchofLasVegas , race , workingclass , AnxiousInAmerica , sunshine , partlycloudy , breezy , coolertemperatures
Tiffany Chung, finding one's shadow in ruins and rubble , Mixed media, 31 parts in different dimensions, 86.5 x 300 x 75 centimeters, 2014, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art , Denmark
Tags: TiffanyChung , sculpture , installation , photography , ruins , Homs , antiquity , ancienttimes , LouisianaMuseumofModernArt , Denmark , NYTimes , Americanpublic , 2016election , politicalcampaign , DonaldTrump , voteranger , women's rights , riggedvote , irresponsiblespeech , MikePence , Republicans , Iraq , Mosul , armies , war , stockpilingfood , civilians , shelter , morningshower , sunshine , warmweather