Nobuaki Kojima, Untitled , Painted plaster and strips of red-and-white cloth coated with polyethylene resin, 67 5/8 x 35 1/2 x 19 3/8 inches, 1964, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: NobuakiKojima , sculpture , installation , MoMA , NYTimes , flags , projectionscreens , portraiture , PresidentTrump , SaudiArabia , ExpelEvil , SidingWiththeSaudis , IranEndorsesModeratePresident , USSpurnsPolicyofEngagement , Isolatenation , fueldthefires , ShiftingTone , USPresidentSavesDarkWords , Faith'sFringe , wickedideology , humanrightsquestions , ComeyDrama , RodRosenstein , TestsRestraint , ShunnedStage , LaborShortages , SaltLakeCity , SlowingGrowth , USeconomy , WeNeedPeople , FyreFestival , AngerLawsuitsInquiry , MusicFestivalFailure , Bahamas , GoogleIsNotABird , PromotingInternet , TaradandIndia , worldleaders , menincostume , RinglingBrothers , Barnum&Baileycircus , TheGreatestShow'sOver , 146years , addressingthecrowd , periodicrain , someheavy