suburbs — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Joana Vasconcelos, Wedding Cake , Viúva Lamego ceramic tiles and ceramics, glass, metallized and thermo-lacquered wrought iron, galvanized and painted iron sheet, LED, optical fiber, power supply unit, hydraulic system, and iron, 12 x 13 meters, 2023, Waddesdon, The Rothschild Collection , Buckinghamshire, England
Tags: JoanaVasconcelos , weddingcake , mixedmediainstallation , sculpture , sitespecificinstallation , Waddesdon , TheRothschildCollection , Buckinghamshire , England , NYTimes , crowds , NewYork , ConfectionsAlongFifthAvenue , EasterParade , Manhattan'sEasterbonnetparade , drewthrongsofparticipantsandonlookers , St.Patrick'sCathedral , PotentialWitnesses , DrawTrump'sPraiseorWrath , MoreAggressiveTacticinFocus , CohenPreparestoTestifyinCriminalTrial , MichaelD.Cohen , suburbs , houses , driveways , housingcosts , economicanxiety , PhoenixArizona , ACrucialStateWhereHousingIsOutofReach , SmallInvestors , PlayStarRoleInDisneyFight , boardelections , political-stylecampaignmaterials , SaltLakeCity , DevastatingDiagnosisAgonizingChoices , TwoFamiliesTakeTwoDifferentPaths , toCareforBabies , trisomy18 , geneticabnormality , AsProtestsShakeIsraelTalksResume , Jerusalem , Jean-MichelSibelle , prizewinningfarmer , retiringamidhighcostsanduncheckedcompetition , ForFarmersinFrance , FierceBattletoSurvive , InEuropeFarRightSeesanOpportunity , "pouletdeBresse" , cloudywithrainanddrizzle
Rafael Canogar, Police Barricade (Cordón de policía ) from The Earth , Lithograph and embossing, from a portfolio of 14 lithographs, 22 1/16 x 30 1/16 inches, 1969, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: RafaelCanogar , lithography , printmaking , embossing , portraiture , MoMA , NYTimes , protesters , policeofficers , chaos , riotgear , Spain , Catalonia , pollingplace , independencevote , newscamera , handsraised , community , Barcelona , ATestOfDemocracy , HundredsAreInjured , SpanishPoliceSeizeBallotBoxes , independencereferendum , GuardingVotes , StudentsFortifyHighSchool , volunteers , overseeingschool'sdefense , 13to17 , Accra , Ghana , KFC , InDevelopingWorld , FastFood , MarkerofSuccess , DriveThru , suburbs , PlanetFat , fingerlickin'good , ReshapingAfricanPalates , downtown , transport , goods , TalkingTough , PresidentTrump , Twitteroutbursts , winspoints , withhisbase , WashingtonDC , TrumpSquelchesTillerson , PlanOnNorthKorea , HeIsWastingHisTime , PresidentAdvisesSecretaryofState , Don'tBotherWithTalks , Pyongyang , LittleRocketMan , plentyofsunshine , seasonable