dry — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: KitPaulson , lungs , glass , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , lungscans , 3-Dmedicalillustration , bluewhite , ViewofCovid'sDamageFromInside , rarelook , shrunkenairways , scarredtissue , Covid-19pandemic , healthyairwayslookliketreebranches , lungsofahealthyperson , lungsdamagedbyCovid , WagnerFuture , AsShadowyAsItsBusiness , Ukrainewar , GroupWithTentaclesBeyondItsFighters , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , GeorgiaDefendants , SparOverTrialDatesandSites , LawyersforTrumpandOthersTangleCase , SomeSeekMovetoFederalCourt , RealtorsChief , FacingClaimsofMisconduct , KennyParcell , presidentofNationalAssociationofRealtors , sexualharassment , JindiresSyria , AfterWarandQuakes , SyriansFeelForgotten , PoliticalTurmoilComplicatedEffortstoProvideRelief , makeshifthouse , rubble , Fatimaal-Mireeandfamily , livingintent , damagedhouse , moviegoerswithdogs , movietheater , EarsPerkUpAndTailsWag , AtShowTime , London , CurzonCinemas , 16locationsinBritain , dogsattendmoviescreeningswithowners , U.S.DrugLaws , ThreatenaSiteThatAidsUsers , OnPointNYC , EastHarlem , NewYork , partlysunny , dry
Panamarenko, Donderwolk (Thundercloud) , Hang glider powered by a motor, metal cabin and a Rogallo wing, aluminum, plastic, rubber, wood, felt, leather and perspex, 300 x 500 x 500 centimeters, 1971, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique , Bruxelles
Tags: Panamarenko , thundercloud , sculpture , hangglider , motor , Rogallowing , mixedmedia , MuséesroyauxdesBeaux-ArtsdeBelgique , NYTimes , familyscene , interior , mother , children , green , red , orange , corrugatedmetalwalls , home , BanEm'sfamily , homerazedtomakeway , Chinese-builtmilitaryport , DaraSakor , Cambodia , ChinaBuildsAirstrip , ToeholdinCambodia , SuspicionsofMilitaryOutpost , forBeijing , inRemoteJungle , stirringfears , constructionboom , ChildSexSitesEludeShutdownEffortsforYears , DespiteRareWinbyFoes , PredatorsOftenStayStepAhead , WithTechSavvy , Canadianchildexploitationhotline , developedtooltofindandreport , illegalimageryontheweb , Exploited , AnEpicBattle , portrait , DennisA.Muilenburg , Boeing'schiefexecutive , Boeing'sLeaderDeepensACrisis , LapsesAngerRegulators , AirlinesandFamilies , Boeing737Maxjet , face-to-faceencounter , FederalAviationAdministrationchief , StephenDickson , WashingtonDC , EmiratesPlantsSecretSpyTools , InPopularApp , ToTok , aspyingtool , socialapp , WhiteSands , NewMexico , ASpaceCapsule'sSafeReturn , Boeing'sStarliner , desertscene , MichaelR.Bloomberg , Bloomberg'sFirstRace , asBillionaireUnderdog , In2001 , StumblingbutLearningtoRun , SurprisingTurnByInvestigator , OfRussiaCase , JohnH.Durham , veteranfederalprosecutor , mostlysunny , dry , warmer