Elizabeth Kunreuther, Untitled (The Names Project: The AIDS Quilt, New York), Chromogenic print, 15.9 x 23.6 centimeters, 1988, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, MA
Tags: ElizabethKunreuther , TheNamesProject , TheAIDSQuilt , NewYork , photography , portraiture , documentary , chromogenicprint , HarvardArtMuseums , Cambridge , NYTimes , Texas , desertscene , escape , chase , BorderPatrolagent , CoveringStoryofImmigration , FromAllSides , aerialview , photographerspentyears , capturingvariousscenes , MarchforOurLives , protestposters , signage , language , placardsinNewYork , Opinionpolls , powerfulsupportforgunlaws , crowdcontrol , fence , childphotographing , handmadesigns , redmarker , SayTheirNames , NeverAgain , Enough , NoMoreGuns , ArmsAreForHugging , schools , protestmarch , PassionofGunProtests , TestingGOP'sHold , SwingSuburbs , AlsoBehindRallies , Adults , organizationalmuscle , helpedeaseway , foryouthmarches , bluemarker , printing , yellowblackmarker , WashingtonDC , MarketingTiestoTrump , TopDonorMadeMillions , OffersofPrivatePartiesWithPresident , SentWithBusinessDeals , fund-raiser , ElliotBroidy , RobinBroidy , 60minutes , StephanieClifford , StormyDaniels , interview , AndersonCooper , AdultFilmStar , FearedforSafetyofDaughter , AfterTrumpThreat , MichaelCohen , non-disclosureagreement , LaborRevolts , SignalThreatsBeyondMoney , WestVirginiateacherwalkout , stagnantwages , recedingbenefits , devaluedtrainingandcertification , bystateLegislature , DefenseTeamForPresident , ArmyofOne , lawyersdepart , JohnDowd , JosephdiGenova , Beijing , DefectingFromNorthKorea , Vowing , 'WeAreReadytoDie' , fleetoSouthKorea , sunshine , patchyclouds , rathercoolforlateMarch , ThoughtsPrayersLaws
Albert Fichte, Toil (From the journal Camera Notes) , Photogravure, 12.6 x 14.7 centimeters, 1902, Philadelphia Museum of Art , Pennsylvania
Tags: AlbertFichte , toil , photography , photogravure , CameraNotes , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , NYTimes , GazaCity , Palestine , PalestinianAuthority , payroll , clerksandpensioners , waitinginline , ATM , streetscene , portraiture , sidewalk , women , children , struggle , poverty , WashingtonDC , NancyPelosi , TopDemocrat , FightingToKeepHold , LosingIronGrip , SplitParty , "We'rebetterwhenwesticktogether" , PresidentTrump , UnrestInWhiteHouse , JohnKelly , MayBeinHotSeat , TrumpContinuesSupport , RobPorter , Aide'sDepartureExposesFissures , abuse , DelaysAhead , Trump'sinfrastructureinvestment , facesobstacles , MoonMission , NASA , hasbudgetedforreturntrip , won'thappenanytimesoon , ScottGottlieb , millionairewithlibertarianbent , FDAChief , Doesn'tQuiteFit , AdministrationStereotype , TrumpRules , AMeasureofBalance , Pyeongchang , SouthKorea , WinterOlympics2018 , womenathletes , training , anticipation , practice , competition , yellowblue , architecture , running , jumping , Charlottesville , Virginia , lawsuit , Sinesv.Kessler , bitterlegalbattle , blameviolenceonFarRight , GazaIsNearFinancialCollapse , survival , detritus , trash , PromptingFearsofViolence , redplasticbag , NewConflict , Israel'sclash , withIranandSyria , suggestsfurthertrouble , inregion , MarissaBrandt , adoptedbyAmericans , representingSouthKorea , asParkYoon-jung , cloudytostart , thensunshine , cooler
Willie Doherty, Border Road , Cibachrome mounted on aluminum, 48 x 72 inches, 1991, Kemper Art Museum , St. Louis, Missouri
Tags: WillieDoherty , photography , border , road , KemperArtMuseum , St.Louis , NYTimes , Tancitaro , Mexico , avocadocapitaloftheworld , guard , localcitizenforces , paidbyorchardowners , portraiture , stoneturrets , barbedwirefence , greenery , landscape , rocks , SecedingforSafety , PocketsAcrossMexico , LosingFaithinState , SomeTownsDecide , toBreakAway , enforcedbymilitias , TheInterpreter , StephenBannon , WashingtonDC , WiltsUnderAttacks , FromEx-Allies , Says'Treason'Remark , ReferredtoManafort , AShakySoapbox , BannonneedsBreitbart , right-wingnewssite , MichaelWolffbook , "FireandFury" , InsidetheTrumpWhiteHouse , JaredKushner , LinkstoIsrael , TanglePeacemakerRole , FinancialTiesDeepen , UndisclosedInvestment , CouldAddtoViews , ConflictsforU.S. , MenoraMivtachim , Brussels , CountriesSeeExecutiveDisorder , InTrump'sTweets , foreignpolicy , TheGoldenGlobes , ActressesWithaMessage , Time'sUpmovement , Starsworeblack , showofunity , againstsexualharassment , linkedarms , ReeseWitherspoon , EvaLongoria , SalmaHayek , AshleyJudd , redcarpet , 75thGoldenGlobeAwards , PipeBursts , FlightsShift , JFKairport , ChaosGrows , NewYork , FEMA , RedrawingFloodMaps , CouldReshapeNewYork , InFloodPolicy , MapsVs.Reality , cloudy , afternoonandeveningsnow , sleet , freezingrain
Terri Garland, Political Candidate, Scott, Louisiana, Chromogenic print, 16.9 x 24.6 centimeters, 1991, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: TerriGarland , photography , portraiture , politicalcandidate , crowds , ArtInstituteofChicago , LATimes , FreshVictory , PrimeMinister , Japan , ShinzoAbe , greetingsupporters , Tokyo , seekchanges , Japan'spacifistConstitution , adoringfans , wavingtocrowd , meninbluesuits , hats , shakinghands , JamesToback , filmmaker , Sexclaims , focusonnewfigure , citedby38women , sexualharassment , LATimesinvestigation , moviebusiness , fordecades , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Virginiagolfclub , Presidentiallimousine , throughthedarkglass , pushesRepublicans , taxoverhaulbill , givesCongressdeadline , throwsobstaclesinway , taxrateforrich , MichaelWeinstein , AIDSHealthcareFoundation , MeasureS , targetshousingcrisis , , failingtoblock , 'megaprojects' , aimstohelppoorrenters , Thecurrentmodeldoesnotwork , Nanmiao , China , Loudspeakers , crackleaftersunrise , CommunistPartydictates , PresidentXiJinping , embracenation'sredpast , allears , forwordfromXi , localofficials , villagetoserveasmodel , Barcelona , Spain , pro-independence , Independencebid , maycometoboil , Si!Si! , posters , graffiti , flags , Senateexpected , approvecall , imposedirectrule , Catalonia , It'sabouthumanrights , long-simmering , secessioniststruggle , GOPcollegians , UCIrvine , takesharpright , Seattle , Amazon'sgrowth , cautionarytale , sunny , hot
Artist Unknown (possibly by Alexander Gardner), [The Wilderness Battlefield] , Albumen silver print from glass negative, 4 15/16 x 3 1/4 inches, 1865-67, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , possiblyAlexanderGardner , photography , nineteenthcentury , AmericanCivilWar , TheWildnernessBattlefield , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , Mogadishu , Somalia , truckexplosions , destroyedbuildings , chaos , ravagedlandscape , rescueworkers , searchforsurvivors , missingshoes , missingpersons , procession , community , NorthKorea , DeploysHackers , BentonChaos , InNuclearShadow , KimJong-un , Kim'sArmy , StealsMillions , WagesDigitalWar , globalhavoc , LasVegas , FirstMedicsonScene , OtherFans , bystandercourage , volunteers , rescueefforts , cityastraumacenter , Emergencymedicalservices , WashingtonDC , JusticeDepartment , JeffSessions , AidsTransgenderCase , WhileRollingBackLegalProtections , KedarieJohnson , Scottsdale , Arizona , SenatorJeffFlake , Re-electionStruggle , ShowsRisksofCrossingTrump , HarveyWeinstein , MovieMogul , BrushWithPolice , ThenNoCharges , UsedLawyerandMoney , ToEvade2015Case , DefyingImage , someclouds , becomingmostlysunny , turningcooler , breezy
Tags: JimGoldberg , photography , portraiture , Greece , refugeecamps , SFMoMA , refugeecrisis , NYTimes , Honduras , FearfulMigrants , families , TrumpPolicies , immigration , streetgangs , safehouse , RemainInCentralAmerica , Houston , TaxCreditstoHousePoor , RacialDivisions , FamiliarScene , Majority-WhiteArea , BalksatPlannedProject , MichaelDCohen , TrumpFootSoldier , DevotiontoTrumpBrand , SidelinedUnderGlare , RussiaInquiry , Michigan , convict , NowPublishedAuthor , Qatar'sRiches , SoftenBlowofBlockade , forNow , NewJersey , ChrisChristie , statebeaches , budgetshutdown , beachesempty , ChristieClings , LastFight , somesunshine , verywarm
Tags: ElaineMayes , photography , landscape , highway , roadway , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , NYTimes , Uber , PushesDrivers'Buttons , videogametactics , timeontheroad , messages , achievementbadges , technology , WashingtonDC , China , PresidentXiJinping , MarALago , JaredKushner , pathtothepresident , riskystrategy , HousingCutsStirFears , PresidentTrump , President'sStaff , mixedPoliticsandPaydays , Conservatives , FloodofCash , superPACs , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , insularculture , hushedexit , MexicoCity , corn , bargainingchip , NAFTA , talksnear , mixofclouds , sunshine , heavyrain , breezylate
Tags: VictoriaSambunaris , photography , TheBorder , SFMoMA , NYTimes , refugees , wars , Mosul , families , openroad , economicsteam , ratejumps , speedgrowth , JanetYellen , FederalReserve , tapsthebrakes , undersameroof , ailingschools , SouthBronx , dustpilingup , slowesttransitionindecades , StateDepartment , TrumpAdministration , keyoffices , cybercrime , leopardcat , portraiture , Russia , WashingtonDC , dossiers , sunshine , cloudyweather , cold , snowlate
Francis Alÿs, Tornado, Milpa Alta , Video, high definition, projection, color and sound (surround), 39 minutes / 58 seconds, 2000 - 2010, Tate Gallery , Britain (video clip is hyperlinked in artwork title)
Tags: FrancisAlÿs , photography , performance , video , TateUK , weather , tornadoes , deadlystorms , South , homes , Georgia , NYTimes , Bangladesh , Islam , textbookrevisions , Cubans , Mexicanborder , USborder , migrants , AffordableCareAct , repealandreplace , DonaldTrump , rockystart , campaigntactics , Twittermessages , jeopardizesleverage , damagecontrol , MikePence , flags , WhiteHousestaff , WashingtonDC , Women'smarches , states , unity , disparategroups , dissent , nextsteps , againstpresidency , cloudyweather , heavyrain , windy , cooler
Tags: EricaBaum , photography , cardcatalogues , libraries , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , PresidentObama , OvalOffice , AbrahamLincoln , reading , writing , Michiko Kakutani , WhiteHouseyears , reflections , TrumpTweets , Inauguration , Democrats'fury , RepresentativeJohnLewis , CivilRightsIcon , socialjustice , race , keyplayers , MiddleEast , Two-StateSolution , SymbolicEndorsement , fastfreemoney , H&RBlock , taxchains , no-feeloans , taxrefunds , partlysunny , notascold , increasingcloudiness
Jack Gould, Untitled (men spraying fake snow onto Christmas trees) , Positive 4 x 5 transparency, 4 x 5 inches, 1960, Harvard Art Museums , Massachusetts
Tags: JackGould , photography , documentary , Christmastrees , fakesnow , drones , Santa , holidaygifts , glitter , gold , TheGoldenGlobes , Wikileaks , topplingpower , Tehran , outreach , tolerance , hard-liners , Kingmaker , Russia , Turkey , partnership , DonaldTrump , JeffSessions , Alabama , GOP , attorneygeneral , nominee , tarmacmeeting , Southernbelles , ruffles , bows , parasols , nineteenth century , eyecandy , feminism , buckingtheestablishment , bond , reformists , variablecloudiness , cold
Barbara Kruger, Untitled (We Will No Longer Be Seen and Not Heard) , Photo-offset lithograph and screenprint, nine prints, Image/sheet (each): 20 3/4 x 20 5/8 inches, Peter Blum Edition (Publisher), 1985, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: BarbaraKruger , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , lithography , printmaking , language , photography , gestures , speech , portraiture , NYTimes , DonaldTrump , CIA , Russia , computerhackers , USelection , Boeing , Iran , deals , victory , women , dresscode , erasure , mural , governmentprograms , pretrialdiversion , socialjustice , money , hearings , cloudyweather , periodicrain , milder
Tags: SouthworthandHawes , photography , portraiture , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , GeorgeWashington , Americanhistory , Girl , Philadelphia , HillaryClinton , emailinquiry , duplicatemessages , FBI , USCongress , 2016election , rivals , DonaldTrump , laststand , storm , calm , PoliticalMap , Iowa , riggedsystem , Latinovote , tightrace , sunshine , coolertemperatures
Tiffany Chung, finding one's shadow in ruins and rubble , Mixed media, 31 parts in different dimensions, 86.5 x 300 x 75 centimeters, 2014, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art , Denmark
Tags: TiffanyChung , sculpture , installation , photography , ruins , Homs , antiquity , ancienttimes , LouisianaMuseumofModernArt , Denmark , NYTimes , Americanpublic , 2016election , politicalcampaign , DonaldTrump , voteranger , women's rights , riggedvote , irresponsiblespeech , MikePence , Republicans , Iraq , Mosul , armies , war , stockpilingfood , civilians , shelter , morningshower , sunshine , warmweather
Paul Graham, Television Portrait (Danny, Bristol) , Color photograph on paper, 1090 x 890 millimeters, 1991, Tate Gallery , London
Tags: PaulGraham , TateUK , photography , portraiture , television , NYTimes , 2016election , PresidentialDebate , HillaryClinton , DonaldTrump , stage , microphones , audience , townhall , womenvote , Trumptapes , AccessHollywoodbus , incometaxes , taxevasion , showman , feminism , sunshine , coolday , clear , chilly
Rosalind Fox Solomon, Waiting Room, Baroness Erlanger Hospital, Chattanooga, Tennessee , Gelatin silver print, 15 1/2 x 15 1/4 inches, 1975, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: RosalindFoxSolomon , photography , documentary , portraiture , NYTimes , StatenIsland , healthcrises , overdoses , AffordableCareAct , hospitals , healthinsurance , 2016election , HillaryClinton , PresidentObama , DemocraticParty , DonaldTrump , taxloopholes , UStaxcode , GOP , taxreturns , Bogota , peaceagreement , referendum , peaceactivists , NoVote , partlycloudy , fog , partlysunny , rainshowers
Gretchen Bender, People in Pain , (detail). Paint on heat-set vinyl and neon, 84 × 560 × 11 inches, 1988. Remade by Philip Vanderhyden, 2014. The Estate of Gretchen Bender. Via Whitney Museum , New York.
Tags: GretchenBender , PhilipVanderhyden , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Sculpture , language , artinstallation , photography , neon , media , BatonRouge , Nice , Instanbul , safety , community , democracy , socialjustice , grief , advertising , signage , sunshine , humid , hot , eveningthunderstorm
Augusto, ¿Que Fais-Tu Pour Empêcher Cela? (Poster incorporating a photograph by Robert Capa), Lithograph, 31 3/4 x 22 inches, 1937, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: Augusto , MoMA , NYTimes , Lithography , photography , RobertCapa , SpanishCivilWar , USAirForce , 1966 , Spain , women , children , hunger , Venezuela , economiccrises , healthcrises , riots , agitprop , sunshine , thunderstorm
Tags: PeterHujar , NYTimes , photography , NewYork , Orlando , Pulse , gunviolence , gunlegislation , nightclub , race , LGBT , community , family , friends , portraiture , socialjustice , mourning , discrimination , sunshine , partlycloudy , breezy
Terry Evans, Field Museum, Drawer of Meadowlarks , Inkjet print (dye based), Edition: 2/15, 21 15/16 x 17 3/16 inches, 2001, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: TerryEvans , LACMA , NYTimes , FieldMuseum , birds , science , HartIsland , NewYork , Venezuela , lifestories , hospitals , anonymity , families , burials , socialcrises , economiccrises , politicalcrises , sunshine , wind , increasingcloudiness , photography