drones — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas


Monday's image: November 20, 2023

Mehrdad Rashidi, untitled, Ballpoint pen on wrap paper, 32.2 x 27.2 centimeters, between 2006 and 2013, Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne, Switzerland

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Monday's image: September 16, 2019

Egypt, Fragment, Wool, linen; plain weave, tapestry weave, 11.87 x 9.12 inches, 4th century, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Monday's image: January 9, 2017

Jack Gould, Untitled (men spraying fake snow onto Christmas trees), Positive 4 x 5 transparency, 4 x 5 inches, 1960, Harvard Art Museums, Massachusetts