Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: CherylAnnThomas , porcelain , blackceramic , relics , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , NYTimes , PopeFrancis , healthchallenges , wavedfrombalcony , GemelliHospital , Rome , cameramen , ThankingtheFaithfulforTheirPrayers , TrumpDecreeIsWarningtoLawFirms , TriestoCurbLitigationAgainstGovernment , Paul , Weiss , Rifkind , Wharton & Garrison , V.A.WorkersSeeChaosInServices , MentalCare , Trump'sFastChanges , FearofLittlePrivacy , FewerTherapistsMoreFrustrations , DOGE , PanamaCity , MigrantsSentIntoPanamaAreStranded , deportations , PrimeMinisterKeirStarmer , StarmerTakesLead , DarkerEraforSecurity , UnanticipatedRoleJugglingPutinTrumpandEurope , nucleardeterrence , AltadenaCalifornia , AftertheFireTryingtoSaveTreasures , EatonfireinJanuary , leftmanyhomeswithonlyfireplaces , ornatetiles , datebackmorethanacentury , disastercleanup , rubble , firedamage , soot , brick , MaxFrankel1930-2025 , NewYorkTimesEditor , SteeredPaperThroughEraofChange , portrait , PulitzerPrize-winningcorrespondent , A.I.IsSavingLives , ByFindingCuresThatHideinPlainSight , cloudy , breezy , raininthemorning
Tags: ValeriusDeSaedeleer , Snowscape , Flanders , oiloncanvas , 1930s , MSKGent , Belgium , DeMorgen , GrandTheftAutoVI , videogame , NineOtherTopPlayers , Whygameyear2025isalreadyabull'seye , snowday , fatherandchild , sledding , FluSeason , Backtoschool , AfterAWeekendTheSnowmanAgain , TheArizonaRecipeofBouchez , George-LouisBouchez , Makeallpartyleadersministers , Dotheywantthat? , ZelenskyEstablishesHopeForTrump , 'ItistobefearedthatPutincanbetternegotiate' , FrenchspeakerskeepSenatealive , SenatehasdefactobecomeamatterforFrenchspeakers , AllFlemishpartiesareinfavorofabolition , FrenchspeakersregarditasquintessentialBelgiansymbol , cold , cloudy , windy , rainy , Oostende
Public School NYC, Hat , Cotton twill, white embroidery, and plastic, 2017, The Museum at FIT , New York
Tags: PublicSchoolNYC , baseballcap , hat , designers , fashiondesign , TheMuseumatFIT , NewYork , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , TrumpsupporterwearingMAGAhat , rallyinMilwaukeelastsummer , Americanflag , patriotism , starsandstripes , portraiture , CracksinTrumpcamp , labormigration , Trumpsupportersdividedovermigrationpolicy , advocatedbymembersofhisadministration , ElonMusk , 'MakeAmericaGreatAgain' , Manyvoicesopposearrivalofhighlyskilledmigrants , Isanexistentialriftinthemaking? , "Proust'sQuestions" , LukWyns , Belgianactoranddirector , "Mydiabetesturnedouttobeablessingindisguise'' , DidonebirdcauseFlight2216tobecomefatal? , Manyquestionsaboutdeadlyairdisaster , SouthKorea , ThomasDeGendt , CyclingRetirement , sports , 'Ihavetimetomakeupforthechildren' , Theftplague , BelgianPigeonMilers , 'Everythingindicatesthatthereisagangbehindthis' , birthdays , GettingOlder , cloudy , chilly , overcast
Tags: EinoRuutsalo , printmaking , woodcut , dance , portraiture , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , Finland , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , Doechii , Americanrappersingersongwriter , 'NewKendrickLamar' , Fromself-proclaimedswampprincess , ToQueenofRap , TightCompetitionBetweenWeightLossMedicines , Becomingincreasinglyeffective , Isthatalwayshealthy? , Russiansoldiers , 'Russiaisalsoataloss' , "Proust'sQuestions" , Slongs , BelgianRapper , 'Ihaven'tgoneoutsideforayear' , BartDeWever , ElsvanDoesburg , IfBartDeWever(N-VA)movestoWetstraat16 , ElsvanDoesburg(N-VA)willbecomemayorofAntwerp , “Thefollow-upiscrystalclear , ”saysDeWever , GisèlePelicot , WhatThePelicotCaseSaysAboutFrance , 'Thedefenseusedtheshe-asked-forargument' , Despicableleisure activity , SpinningClass , cloudy , rainy , overcast
Tags: PhilipWeintraub , oiloncanvas , landscape , portraiture , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Syrianfamily , refugees , bordercrossing , leaving , Al-AssadToppledBySyrianRebels , After13-YearWarCitizensEruptInJoy , TemperedbyLoss , DamascusFalls , Al-AssadReportedInMoscow , FramedportraitofPresidentBasharAl-Assad , brokenglass , abandonedofficeinHamaSyria , FightingInUkraineCostsKremlininSyria , PutinForcedtoWatchFallofRegime , HeSworetoDefend , WashingtonDC , TestofLoyaltyForApplicantsToTrumpJobs , U.S.Navy , TOPGUN , FlyingAtExtremes , MayHurtNavyPilots'Brains , ProjectOdin'sEye , depression , Fighterpilotjacket , Navypilotpatches , CriminalWithTiestoChina , PoliticalSwayinN.Y. , JohnChan , cloudy , periodicafternoonrain
Eko Nugroho, La rue parle , Textile, Set of 24 embroidered pieces nailed to a painted black cloud painted on the wall, each embroidery approximately 30 x 40 centimeters, 2011, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris , France
Tags: EkoNugroho , textile , embroidery , installation , Muséed'ArtModernedeParis , France , LaStampa , Venice , Italy , Parisstreetscene , crowds , Frenchelection , Frenchflag , redwhiteblue , 'Noonehasmajoritytoformgovernment' , rightwingleader , 'ourvictoryonlypostponed' , RejectedLePen , MarineLePen , Frenchchaos , Lefttriumphs , resurrectsMacron , EmmanuelMacron , overcomesRassemblement , Jean-LucMélenchon , MélenchonchallengesPresident , 'ThisistheendoftheDeGaullemodel' , CharlesDeGaulle , Marine'seternalmirage , Anoldworldhasfallen , 'nothingcanstopapeoplewhohavereturnedtohope' , Applauseandafewflags , Emmanuel'shalf-heartedvictory , Aregencytrinket , ageofturbid , gallantasever , thatwouldhaveenchantedLaRochefoucauld , TaylorSwift , childprodigyat11 , 'Ifeltlikeadiva' , attackonvaccines , stopgreenpasses , stophurtingourhealth , IdaletsonAntonioDelgrado , ClownIdà , children'sclown"beatenupbyracists" , JacquesAttali , "mycountryisnolongergovernable" , AnnaTorretta , "anarchitectofclimbs" , summerawakensthevolcanoes , Etna , Stromboli , Solfatara , cloudy , Hotandhumid
Jacqueline Bret-André, Esquisse pour La Fraternité , Pastel and gouache on paper, 37 x 27 centimeters, before 1962, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: JacquelineBret-André , paintingonpaper , pastel , gouache , figurepainting , flags , CentrePompidou , Paris , DeMorgen , Brussels , PresidentBiden , peaceplanforGaza , lukewarmreception , Three-stepplanforpeace , U.S.PresidentJoeBidenhopestostopwarinGaza , planmetwithmixedreactioninIsrael , ProtestsinTelAviv , demonstratorscarriedbanner , callingforhelp , Israeliflags , BIDENSAVETHEMFROMNETANYAHU , 'Theplanhasverylittlechanceofsuccess' , BrigitteHerremansUGent , "Itistimetoendthiswar" , JoeBiden , JenniferLopez , portraiture , Thestruggleofsuperstaragainstherimage , finalweekofcampaigning , elections , Belgiumheadstothepolls , snails , Whysnailsareannoyingguests , 'Theyhaveanengagingsexlife' , sell-out , MarinaAbramović , cloudy , colder
James Ensor, Two Heads and a Hand , Pencil on paper, 118 × 85 millimeters, 1886-1890, KMSKA , Antwerp, Belgium
Tags: JamesEnsor , drawing , pencilonpaper , portraiture , nineteenth century , KMSKA , Antwerp , Belgium , DeMorgen , HamasAttacksTelAviv , Israeliwomantakescoverduringrocketfire , Herzliya , IsraelHamaswar , HamaslaunchedmajorrocketattackonTelAviv , OffensivecomesasIsraelcontinuesattackonRafah , despiteverdictitmuststop , InternationalCourtofJustice , EvaBrems , UniversityofGent , studentprotests , "Iamdisappointedinourrector" , Belgianelections , debate , pointingfingers , AlexanderDeCroo , PrimeMinisterofBelgium , BartDeWever , MayorofAntwerp , Howprimeministeristryingtorefloatblueship , Unemployed , fruitlesssearchforajob , 'TheyneversayI'mtoooldbutIfeelit' , ThrillerOnClosingDay , ClubBrugge , dragstitleoverthelineafterall , football , PetraDeSutter , womeninpolitics , cloudy , rainy
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Tags: MargaritaCabrera , mixedmedia , sculpture , ceramic , paint , metal , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , LeSoir , harassment , studentsfromBrusselsConservatory , breakthesilence , Football , Standardisstillnotsafe , Cycling , VismaandVanAert , strikefromthestart , FarmersReturntoPutPressure , AfterarowdyagriculturalshowinParis , severalhundredtractors , onceagain"descend"onBrussels , 4500emptyaccomodations , Researchersestimatednumberofemptyhomes , potentially"mobilizable"homesinBrusselsRegion , thelandregistermustenablemunicipalitiestoact , Electorallists , goodgovernancebeginsintheparties , Elections , SophieWilmès , undeniablenewfaceofMR , WesternersclingtohopeofUkrainianvictory , Liège , Nightdivewithpoliceinlivelyneighborhood , cold , cloudy , rainy
Tags: Carl-HenningPedersen , FlyingBird , oiloncanvas , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , NewYork , DeMorgen , Belgium , USincreasingpressure , pauseinfightingisinsight , AccordingtoAmericannegotiators , dealisintheworks , IsraelandHamas , two-monthpauseinfighting , exchangeforreleaseofallhostages , Couldthatbesteppingstone? , toalonger-lastingtruce? , Palestinianfamily , landscape , fleeingfromKhanYounistowardsRafah , PresidentJoeBiden , haseveryinterestinensuring , thatconflictends , assoonaspossible , InBedWithMusicianChibiIchigo , ChibiIchigo , 'ThatIcanmakesomethingfromnegativeemotions' , 'Iseeasgrowth' , TheRealSpecialForcesOver'CampWaes' , 'Thisistwoweeksontheteeth' , 'ourtrainingtakessixmonths' , FlandersCountsItsBirds , 'Birdingformeisamomentofmindfulness' , op-ed , user-friendly , marriage , governmentbureaucracy , warmer , cloudy , sunny
Tags: JochenLempert , blackandwhitephotography , gelatinsilverprint , barytapaper , NouveauMuséeNationaldeMonaco , France , DeStandaard , Belgium , Brussels , rowofwhitecars , parkinglot , whitearrow , parkingspaces , Thetransportofthefuture? , Inthebackseat , self-drivingtaxi , SanFrancisco , Truedetectiveisback , JodieFoster , withoutdaylight , Fastfashion , Ourcast-offs , becomeXLgarbagedumps , InPoorNations , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , Zelenskywillstillreceivemoney , thesupplyofweaponsisdraggingon , Ukrainewar , Optimismisgrowing , Europeanleadersagree , 50billionEuroaidpackageforUkraine , specialsummitFebruary1st , whenitcomestosupplyofmilitaryequipment , majormemberstatestoknow , ItalyandFrance , ConfidencegrowinginBrussels , all27EuropeanleadersincludingOrban , willagreeto50billionaidpackage , snowandice , cloudy
Tags: HenryVarnumPoor , head , woman , portraiture , muralstudy , fresco , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , hungrycrowds , Gaza , womenandchildren , foodshortage , criteriaofafamine , emptybowls , starvation , InsideAccountsofStrainsBetweenU.S.andIsraelis , U.N.Warns , HalfofGazansFaceRiskofStarvation , WarTestsTies , MoreThanAnyEpisodeinPast50Years , RedSeaClash , Iranian-backedHouthi , firedonAmericanhelicopters , MindanaoPhilippines , Impoverishment , LegacyofU.S.Colonialism , AsNeighborsProsperviaManufacturing , FarmingPersists , YusefSalaam , exonerated , FromOneof'CentralParkFive' , ToMemberofCityCouncil , SantiagoChile , CatsFilledChileanPrison , "thePen" , largestprisoninChile , hometoabout300cats , inmatesinformallyadoptandcareforcats , Ex-PentagonOfficials , FlockingtoJoinVentureCapitalFirms , UrgingU.S.toFundStart-Ups , DesigningWeaponsofFuture , morningdrizzle , cloudy
Dylan Mortimer, The Ceiling Can’t Hold Us , Cut paper, paint, glitter, panel, 48 x 96 inches, 2018, Spencer Museum of Art , The University of Kansas, Lawrence
Tags: DylanMortimer , paper , paint , glitter , paintingonpanel , figurepainting , mixedmedia , SpencerMuseumofArt , UniversityofKansas , LawrenceKansas , NYTimes , Gaza , injuredchildren , rushedtohospital , Al-ShifaHospital , 21hospitalsinGaza , orderedtoevacuate , HospitalsFaceAnotherLayerOfImpossible , IsraeliOrder , Calleda'DeathSentence' , Jerusalem , BehindCurtains , TenseDiplomacyToCurtailSiege , FearsOfWiderWar , U.S.EgyptandOthersConfer , AidtoGazaPilesUpatBorder , fooddonations , displacedPalestinians , KhanYounis , community , DividedAttention , SomefearIsrael-HamaswarcouldtakefocusfromUkraine , ARave , ThenShatteringAwakening , IsraelIsTransformed , DrawingTogether , NationLosesItsComplacency , InBackRooms , TrumpTwistedPrimaryRules , presidentialprimary , BoardofPardons , Minnesota , meetstwiceayear , considersapplicationsforclemency , 10MinutestoPleadforGrace , AndaNewLife , SeekingPardonsinPublic , courtroom , hearing , Americanflag , Minnesotaflag , AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory , MuseumReckonsWithRemains , CollectedFromRacistResearch , 12000humanremains , Indigenousandenslavedpeople , NewYorkers , overhaulstewardship , cloudy , afternoonshower
Tags: PaulWinstanley , Veil6 , oilonlinen , painting , MuseumofContemporaryArtLosAngeles , California , NYTimes , Spain , votingbooths , SpainRejectsFarRight , butBacksNoMajority , electionreturns , nopartywinningthesupportneededtogovern , countryfacingweeksofuncertainty , Spanishroyalflag , greycurtains , privacy , windows , U.S.NavigatesTurbulentTiesToCloseAlly , BidenFacesChallengeWithNetanyahu , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , judicialindependence , Israel , ParliamentSetToVoteInIsraelOnJudicialBill , ThousandsInStreets , protests , PlanInflamesIdeologicalDivide , HighlightsOldGrievances , CostofScrutinizingTrumpContinuestoGrow , Officials , InquiriesAreNotTakingAwayFromOtherDuties , JackSmithspecialcounsel , DrugDelayedToPadProfitsForItsMaker , GileadSciences , H.I.V.drug , AYearofUpheaval , Abortion'sFrontLines , reproductiverights , SupremeCourtdecision , Roev.Wade , created50-statepatchworkofdifferingabortionlaws , PlayingHockeyIntoTheir80s , WithLaughterandMetalHips , SnoopySeniorhockeytournament , SantaRosa , CharlesM.Schulz , TheaterinAmericaIsFacingaCrisis , ManyStagesGoDark , AudiencesStayAwayAfterCovidHiatus , cloudy , sunintheafternoon
Tags: LucTuymans , soldier , oiloncanvas , portraiture , grisaille , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , Moscow , winterscene , snow , muralofgeneralandcadet , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , castinvasionasnear-holywar , Russia'sidentity , YearIntoWar , Putin'sNationIsSelf-Portrait , LeaderPurgedDissent , andWest'sInfluence , NATOzism , U.S.StrivesToHeadOffGlobalRift , ChinaMullsArmingRussia , OfficialsSay , Ukraine , RayDalio , BridgewaterAssociatesfounder , worth$19billion , BehindaFundFounder'sExit , DealtoAddtoHisBillions , Biden'24 , PlansFamiliarPitch , OptforStability , Competentbeatscrazy , KetamineTreatmentandAbuse , MadeEasierbyTelemedicine , Psychedelic-LikeDrug , GivenforDepression , ComesWithRisks , mentalhealth , classroom , schoolboys , MerchantTaylors'School , London , EppingEngland , SchoolsBattleInfluencer'sMisogynisticClaims , 'Brainwashing' , CausesAlarminBritain , AndrewTate , BritishAmericanformerkickboxer , millionsoffollowers , socialmedia , cloudy , possibilityoflate-afternoonshower
William Roberts, Study for ‘Parallel Bars’ , Graphite on paper, 191 x 133 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: WilliamRoberts , StudyforParallelBars , graphiteonpaper , portraiture , gymnastics , TateUK , NYTimes , rehabilitationcenter , FindingCamaraderieinRecovery , oldmedicalcenter , westernUkraine , waramputees , formingacommunity , theyadjusttonewlives , wheelchair , crutches , prosthesis , healing , TestingRevealsAlarmingDrop , MathSkills , ReadingAlsoSuffers , MostDefinitivePictureYet , Pandemic'sMarkonStudents , NationalAssessmentofEducationalProgress , SuspicionandBlame , TheirAmericaVanishes , DemocracyChallenged , WhereElectionDoubtThrives , RepresentativeTroyNehls , FortBendCounty , downtown , sunnyday , RichmondTexas , formerwhitemajority , hasfallento30percent , ColumbusOhio , TimRyan , Stressing'Ohio'Over'Democrat' , PutsSenateRaceinPlay , stumpspeech , "Mygrandfatherwasasteelworker" , BorisJohnson , EndsComebackBidAsRivalRises , PathClearsintheRacetoLeadBritain , RishiSunak , PennyMordaunt , London , Sunak'sVision , OnceIgnoredNowLiftsHim , XiJinping , InThirdTerm , XiStrengthensGriponPower , China , CommunistParty , cloudy , abitofraininthemorning
China, Jingdezhen, Jianxi province, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Reign of the Kangxi emperor (1662-1722), A standing figure , Porcelain with green, black, yellow, aubergine, and blue enamels, 12.5 x 4.5 inches, Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture , San Francisco, California
Tags: China , Jingdezhen , Jianxiprovince , Qingdynasty , Astandingfigure , porcelain , sculpture , enamel , AsianArtMuseum , Chong-MoonLeeCenterforAsianArtandCulture , SanFrancisco , California , NYTimes , TheKeeper , soccer , Fati , Inacountrywherewomenhadfewoptions , playinggoalkeeper , Afghannationalteam , gavehercourage , confidence , aname , WhenTalibanrolledintoKabul , shereceivedatextfromteammate , "Theyaregoingtokilltheathletes." , greenblackuniform , standingtall , portraiture , grass , soccerfield , WashingtonDC , UnwrittenRule , PosesDilemmaFor2Inquiries , MidtermsCouldDelay , JusticeDepartmentMoves , 60-dayrule , forbiddingovertactions , thatcouldimproperlyinfluencevote , RussiansUseBioweaponLie , ToSmearU.S. , DisinformationKeepsCirculatingAbroad , conspiracytheories , TheBiologicalWeaponsConvention , Russiacommandedinternationalforum , Geneva , EuropeSprintsToSupplyRelief , EnergyCosts , FearOfSocialUnrest , AsWarGrindsOn , BracingforColdDays , HotTempers , Berlin , ChancellorOlafScholz , pledged$65billion , reliefmeasures , inflation , energycrisis , Gazprom , Kremlin-controlledRussianenergygiant , halttoflowofgas , NordStream1pipeline , SerenaWilliams , tookselfiewithfans , afterherfirst-roundvictory , U.S.Open , Serena'sSeven-DayGoodbye , totheSportSheChangedForever , tennis , Yakima , Washington , WashingtonRiver , MightYieldModel , ForEndingaWaterWar , concrete-linedirrigationcanal , bluecurve , bluesky , WashingtonState , watermanagersofYakimaBasin , manageYakimaRiverandtributaries , fornext30years , ensurestablesupplyofwater , cloudy , notaswarm , humid , showers , thunderstorms
Boris Mikhailov, At Dusk , Gelatin silver print on paper, tinted, 116 x 274 millimeters, 1993, Tate , U.K.
Tags: BorisMikhailov , photography , gelatinsilverprint , bluetint , paper , TateUK , Outgunned , Ukraine , FendsOffAttacks , Ukrainiansoldiers , rushedtoaidafamily , hitbyRussianmortarfire , Irpin , civilianskilled , AsShellFalls , Family'sDashToSafetyEnds , photojournalist , LynseyAddario , smoke , fences , destruction , Ukrainiansoldierrantocheckonfamily , WeaponsFlowFromTheWest , InAVastAirlift , AmariAirBase , Estonia , PainfulGoodbyesAtBorder , MenStaytoFightRussians , massmigration , millionsofcivilians , pouringintoPolandandHungary , Mykolaiv , ItsControlofBlackSeaLine , IsTenuous , troops , UkrainianArmy's59thBrigade , TalkingtoRelativesinRussia , UkrainiansHear'WhatWar?' , surrealbacklash , refusaltobelieve , cloudy , near-recordwarmth , windy , rainlate
Purvis Young, Graveyard Warriors, Sad Day , Paint on wood, 48 x 96 inches, Early 1990s, Baltimore Museum of Art , Maryland
Tags: PurvisYoung , painting , figuration , abstraction , horizontal , BaltimoreMuseumofArt , Maryland , NYTimes , funeralprocession , coffins , blackandgolddrapery , victimsoftheBronxfire , takentoIslamicCulturalCenter , securityguards , hearsts , CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention , FastMoves , ScantData , PragmaticChangeofPace , StirsDiscomfort , Omicronvariant , ChinaLockdown , RampsUpStress , SupplyChain , NewVirusRestraints , FearsThatCovidPolicy , MayFurtherDisrupt , GlobalTrade , WashingtonDC , hazmatsuits , machinery , spray , disinfectingshoppingmall , Xi'an , westernChina , 20millionpeopleinlockdown , zero-tolerancepolicy , ForthWorth , Texas , TexasSynagogueHostageTaker , FlewFromU.K. , AuthoritiesSay , CongregationBethIsraelofColleyville , InsideFatalBronxFire , ScenesOfChaos , DesperationandLove , AsSmokeEncroached , Life-or-DeathChoices , WereBeingMade , FordhamHeights , amassfuneral , hundredsofmourners , 15victimsfromWestAfrica , AsAttendanceFalls , NowIstheWinter , Broadway'sDiscontent , emptyseats , theater , "GirlFromtheNorthCountry" , audiencesarevanishing , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , futurecompetitor , DeSantisLurks , TrumpStews , G.O.P.FacesLoyaltyTest , Ex-PresidentExpectingFealty , ofaProtégé , for2024Run , cloudy , strongwinds , rainearly , afternoonflurries