George Romney, Erminia and Vafrino Ministering to the Wounded Tancred, Pen and brush and brown ink on dark cream antique laid paper, 11.3 x 14.3 centimeters, circa 1776, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: GeorgeRomney , MinisteringtotheWounded , penandink , drawing , paper , inkwash , tanandbrown , eighteenthcentury , Britishartist , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , Palu , Indonesia , airport , tarmac , cargoplane , rescue , camouflageuniforms , greenberet , manonstretcher , fabricpatterns , bandages , surgicalmask , crowd , onlookers , injuredman , evacuated , Rescuers , searchforsurvivors , earthquake , tsunami , Bangkok , TwinDisasters , TurnCoastline , IntoGraveyard , DeathToll , ClimbsAbove800 , IndonesiaReels , 7.5magnitudeearthquake , unleashed18footwave , nationaldisaster , Bodiescoveredintarps , WashingtonDC , Last-MinuteDeal , WithCanada , SalvagesTradeAgreement , PactAddressesMatters , DairyProtections , VehicleTariffs , NAFTA , UnitedStates-Mexico-CanadaAgreement , frantictalks , PrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau , PresidentTrump , DemocratsIrked , LimitsPlaced , OnF.B.I.'sInquiry , SeekingWiderPurview , Interviews , MeanttoStop , KavanaughFight , MayClosebyMonday , JudgeBrettM.Kavanaugh , allegations , sexualmisconduct , constraintsofinvestigation , couldmakeita"farce" , Democratsdemanded , moreinformation , ChadLudington , NorthCarolina , collegeprofessor , formerYaleclassmate , frequentlysawKavanaugh , "staggeringfromalcoholconsumption" , AQuietDocket , MayEaseFuror , OverTopCourt , USSupremeCourt , returnstobench , inshadow , titanicconfirmationfight , WheretheChildrenAre , Migrantchildren , moved , undercoverofdarkness , totentcity , WestTexas , aerialview , tents , oblongshapes , walkinginformation , shadows , detention , Beijing , China , LinesBribesViolence , AHealthCareCrisis , ChinaFacesStruggle , ToAddPrimaryDoctors , longpatientlines , "Thereshouldbeareasonablesystem" , London , U.K. , Brexit , SixMonthsAway , Anxiety , OnlySureThing , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , profileportrait , redsuit , silverchainnecklace , bluebackground , PrefersNotToSeverAllTies , March29deadline , partlysunny , warmer
Tags: RebeccaJohnson , sculpture , wings , birds , bronze , PAFA , NYTimes , SuperBowl , portraiture , winners , PhiladelphiaEagles , Quarterback , NickFoles , MVP , PhiladelphiabeatNewEngland , Patriots , lights , cameras , microphones , journalists , crowds , bandstand , spotlight , elation , football , uniforms , greenandwhite , eagles , WashingtonDC , IsisFightersFleeSyria , FrontLine , ForNewBattles , ThousandsSlipAway , SomeGoUnderground , OtherstoAlQaeda , HometoEurope , London , UK , BellPotinger , Rogues , Despots , CollapseofP.R.Firm , IgnitingRacialTension , ToShieldAClient , Amtrak , Fataltraincrash , SouthCarolina , twotrainscollide , travelingonwrongtrack , railroadtracks , curves , emergencyservices , investigation , onlookers , DemocratsPressCase , ToReleaseRebuttal , GOPRussiaMemo , infighting , PaulRyan , PaydayLenders , SeeRulesEasingUnderTrump , annualretreat , TrumpNationalDoralGolfClub , industrynemesis , ConsumerFinancialProtectionBureau , MickMulvaney , JeromeHPowell , FederalReserve , NewBoss , takescharge , aseconomystutters , WellsFargo , AccountabilityCrucial , InShift , OnusOnBoardMembers , yearsofmisconduct , bannedfromgettingbigger , regulators , partlysunny , brisk , cold
Georges de La Tour, Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene , Oil on canvas, 65.75 x 51.57 inches, 1649, Louvre , Paris
Tags: GeorgesdeLaTour , painting , SaintSebastian , SaintIrene , France , LouvreMuseum , Paris , NYTimes , portraiture , candleglow , vigil , crowd , grieving , embrace , prayer , SutherlandSprings , Texas , FirstBaptistChurch , victimsrangedinage , 5to72 , communityreels , childrenamongvictims , attackonruraltexaschurch , gunman , armedforwar , deadliestmassshooting , instate'shistory , London , midnightblitzofarrests , orderedbyCrownPrince , MohammedbinSalman , crackdown , oncorruption , tamingtheclerics , financialstakes , upheaval , investors , mixofhopeandfear , NYCelection , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , heavilyDemocraticcity , nextmission , nicerofficers , NYCmarathon , finishline , bluestands , running , droughtendsintears , ShalaneFlanagan , firstAmericanwoman , in40years , towinNYCmarathon , WestCaldwell , NewJersey , taxplan , carriespoliticalperil , RepublicansinBlueStates , WilburLRossJr , NavigatorHoldings , YuriMilner , DigitalSkyTechnologies , invested200millioninFacebook , ComplexPaperTrail , BlurringKremlin'sTies , KeyUSBusinesses , ShippingFirm , LinksCommerceChieftoPutin , Cronies , MillionsinFacebookShares , RootedinRussianCash , cloudy , someafternoonrain , warmer
Jennifer Allora, Guillermo Calzadilla, Balance of Power , Performance, 3 people, Dimensions: none, 2007, Tate , U.K.
Tags: AlloraCalzadilla , performance , militarycostume , publicspace , TateUK , NYTimes , London , Crossrail , tunnel , Europe , infrastructure , TottenhamCourtRoad , construction , orangeuniforms , PresidentTrump , turmoil , ConfoundingGOPAgenda , LoyalistsPointFingers , endlesssequence , disappointmentsandblunders , WashingtonDC , Moscow , ResponseToSanctions , EscalatesDispute , EvokesColdWar , USMustReduceDiplomaticStaff , VladimirPutin , newrelationshipwithWashington , hasbackfired , SanAntonio , Texas , Migrants , Perilon18Wheels , Weweredesperate , truck-smugglingoperation , ProfitMachine , InnerMongolia , Chinesesoldiers , parade , celebration , 90thanniversary , Chinesearmy , PresidentXiJinping , solidifypower , militaryuniforms , marchinginunison , stance , BrexitClouds , NewSubway'sPromise , LosingLondon , NewEra , EndofOne , mostlysunny , warmer , lowhumidity
Lonnie Holley, Don't Go Crossing My Fence , Wood, garden hose, mop, lamp base and other found materials, 81 x 52 x 23 inches, 1994, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: LonnieHolley , mixedmedia , sculpture , Alabama , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , PortugalWildfire , PedrógãoGrande , casualties , smoke , trees , scorchedearth , emergencyservices , firemen , MexicoCity , SpywareAttacks , TargetsActivistsJournalists , Mexico'sCritics , WillardOhio , WelcomeforMigrants , RevealsFarmTownRift , Objectionstomigrants , workinlocalfields , standingfirm , farms , land , Americanflag , Japan , AFrenzytoSaveShip , USNavy , Collisionwithcontainership , StruckasSailorsSlept , London , CrashPutsLondononEdge , securitychecks , policetape , WashingtonDC , TrumpLawyer , JaySekulow , DeniesInquiry , ReversingBoss , RussiaInquiry , electionmeddling , UsedCarRepossessed , LenderStillCollecting , carloan , SyriaFight , USforeignpolicy , Iran , PresidentTrump , AfghanStrategy , CededToPentagon , QuietShiftOfPower , SendingMoreTroops , PlanforaLongWar , RemainsUnclear , sunny , humid , severeeveningthunderstorms , heavyrainlate
Melchiorre Cafà, Possibly by Ercole Ferrata, Study for the Personification of Silence , Italian, Terracotta, 16.6 centimeters, circa 1664, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, MA
Tags: MelchiorreCafà , ErcoleFerrata , Italian , Sculpture , Terracotta , Silence , HarvardArtMuseums , NYTimes , Manila , bodiesofmarines , militaryprocession , TakesTollinPhilippines , TrumpLawyerAmassesClout , WhiteHouse , WashingtonDC , MarcKasowitz , LinesBlurred , BetweenPublicandPrivate , DeepeningDivide , RoilsDemocrats , BaseTiltsLeft , Partyvs.Progressives , StruggleOverIdeology , 2018goals , DunwoodyGeorgia , Democratscallfortestimony , AttorneyGeneralJeffSessions , Senatecommittee , openhearing , SanFrancisco , Uber , BrashWaysUnderFire , LeadershipShuffle , BritishColumbia , CanadianFilm , IndigenousCast , LanguageNearlyLost , Haida , RevivedinaScript , London , BritainShedsPredictabilityInItsPolitics , OpioidCrisis , Vivitrol , advertising , LobbyingGiveDrugABoost , ScientificEvidenceScant , airbase , tarmac , militaryplane , humid , hazy , record-challengingheat
Claes Oldenburg, Two Cheeseburgers, with Everything (Dual Hamburgers) , Burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 7 x 14 3/4 x 8 5/8 inches, 1962, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: ClaesOldenburg , sculpture , painting , stilllife , food , MoMA , NYTimes , DonaldTrumpJr. , EricTrump , TrumpTower , family , dynasty , pilot , empire , ThroughaTempest , Manhattan , expandbrand , ethicalqualms , Golfer-in-Chief , NationalSecurityCouncil , tension , chaos , foreignpolicyviaTwitter , MichaelFlynn , Russia , governmentinquiry , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , ICEraids , immigration , Syria , airstrikes , civilians , quietdefiance , corporateactivism , London , ticketscalpers , Hamilton , HarryPotter , theater , London'sWestEnd , Japan , agingpopulation , gourmetmenus , timesofclouds , sunshine , verywindy