variablecloudiness — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tabitha Vevers, Trying Not to Think of a Polar Bear , Oil and gold leaf on mylar, 14.25 x 11.25 inches, 2017, New Bedford Whaling Museum , New Bedford, Massachusetts
Tags: TabithaVevers , oilandgoldleaf , mylar , PolarBearsAndTheArticImaginary , NewBedfordWhalingMuseum , Massachusetts , painting , DeStandaard , Belgium , BashirAbdi , Profitbutnorecord , FastestinRotterdam , Modernhelmsmenashore , Pioneeringroboticships , Fussinthelandofthepolarbear , targetdrawing , inlovingmemory , Frost&Frosty , Backlogofasylumfiles , reachesrecordhigh , Asylum&Migration , CommissionerGeneralforRefugees , backlogof21237files , morethanduringrefugeecrisisof2015-16 , longerdecisionisdelayed , longerpeoplehavetowaitforshelter , Roadsusedtohavenoproductivitystandards , nowtheydo , SophieVanBalberghe , Commissioner-generalforRefugeesandState , variablecloudiness , dryweather
Jack Gould, Untitled (men spraying fake snow onto Christmas trees) , Positive 4 x 5 transparency, 4 x 5 inches, 1960, Harvard Art Museums , Massachusetts
Tags: JackGould , photography , documentary , Christmastrees , fakesnow , drones , Santa , holidaygifts , glitter , gold , TheGoldenGlobes , Wikileaks , topplingpower , Tehran , outreach , tolerance , hard-liners , Kingmaker , Russia , Turkey , partnership , DonaldTrump , JeffSessions , Alabama , GOP , attorneygeneral , nominee , tarmacmeeting , Southernbelles , ruffles , bows , parasols , nineteenth century , eyecandy , feminism , buckingtheestablishment , bond , reformists , variablecloudiness , cold