Amalia Pica, Now Speak! , Cast concrete, live performance, 151 x 101.8 x 81.2 centimeters, 2011, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AmaliaPica , sculpture , performance , castconcrete , installation , MFABoston , DeMorgen , Belgium , OPENVLD , Belgianpolitics , electiondefeat , candidatesforLiberalprimarypresidencycanapply , 'Thisistheendofapoliticalgeneration' , JadeMintjens , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , stand-upcomedian , actress , 'Fearsareafamiliarpresenceinmylife' , LessonsfromUkrainePeaceSummit , Switzerland , 'CountonthistoimpressPutin' , What'sbehindtheresignationofradiologistsatCadix? , 'Theywanttoshovetheirmergerdownourthroats' , Israeliarmysurprisedwithcombatbreaks , 'tacticalcombatbreaks' , GazaStrip , IsraelHamaswar , allowtruckscarryingaidsupplies , movesafely , KeremShalomcrossingtonorthernGaza , NigelFarage , battleforrightwingvoterinUnitedKingdom , IsBrexitsharpshooterNigelFaragereducingConservativestoashes? , rainearly , sunnyafternoon
Tags: FransMasereel , man , woodcut , printmaking , paper , MSKGent , Belgium , DeMorgen , AlexanderDeCroo , ForDeCrooit'sfinished , Vooruit , Vooruitwins , thankstotheConnerandMelissaeffect , ConnerRousseau , MelissaDepraetere , VlaamsBelang , HowVlaamsBelangstillstumbled , Belgianelections , Georges-LouisBouchez , Mouvementréformateur , TherevolutionofBouchez , Walloniashiftstotheright , BartDeWever , BartDeWevertriumphs , IshenowchangingBelgium? , (N-VA) , formidablecampaign , avoidedmonstervictoryoffarright , anevenmoredifficulttaskawaitshim , Hisambitiontoformgovernment , withright-wingandstatereform , opposingwishesofothers , sunnyspells , chilly , rain
Jacqueline Bret-André, Esquisse pour La Fraternité , Pastel and gouache on paper, 37 x 27 centimeters, before 1962, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: JacquelineBret-André , paintingonpaper , pastel , gouache , figurepainting , flags , CentrePompidou , Paris , DeMorgen , Brussels , PresidentBiden , peaceplanforGaza , lukewarmreception , Three-stepplanforpeace , U.S.PresidentJoeBidenhopestostopwarinGaza , planmetwithmixedreactioninIsrael , ProtestsinTelAviv , demonstratorscarriedbanner , callingforhelp , Israeliflags , BIDENSAVETHEMFROMNETANYAHU , 'Theplanhasverylittlechanceofsuccess' , BrigitteHerremansUGent , "Itistimetoendthiswar" , JoeBiden , JenniferLopez , portraiture , Thestruggleofsuperstaragainstherimage , finalweekofcampaigning , elections , Belgiumheadstothepolls , snails , Whysnailsareannoyingguests , 'Theyhaveanengagingsexlife' , sell-out , MarinaAbramović , cloudy , colder
James Ensor, Two Heads and a Hand , Pencil on paper, 118 × 85 millimeters, 1886-1890, KMSKA , Antwerp, Belgium
Tags: JamesEnsor , drawing , pencilonpaper , portraiture , nineteenth century , KMSKA , Antwerp , Belgium , DeMorgen , HamasAttacksTelAviv , Israeliwomantakescoverduringrocketfire , Herzliya , IsraelHamaswar , HamaslaunchedmajorrocketattackonTelAviv , OffensivecomesasIsraelcontinuesattackonRafah , despiteverdictitmuststop , InternationalCourtofJustice , EvaBrems , UniversityofGent , studentprotests , "Iamdisappointedinourrector" , Belgianelections , debate , pointingfingers , AlexanderDeCroo , PrimeMinisterofBelgium , BartDeWever , MayorofAntwerp , Howprimeministeristryingtorefloatblueship , Unemployed , fruitlesssearchforajob , 'TheyneversayI'mtoooldbutIfeelit' , ThrillerOnClosingDay , ClubBrugge , dragstitleoverthelineafterall , football , PetraDeSutter , womeninpolitics , cloudy , rainy
Birutė Stančhikaitė, Severe Light I, Lithograph on paper, Edition: 18/25, 23 1/8 × 30 7/16 inches, 1982, Zimmerli Art Museum , Rutgers University, New Jersey
Tags: BirutėStančhikaitė , printmaking , lithography , severelight , printedition , ZimmerliArtMuseum , RutgersUniversity , NewJersey , NYTimes , helicopter , Iran , mountainlandscape , PresidentEbrahimRaisi , ForeignMinisterHosseinAmirAbdollahian , IranLeader'sHelicopterCrashesinThickFog , HugeSearch , RescueEffortSlowedbyBadConditions , ThreatsandFear , AreTransformingU.S.Politics , ViolenceIsRiskFromCityHalltoCongress , JoeChimenti , formerchairmanofboardofsupervisors , ShastaCountyCalifornia , 'Igotintothistomkaeadifference' , 'WhydoIwanttoputupwiththis?' , Atlanta , PresidentBiden , commencementaddress , BidenMessage:'I'mWithYou' , MorehouseCollege , AsTrump'sTrialNearsItsEnd , ProsecutorsSeemtoHaveEdge , Time-HonoredPoliticalTactic , ThrowYourWifeUndertheBus , upsidedownAmericanflag , Kyiv , AVictoryintheRing , boxing , BoostsMoraleofWar-WearyUkraine , Ukrainianboxer , OleksandrUsyk , heavyweightchampion , sunandclouds , lightwinds
Gitte Dæhlin, She Who Carries the Memory of this Earth, Where Does this Earth Carry Her? , Leather, textile, horsehair, metal, burlap and canvas, 260 x 175 x 52 centimeters, 1980-1983, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: GitteDæhlin , mixedmedia , sculpture , textiles , earth , rubble , BattlesinNorthernGaza , DisplacedPalestinians , northernGazaStrip , newfightingovertheweekend , TruceinGaza , HingesonManBehindOct.7 , IsraelHamaswar , MichaelD.Cohen , FixerofTrump'sProblems , HasBecomeOneofThem , CohenPoisedtoTestifyatCriticalMoment , foraTrialandAmericanPolitics , Ukrainewar , RussiansPlungeDeeperIntoNorthernUkraine , UnclearifIncursionIsJustSetbackforKyiv , oraTurningPoint , ElonMusk , MuskIsWooingGlobalLeadersOnRightWing , JavierMilei , Argentina , lithium , "thenewoil" , maincomponentinTesla'scarbatteries , Tesla , dogportraits , Irishwolfhounds , Frenchbulldog , PetitBassetGriffonVendéen , WestminsterPooches , MightHaveMoreMilesThanYou , ShowDogsCanTravelOften , WestminsterKennelClubDogShow , warmer , patchymorningfog , partlycloudy
Frank Stella, Spectralia , Lithograph, etching, aquatint, relief and screenprint, Comp and sheet 67.8 x 81.8 centimeters, Publisher: Kenneth Tyler, 1994, National Gallery of Australia , Kamberri/Canberra
Tags: FrankStella , lithography , etching , aquatint , reliefprinting , screenprint , PrinterKennethTyler , NationalGalleryofAustralia , Kamberri/Canberra , NYTimes , forests , foliage , palmtrees , Brazil , landscape , CanMoreForestsBringMoreProfits? , Amazonrainforest , cattlerancheshaveruledAmazonfordecades , newcompaniesselling , abilitytoslashplanet-warmingcarbon , Inmate'sDeath , HighlightsFailuresinMentalHealth , PrisonsStruggleinDualRole , JailerandCaregiverforThousandsofPeople , mentalhealthcrisis , MarkusJohnson , diedinprisonaftermentalcollapse , gravestone , flowersongrass , AsTrumpFanPastorSignalsLatinoShift , TrumpReturn? , AWaryCapitalTalksofEscape , "whatif" , RevisedFormonCollegeAidBringsChaos , FAFSA , FrankStella1936-2024 , StarofMinimalism , MasterofReinvention , FrankStellainhisstudio , "MichaelKohlhaasCurtain" , painting100feetlong , She'llHaveOrangeJuiceontheRocks , HoldtheSippyCup , CraftMocktailsAttract(Much)YoungerSet , nonalcoholiccocktails , ashowerearly , anothereveningshower , sunny
Tags: AnitaWeschler , sculpture , plaster , MartialMusic , figuresculpture , LowOnAmmunition , SoldiersinDonetskregion , Ukrainewar , military , soldiers , afternoonsunlight , goldenbronze , SpeakerMikeJohnson , portraiture , HowJohnsonTransformedOnUkraine , $95millionaidpackage , BipartisanPush , foreignaidbill , necessaryalliance , DonaldJ.Trump , Trump'sProsecutorsHaveEvidence , aSteepTask , StrippedofControlDefendantShrinks , DefensePlanning , AttackMichaelD.Cohen'sCredibility , U.S.ConsideringSanctionsForIsraeliMilitaryBattalions , AccusationsofHumanRightsAbusesinWestBank , AidUnimpeded , ForDemocrats , AnEchoof'68InWarProtests , protestsoverIsrael-Hamaswar , "fatactivist" , VirginiaSole-Smith , IntheAgeofOzempic , She'sFightingforFreedomtoBe'Fat' , "FatTalk:ParentingintheAgeofDietCulture" , ColdSpringNY , homeinterior , mostlysunny , milder , lightbreeze
Faith Ringgold, Early Works #25: Self-Portrait , Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 inches, 1965, Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: FaithRinggold , selfportrait , womenartists , oiloncanvas , painting , BrooklynMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , SaratuDauda , abductedat16withherclassmates , BokoHaram , ChibokNigeria , KidnappedWith275Girls , SheFinallyEscaped , ScoresRemainMissingFromNigeriaSchoolaDecadeLater , ChibokGirls , BidenSeekstoStaveOffEscalationinMiddleEast , 2AdversariesWeighNewSetofRisks , IranretaliatedagainstIsrael , IsraelIsAdvisedNottoHitBackAfterRepellingIran , 300dronesandmissiles , Minneapolis , AProsecutor'sVow , MaryMoriarty , toChangeMinneapolisMeetsResistance , CrucialPlayersInTrumpBid , Jan.6Rioters , CampaignIsBuiltonRevisionistHistory , politicalfundraising , AsCourtSteels , ManhattanCriminalCourtsBuilding , TrumpBeckonsBedlamtoCity , AlvinL.Bragg , Manhattandistrictattorney , JusticeJuanM.Merchan , FaithRinggold1930-2024 , artistwhowoveBlacklifeintoquiltsandchildren'sbooks , sheexploredgenderfamilyandclass , studioportrait , paintingsandsculpture , doll , abstraction , multicolor , dappledlight , reddress , textiles
Tags: DominiqueBlain , Village , sculpture , installation , mixedmedia , light , Muséed'artcontemporaindeMontréal , Canada , NYTimes , Rwandans , armsoutstretched , looktothesky , commemoration , 30thanniversaryofgenocide , 800000peopledied , KigaliRwanda , RwandaJoinsToRecallPainOfGenocide , IsraelPullsItsLastTroopsFromCityinSouthGaza , ForcesRemainElsewhere , MediatorsPushCease-Fire , War's6-MonthMark , KhanYounis , crowd , rallyinJerusalem , calledforHamastoreleasehostages , MillionsEagerlyAwaitMarvelofEclipse , AlongPathofTotality , ontheMovetoTakeInaRareView , historicalphoto , blackandwhitephotography , totalsolareclipse , AviewinginTimesSquareJuly91945 , GazansTurntoWildPlantToCombatWartimeHunger , khobeza , foraging , ForTrump'sManhattanJudge , JusticeJuanM.Merchan , LongCareerofNoNonsense , HowBigTechCutCorners , HarvestDataforTheirA.I.Models , SuppliesFromInternetSettoBeDepleted , OpenAI , Whisper , sunshine , someclouds , mild
Joana Vasconcelos, Wedding Cake , Viúva Lamego ceramic tiles and ceramics, glass, metallized and thermo-lacquered wrought iron, galvanized and painted iron sheet, LED, optical fiber, power supply unit, hydraulic system, and iron, 12 x 13 meters, 2023, Waddesdon, The Rothschild Collection , Buckinghamshire, England
Tags: JoanaVasconcelos , weddingcake , mixedmediainstallation , sculpture , sitespecificinstallation , Waddesdon , TheRothschildCollection , Buckinghamshire , England , NYTimes , crowds , NewYork , ConfectionsAlongFifthAvenue , EasterParade , Manhattan'sEasterbonnetparade , drewthrongsofparticipantsandonlookers , St.Patrick'sCathedral , PotentialWitnesses , DrawTrump'sPraiseorWrath , MoreAggressiveTacticinFocus , CohenPreparestoTestifyinCriminalTrial , MichaelD.Cohen , suburbs , houses , driveways , housingcosts , economicanxiety , PhoenixArizona , ACrucialStateWhereHousingIsOutofReach , SmallInvestors , PlayStarRoleInDisneyFight , boardelections , political-stylecampaignmaterials , SaltLakeCity , DevastatingDiagnosisAgonizingChoices , TwoFamiliesTakeTwoDifferentPaths , toCareforBabies , trisomy18 , geneticabnormality , AsProtestsShakeIsraelTalksResume , Jerusalem , Jean-MichelSibelle , prizewinningfarmer , retiringamidhighcostsanduncheckedcompetition , ForFarmersinFrance , FierceBattletoSurvive , InEuropeFarRightSeesanOpportunity , "pouletdeBresse" , cloudywithrainanddrizzle
Tags: CharlotteMaryFellowes , redpoppy , watercolor , paintingonpaper , earlynineteenthcentury , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , Pennsylvania , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , ElisabethLucieBaeten , writerandactress , 'Iwanteveryonetolikeme' , StressfulTimesforParentsandAdolescents , whichschoolinSeptember? , 'thesystem'decides , crowd , families , children , redandwhiteflowers , RussiaMournsAfterAttack , 'Thereisanillusionofsafety' , 'butthiscanhappenanywhere' , RikTorfs , createsbookanddocumentary , abouttheVatican , 'Betteramanwithoutempathythananenemyoftheruleoflaw' , threepediatrichospitals , specializedcentersforchildrenwithcancer , universityhospitals , GentLeuvenandBrussels , bestconcentrationofexpertise , willleadtobettercare , MadsPedersen , Cycling , WinsGent-Wevelgem , maniacaldawn , writing , manuscript , #morningroutine , cloudyandcool , afternoonrain
Aleksei Sundukov, Prolonged and Undiminishing Applause , Oil on canvas, 148 x 202.8 centimeters, 1987, Zimmerli Art Museum , Rutgers University, New Jersey
Tags: AlexseiSundukov , figurepainting , portraiture , applause , politicians , oiloncanvas , SovietNonconformistArt , RussianArt , painting , ZimmerliArtMuseum , RutgersUniversity , NewJersey , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , 'Russiaisslippingfurtherandfurther' , 'Anditdoesn'tseemtobestopping' , ByaStalinistscore , 88%accordingtoexitpolls , VladimirPutin , wonRussia'spresidentialelection , Atmost25%ofpopulation , stronglysupportthepresident , MoscowTimeseditorinchief , DerkSauer , televisionscreens , portraitofemployee , RussianCentralElectoralCommissionheadquartersMoscow , SarahVandeursen , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , Returningto'TheIdealWorld'wasamistake , 'Savingsanddistanttravelareoutofthequestion' , Moreandmorefamiliesarestrugglingfinancially , U.S.ex-PresidentObama , speeches , PuursBelgium , 'Right-wingpopulistslikemysuccessortellabadstory' , morningrushhour , socialentrepreneur , PietColruyt , "I'mnotlookingforaholeinthemarketbutaholeinsociety." , TheUltimateOptimismGuide , Learntolivelifethroughapinkbuttock , cloudyandcool , somesunshine
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Félix Vallotton, Le Cimetière militaire de Châlons , Oil on canvas, 54 x 80 centimeters, 1917, La Contemporaine (bibliothèque, archives, musée des mondes contemporains), Paris, France
Tags: FélixVallotton , oiloncanvas , ChâlonsWarCemetery , LaContemporaine , bibliothèque , archives , muséedesmondescontemporains , Paris , France , ExpertLauraJacobsoverVBsuccess , 'Theremaystillbesomeshifts' , 'butthetrendhasbeenclearforfouryears' , VlaamsBelang , Getridofcombinationstressandstigma , shouldfathersgetmorematernityleave? , ThethrobbingulcerbetweenMoldovaandUkraine , TransnistriaregioncausingEUconcerns , Moldovanveteranscommemoratedthosewhodiedinwar , soldiers , warveterans , mourning , flowers , Transnistriawar1990-1992 , TaxbenefitsremainsignificantinBelgianfootball , BelgianProLeague , enjoys200millionEurostaxannually , socialsecuritybenefits , SpecialForcesCommanderlooksbackon'CampWaes' , 'Ifyougiveuporlieitisirrevocablyover' , AnnaRoos , chairmanofFlemishYouthCouncil , 'Welookforwhatunitesyoungpeople' , DeMorgen , sunnyskies , warmer
Tags: MargaritaCabrera , mixedmedia , sculpture , ceramic , paint , metal , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , LeSoir , harassment , studentsfromBrusselsConservatory , breakthesilence , Football , Standardisstillnotsafe , Cycling , VismaandVanAert , strikefromthestart , FarmersReturntoPutPressure , AfterarowdyagriculturalshowinParis , severalhundredtractors , onceagain"descend"onBrussels , 4500emptyaccomodations , Researchersestimatednumberofemptyhomes , potentially"mobilizable"homesinBrusselsRegion , thelandregistermustenablemunicipalitiestoact , Electorallists , goodgovernancebeginsintheparties , Elections , SophieWilmès , undeniablenewfaceofMR , WesternersclingtohopeofUkrainianvictory , Liège , Nightdivewithpoliceinlivelyneighborhood , cold , cloudy , rainy
Pearl Perlmuter, Political prisoner , Terracotta, plaster, paint, 50.5 x 39 x 27 centimeters, 1951, Kröller-Müller Museum , The Netherlands
Tags: PearlPerlmuter , politicalprisoner , sculpture , terracotta , plaster , paint , Kröller-MüllerMuseum , TheNetherlands , LeSoir , Brussels , SurafromKoraninparliament , backgroundofthecontroversy , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , firstwins , afterTourofAlgarve , Soccer , UnionandAnderlechtdowell , protesters , poster , #freenavalny , crowd , AlexeiNavalny , theworldinsearchofthetruth , manyquestionsremainunanswered , Navalny'sdeath , manytributesinRussiaandelsewhere , Autopsystillpending , Thecoalitionsystemisnolongerconvincing , Belgiumisnotimmunetopolarization , studybyULBandLeSoir , Votersaremoredivided , lessandlesssupportiveofpoliticalcompromise , Belgianshavelesssympathyfortheextremes , survey , measureslevelofsupportorrejectionofpoliticalpartiesbypopulation , VlaamsBelang , PTB , viewedwithgreatestdistrust , especiallyvotersforotherparties , ecologistsviewedpositively , FlemishmorepositiveaboutWalloonsthanviceversa , Theeternal"usversusthem"threattodemocracy , Theconclusionsarecrystalclear , whoeversowsdivision , byshoutingtheloudestreapsdistrust , cloudyskies , cold , rainshowers
Rita M. Ling, Galway Cow , Limestone, 273 × 286 × 356 millimeters, 1954, Tate , U.K.
Tags: RitaM.Ling , limestone , sculpture , GalwayCow , TateUK , DeStandaard , Belgium , farmers , cattle , Whatdoourfarmersreallywant? , "Wepayourselves1000Eurospermonth" , Badnewsforthesnackers , chocolatebar , silverwrapping , sandybeachfront , fences , DunesofDePanne , rescuedfromhandsofdevelopers , Notonlyfarmers , fishermenhaveconcerns , quotasandsubsidies , Afteryearsofrecovery , fishstocksaredecliningagain , Itwasalreadyabadshrimpyear , nowfishermencatchlesssole , atgloballevel , effortsbeingmade , endsubsidiesthatencourageoverfishing , EuropeanandFlemishsupportforseafisheries , 5to6billionEurosannually , "Ilovemyboysbutstrugglewithroleastheirfather" , verywindy , cold , cloudyskies
Tags: Carl-HenningPedersen , FlyingBird , oiloncanvas , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , NewYork , DeMorgen , Belgium , USincreasingpressure , pauseinfightingisinsight , AccordingtoAmericannegotiators , dealisintheworks , IsraelandHamas , two-monthpauseinfighting , exchangeforreleaseofallhostages , Couldthatbesteppingstone? , toalonger-lastingtruce? , Palestinianfamily , landscape , fleeingfromKhanYounistowardsRafah , PresidentJoeBiden , haseveryinterestinensuring , thatconflictends , assoonaspossible , InBedWithMusicianChibiIchigo , ChibiIchigo , 'ThatIcanmakesomethingfromnegativeemotions' , 'Iseeasgrowth' , TheRealSpecialForcesOver'CampWaes' , 'Thisistwoweeksontheteeth' , 'ourtrainingtakessixmonths' , FlandersCountsItsBirds , 'Birdingformeisamomentofmindfulness' , op-ed , user-friendly , marriage , governmentbureaucracy , warmer , cloudy , sunny
Unidentified artist, Costume , Printed cotton and metal, Circa 1889, The Museum at FIT , New York
Tags: costume , Americanflag , printedcottonandmetal , late19thcentury , clothing , textiles , TheMuseumatFIT , NewYork , DeStandaard , FernandHuts , Hutsbowstocriticism , newdesign , Boerentoren , highrises , realestatedevelopment , theaters , concerthalls , museums , buzzinglikeneverbefore , RonDeSantis , AfterDeSantisexit , onelastchanceforNikkiHaley , politicians , microphone , Americanflagsweater , NewHampshire , presidentialelection , VlaamsBelang , warnsagainst'repopulation' , Vooruit , NewYearsreceptions , VlaamsBelangandVooruit , promisegrimelectioncampaign , TomVanGrieken , pullsoutallstopsagainst"massmigration" , Vooruitwarnsof"extremeright-wingnightmare" , holeinthehedge , enemynumberone , MelissaDepraetere , Depraetere'stargetwasclear:VlaamsBelang , VanGriekendidnotsayword , abouttheattackbythesocialists , verywindy , turningwarmer