gridofphotographs — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
David Driskell, Round Trees (from the "Doorway" Portfolio) , Screenprint, 15 x 12 inches, 2009, The Phillips Collection , Washington, D.C.
Tags: DavidDriskell , RoundTrees , "Doorway"Portfolio , screenprint , printmaking , ThePhillipsCollection , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , UkrainianOrthodoxChurch , changeddateforChristmastoDec.25 , departingfromRussiantraditionofJanuary7 , parentandchild , outdoors , snowing , Christmastree , decorations , largedecorativeboxes , gifts , Kyiv , EarlyArrivalofChristmas , LiftsUkraine , SaudisEagerForPeace , AvoidaRedSeaConflict , DecliningtoHelpU.S. , CurbHouthiAttacks , AfterEightYearsofWarinYemen , SalemNorthDakota , TruckersFaceChronicQuestion , WheretoPark? , WithAbsenceofSpots , HaulersRiskSafetyandIncome , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , HeWastheAntidotetoChaos , ThenCameInternalCalamity , "NeverBackDown" , campaignbus , gridofphotographs , Mauiwildfires , smokeandfire , palmtrees , aerialfootageofneighborhoods , sootandash , ADeadlyBlaze , HourbyHour , ReconstructingdayofMauiwildfire , tracingwhysomanyweretrapped , TextingApponAndroid , GivesAppleaHeadache , BeeperMini , morningfog , sunnybreaks
Tags: MehrdadRashidi , ballpointpen , penonpaper , drawing , Collectiondel'ArtBrutLausanne , Switzerland , NYTimes , GazaStrip , Al-ShifaHospital , medic , bluemask , medicalworker , bluehospitalscrubs , prematurebabies , medicalequipment , 31GazaInfants , EvacuatedFromHospital , SeenAs'DeathZone' , IsraelisSayVideosBackClaim , SiteWasHamasHide-Out , PalestineRedCrescentSociety , W.H.O. , StressofWar , SnapsInformalBackChannel , 2MenEnabledIsraelandHamastoTalk , InvisibleBattleBeingFought , Ukrainewar , ControlofRadioWaves , PivotalforWeapons , drones , electronicwarfare , QuantumSystems , Mortgages , InequityFinds30-YearHome , 30-yearfixed-ratemortgage , U.S.housingmarket , gridofphotographs , youngboysinfootballuniforms , EventheYoungGetC.T.E. , degenerativebraindisease , theylovedfootballaskids , theydiedbeforereaching30 , grievingfamilies , RosalynnCarter1927-2023 , FirstLady , InfluentialPartnertoPresident , JavierMilei , far-rightlibertarian , ArgentinaElectsMilei , VictoryforFarRight , FormerTVPersonality , LikenedtoTrump , sunny , brisk , breezy
Tags: LiamO'Callaghan , mixedmedia , projection , installationart , light , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , NYTimes , soldiers , militarytank , Bakhmut , counteroffensive , NearlyEncircled , UkrainianTroopsPushBack , BakhmutBattle , Test , WhichArmyCanBreaktheOther , inthetrenches , WithCaution , SouthKorea , ArmsGlobe , Ukrainewar , armsexports , DeployingA.I. , ToFindCancerDoctorsMiss , TechnologyShowsSkill , Mammograms , KecskemétHungary , radiology , breakthroughs , breastcancerscreening , AlliesInFlorida , SetToEnactDeSantisAgenda , WishListOfTheRight , G.O.P.Lawmakers , HelpRaiseGovernor'sNationalProfile , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , insects , marblebutterfly , alarmingdeclines , VitaltoHumans , UnprotectedinSomeStates , WhatDon'tYouKnowAboutHomelessness? , gridofphotographs , landscapephotography , dailysights , MatthewKearney , spentdecadelivinginhisvan , SanDiego , sharingexperiences , plentyofsunshine , increasingclouds