ClimateChange — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
School of Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)1591-1666, Two Women Shown Half-Length , Pen and brown ink on cream laid paper, 21.6 x 30.2 centimeters, Princeton University Art Museum , New Jersey
Tags: SchoolofGuercino , GiovanniFrancescoBarbieri , twowomen , portraiture , penandbrownink , creamlaidpaper , PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum , PrincetonNewJersey , NYTimes , Gaza , Palestinians'bodies , deadbodiesunderwhitesheets , crowdofmen , community , Israelcontinuedairstrikesontheterritory , atleast4385havebeenkilled , ViolenceSpreadsAwayFromGaza , RiskingWideWar , MovingOutCivilians , ClashatLebanonBorder , StrikesHitSyriaandWestBank , HamasFailstoShowThatIsraelStruckHospital , AhliArabhospital , OfficialSays'NothingIsLeft' , OfMunitionThatBombedSite , deathtoll , 471people , twowomenleaders , 'ILoveYou.IAmSorry.' , Awaristestingbondoftwoleaders , LosAngelesprogramforMuslimsandJews , ClimateChange , MakingThatDrizzleofOliveOilMoreCostly , AnotherTrialofWhatConsumersWillBear , globaloliveoilpricessoar , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , politicalstrategy , hyper-onlinestrategy , DeSantis'sWebMisfires , CauseMajorLossofBuzzandDonors , TheRaceIsOn , ToFoilaThreatToEncryption , Q-Day , whenquantumcomputer , couldshatterprivacyandsecurity , CaseInspectsTrump'sLinkToBillionaire , AustralianGotAccess , PerhapstoSecrets , AnthonyPratt , multinationalpaperandpackagingcompany , couldtestifyagainstDonaldJ.Trump , partlysunny , startofdryandmildweather
Kathy Prendergast, Lost , Digital print on paper, 855 x 1800 millimeters, 1999, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: KathyPrendergast , Lost , digitalprint , paper , TateUK , U.K. , NYTimes , maps , lightpeachlightblue , orangepeach , orangegreenblue , mapofUnitedStates , datanotavailableforAlaskaandHawaii , 30-YearTemperatures , 30-YearPrecipitation , ComparedWith20thCenturyAverage , newbaselinedata , temperature , rain , weatherevents , howemissionsfromhumanactivities , changedclimate , ClimateChange , NewDefinitionof'Normal'forWeather , 1961-1990 , 1991-2020 , CrimeSurging , CitiesReassessPolicingLimits , GunsFillStreets , aYearAfterFloyd'sKilling , LosAngeles , pandemicdespair , HelenJones , "Wedon'tneedtougherpolice" , "weneedmorealternativestohelppeoplethrive" , G.O.P.'sFuture , PuttotheTest , LittleRock , Arkansas , lightningquicktransformation , inlastdecade , fromDemocraticdominance , toRepublicanrule , Lod , Israel , PushinIsrael , ToTipBalance , InMixedCities , MovementSeeksMoreJewsAmongArabs , TorahNucleusassociation , intentiontoliftuppoor , neglectedareas , onthemarginsofsociety , inreality , presencecreatedtensions , builtupforyears , BelarusForcesPlaneToLand , SeizingActivist , FighterJetIntercepts , EuropeanOfficialsBlastMinsk , CallingEventa'StateHijacking' , prominentoppositionjournalistseized , RomanProtasevich , Ryanair , AleksandrG.Lukashenko , referredtoas"Europe'slastdictator" , personallyordered , MiG-29fighterjet , toescortRyanairplanetoMinskairport , portraiture , KyraCrawford , KamiCrawford , 2Sisters'Pain , bothexperiencedstrokes , FailureToScreen , forSickleCellCases , TheErrantGene , inheriteddisease , noticeablycooler , seasonable , partlycloudy