Judith Scott, Untitled , Yarn, embroidery floss, trims, cardboard, fabric, and newspaper, 36 x 25 x 16 inches, 2000, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: JudithScott , mixedmedia , sculpture , wrapping , binding , textiles , SFMoMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , OldCityDistrict , battletodriveIslamicStateout , 600000peopledisplaced , homeless , cityinruins , rubble , destroyedbuildings , brokenwindows , road , perspective , residentspullingtogether , rebuild , federalpolice , checkpoint , sandbags , barriers , flags , chairs , guard , whitepaint , markmaking , graffiti , WashingtonDC , ISISarsenal , UnlikeAnythingWe'veEverSeen , riggedexplosivedevices , spaceheater , wires , EastLiverpool , Ohio , EPA , PolluterPlaybook , TakesTurntoLeniency , SlowerEnforcement , LessCostlyPenalties , TamedOfficers , ScottPruitt , TrumpRules , ALighterTouch , Selma , Alabama , SenateRace , RoyMoore , DougJones , WithLastPush , DiscreetFocus , onBlackVoters , EbenezerMissionaryBaptistChurch , TrumpAccusers , sexualharassment , DeserveVoice , NikkiHaley , AmericanAmbassadortoUN , women , 'shouldbeheard' , PuertoRico , SeniorsinSanJuan , LackingPower , InPeril , Paris , France , TriesOnFreshLook , LessRedTape , sunny
Terri Garland, Political Candidate, Scott, Louisiana, Chromogenic print, 16.9 x 24.6 centimeters, 1991, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: TerriGarland , photography , portraiture , politicalcandidate , crowds , ArtInstituteofChicago , LATimes , FreshVictory , PrimeMinister , Japan , ShinzoAbe , greetingsupporters , Tokyo , seekchanges , Japan'spacifistConstitution , adoringfans , wavingtocrowd , meninbluesuits , hats , shakinghands , JamesToback , filmmaker , Sexclaims , focusonnewfigure , citedby38women , sexualharassment , LATimesinvestigation , moviebusiness , fordecades , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Virginiagolfclub , Presidentiallimousine , throughthedarkglass , pushesRepublicans , taxoverhaulbill , givesCongressdeadline , throwsobstaclesinway , taxrateforrich , MichaelWeinstein , AIDSHealthcareFoundation , MeasureS , targetshousingcrisis , , failingtoblock , 'megaprojects' , aimstohelppoorrenters , Thecurrentmodeldoesnotwork , Nanmiao , China , Loudspeakers , crackleaftersunrise , CommunistPartydictates , PresidentXiJinping , embracenation'sredpast , allears , forwordfromXi , localofficials , villagetoserveasmodel , Barcelona , Spain , pro-independence , Independencebid , maycometoboil , Si!Si! , posters , graffiti , flags , Senateexpected , approvecall , imposedirectrule , Catalonia , It'sabouthumanrights , long-simmering , secessioniststruggle , GOPcollegians , UCIrvine , takesharpright , Seattle , Amazon'sgrowth , cautionarytale , sunny , hot
Austin Mecklem, Engine House and Bunkers , Oil on canvas, 38 x 50.25 inches, 1934, Smithsonian American Art Museum (Transfer from the U.S. Department of Labor), Washington, D.C.
Tags: AustinMecklem , painting , industrialization , PublicWorksofArtProject , ANewDealForArtists , architecture , factory , railroadyard , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , USDepartmentofLabor , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Oldsteelmills , JohnstownPennsylvania , ConemaughRiver , losingmanufacturingjobs , RexTillerson , RoleUndercutbyOvalOffice , DiscordEmerges , MiddleEastPolicy , GOPHealthCareBill , ScramblesToClinchVotes , FiveRepublicansBalk , PartyLeaders , WheelDealCajole , WhiteHouse , pushingaidforAfrica , FromDeepGrief , FamiliesbondwithTrump , BorderPolicy , RevelryandResistance , NewYorkgaypridemarch , Pride , NewYork , CuomoAddsTrooperstoNYC , Prudence , PowerGrab , USVirginIslands , TinyTerritory , DebtinBillions , AnotherBlow , BatteredWorkforce , E-Commerce , RetailJobsDryUp , OldSteelTowns , retailindustry , unemployment , strugglestoadapt , onlineshopping , Miller'sClothingStore , Apryle's , sunny , partlycloudy , lowhumidity
Lonnie Holley, Don't Go Crossing My Fence , Wood, garden hose, mop, lamp base and other found materials, 81 x 52 x 23 inches, 1994, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: LonnieHolley , mixedmedia , sculpture , Alabama , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , PortugalWildfire , PedrógãoGrande , casualties , smoke , trees , scorchedearth , emergencyservices , firemen , MexicoCity , SpywareAttacks , TargetsActivistsJournalists , Mexico'sCritics , WillardOhio , WelcomeforMigrants , RevealsFarmTownRift , Objectionstomigrants , workinlocalfields , standingfirm , farms , land , Americanflag , Japan , AFrenzytoSaveShip , USNavy , Collisionwithcontainership , StruckasSailorsSlept , London , CrashPutsLondononEdge , securitychecks , policetape , WashingtonDC , TrumpLawyer , JaySekulow , DeniesInquiry , ReversingBoss , RussiaInquiry , electionmeddling , UsedCarRepossessed , LenderStillCollecting , carloan , SyriaFight , USforeignpolicy , Iran , PresidentTrump , AfghanStrategy , CededToPentagon , QuietShiftOfPower , SendingMoreTroops , PlanforaLongWar , RemainsUnclear , sunny , humid , severeeveningthunderstorms , heavyrainlate