Egyptian, Middle Kingdom, late Dynasty II - early Dynasty, Model of men herding cattle , Wood, 63 x 18 x 26 centimeters, 2010-1961 B.C., Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: Egyptian , MiddleKingdom , Egypt , Djehutynakht , model , sculpture , wood , MFABoston , TheAncientWorld , NYTimes , portraiture , menherdingcattle , EphraimDhlamini , MeshackNcongwane , Vrede , SouthAfrica , pastorallandscape , field , cattle , grass , roadside , runningfigures , blueplaid , sideviewmirror , carwindow , blurryprofile , suspiciousdairyproject , questionsdismissed , PresidentJacobZuma , scandal-plagued , recentlyousted , crowd , supporters , handsraised , greenjackets , yellow , women , men , 'TheyEatMoney' , HowGraftEnriches , Mandela'sPoliticalHeirs , Beirut , Lebanon , SyrianStrike , AttractsTalk , NotChanges , Assad'sStranglehold , StillUnchallenged , civilwar , WashingtonDC , TrumpToPunishRussia , ForAidingAttackBySyria , 3rdRoundOfSanctions , MessagetoMoscow , ItsAlly's , SuspectedChemicalArsenal , NewYork , Trump'sHometown , NewLegalThreat , WithLongArms , GeoffreySBerman , USAttorney , RobertSKhuzami , DeputyUSAttorney , lawyer , MichaelDCohen , threemeninsuits , JamesComey , Interview , ABCNews , LaunchesAll-OutWar , AgainstPresidentTrump , "AHigherLoyalty" , tell-allmemoir , GeorgeStephanopoulos , "20/20" , cloudy , morningheavyrain , storm , afternoonshower
Willie Doherty, Border Road , Cibachrome mounted on aluminum, 48 x 72 inches, 1991, Kemper Art Museum , St. Louis, Missouri
Tags: WillieDoherty , photography , border , road , KemperArtMuseum , St.Louis , NYTimes , Tancitaro , Mexico , avocadocapitaloftheworld , guard , localcitizenforces , paidbyorchardowners , portraiture , stoneturrets , barbedwirefence , greenery , landscape , rocks , SecedingforSafety , PocketsAcrossMexico , LosingFaithinState , SomeTownsDecide , toBreakAway , enforcedbymilitias , TheInterpreter , StephenBannon , WashingtonDC , WiltsUnderAttacks , FromEx-Allies , Says'Treason'Remark , ReferredtoManafort , AShakySoapbox , BannonneedsBreitbart , right-wingnewssite , MichaelWolffbook , "FireandFury" , InsidetheTrumpWhiteHouse , JaredKushner , LinkstoIsrael , TanglePeacemakerRole , FinancialTiesDeepen , UndisclosedInvestment , CouldAddtoViews , ConflictsforU.S. , MenoraMivtachim , Brussels , CountriesSeeExecutiveDisorder , InTrump'sTweets , foreignpolicy , TheGoldenGlobes , ActressesWithaMessage , Time'sUpmovement , Starsworeblack , showofunity , againstsexualharassment , linkedarms , ReeseWitherspoon , EvaLongoria , SalmaHayek , AshleyJudd , redcarpet , 75thGoldenGlobeAwards , PipeBursts , FlightsShift , JFKairport , ChaosGrows , NewYork , FEMA , RedrawingFloodMaps , CouldReshapeNewYork , InFloodPolicy , MapsVs.Reality , cloudy , afternoonandeveningsnow , sleet , freezingrain
Georges de La Tour, Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene , Oil on canvas, 65.75 x 51.57 inches, 1649, Louvre , Paris
Tags: GeorgesdeLaTour , painting , SaintSebastian , SaintIrene , France , LouvreMuseum , Paris , NYTimes , portraiture , candleglow , vigil , crowd , grieving , embrace , prayer , SutherlandSprings , Texas , FirstBaptistChurch , victimsrangedinage , 5to72 , communityreels , childrenamongvictims , attackonruraltexaschurch , gunman , armedforwar , deadliestmassshooting , instate'shistory , London , midnightblitzofarrests , orderedbyCrownPrince , MohammedbinSalman , crackdown , oncorruption , tamingtheclerics , financialstakes , upheaval , investors , mixofhopeandfear , NYCelection , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , heavilyDemocraticcity , nextmission , nicerofficers , NYCmarathon , finishline , bluestands , running , droughtendsintears , ShalaneFlanagan , firstAmericanwoman , in40years , towinNYCmarathon , WestCaldwell , NewJersey , taxplan , carriespoliticalperil , RepublicansinBlueStates , WilburLRossJr , NavigatorHoldings , YuriMilner , DigitalSkyTechnologies , invested200millioninFacebook , ComplexPaperTrail , BlurringKremlin'sTies , KeyUSBusinesses , ShippingFirm , LinksCommerceChieftoPutin , Cronies , MillionsinFacebookShares , RootedinRussianCash , cloudy , someafternoonrain , warmer
Chryssa, The Gates to Times Square , Welded stainless steel, neon, and Plexiglas, 120 x 120 x 120 inches, 1966, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: Chryssa , sculpture , neon , gates , TimesSquare , blue , installation , CapitalA , threedimensional , AlbrightKnoxGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , Minimalism , PopArt , PennStation , NewYork , InterlockingA , tangledsortingmechanism , routestrains , enterexit , traintracks , curvinglines , crossedwires , flashinglights , redstoplights , greenlights , whitelights , reflectedcolor , underground , Amtrak , CompetingNewYorkProjects , BreakdowninSafety , DelayingRepairs , DecrepitTracks , MTAworkers , backdrop , NYC , bridgeriver , blueskies , clouds , bluewater , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , IssuesTermsOfADeal , Dreamers , ImmigrationWishList , NewStrategyToBlockChildren , HighonListofConditions , constructionofwall , southernborder , denialoffederalgrants , sanctuarycities , demandinguse , E-Verifyprogram , employment , hardeningoftheborder , VicePresidentMikePence , FirstLadyPence , ReignitesFeud , NationalAnthem , Walkedout , footballgame , Indianapolis , SanFranciscoplayersknelt , TakeAKnee , handsoverheart , GOPSenator , BobCorker , RebukesTrump , RealityShowBehavior , recklessthreatstowardscountries , setnationonpath , WorldWarIII , Tweetwar , CarefulWhispers , HarveyWeinstein , accusations , sexualharassment , allthetalk , HollywoodA-listers , exceptwhenspeakingpublicly , TheWeinsteinCompany , CitingScandal , BoardFiresWeinstein , MoveFollowsReport , NewMisconduct , cloudy , rain , TropicalDepressionNate , humid
SUPERFLEX, Flooded McDonald's , Digital video, Twenty-one minutes, 2009, Hammer Museum , Los Angeles (Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via the title of the work).
Tags: SUPERFLEX , video , sculpture , film , McDonald's , HammerMuseum , Houston , Texas , TelephoneRoad , Déjàvu , HurricaneKatrina , residentsscrambled , toreachsafety , flood , DeadlyStorm , TransformsStreets , RagingRivers , CountlessRescues , DrenchedandDazedCity , DevastationOverwhelms , TorrentialRain , FarFromOver , WashingtonDC , Strains , OnCrewsandVessels , SetStage , NavyCrashes , Beirut , HezbollahWieldsRisingPower , Iran'sEnforcer , Tehran , BuildingMilitiaNetwork , Iran'sAgenda , SanFrancisco , ExpediaLeader , DaraKhosrowshahi , PickForUber'sChief , PresidentTrump , OverhaulNuclearArsenal , DespiteRisk , PriceOfOneTrillionDollars , CriticsCautionAgainst , MakingLimitedWar , AnOption , USAdministration , BuildsUpMilitary , sunshine , cloudy , NYTimes