smoker — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Erik van Lieshout, Untitled , Conté crayon, Synthetic polymer paint, felt-tip pen, and vinyl on paper, 149.9 x 274 centimeters, 2014, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: ErikvanLieshout , drawing , painting , mixedmedia , portraiture , MoMA , NewYork , protest , protestsigns , PVV , ThePartyforFreedom , masks , TheNetherlands , DutchElections , Verkennerisalreadydiscredited , Muslimscountontheconstitution , BurgerKing , citizensinoppositiontohamburgers , "DoIhavetopickupthelitterbecausetheywanttomakeaprofit?" , smoker , Portugalburieditswarondrugs , "Finesforusersareworthless" , Ocad , warnsofanti-semitisminBelgium , TheconflictintheMiddleEast , leadingtoincreaseofanti-semitisminBelgium , Thereisnervousnessintheair , politicalprofiling , "WenolongerwearsymbolsthatshowthatweareJewish" , ULB , student , "suchasayarmulkeoranecklacewithaStarofDavid" , "RefugeesWelcome" , "NoManIsIllegal" , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , windgusts , DeStandaard , Brussels