Terri Garland, Political Candidate, Scott, Louisiana, Chromogenic print, 16.9 x 24.6 centimeters, 1991, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: TerriGarland , photography , portraiture , politicalcandidate , crowds , ArtInstituteofChicago , LATimes , FreshVictory , PrimeMinister , Japan , ShinzoAbe , greetingsupporters , Tokyo , seekchanges , Japan'spacifistConstitution , adoringfans , wavingtocrowd , meninbluesuits , hats , shakinghands , JamesToback , filmmaker , Sexclaims , focusonnewfigure , citedby38women , sexualharassment , LATimesinvestigation , moviebusiness , fordecades , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Virginiagolfclub , Presidentiallimousine , throughthedarkglass , pushesRepublicans , taxoverhaulbill , givesCongressdeadline , throwsobstaclesinway , taxrateforrich , MichaelWeinstein , AIDSHealthcareFoundation , MeasureS , targetshousingcrisis , , failingtoblock , 'megaprojects' , aimstohelppoorrenters , Thecurrentmodeldoesnotwork , Nanmiao , China , Loudspeakers , crackleaftersunrise , CommunistPartydictates , PresidentXiJinping , embracenation'sredpast , allears , forwordfromXi , localofficials , villagetoserveasmodel , Barcelona , Spain , pro-independence , Independencebid , maycometoboil , Si!Si! , posters , graffiti , flags , Senateexpected , approvecall , imposedirectrule , Catalonia , It'sabouthumanrights , long-simmering , secessioniststruggle , GOPcollegians , UCIrvine , takesharpright , Seattle , Amazon'sgrowth , cautionarytale , sunny , hot
Artist Unknown (possibly by Alexander Gardner), [The Wilderness Battlefield] , Albumen silver print from glass negative, 4 15/16 x 3 1/4 inches, 1865-67, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , possiblyAlexanderGardner , photography , nineteenthcentury , AmericanCivilWar , TheWildnernessBattlefield , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , Mogadishu , Somalia , truckexplosions , destroyedbuildings , chaos , ravagedlandscape , rescueworkers , searchforsurvivors , missingshoes , missingpersons , procession , community , NorthKorea , DeploysHackers , BentonChaos , InNuclearShadow , KimJong-un , Kim'sArmy , StealsMillions , WagesDigitalWar , globalhavoc , LasVegas , FirstMedicsonScene , OtherFans , bystandercourage , volunteers , rescueefforts , cityastraumacenter , Emergencymedicalservices , WashingtonDC , JusticeDepartment , JeffSessions , AidsTransgenderCase , WhileRollingBackLegalProtections , KedarieJohnson , Scottsdale , Arizona , SenatorJeffFlake , Re-electionStruggle , ShowsRisksofCrossingTrump , HarveyWeinstein , MovieMogul , BrushWithPolice , ThenNoCharges , UsedLawyerandMoney , ToEvade2015Case , DefyingImage , someclouds , becomingmostlysunny , turningcooler , breezy
Chryssa, The Gates to Times Square , Welded stainless steel, neon, and Plexiglas, 120 x 120 x 120 inches, 1966, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: Chryssa , sculpture , neon , gates , TimesSquare , blue , installation , CapitalA , threedimensional , AlbrightKnoxGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , Minimalism , PopArt , PennStation , NewYork , InterlockingA , tangledsortingmechanism , routestrains , enterexit , traintracks , curvinglines , crossedwires , flashinglights , redstoplights , greenlights , whitelights , reflectedcolor , underground , Amtrak , CompetingNewYorkProjects , BreakdowninSafety , DelayingRepairs , DecrepitTracks , MTAworkers , backdrop , NYC , bridgeriver , blueskies , clouds , bluewater , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , IssuesTermsOfADeal , Dreamers , ImmigrationWishList , NewStrategyToBlockChildren , HighonListofConditions , constructionofwall , southernborder , denialoffederalgrants , sanctuarycities , demandinguse , E-Verifyprogram , employment , hardeningoftheborder , VicePresidentMikePence , FirstLadyPence , ReignitesFeud , NationalAnthem , Walkedout , footballgame , Indianapolis , SanFranciscoplayersknelt , TakeAKnee , handsoverheart , GOPSenator , BobCorker , RebukesTrump , RealityShowBehavior , recklessthreatstowardscountries , setnationonpath , WorldWarIII , Tweetwar , CarefulWhispers , HarveyWeinstein , accusations , sexualharassment , allthetalk , HollywoodA-listers , exceptwhenspeakingpublicly , TheWeinsteinCompany , CitingScandal , BoardFiresWeinstein , MoveFollowsReport , NewMisconduct , cloudy , rain , TropicalDepressionNate , humid
Rafael Canogar, Police Barricade (Cordón de policía ) from The Earth , Lithograph and embossing, from a portfolio of 14 lithographs, 22 1/16 x 30 1/16 inches, 1969, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: RafaelCanogar , lithography , printmaking , embossing , portraiture , MoMA , NYTimes , protesters , policeofficers , chaos , riotgear , Spain , Catalonia , pollingplace , independencevote , newscamera , handsraised , community , Barcelona , ATestOfDemocracy , HundredsAreInjured , SpanishPoliceSeizeBallotBoxes , independencereferendum , GuardingVotes , StudentsFortifyHighSchool , volunteers , overseeingschool'sdefense , 13to17 , Accra , Ghana , KFC , InDevelopingWorld , FastFood , MarkerofSuccess , DriveThru , suburbs , PlanetFat , fingerlickin'good , ReshapingAfricanPalates , downtown , transport , goods , TalkingTough , PresidentTrump , Twitteroutbursts , winspoints , withhisbase , WashingtonDC , TrumpSquelchesTillerson , PlanOnNorthKorea , HeIsWastingHisTime , PresidentAdvisesSecretaryofState , Don'tBotherWithTalks , Pyongyang , LittleRocketMan , plentyofsunshine , seasonable
Egyptian, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4, reign of Menkaura, Fragment of a Triad , Greywacke: Fist with rust colored pigment, 3 x 4 x 1 9/16 inches, 2532-2510 B.C., Museum of Fine Arts , Boston
Tags: Egyptian , OldKingdom , Dynasty4 , Egypt , Giza , MenkauraValleyTemple , sculpture , fist , figurative , coloredpigment , fragment , MFABoston , NYTimes , IndianapolisColts , NFL , football , playerslockingarms , hands , sportsfigures , uniforms , numbers , fans , supporters , TakeAKnee , Kaepernick , BlackLivesMatter , protestsigns , community , PhiladelphiaEagles , teamowners , crowds , ClevelandBrowns , thesilentmajority , StandsWithTrump , RefuseToStandontheSidelines , SimmeringDebateonRace , ReachesBoil , AthletesJoin , ChorusofDissent , NationwideandOverseas , PlayersKneelorLockArms , fortheAnthem , TheDivider , thispresident , ofteninattackmode , Fans'MixedFeelings , GrowingIrritation , PoliticsInvadeLeisureTime , PresidentTrump , ImposesNewTravelBan , 7Countries , NoTimetableForEnd , SecurityIsCited , ListNowIncludesNorthKorea , WashingtonDC , InRiskyGame , TrumpTauntsATouchyDictator , Huntsville , Alabama , campaignspeech , KimJong-un , LittleRocketMan , NewYork , DahliaGroup , Rule-FloutingBusLines , historyofsafetyviolations , FaceFewConsequences , YepTour , unpaidfines , Berlin , Germanelection , AngelaMerkel , ClaimsAFourthTerm , WithObstacles , AfD , Far-RightPartyRise , ShakesUpBerlin , Weexpectedabetterresult , thatisclear , partlycloudy , verywarm , humid
Karel Appel, Questioning Children , Gouache on wood, 873 x 598 x 158 millimeters, 1949, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: KarelAppel , painting , assemblage , wood , CoBrA , TateUK , NYTimes , Bangladesh , RohingyaRefugees , NafRiver , burningvillage , smokerose , Myanmar , fleeingwomenandchildren , privacybreached , pastorallandscape , greenmarshes , fears , CrisisCouldLeadRohingyatoTerror , WorldStage , scorchedearth , UnitedNations , hascalledcampaign , ethniccleansing , imam , portraiture , leadergaveblessingtofighters , NorthKorea , Nuclearthreats , dependonrarefuel , sanctionsorsabotage , Facebook , NavigatingGlobalPowerStruggle , FracturingInternet , NationsErectNewHurdles , censorship , violationoflaws , RussianFacebookMeddling , advertisements , EmmyAwards2017 , womeninfilmandtelevision , TheHandmaid'sTale , ElisabethMoss , BestLeadActress , BestDrama , BoxedCakeMix , SweetensLife , Alaska , FarFlungRegions , cakemixes , centerofourlittleuniverse , lemonblueberrycake , baking , OpioidCrisis , CheapOpioidsFavored , Insurers , PutCostOverSafety , Painkillers , saferalternatives , moreexpensive , ManyPlansLimitAccess , DrugsWithLowerRisk , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Whitehouse , legalteam , LawyersClash , StrategybyWestWing , RobertMueller , SpecialCounsel , RussianElectionInterference , NewTensionsRevealed , morningfog , humid , variablycloudy
Felix Droese, Dresden Yellow I , Woodcut, 28 1/8 x 19 1/2 inches, 1993, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: FelixDroese , woodcut , printmaking , yellow , figurecrouching , MoMA , CorriereDellaSera , Italy , Livorno , Underwater , deadlytrap , Afamilyafflicted , grandfatherdies , tosavethegranddaughter , themayor , missedthealarm , HurricaneIrma , darkensMiami , PresidentTrump , pleads , Godprotectsus , Ourfault , LivesDraggedAway , intwominutes , twofloods , twocities , oneoftwo , carabinieri , police , accusedofviolence , Myact , isinexcusable , Giannelli , cartoonist , ButItIsNotTheFaultofDestiny , manonècolpadeldestino , threeteams , inthehead , Lazio , apokeratMilan , crouchingathlete , flourescentyellowuniform , GuillermodelToro , Ilovemonsters , andIfearhell , film , filmmaker , aerialview , submergedcities , yellowwalksign , arrow , streetsunderwater , pioggiadebole , lightrain , temporaleeschiarite , thunderstormandlightening , nubisparse , scatteredclouds
John Chamberlain, Nanoweap , Painted and chromium-plated steel, 53 1/4 x 59 3/4 x 40 1/2 inches, 1969, The Menil Collection , Houston
Tags: JohnChamberlain , sculpture , steel , painting , 3D-Object , TheMenilCollection , NYTimes , Houston , ScenesAlongaHighway , CityDeterminedtoRecover , family , embrace , cleanhome , detritus , trash , Interstate45 , HurricaneHarvey , DevastatingFloods , HerdingbyHelicopter , cowpoke , helpingdrivestraycattle , higherground , $180BillionDisaster , WashingtonDC , NuclearBlastbyNorthKorea , AmplifiesCrisis , LargestTestToDate , USWarns , MassiveMilitaryResponse , RiftsWiden , Trump'sResponse , sharpestwords , forSouthKorea , AnalyzingAWeapon , ExpertsAreSkeptical , Tokyo , MotivesofKimJong-un , RemainPuzzle , ToRestofWorld , JohnAshbery , PulitzerPrizeWinner , PoeticVoice , OftenEchoedNeverMatched , Self-PortraitinaConvexMirror , HaroldBloomwrote , HeisjoiningtheAmericansequence , WhitmanDickinsonStevensHartCrane , NewYorkSchoolofpoetry , 1950s , Jackson , Michigan , smallbusinessowners , LivingonCrumbs , PlantStrivestoLowerCosts , carmakers , constantlypushingcostsdown , PresidentTrump , WeighsEndingShield , ForDreamers , PlanAllowsSixMonths , CongresstoAct , DACA , youngundocumentedimmigrants , threatofdeportation , sunshine , warmer , breezy
SUPERFLEX, Flooded McDonald's , Digital video, Twenty-one minutes, 2009, Hammer Museum , Los Angeles (Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via the title of the work).
Tags: SUPERFLEX , video , sculpture , film , McDonald's , HammerMuseum , Houston , Texas , TelephoneRoad , Déjàvu , HurricaneKatrina , residentsscrambled , toreachsafety , flood , DeadlyStorm , TransformsStreets , RagingRivers , CountlessRescues , DrenchedandDazedCity , DevastationOverwhelms , TorrentialRain , FarFromOver , WashingtonDC , Strains , OnCrewsandVessels , SetStage , NavyCrashes , Beirut , HezbollahWieldsRisingPower , Iran'sEnforcer , Tehran , BuildingMilitiaNetwork , Iran'sAgenda , SanFrancisco , ExpediaLeader , DaraKhosrowshahi , PickForUber'sChief , PresidentTrump , OverhaulNuclearArsenal , DespiteRisk , PriceOfOneTrillionDollars , CriticsCautionAgainst , MakingLimitedWar , AnOption , USAdministration , BuildsUpMilitary , sunshine , cloudy , NYTimes
Tags: HelenPashgian , sculpture , sphere , reflection , MCASD , California , NYTimes , They'llFollowtheSun , totalsolareclipse , UnitedStates , InNearlyACentury , EclipseFest , Idaho , SouthernIllinoisUniversity , astronomyclub , SanfordStadium , Athens , Georgia , Wyomingcampground , TotalityOrBus , 21August2017 , pathofMonday'seclipse , cross14states , JerryLewis , ATranscendentJester , BothSillyandStormy , 1926-2017 , DickGregory , WithSlyWit , HumanizingaStruggleforJustice , 1968 , RunningforPresident , FreedomandPeaceParty , 1932-2017 , Barcelona , Spain , SuspectsinAttack , HadTiestoImam , ResidentsofRipoll , mourned , showedsolidarity , embrace , community , WashingtonDC , GuestatTrumpTower , MeetingHasAidedAlliesofPutin , Amman , Jordan , TrumpChoosesPathForward , forAfghanistan , TroopBuildupLikely , AfterLengthyReview , PresidenttoOutlineStrategy , NewChapterinMediaWar , StephenBannon , BreitbartNews , Charlottesville , ShiftedTimingofBannonExit , AfterClashes , AnAideBecameLiability , sunshine , patchyclouds , verywarm
Tags: NormanLewis , painting , landscape , abstraction , redwhiteandblue , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Charlottesville , Virginia , memorial , HeatherDHeyer , AWeekendOfViolence , HurtAndAngry , TriesToRegroup , OfficialsDefendPoliceResponse , UnitetheRightrally , EmancipationPark , Whitenationalistgroups , TheDriver , Nazisympathizer , ResponseViewedbyCriticsasLax , Bridgewater , NewJersey , WhiteHouse , StatementonVirginia , FoundWanting , PresidentTrump , reluctancetocondemnwhitesupremacists , blamedunrest , onmanysides , NorthKorea , TracingSuccessToUkrainePlant , CrucialRocketEngines , AnUnderusedFactory , theLikelySupplier , InvestigatorsSay , NewYork , SubwayCrisis , GovernorAndrewCuomo , NewLookAtTrafficTolls , Congestionpricing , AConservativeTVGiant , Unleashed , FCCLeader , EasingLimits , HelpsSinclairBroadcastGroup , AjitPai , weedwhacker , toregulations , TrumpRules , DominatingAirwaves , Wickliffe , Kentucky , WillPeoplePourInforEclipse? , TownHopesTheyJustPassBy , August21 , totaleclipse , flowers , cards , signs , NoPlaceForHate , heart , balloon , somesunshine , near-normaltemperatures
Thomas Stearns, Night Image #1 , Silk, linen, cactus fiber, wool, metal thread, lacquered and gilded pine, 6 feet 6 inches x 10 inches x 10 inches, 1963, Philadelphia Museum of Art , Pennsylvania
Tags: ThomasStearns , sculpture , mixedmedia , fiber , textiles , totem , NightImage , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , NYTimes , paratroopers , 173rdAirborne , nightjump , Bulgaria , militaryexercise , sunset , clouds , WarsawPact , soldiers , camouflage , parachutes , TrumpAdministration , UnravelsCoalMineLimits , FederalLand , ShiftfromObamaEra , FlailingIndustry , DivisionsDeepen , Decker , Montana , TrumpRules , BattleintheWest , NovoSeloTrainingRange , USArmy , DustsOffColdWar-EraPlaybook , DrillsinEurope , ReviseTactics , OnceUsedAgainstSoviets , BattleInYemen , Yemenitroops , drivingmilitants , fromkeystronghold , WashingtonDC , RexTillerson , StateDepartment , micromanagement , DetailsAreBedeviling , Overhaul , HasYetToFillManyPositions , Nanjing , China , mammothivory , IvoryIsEthical , FearsRemain , conservationists , TradeMayEndangerElephants , CarvingCollectingTradition , centuriesold , Chineseartisans , DrugFirms , LucrativeDeals , StifleGenerics , availability , affordability , insurancecompany , refusescoverage , NewYork , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , MTAcrisis , subwaybusupgrades , SeekTaxonWealthy , RebuildNewYork'sSubways , rain , thunderstorms , someheavypotentialflooding
Jennifer Allora, Guillermo Calzadilla, Balance of Power , Performance, 3 people, Dimensions: none, 2007, Tate , U.K.
Tags: AlloraCalzadilla , performance , militarycostume , publicspace , TateUK , NYTimes , London , Crossrail , tunnel , Europe , infrastructure , TottenhamCourtRoad , construction , orangeuniforms , PresidentTrump , turmoil , ConfoundingGOPAgenda , LoyalistsPointFingers , endlesssequence , disappointmentsandblunders , WashingtonDC , Moscow , ResponseToSanctions , EscalatesDispute , EvokesColdWar , USMustReduceDiplomaticStaff , VladimirPutin , newrelationshipwithWashington , hasbackfired , SanAntonio , Texas , Migrants , Perilon18Wheels , Weweredesperate , truck-smugglingoperation , ProfitMachine , InnerMongolia , Chinesesoldiers , parade , celebration , 90thanniversary , Chinesearmy , PresidentXiJinping , solidifypower , militaryuniforms , marchinginunison , stance , BrexitClouds , NewSubway'sPromise , LosingLondon , NewEra , EndofOne , mostlysunny , warmer , lowhumidity
Yoko Ono, Eye Blink , 16 millimeter film, black and white, 35 seconds, 1966, Reina Sofia , Madrid / Image credit: Jonas Mekas (Note: Video is hyperlinked via the title of the work).
Tags: YokoOno , 16millimeterfilm , FluxfilmAnthology , JonasMekas , silentfilm , blackandwhite , ReinaSofiaMuseum , Madrid , Ubuweb , NYTimes , FillingGapsinHealthCare , Appalachia , freehealthclinic , countyfairground , Virginia , RacingtoAlterPatientsCells , cancerresearch , genetherapy , shrinkingtumors , nextfrontier , NYCmayor , CampaignDonor , SoughtMayor'sHelp , CityHall , WenttoWork , BilldeBlasio , Shanghai , China , GrayRhinos , tycoons , ChokingonDebt , BeijingTightensReins , PresidentXiJinping , PresidentTrump , InSwitch , SeemsToAcceptRussiaSanctions , WashingtonDC , FacingBipartisanIre , PresidentLashesOut , CongressTriestoForceHisHand , VladimirPutin , Expansionofsanctions , triedtoavoid , mostlycloudy , morningrain , afternoonshowers , cooler , stillhumid
Tags: CarolHepper , sculpture , mixedmedia , MuseumofContemporaryArtChicago , TheWashingtonPost , Nevada , rockyhealth-carefuture , professionalcowboy , circles , rope , lasso , Stateleaders , ruralresidents , cost , losingMedicaid , fences , UAEhacking , targetingQatar , Incendiaryfalseclaims , postedonline , Votedelays , CriticsofGOPbill , welcomepostponement , SilverStageFoodPantry , servesresidents , USfloodinsurance , programstruggling , Agencyfacesdebt , $25billion , repeatedclaims , damagedproperties , threecorners , partlysunny
Tags: MohammadAbouEl-Naga , mixedmedia , paper , collage , palimpsest , text , Egyptianplants , Ottomanperiod , LACMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , fiercefighting , landscape , city , DangersRemaininCity , RavagedbyBattle , MexicoCity , SpywareTrailedInvestigatorstoMexico , cybersecurity , ColumbiaMissouri , UniversityofMissouri , Mizzou , Freshmanenrollment , RacialProtests , StainUniversity'sReputation , portraiture , students , classroom , WashingtonDC , GeorgeMasonUniversity , LawSchool , namechange , AntoninScalia , CharlesKochFoundation , multi-milliondollardonation , RollingBackUSRegulations , TestOneScholar'sFinesse , NeomiRao , VicePresidentMikePence , HostingPrivateParties , WooDonors , FuelingSpeculation , HisPoliticalFuture , PresidentTrump , 2016presidentialcampaign , TrumpTeamMetRussian , OfferingDirt , HillaryClinton , KeyTimeInCampaign , InnerCircle , UsingForeignHelp , TrumpRules , TheKeeperoftheGate , partlysunny
Tags: JimGoldberg , photography , portraiture , Greece , refugeecamps , SFMoMA , refugeecrisis , NYTimes , Honduras , FearfulMigrants , families , TrumpPolicies , immigration , streetgangs , safehouse , RemainInCentralAmerica , Houston , TaxCreditstoHousePoor , RacialDivisions , FamiliarScene , Majority-WhiteArea , BalksatPlannedProject , MichaelDCohen , TrumpFootSoldier , DevotiontoTrumpBrand , SidelinedUnderGlare , RussiaInquiry , Michigan , convict , NowPublishedAuthor , Qatar'sRiches , SoftenBlowofBlockade , forNow , NewJersey , ChrisChristie , statebeaches , budgetshutdown , beachesempty , ChristieClings , LastFight , somesunshine , verywarm
Austin Mecklem, Engine House and Bunkers , Oil on canvas, 38 x 50.25 inches, 1934, Smithsonian American Art Museum (Transfer from the U.S. Department of Labor), Washington, D.C.
Tags: AustinMecklem , painting , industrialization , PublicWorksofArtProject , ANewDealForArtists , architecture , factory , railroadyard , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , USDepartmentofLabor , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Oldsteelmills , JohnstownPennsylvania , ConemaughRiver , losingmanufacturingjobs , RexTillerson , RoleUndercutbyOvalOffice , DiscordEmerges , MiddleEastPolicy , GOPHealthCareBill , ScramblesToClinchVotes , FiveRepublicansBalk , PartyLeaders , WheelDealCajole , WhiteHouse , pushingaidforAfrica , FromDeepGrief , FamiliesbondwithTrump , BorderPolicy , RevelryandResistance , NewYorkgaypridemarch , Pride , NewYork , CuomoAddsTrooperstoNYC , Prudence , PowerGrab , USVirginIslands , TinyTerritory , DebtinBillions , AnotherBlow , BatteredWorkforce , E-Commerce , RetailJobsDryUp , OldSteelTowns , retailindustry , unemployment , strugglestoadapt , onlineshopping , Miller'sClothingStore , Apryle's , sunny , partlycloudy , lowhumidity
Lonnie Holley, Don't Go Crossing My Fence , Wood, garden hose, mop, lamp base and other found materials, 81 x 52 x 23 inches, 1994, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: LonnieHolley , mixedmedia , sculpture , Alabama , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , PortugalWildfire , PedrógãoGrande , casualties , smoke , trees , scorchedearth , emergencyservices , firemen , MexicoCity , SpywareAttacks , TargetsActivistsJournalists , Mexico'sCritics , WillardOhio , WelcomeforMigrants , RevealsFarmTownRift , Objectionstomigrants , workinlocalfields , standingfirm , farms , land , Americanflag , Japan , AFrenzytoSaveShip , USNavy , Collisionwithcontainership , StruckasSailorsSlept , London , CrashPutsLondononEdge , securitychecks , policetape , WashingtonDC , TrumpLawyer , JaySekulow , DeniesInquiry , ReversingBoss , RussiaInquiry , electionmeddling , UsedCarRepossessed , LenderStillCollecting , carloan , SyriaFight , USforeignpolicy , Iran , PresidentTrump , AfghanStrategy , CededToPentagon , QuietShiftOfPower , SendingMoreTroops , PlanforaLongWar , RemainsUnclear , sunny , humid , severeeveningthunderstorms , heavyrainlate
Melchiorre Cafà, Possibly by Ercole Ferrata, Study for the Personification of Silence , Italian, Terracotta, 16.6 centimeters, circa 1664, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, MA
Tags: MelchiorreCafà , ErcoleFerrata , Italian , Sculpture , Terracotta , Silence , HarvardArtMuseums , NYTimes , Manila , bodiesofmarines , militaryprocession , TakesTollinPhilippines , TrumpLawyerAmassesClout , WhiteHouse , WashingtonDC , MarcKasowitz , LinesBlurred , BetweenPublicandPrivate , DeepeningDivide , RoilsDemocrats , BaseTiltsLeft , Partyvs.Progressives , StruggleOverIdeology , 2018goals , DunwoodyGeorgia , Democratscallfortestimony , AttorneyGeneralJeffSessions , Senatecommittee , openhearing , SanFrancisco , Uber , BrashWaysUnderFire , LeadershipShuffle , BritishColumbia , CanadianFilm , IndigenousCast , LanguageNearlyLost , Haida , RevivedinaScript , London , BritainShedsPredictabilityInItsPolitics , OpioidCrisis , Vivitrol , advertising , LobbyingGiveDrugABoost , ScientificEvidenceScant , airbase , tarmac , militaryplane , humid , hazy , record-challengingheat