Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: MarcelaMiranda , linocut , printmaking , blackandwhite , warwitness , darktimes , V&AMuseum , London , U.K. , NYTimes , MourningtheMultitudeoftheDead , Nearly3000peoplekilledinGoma , trench , buryingthedead , DemocraticRepublicofCongo , FrontLinetoResistTrump , FederalCourt , AttorneysGeneralLeadPush , WillTestChecksandBalances , PresidentTrump'sexecutiveactions , TariffThreat , steelandaluminumimports , AngryCallersTieUpPhonesAtCapitol , ElonMusk , slash-and-burncampaign , federalbureaucracy , WashingtonDC , StunnedFederalWorkersSpeakOutonPurge , ManyofThoseFiredFeelSilencedbyMusk , TrumpMemecoin , cryptocurrency , $Trump , BonanzaforFewbutLoserforMost , SamNujoma1929-2025 , obituary , PresidentSamNujoma , FoundingPresidentofNamibia , LedFightAgainstSouthAfrica , StephenHubbard , U.S.citizenaccusedoffightingforUkraine , facingcourtsessioninMoscow , U.S.Teacher'sCruelOdysseyinRussianPrisons , mixtureofcloudsandsunshine
Unknown artist, Female Street Player with Guitar , Dummy board (life size), Oil on wood panel, British, 167 x 92 x 2.5 centimeters, circa 1780, Victoria and Albert Museum , London, U.K.
Tags: unknownartist , Dummyboard , lifesize , portraiture , femalestreetplayer , guitar , V&AMuseum , London , U.K. , DeMorgen , Belgium , eighteenthcentury , PinkpopFestival , musicfestival , K3 , Metalband , TheBirdDance , GuidoAlfani , historian , 'Nothingstopsusfromappealingtotherichduringacrisis' , FinalMatchDay , GroupE , soccer , RomeluMenama , AndréOnanaOnana , celebrateagoal , wouldhavebeendisallowedforoffside , Howtofindthatnoseforgoalsagain , Belgiannationalfootballteam , 'Victimsofabusebarredonpapalvisit' , Vatican , bishopsselectvictimsofsexualabusetomeetwithPopeFrancis , 'OurpeopleandallwhowereinvolvedinGodforsakenarebarred' , RikDevillé , WorkingGroupforHumanRightsintheChurch , (WMK) , 'Anyonewhowenttopolicecourtsorparliamentisapriorinotwelcome.' , LindaOpdebeeck , lust , AlbertSerraexhibition , Amsterdam , FilmmuseumEye , immersiveart , LouisXVI , ActressPatriciaKargbo , 'Theworldisnotcompletelyfuckedupevenifsometimesseemsthatway' , FormationofFlemishgovernment , ZuhalDemir , (N-VA) , WillZuhalDemirsoonbeallowedtotakecoarsebrushthroughChristiancolumn? , sunny , warm
Bella May, Protest sign, with slogan ‘Keep it Cool’, used at the youth strike against climate change, London, 15 March 2019 , Cardboard, paint and paper, 780 x 422 x 3 millimeters, 2019, Science Museum Group , London
Tags: BellaMay , Protestsign , slogan , 'KeepitCool' , youthstrike , climatechange , cardboard , paintandpaper , ScienceMuseumGroup , London , NYTimes , youthprotesters , handpaintedsigns , 'PlasticKills' , 'CancelWillow' , 'DivestReinvest' , NewYorkCity , CallingforaClimatePivot , AheadofU.N.meetings , thousandsaredemandingworldleaders , stopfossilfueldrilling , BidenPlansCrackdown , OnIndustries'Emissions , PushforCostlyNewRegulations , ifHeWinsSecondTerm , CreatesPoliticalRisks , portraitofPresidentBiden , claspedhands , Republicansdenouncedpolicy , Bidenaidesaredevisingpolicy , Niamey , AfterItsCoup , NigerStrugglesWithSanctions , militarycoup , foodpricesandshortagesgrowing , UmanUkraine , UkraineStillHostsHasidim'sPartyoftheYear , PilgrimsFlocktoCity , MarredbyAtrocitiesDuringHolocaust , JewishNewYear , meninprayer , thousandsofOrthodoxJewstraveltoUman , celebrateRoshHashanah , ItTookDecadesToAct , DrugFoundLacking , decongestant , coldmedicine , phenylephrine , WinforPaxton , PutsHardRightOnTopinTexas , impeachmenttrial , KenPaxton , Texasattorneygeneral , BritaintoBanDogBreed , AfterBrutalAttacksandFierceDebate , AmericanBullyXL , EchoesofPitBulls , rain , theremaybepondingonroads
Tags: KitPaulson , lungs , glass , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , lungscans , 3-Dmedicalillustration , bluewhite , ViewofCovid'sDamageFromInside , rarelook , shrunkenairways , scarredtissue , Covid-19pandemic , healthyairwayslookliketreebranches , lungsofahealthyperson , lungsdamagedbyCovid , WagnerFuture , AsShadowyAsItsBusiness , Ukrainewar , GroupWithTentaclesBeyondItsFighters , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , GeorgiaDefendants , SparOverTrialDatesandSites , LawyersforTrumpandOthersTangleCase , SomeSeekMovetoFederalCourt , RealtorsChief , FacingClaimsofMisconduct , KennyParcell , presidentofNationalAssociationofRealtors , sexualharassment , JindiresSyria , AfterWarandQuakes , SyriansFeelForgotten , PoliticalTurmoilComplicatedEffortstoProvideRelief , makeshifthouse , rubble , Fatimaal-Mireeandfamily , livingintent , damagedhouse , moviegoerswithdogs , movietheater , EarsPerkUpAndTailsWag , AtShowTime , London , CurzonCinemas , 16locationsinBritain , dogsattendmoviescreeningswithowners , U.S.DrugLaws , ThreatenaSiteThatAidsUsers , OnPointNYC , EastHarlem , NewYork , partlysunny , dry
Tags: LucTuymans , soldier , oiloncanvas , portraiture , grisaille , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , Moscow , winterscene , snow , muralofgeneralandcadet , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , castinvasionasnear-holywar , Russia'sidentity , YearIntoWar , Putin'sNationIsSelf-Portrait , LeaderPurgedDissent , andWest'sInfluence , NATOzism , U.S.StrivesToHeadOffGlobalRift , ChinaMullsArmingRussia , OfficialsSay , Ukraine , RayDalio , BridgewaterAssociatesfounder , worth$19billion , BehindaFundFounder'sExit , DealtoAddtoHisBillions , Biden'24 , PlansFamiliarPitch , OptforStability , Competentbeatscrazy , KetamineTreatmentandAbuse , MadeEasierbyTelemedicine , Psychedelic-LikeDrug , GivenforDepression , ComesWithRisks , mentalhealth , classroom , schoolboys , MerchantTaylors'School , London , EppingEngland , SchoolsBattleInfluencer'sMisogynisticClaims , 'Brainwashing' , CausesAlarminBritain , AndrewTate , BritishAmericanformerkickboxer , millionsoffollowers , socialmedia , cloudy , possibilityoflate-afternoonshower
Tags: LygiaPape , Divisor , divider , performance , whitesheet , MuseudeArteModernaRiodeJaneiro , chromogenicprint , PaulaPape , ProjetoLygiaPape , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NYTimes , crowds , Urumqi , China , Beijing , firekilled10people , apartmentbuilding , setoffseveraldaysofprotests , whitesheetsofpaper , muteprotestsigns , FatalFireSpursUnrestInChina , Over'ZeroCovid' , XiFacesNewPressure , SharedSuffering , UnitesDisparateGroupsintheStreets , Covidlockdown , trappedvictimsintheirhomes , tragedy , BahkmutFight , SapsBothKyivAndRussians , TroopsArePulledIntoBloodyStalemate , Ukraine , soldierscarryingtheinjured , camouflageuniforms , London , UnderBritain'sToughTactics , DrugDealerIsAlsoSlaveMaster , GlodiWabelua , homeinterior , convictedandfacingmanyrestrictions , Britain'sModernSlaveryAct , RetailersTrytoWooShoppers , BlackFriday , sales , WhileThey'reWillingtoSpend , StrongElectionShowing , EasesDemocrats'Fears , Biden'24 , midtermelections , WhyRoadDeathsAreDecliningAcrossGlobe , NotintheU.S. , partlysunny , breezy , windsnorthwest , 10-15milesperhour
William Roberts, Study for ‘Parallel Bars’ , Graphite on paper, 191 x 133 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: WilliamRoberts , StudyforParallelBars , graphiteonpaper , portraiture , gymnastics , TateUK , NYTimes , rehabilitationcenter , FindingCamaraderieinRecovery , oldmedicalcenter , westernUkraine , waramputees , formingacommunity , theyadjusttonewlives , wheelchair , crutches , prosthesis , healing , TestingRevealsAlarmingDrop , MathSkills , ReadingAlsoSuffers , MostDefinitivePictureYet , Pandemic'sMarkonStudents , NationalAssessmentofEducationalProgress , SuspicionandBlame , TheirAmericaVanishes , DemocracyChallenged , WhereElectionDoubtThrives , RepresentativeTroyNehls , FortBendCounty , downtown , sunnyday , RichmondTexas , formerwhitemajority , hasfallento30percent , ColumbusOhio , TimRyan , Stressing'Ohio'Over'Democrat' , PutsSenateRaceinPlay , stumpspeech , "Mygrandfatherwasasteelworker" , BorisJohnson , EndsComebackBidAsRivalRises , PathClearsintheRacetoLeadBritain , RishiSunak , PennyMordaunt , London , Sunak'sVision , OnceIgnoredNowLiftsHim , XiJinping , InThirdTerm , XiStrengthensGriponPower , China , CommunistParty , cloudy , abitofraininthemorning
Lower Egypt: Temple of Ptah (Memphis), 19th Dynasty, Left fist, grasping a roll, from a colossal red granite statue of Ramses II , Granite, 94 x 145 x 105 centimeters,1390 kilograms, circa 1260 BC, The British Museum , London
Tags: LowerEgypt , TempleofPtah(Memphis) , 19thDynasty , RamsesII , figuresculpture , TheBritishMuseum , London , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , TheMaster , coachpointing , athletescelebrating , paytributetoGAA'sgreatestmanager , ThyKingdomcome , Kerry'sredemption , Kerrysavours'sweetest'victory , DavidClifford , PaudieDineen , embrace , joy , finalwhistle , sealedvictoryoverGalway , All-IrelandSFCfinal , CrokePark , stadium , players , crowds , Kerrymanager , JackO'Connor , green-orangeuniforms , Probesintoplanning'worry'Martin , TaoiseachMicheálMartin , AnBordPleanála , hiringprocess'mustchange' , torenewpublicfaith , PaulHyde , Agriculturalcarboncuts , toreach'maximum'25% , Governmentfacesfull-onfarmerrevolt , ifmatterpushedtoofar , teenagedriver , killedintreecrash , northKerry , Disruptionforbusandrailtravellers , BusÉireann , 98.6%servicesrannormallyyesterday , Dart , IrishRail , cancelledservices , "operationalreasons" , rathercloudy , lightscatteredshowers , sunnyspells
Archaic Greek, figure , Bronze, 114 x 90 x 22 millimeters, 520 BC - 500 BC, The British Museum , U.K.
Tags: ArchaicGreek , bronzefigure , girlrunner , marathon , 500BC , TheBritishMuseum , London , U.K. , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , Limerickdigdeep , towin , fourthsuccessiveprovincialcrown , greenuniform , player , sports , 'Emotionalmoment' , forhit-and-runvictim , OliviaKeating , Kinsale , CountyCork , JasonvanderVelde , CorkCityMarathon , ranmarathontogether , raisefunds , WestCorkRapidResponse , Ms.Keatingwastrainingfor2016race , hitbycar , Dr.vanderVelde , helpedsaveherlife , LizzieLee , wonthewomen'srace , TimO'Donoghue , wonthemen'srace , Cork , Noemergencybeds , forLimerick'shomeless , Mid-West , hashighestproportionofhomelessness , outsideDublin , Tributespaidtowoman , aftertragicdrowning , GillianDaly , diedwhenhercarenteredtheRiverLee , RussiastrikesKyiv , PutinwarnsagainstweaponsfromtheWest , womantakespicturesofruins , Kyiv , mostlysunny , thenpartlycloudy
Jan van den Bergh, After Giacomo Cavedone , Red chalk on paper, 293 x 205 millimeters, 1614, British Museum, U.K.
Tags: JanvandenBergh , Flemishpainter , redchalkonpaper , afterGiacomoCavedone , Bologneseschool , portraiture , BritishMuseum , London , NYTimes , groupofmen , camouflagejackets , MykhailoHiraldo-Ramires , leadingatrainingcourse , Kyiv , Ukraine , country'sdefenseplan , Ukraine'sCiviliansStaff , ResistanceinWaiting , TeachersAccountantsandWaitresses , PrepforanInsurgency , learncombatskills , NewVariantRisk , InNursingHomes , BoostersLaginNewYork , AmidOmicronSurge , SeaCrestNursingandRehabilitation , ConeyIsland , CadreofExpertWitnesses , HelpsClearPoliceinCourt , SameTightNetworkThatTrainsOfficers , TestifiesAboutDeathsinCustody , Dr.GaryVilke , establishedhimselfasleadingexpertwitness , cottageindustryofexoneration , expertshavetiestoAxon , makeroftheTaser , cowwithtag , strugglingranchers , sellingoffentireherds , BoominBeef , ButRanchersCan'tCashIn , Montana , cattleranchers , DubiousAdvice , FromTVDoctorInSenateHunt , Dr.MehmetOz , chiefpromoter , malariadrugs , hydroxychloroquine , chloroquine , fortreatingCovid-19 , wealthofevidence , noteffective , Dr.OzjumpedintoRepublicanprimary , forSenateinPennsylvania , DesmondM.Tutu , 1931-2021 , ArchbishopWhoseVoiceHelpedEndApartheid , powerfulforcefornonviolence , anti-apartheidmovement , earnedNobelPeacePrizein1984 , becomingmostlycloudy , showerslate , chilly
Lisa Hecht, The Other Side of the Mirror , Screenprint on wallpaper, Limited edition, 72 centimeters, 2011, Victoria and Albert Museum , London, U.K.
Tags: LisaHecht , TheOtherSideoftheMirror , Screenprint , wallpaper , limitededition , V&AMuseum , London , patient , hospitalbed , hospitalgowns , PPE , medicalmachines , nurse , LisaCraig , struggleswithsicklecelldisease , echocardiogram , VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter , Nashville , CaughtBetween , SickleCellAgony , WaryMedicalSystem , TheErrantGene , AWoman'sInvisiblePain , willingtotryjustaboutanything , tostopdeteriorationofbodyandmind , "Liveasifeverythingisamiracle" , framedquote , livingroomwall , rareinheritedblooddisorder , WashingtonDC , AnEasierPathForForeigners , InBiden'sPlan , ImmigrationOverhaul , UndoTrumpRules , "D.H.S.PlantoRestoreTrustinOurLegalImmigrationSystem" , foreignerswillhavebetteropportunities , tojointheirfamilies , morechancestosecureworkvisas , Jerusalem , UneasyAlliance , MayGiveIsraelNewLeadership , BenjaminNetanyahu , NetanyahuFacesPeril , ARight-WingNationalist , JoinsForcesWith , aSecularCentrist , NaftaliBennett , ultranationalistpower-broker , YairLapid , formertelevisionhost , voiceofsecularcentrists , EmployersRacetoFillJobs , America'sTeenagersCashIn , ShaylahBentley , 18 , workingatKennywoodamusementpark , Pittsburgh , MayorHopefuls , VietoWinOverKeyLatinoVote , EricAdams , AdrianoEspaillat , Intherace'sfinalweeks , pressingtheircases , advertising , Spanish-languagephonebanks , Latinoaffinitygroups , ralliesinheavilyHispanicneighborhoods , photo op , ShaunDonovan , FutaIslamicCenter , Bronx , notfarfromwherehebeganhiscampaign , groupofsupporters , selfies , mobilephones , HeHastheRésumé , andtheMoney , ButVotes? , ACampaignforMayor , PitchesLeadership , veteranofObamaadministration , formercitycommissioner , underMayorMichaelR.Bloomberg , strategistBradleyTusk , NewYorkers , "wantthecompetencyofBloomberg" , "buttheywantsomethingthat'smoreprogressive" , cloudy , becomingsunny , warmer
Carsten Höller , Mirror Carousel , Mirrors mounted on MDF panels, lightbulbs, stainless steel seats, stainless steel chairs, steel construction, electric motor, cables, 750 x 470 x 470 centimeters, 2005, Monsoon Art Collection , London, United Kingdom
Tags: CarstenHöller , mirror , carousel , sculpture , installation , lightbulbs , MonsoonArtCollection , London , UnitedKingdom , NYTimes , topcontenders , NYCmayoralrace , AndrewYang , ConeyIsland , ScottM.Stringer , citycomptroller , EricAdams , Brooklyn'sboroughpresident , MayaD.Wiley , formercounseltoMayorBilldeBlasio , RaceforMayorIsGearingUp , AsCityIsToo , "ConeyIslandisopenforbusiness!" , AndrewYangsaid , likeacampaignevent , NewYorkfacesimmensechallenges , roadtorecoveryfromthepandemic , BehindGaetzCase , ProblematicTaxCollector , FormerFloridaOfficial , JoelGreenberg , SeemedtoHoldLawinLittleRegard , LakeMary , Florida , RepresentativeMattGaetz , closeallyofformerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , influentialFloridaRepublicans , FrenziedPush , ToPutProjectsInBuildingBill , CongressWeighsIdeas , Infrastructure , WashingtonDC , frenzyoflobbying , "Myphoneisblowingup" , PeteButtigieg , transportationsecretary , ExplosionRocksNuclearCenter , InfuriatingIran , SabotageIsSuspected , AttackMayHurtEfforts , toReboot2015DealWiththeU.S. , Natanzuraniumenrichmentsite , blackout , ClashofWills , KeptaLeonardoFromBeingSeen , TheLouvre , LeonardodaVinci , "SalvatorMundi" , mostexpensiveworkeversoldatauction , nowheretobeseen , AfterCovid , SomeStudentsWillStillLearnOnline , byDemand , remotelearning , golf , greengrass , sand , golfball , golfswing , midair , ABlastofHistoryatAugusta , HidekiMatsuyama , Japan , firstAsian-bornplayertowintheMasters , mostlycloudy , rain , cooler
Tags: NeilWinokur , Cibachrome , photography , ice , MFABoston , Massachusetts , NYTimes , factoryworkers , yellowblueuniforms , hazmat , PPE , dryice , cardboardbox , packing , shipping , Pfizer , vaccine , keepat94degreesbelowzero , threemilliondoses , AsTollNears300000 , FirstDosesofVaccine , RaceAcrosstheNation , Last-MinuteDash , toAssurethePublic , Inoculation , publiceducation , BuildingVaccineConfidencecampaign , DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices , WashingtonDC , Fargo , NorthDakota , HospitalsNervouslyWaitforTools , ToStemtheTide , PfizerBioNTech , emergencyapproval , Covid-19vaccine , Chicago , ObituariesFullofPain , andaPlea , WearaMask , GrievingMorePublicly , FamiliesWriteofVirus'sDevastation , nearly2400deathsperday , cryingman , blackandwhitecheckeredblanket , ANewSurge , attheBorder , Comfortingamigrant , sentbacktoMexico , unauthorizedentries , ontherise , USMexicoborder , RussiansHackU.S.Agencies , InBoldAttack , OfficialsAdmitBreach , EmailSystems , TreasuryDepartment , CommerceDepartment , cybersecurity , JohnleCarré , 1931-2020 , obituary , portrait , aspyofsomekind , AuthorofColdWarThrillers , WhoseSpiesWereImperfect , London , best-selling1963novel , "TheSpyWhoCameinFromtheCold" , hisgreatestcreation , GeorgeSmiley , AnHonorBecomesanOrdeal , HarriedElectorsFinallyMeet , DemocratsArePressed , byTrumpSupporters , ElectoralCollege , presidentialelection , measureoffinality , mostlycloudy , chilly , earlyrain , afternoonrainandsnow
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, High Bridge Crossing, The Appomattox, near Farmville on South Side Railroad, VA , Albumen print, Image: 17.1 x 22.5 centimeters, Support: 30.5 x 39.4 centimeters, 1865, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: TimothyO'Sullivan , albumenprint , bridge , Appomattox , Farmville , railroad , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , Virginia , NYTimes , EdmundPettusBridge , redpetals , bluesky , AFinalSundayinSelma , Alabama , funeralcaisson , RepresentativeJohnLewis , acrosstheAlabamabridge , horses , hefirstmarched , overahalf-centuryago , VirusCutsOffGlobalLifeline , AidingMillions , WagesSentHomebyMigrants , Plunge , London , FlaviusTudor , "It'sverytoughtimes" , "I'mlost" , remittances , coronavirus , economiesinlockdown , pandemicdamagedearningpower , 164millionmigrantworkers , whosupport800millionrelatives , Houston , Texas , 'YouDotheRightThings' , 'andStillYouGetIt' , TexasFamilyIsCaught , inUnrestrainedSpreadofVirus , supermarketbagger , Randalls , grocerystore , Seattle , Washington , CitiesAreInBind , AsUnrestFlares , OverU.S.Actions , EscalationOfProtests , NewOutrageandClashes , Response , FederalAgentsonStreets , PresidentTrump , seizedonscenesofunrest , law-and-ordermessage , riotgear , black , blue , orange , policeofficers , protesters , conflict , militarizedefforts , Misogyny , FedLawyer'sRage , AgainstJudge , "anti-feminist"lawyer , yearsofresentment , violence , MTA , platform , subway , train , TransitWorkers'Sacrifice , emotionalcost , keepingNewYorkCitymoving , duringpandemic , LakeBuenaVista , Florida , N.B.A. , SafeStrangeHaven , inHotSpot , NoDazzle , ManyRules , CarePackages , playoutrestofseason , withoutfans , confinedcampus , AVirginiaTown , RethinksItsConfederatePillars , WhereLeeIsBuried , NoMoreLeeHotel , picturesquecity , nestledinBlueRidgeMountains , sunny , hot , humid
Alan Saret, Queen’s Mesh, Enamel paint on wire mesh, 43.5 x 73.75 x 28 inches, 1967, High Museum of Art , Atlanta, Georgia
Tags: AlanSaret , sculpture , wiremesh , paint , installation , HighMuseumofArt , Atlanta , NYTimes , hospitalroom , bluePPE , surgicalmasks , birth , mother , newborn , paleyellow , KimberlyMuñoz , diagnosedwithCovid-19 , preventedfromholdinghernewbornbaby , SouthTexas , AsRollsSurge , FindingRefuge , FoodStamps , AReliableBackstop , U.S.EconomyStalls , WashingtonDC , coronavirus , SNAP , universalsafetynet , AlliesOfTrump , StartToBreakRanksOnVirus , "ThisIsNotGoingAway" , PushingMasks , Distance , GuidanceofHealthExperts , public-healthguidelines , HandsAreOut , TalksBeginOnAddingAid , Housewants$3trillioninaid , Senatewants$1trillion , extendedunemploymentinsurance , liabilityprotections , shelfofGoyacans , TrumpfansarebuyingGoya , Beans , Boycotts , thePoliticsOfPantryItems , RobertUnanue , Goya'sCEO , appearedatWhiteHouse , rollout , HispanicProsperityInitiative , graph , statistics , AfterRecentSurge , CoronavirusCases , DeathsAreNowRisingToo , London , SureofPandemicReadiness , EuropeSawPride , LeadtoaFall , FacingVirus , CountriesFoundExpertise , ResourcesLacking , BehindTheCurve , AFalseSenseofSecurity , ProfessorChrisWhitty , Britain'schiefmedicaladviser , "wealthmassivelyhardensasocietyagainstepidemics" , Edinburg , Texas , 'AStraightUpTrajectory' , HitsAlreadyStressedBorderRegion , PoorHealthandPoverty , SpuraGallopingCoronavirus , RioGrandeValley , morethanonethirdoffamilies , liveinpoverty , uptohalfofresidents , havenohealthinsurance , hot , showers , heavythunderstormslate
Unidentified (American), Underpass-New York , Oil on photograph on canvas mounted on paperboard, 50.6 x 60.8 inches, 1933-1934, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: Artistunknown , American , FederalArtProject , WorksProgressAdministration , oilonphotograph , documentary , NewDeal , roads , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , NYTimes , winterlandscape , snow , cars , headlights , yellowlights , glow , nighttime , TheColdTreacherousDriveHome , Fearingicyroads , officialsinNewYork , nearbystates , urgedfamiliestoendholidayweekendsearly , WashingtonDC , BigQuandaryForDemocrats , OnTradeDeal , AWinforProgressives , butAlsoforTrump , NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement , Trumpadministrationagreedonrevisions , withCanadaandMexico , newUnitedStates-Mexico-CanadaAgreement , Atlanta , Georgia , AFracturedCoalition , LosesGroundonAbortion , openhandwithcircularpins , redandwhitedesign , newanti-abortionlaws , Georgiajoinedotherstates , outlawingabortion , earlieststagesofpregnancy , 1973Roev.Wade , SupremeCourtruling , ALoyalHand , AdvisesTrumpOnLegalIssues , JaySekulow , prodigiousfund-raiser , evangelicaltelevision , Hearings , TheHouseJudiciarypanel , willconvene , withoutthepresident'sparticipation , AsAngryCitizens , StagedProtests , IranOpenedFire , ATollInTheHundreds , DetailsAreEmerging , ActionsbyLeadersUnderStrain , politicalunrest , fourdaysofintenseviolence , London , England , PalaceStruckbyScandal , King-in-Waiting , AssertsHisRole , QueenElizabethII , 70thanniversaryofNATO , HouseofWindsor , PrinceCharles , theFirm , InSunnyLosAngeles , OnlythePrivilegedFew , EnjoytheShade , streetscene , EstherGarcia , stoodinshade , waitingforabus , JeffersonPark , clearbluesky , "liquor"signage , parkinglot , busstop , shadeispreciouscommodity , crisesofclimatechange , inequality , goalofplanting90000shadetrees , breezy , cold , rainandwetsnow
Leonilson (José Leonilson Bezerra Dias), The Penelope , Fabric, 2220 x 830 millimeters, 1993, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Leonilson , fabric , sewing , textiles , repair , TateUK , London , NYTimes , turquoisebluewall , hospitalroom , patient , nurse , windowshades , light , transparency , oxygentank , blankets , pillows , Léogâne , Haiti , hospitalhadtodecide , whetheritcouldspareoxygen , GislaienMilord , strokepatient , AllbutPovertyandDespair , IsataHaltinHaiti , AmidtheBarricades , EvenOxygenIsn'tAlwaysaGiven , Haiti'spoliticalcrisis , strugglebetweenPresidentJovenelMoïse , surgingoppositionmovement , demandinghisouster , violentdemonstrations , weekofunrest , Emboldened , ErdoganSeeksNuclearBomb , TurkishLeader'sGoals , GoFarBeyondSyria , portrait , RecepTayyipErdogan , redblue , Qamishli , Syria , FormerU.S.Ally , WarnsOfDanger , ToKurdsInSyria , EthnicCleansingFear , Turkish-BackedMilitias , PlantoDeploy , AfterCease-FireEnds , MazlumKobani , commanderofSyrianDemocraticForces , "Americaneedstoworktorebuildthetrustwithitsally" , About-Face , PresidentTrumpsaid , infavorofleavingsometroopsinSyria , SanFrancisco , California , CannabisOilAndVaping , HazyHazards , e-cigarettes , vapedTHC , hasleft1479peoplesick , 33dead , AnchorsTopLate-Night , A-List , JakeTapper , CNNhost , "TheLateShowWithStephenColbert" , Stormynewscycles , audiencethirstyforcommentary , changedwhatworksonTV , 11:35p.m. , CondemnationbyRepublicans , DroveReversalonMeetingSite , TrumpNationalDoral , Groupof7summit , ChrisChristie , "Hehadnochoice" , FortWorth , Texas , InFortWorth , AHistoryofResidents , SorryTheyCalledthePolice , largelyblackandHispanicneighborhood , AtatianaJefferson , shotandkilledinherbedroom , bywhitepoliceofficer , standingoutsideherwindow , Rev.KyevTatum , "Thisisnotanisolatedincident" , sunnytopartlycloudy , seasonable
Richard Marquis, Confetti Pyramid , Kiln-formed glass, 20.3 x 28.9 x 28.9 centimeters, 2007, The Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: RichardMarquis , sculpture , glass , murrine , kiln , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , Corning , NewYork , NYTimes , Americanflag , confetti , yellow , blue , redwhiteblue , hands , celebration , trophy , champions , U.S.women'ssoccer , WorldCup , 2-0victory , overNetherlands , fanschanted , "Equalpay!" , blurrycrowd , banners , BurdensBorne , ByaU.S.Team , WithNoEqual , Lyon , France , fewathletesexpectedtolead , equalpay , gayrights , socialjustice , swaggerofpopstars , Americanwomen , clinchingsecondconsecutiveWorldCuptrophy , LasVegas , Nevada , WomenMakePrimaryFoes , StarttoSweat , "IwantsomeonewhoIknowillstandup" , "thathasabackbone" , SenatorElizabethWarren , Massachusetts , SenatorKamalaHarris , California , "They'rebothveryverystrongwomen." , IranAnnouncesPlans , ToBreachEnrichmentCap , Violationof2015Deal , PressuringU.S.andEurope , IntoOfferingSanctionsRelief , uraniumenrichment , onpathtoproduceatomicbomb , Trumpadministrationblamed , forsettingoffthecrisis , byEuropeans , "Itisaback-to-the-futuremoment" , SanamVakil , ChathamHouse , researchinstitute , London , U.K. , portraiture , GeorgeMonroeJr. , gardenlandscape , whitepicketfence , ledgerwithhandwriting , bluebackground , windowframe , lightandshadow , ConnectedtoaPresident , bySlavery , 7GenerationsHaveLived , inShadowofMonroe'sPlantation , ancestors , enslavedbyPresidentJamesMonroe , amongfirsttocarryhisname , ledgeridentifyingslavesMonroesold , tocoverdebts , afterhispresidency , Charlottesville , Virginia , Monroetown , predominantlyAfricanAmericancommunity , "Itwasjustunderstoodthatwewereconnectedtothepresident" , "notbybloodbutbyslavery" , workingtogetherwithmuseum , tochangethewayslaveryispresented , formerpresidentialplantation , NewSexChargesforEpstein , FocusonManhattan , AccusationsofLuringMinors , toaMansion , billionairefinancier , JeffreyE.Epstein , sex-traffickingoperation , under-agegirls , Berlin , Germany , PoliticalMurder , FarRight , ShockGermany , HatefulNewReality , DredgesUpthePast , WalterLübcke , defendedrefugeepolicy , ChancellorAngelaMerkel , Germany'sfirstfar-rightpoliticalassassination , sinceNaziera , partialsunshine , lowhumidity
Tags: RaquelOrmella , thisdream , nylon , shreadedfabric , textiles , nationalflags , text , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , TheGuardian , London , England , portraiture , celebrities , sports , fashion , "I'vehadtofight" , ThereturnofAvrilLavigne , WinoverSpurs , makesitsixinarow , fornewManUtdboss , headshotofman , yellowbackground , EUready , todelayBrexit , Maymakesfinalbid , tosaveherdeal , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , warnMPs , votingdownplan , cause"catastrophicharm" , tovoters'faithinpolitics , cross-partysolution , softerNorway-styleBrexit , DominicGrieve , ConservativeMP , "It'stotallyuntrue" , "thatI'minaconspiracywiththeSpeaker" , Universities , 'shouldgiveoffersafterresultsday' , A-levelresults , TheUniversitiesandCollegeUnion , eliminateunconditionaloffers , "chaotic"clearingprocess , urgentneedofreform , Baroqueandroll , Versace , pushestheboundaries , men'sfashion , runwaymodels , baroquedesign , yellowgreengoldblacklightblue , redwhiteblue , yellowblueblack , pattern , multicolorjacket , fashionshow , fashionrunway , crowd , Govesetsoutplan , tackleairpolution , Restrictionspledged , wood-burningstoves , dieselcars , farms , criticssay , plansdon'tgofarenough , WashingtonDC , Washington , 'consideredstrikesagainstIran' , TheWhiteHouse , askedthePentagon , todrawupoptionsforattack , onIran , lastyear , accordingtoreportsinUS , partlycloudy
Job Koelewijn, Jump , Wood, mirrors, grass, 280 x 600 x 415 centimeters, 2005, De Pont Museum , Tilburg, Netherlands
Tags: JobKoelewijn , sculpture , installation , wood , grass , mirrors , jump , DePontMuseum , Tilburg , Netherlands , NYTimes , Davant , Louisiana , ThePlaqueminesParishDetentionCenter , rebuilt , flood-proneland , afterbeingdestroyed , HurricaneKatrina , yellow-green , darkgreen , blue , orange , silver , water , white , prisonarchitecture , IgnoringClimateScience , FEMA , MiredinCycleofRepairs , SpendingBillions , OverandOver , VulnerableAreas , "TajMahal" , ofLouisianacorrections , riskbecoming , accidentalAlcatraz , Rutland , NorthDakota , CourtShowdown , InvigoratesG.O.P. , InCrucialRaces , DemocratsPutToTest , EndangeredSenators , InRedStates , ShiftFocus , toLocalIssues , Democrat , SenatorHeidiHeitkamp , Republican , RepresentativeKevinCramer , UffdaDay , farm-focusedstate , farfromWashington , blueyellow , campaignsigns , localresidents , supportersofHeidiHeitkamp , walking , UffdaDayParade , WallStreet , BoomingWithTrump , GetsExcitedAboutDemocrats , donorswanttoelect , "Democratstoserveasacheck" , onPresidentTrump , WoundedSenate , Assessingthedamage , uglyconfirmationfight , WashingtonDC , London , U.K. , SaudiCritic , WenttotheConsulate , andVanished , prominentSaudidissident , JamalKhashoggi , lackoffreespeech , inArabworld , "Everyoneisfearful" , Istanbul , Turkey , RiodeJaneiro , Brazil , BraziliansVentFrustrations , inVoteforPresident , EmbraceLightningRod , Far-RightPopulism , JairBolsonaro , uniteanation , "onthebrinkofchaos" , "TogetherwewillrebuildourBrazil" , nightscene , supporterswithflag , campaignpublicity , neongreen , yellowtext , redbluescreen , portraiture , "DeusAcimaDeTodos" , Schoharie , NewYork , 20DeadUpstate , AsLimoCrashes , OnWayToParty , ANotoriousJunction , SpeedingVehicle , BarrelsDownaHill , 40MilesWestofAlbany , residentshadlongwarned , worstfearsrealized , dampandmisty , cloudy