volunteers — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: CharlesWhite , Soldier , Tempera , painting , portraiture , TheHuntingtonLibraryArtMuseumandBotanicalGardens , SanMarino , California , NYTimes , Ukrainewar , camouflage , 126thTerritorialDefenseBrigade , volunteers , trainingfromBritishspecialoperationsforces , DniproRiver , ValorandAnguish , BrigadeTakingFightAcrossRiver , Ukrainians'EliteTeam , MountsAssaultsonRussianPositions , FightIntensifies , Syria'sRebelsSeizeMoreLand , AleppoAirportTaken , ForcesLoyaltoal-Assad , SeekingtoPushBackSuddenUprising , WashingtonDC , SenateFacesDecisiveTestOfItsPower , TrumpAimstoBluntConstitutionalJob , PartyUnrest , SomeDemocratsWanttoOustLeadersonkeyHousecommittees , SomeAlliesBackTrump'sPickofF.B.I.Chief , BentonRevenge , KashPatel , SeveralG.O.P.SenatorsSupportingPatel , LeadersAreQuiet , BrownsvilleTexas , SpaceX , launchsite , "occupyMars" , ElonMusk , HometoMusk'sStarbase , VotedTrumpAfterBlueStreak , FormFollowsFunction , U.S.PostalService , MailTruckLooksLikeaDuck , sunny , stillchilly
Artist Unknown (possibly by Alexander Gardner), [The Wilderness Battlefield] , Albumen silver print from glass negative, 4 15/16 x 3 1/4 inches, 1865-67, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , possiblyAlexanderGardner , photography , nineteenthcentury , AmericanCivilWar , TheWildnernessBattlefield , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , Mogadishu , Somalia , truckexplosions , destroyedbuildings , chaos , ravagedlandscape , rescueworkers , searchforsurvivors , missingshoes , missingpersons , procession , community , NorthKorea , DeploysHackers , BentonChaos , InNuclearShadow , KimJong-un , Kim'sArmy , StealsMillions , WagesDigitalWar , globalhavoc , LasVegas , FirstMedicsonScene , OtherFans , bystandercourage , volunteers , rescueefforts , cityastraumacenter , Emergencymedicalservices , WashingtonDC , JusticeDepartment , JeffSessions , AidsTransgenderCase , WhileRollingBackLegalProtections , KedarieJohnson , Scottsdale , Arizona , SenatorJeffFlake , Re-electionStruggle , ShowsRisksofCrossingTrump , HarveyWeinstein , MovieMogul , BrushWithPolice , ThenNoCharges , UsedLawyerandMoney , ToEvade2015Case , DefyingImage , someclouds , becomingmostlysunny , turningcooler , breezy
Rafael Canogar, Police Barricade (Cordón de policía ) from The Earth , Lithograph and embossing, from a portfolio of 14 lithographs, 22 1/16 x 30 1/16 inches, 1969, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: RafaelCanogar , lithography , printmaking , embossing , portraiture , MoMA , NYTimes , protesters , policeofficers , chaos , riotgear , Spain , Catalonia , pollingplace , independencevote , newscamera , handsraised , community , Barcelona , ATestOfDemocracy , HundredsAreInjured , SpanishPoliceSeizeBallotBoxes , independencereferendum , GuardingVotes , StudentsFortifyHighSchool , volunteers , overseeingschool'sdefense , 13to17 , Accra , Ghana , KFC , InDevelopingWorld , FastFood , MarkerofSuccess , DriveThru , suburbs , PlanetFat , fingerlickin'good , ReshapingAfricanPalates , downtown , transport , goods , TalkingTough , PresidentTrump , Twitteroutbursts , winspoints , withhisbase , WashingtonDC , TrumpSquelchesTillerson , PlanOnNorthKorea , HeIsWastingHisTime , PresidentAdvisesSecretaryofState , Don'tBotherWithTalks , Pyongyang , LittleRocketMan , plentyofsunshine , seasonable