Americanflags — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: AudreyFlack , Queen , stilllife , paintingoncanvas , objects , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , NYTimes , WashingtonDC , NewYork , Americanflags , boxes , votereligibility , ChathamCountyGeorgia , GaryWilliams , voterregistration , updatingaddress , votingmachines , How3WomenTackleDoubtsOverElections , CullingGeorgiaVotersorRegisteringThem , GeorgiaNerds , TrumpUnharmedAfterShotsFired , Floridagolfcourse , SuspectArrested , F.B.I.CallsanAssassinationAttempt , LimónCostaRica , DrugDealersEndanger'PuraVida'ofCostaRica , DenseRainforestsPairWithLaxOversighttoLureTraffickers , parkrangeronpatrol , binoculars , beach , MayorEricAdams , Adams'sCrisesMuddleAgendaAndRe-election , stilllifecomposition , ArrangementsAndEyeRollsInT.S.A.Line , "Havingfunisthepoint" , PiperTaichgraphicdesigner , OnceConsideredEnemies , Iran'sProxiesAreEmbracedinIraq , mostlysunny
Marvin Lipofsky, China Group 1996 No. 2 , Mould-blown glass, cut, sandblasted and acid polished, Publisher: Dalian Glassware Factory, with Master Wong Cheun Yun, 27.9 x 38.1 x 27.9 centimeters, 1996, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts , Canada
Tags: MarvinLipofsky , blownglass , ChinaGroup1996 , DalianGlasswareFactory , MasterWongCheunYun , MontrealMuseumofFineArts , Canada , NYTimes , ForgingShells , Ukraine , Artillery , Pennsylvania , Iowa , steelshells , formedin2000-degreefurnaces , filledwithexplosive , lifelineforKyiv , Americanflags , DiplomaticTiesStrained , OverDownedSpyBalloon , BrazenMove , StandsApartinRivalry , Chinesesurveillanceballoon , Sidewindermissile , SouthCarolina , made-for-cablenewsspectacle , WashingtonDC , NavyDiversBraveIcySea , RecoverFallenDebris , PervezMusharraf , 1943-2023 , militaryuniform , portraiture , PakistaniRuler , U.S.Ally , DoggedbyDivisionsatHome , KamalaHarris , FrustratedHarris , StrugglestoDefineHerRole , PressuredtoMakeHerMark , WhileStillinBiden'sShadow , RecordSetter , LosAngeles , GrammyAwards2023 , Beyoncé , mostdecoratedGrammyartistever , red-orangebackground , CharlesG.Koch , DavidH.Koch , Kochnetwork , SignalsPlanToFightTrump , presidentialprimaries2024 , GoldmanSachs , IsGoldman'sC.E.O.? , DavidSolomon , MixingHisDayJobandD.J.SideHobby? , GigMayPosePotentialConflictsofInterest , WhitneyHoustonremix , musicindustry , partlysunny , breezy
Doug Hall, The United States Cut Into a Continuous Strip , Oil stick on paper mounted on oil stick on bristol board, 20 x 26 inches, 1982, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago , Illinois
Tags: DougHall , UnitedStates , cut , continuousstrip , fragment , oilstick , paper , MCAChicago , landscape , trees , grass , cluster , Americanflags , earth , HolyokeSoldiers'Home , oneofhighestdeathtolls , end-of-lifefacility , Holyoke , Massachusetts , VeteransWereLefttoLanguish , InHomeRavagedbyIllness , JamesLeachMiller , survivedWorldWarII , diedofcomplicationsfromcoronavirus , virushasspread , inmorethan40veterans'homes , WashingtonDC , portrait , WalterJ.SmileyJr. , retiredfromarmy , lieutenantcolonel , after25yearcareer , "It'sAmerica'smilitary" , "Whydoesn'tthisphotolooklikeAmerica?" , DanaPittard , retiredmajorgeneral , BlackTroops , FightattheFront , ButRarelyGetJobsattheTop , TrumpStaysQuietonToll , AsU.S.NearsaMilestone , VirusatItsDeadliest , inStrongholdsofDemocrats , staggeringAmericandeathtoll , 100000 , devastation , disproportionatelyfeltinblueAmerica , FindingTimetoGolf , andJabEnemies , protesters , sign , "IcaredoU?" , "100000dead" , socialmedia , embracingfringeconspiracytheories , FindingBliss , NewSchedule , WhenFamilyTimeIsAllDay , apartmentsarecrowded , crankykindergartners , sullenteenagers , alloverthecity , dancingeverynight , coronavirus , smotheredNYCeconomy , ForanAscendantChina , ReiningInHongKong , JusttheStart , crowd , handsraised , masks , streetaction , thousandsgatheredinHongKong , rejectBeijing'sinfluence , worlddistractedbypandemic , Chinahastakenagressiveactions , imposenewnationalsecuritylaws , earlyclouds , turntosunshine , bytheafternoon
Thornton Dial, Flowers for Peace (Primary Title) , Pastel, watercolor and pencil on paper, 44 x 30 inches, 1996, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts , Richmond, Virginia
Tags: ThorntonDial , FlowersforPeace , drawing , painting , portraiture , VirginiaMuseumofFineArts , Richmond , Virginia , NYTimes , women , children , bluedress , floralpatterndress , Americanflags , orangewhitepattern , florals , feet , embrace , whitecrosses , redhearts , "WeLoveYou" , "RIP" , "Sorryforyourloss" , "Godbless" , sidewalk , flowers , mourning , PayingRespects , VirginiaBeach , KellyFowler , withdaughterSophie , memorial , 12victimsofFriday'srampage , authoritiessaid , suspectquitjob , ascityengineer , hoursbeforeshootingbegan , governmentbuilding , ElaineChao , transportationsecretary , overseesAmericanmaritimeindustry , turquoise , gold , ACabinetOfficial , aFirm , a'Bridge'toBeijing , EthicsQuestionsFocus , Chao'sCloseTies , HerFamily'sShippingBusiness , ForemostGroup , Ms.Chaousedconnections , celebritystatus , toboostprofileofcompany , China , PunteDelEste , Uruguay , 'It'saJoke' , TroubledTrumpCondoProject , DelaysAreaMicrocosm , DeeperProblems , ForHisCompany , EricTrump , "WehavethebestbuildinganywhereinPuntadelEste" , "anywhereinSouthAmerica" , TrumpTowerPuntadelEste , cylindricalhighrise , latestdebacle , TrumpOrganization'spropertyportfolio , Oakland , InCalifornia , DemocratsTryForEarlyPrize , SenatorElizabethWarren , crowdofmorethan6000 , "thebiggestonesofar" , Democraticcandidates , duelingspeeches , statepartyconvention , BetoO'Rourke , SenatorAmyKlobuchar , BernieSanders , SenatorKamalaHarris , restaurant , chairs , BarackObama , 2008 , LeahChase , gumbo , ACreoleChef , toFreedomRiders , andPresidents , 1923-2019 , nation'spreeminentCreolechef , DookyChase's , nogreatercallingthanfeedingpeople , "Inmydiningroom" , "wechangedthecourseofAmerica" , "overabowlofgumboandsomefriedchicken" , WashingtonDC , TechGiants'Reach , PropelsThemIntoPath , ofRegulatoryStorm , Google , Amazon , Facebook , Apple , influenceonconsumerprivacy , laborconditions , publicdiscourse , Google'searlymotto , "Don'tbeevil" , partlysunny , breezy , cooler