PortlandPressHerald — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: MitchellJamieson , ladders , acryliconcanvas , painting , NationalAirandSpaceMuseum , WashingtonDC , PortlandPressHerald , classroom , MaryPinette , 3rdGradeteacher , C.K.BurnsSchool , Saco , SchoolsBraceForSurgeofNewStudents , kidsfromasylum-seekingfamilies , increaseenrollment , officialsandeducators , welcometheirarrival , howtopayforunbudgetedexpenses , Mainepoliticalparties , countingonnationalissues , tomobilizevoters , economyandunpopularpresident , seenasadvantagesforRepublicans , Democrats , focusonabortion , fallinggasprices , studentdebtrelief , shakystart , newtaxstabilizationprocess , olderMainers , answeringquestions , verifyingapplications , fallingtomunicipalassessors , HomesteadExemption , freezeannualtaxbills , NASA , returntomoon , startswithcriticaltestflight , KennedySpaceCenter , ArtemisImission , spacelaunchsystem , Orioncapsule , CapeCanaveralFlorida , heatingoil , dieselsupplies , fallbelowaverageinNewEngland , warmandhumid
Jeppe Hein, Geometric Mirrors VI , Aluminum, stainless steel and high polished steel (super mirror), Edition 1 of 3, plus 2 artist proofs, 200 x 200 x 100 centimeters, 2011, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: JeppeHein , multimedia , GeometricMirrors , installation , sculpture , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , Virginia , PortlandPressHerald , Portland , Maine , Housingadvocates , planapartments , forasylumseekers , AvestaHousing , DanaTotman , we’relevelingtheplayingfield , emergencyshelter , nonprofitaffordablehousing , Despitelackoftransparency , grantprogramprotectsfunds , MaineTechnologyInstitute , $42million , taxpayermoney , constructionequipment , fences , dirt , Westbrook , VerticalHarvest , urbanhydroponicfarm , carexplosion , Moscow , DariaDugina , daughterofPutinally , AlexanderDugin , humidityrises , rainarriveslate