Ghent — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: ThomasRolandRathmell , swimmingpool , oiloncanvas , figuration , portraiture , NewportMuseumandArtGallery , Newport , Wales , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , performingartist , microphone , stage , silverlamécostume , VanOscar&TheWolf , SylvieKreusch , Belgiumontop , BestKeptSecret , GoodNews , swimmersinlake , rafts , cranes , buildingsites , QualityofOurSwimmingWaterIsExcellent , playfulaction , moreopenbathingwater , Ghent , Houtdok , MuslimCouncil , MinisterofJustice , VincentVanQuickenborne(OpenVld) , OPENVLD , withdrewrecognitionofMuslimexecutive , replacementseemsready , establishmentofnewnon-profitorganization , willhavetoseeksupport , ThepresenceofwomenwasproblematMuslimexecutive , councilhasfemalechairwoman , EsmaUçan , ManchesterCity , (Finally)WinChampionsLeague , TriumphforKevinDeBruyne , Belgianfootballer , 'WeHaveAnswersTheyJustDon'tGetAcross' , OpenVldParty , despitedisastrouspolls , groupofmen , selfies , sunnyconditions , muchwarmerweather
Ben Vautier, Mystery Box , Sealed cardboard box with screenprint, containing unknown contents, 20.5 x 21.1 x 20.8 centimeters, 1964, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: BenVautier , Fluxus , MysteryBox , cardboardbox , typography , MoMA , DeStandaard , Ghent , Belgium , portraiture , artworks , whytheresidentialcarecenters , arenotcolored , TheoisGod , TheoFrancken , WouterclaimsFlemishchurchtowers , pregnancy , isacontrolledinflammation , DoubtsOverArtInGhent , tenartspecialists , haveseriousdoubts , about26loans , MuseumofFineArtsGhent , Malevich , Kandinsky , Tatlin , ElLissitzky , Goncharova , Larionov , artcollection , foundation , IgorOlgaToporovski , CatherinedeZegher , DirectorMSKGhent , Thedocumentationgivesbackground , aboutauthenticityoftheworks , merchantbasket , questionofforgery , buildorrenovate , ReadFridayourdossier , inyournewspaper , discoverwithin , Jeep