cacti — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: AlejandroCartagena , Carpoolers , inkjetprint , portraiture , aerialphotography , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , NYTimes , migrants , crossing , U.S.MexicoBorder , Lukeville , Arizona , U.S.CustomsandBorderProtection , desert , cacti , menwaitinginline , bluesky , BorderClampdown , SeversArizonaLifeline , EndtoLegalCrossings , SeparatesFamilies , HarmsEconomy , ForcedToFleeGaza , StuckInABottleneck , EgyptSteelsBorder , PalestiniansSeekShelter , OnlyToFindMorePerilandPain , AntisemitismonCampus , collegecampuses , LetsRightRestartCultureBattle , highereducation , speech , MayorEricAdams , AsTroublesPileOnAdams , FoesBegintoCircle , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , Egypt'sLeader , ReceivingLiftInGazaChaos , conduitforhumanitarianaidtoGaza , Bogotá , Colombia , cablecars , rapidbuses , highways , RapidBusLines , EasedBogotá’sGridlock , StrugglesRemain , urbanplanning , morningrain , strongwinds , cloudsbreaking , somesunlate
Jonathan Moller, Three women, themselves survivors of the violence, watch as the remains of relatives and friends who were killed by the military in the early 1980s are exhumed, Nebaj, Quiché, Guatemala, Gelatin silver print,16 x 20 inches, 2000, Akron Art Museum , Akron, Ohio
Tags: JonathanMoller , photography , portraiture , gelatinsilverprint , threewomen , survivors , AkronArtMuseum , Ohio , NYTimes , "It'slikeourdailybread." , "Womenreceiveitmorningafternoonandnight." , threewomenatcemetery , mountainrange , cacti , trees , greenbluegraves , framedphotograph , Jalapa , Guatemala , LubiaSasvinPérez , athermother'sgrave , withsisters , formerboyfriend , killedtheirmother , FleeingtheBlows , HeavedUponWomen , domesticviolence , nationalscourge , Kabul , Afghanistan , WhereAfghansFeltSafe , BombWreaksCarnage , KabulWeddingAttack , ISISTakesResponsibility , PeaceTalks , LeaveNationonEdge , weddinginvitationcards , "withaworldofhopeanddesire" , celebrationsoftenavoided , unnecessaryrisk-taking , violentloss , dailyreality , Bloomington , Indiana , AmidtheFruits , OftheHarvest , FearTakesRoot , farmers'market , summeroffear , protest , tension , longtimesellersoforganictomatoes , SchoonerCreekFarm , whitenationalists , "whiteAmericanidentity" , Tempe , Arizona , ChildrenatKiwanisPark , playinsprinklers , spraywater , goldenlight , silhouette , sunset , WhenYourCityBakes , 103Degrees , PlácidoDomingo , AccusationsAgainstDomingo , SplitOperaWorld , accusedofsexualharassment , #MeToo , faultlines , weregeographic , JuliánCastro , SanAntoniomayor , Texas , withhisfamily , IowaStateFair , HeHadan'ObamaMoment.' , HisFansHopeThereAreMore , grandsonofMexicanimmigrant , "Myfamily'sstoryisn'tspecial" , "What'sspecialistheAmericathatmakesourstorypossible." , keynoteaddress , 2012DemocraticNationalConvention , "APoliticalStarIsBorn" , humid , partialsunshine