
Monday's image: June 29, 2020

Jeffrey Gibson, Freedom, Repurposed tipi poles, rawhide lacing, artificial sinew, buffalo hide, acrylic paint, wool, glass and plastic beads, sterling silver, turquoise, and quartz, 104 x 233 x 60 inches, 2013, Denver Art Museum, Colorado

Monday's image: June 3, 2019

Thornton Dial, Flowers for Peace (Primary Title), Pastel, watercolor and pencil on paper, 44 x 30 inches, 1996, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia

Monday's image: July 16, 2018

Fabrice Gygi, Dérouleur de tapis rouge, Varnished steel, blue light, carpet, rubber wheels, Dimensions variable, 1999, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich, Switzerland

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