Tags: JeanMetzinger , AttheVelodrome , oilandcollageoncanvas , PeggyGuggeheimCollection , VeniceItaly , IrishExaminer , Rulethewaves , AreweneutralwhenBritaindefendsus? , 'Allthatisgood' , TributespourinforDillonQuirke , Denisedelivers , Gauleholdsnerve , Catsclaimcamogiecrown , Tourdeforce , TourdeMunster , cycliststrivesfortopofPatrick'sHill , Cork , Freshcalls , forbanonevictingrenters , Noticesfortenantstoquittheirhomes , doubleto5599inayear , Nothavingyourownplace , at43yearsofage , verydifficultonmentalhealth , Twomenincustody , €8.4millioncocainehaul , Tributestoman , 23 , whodiedinWestCorkcrash , EoinCoughlan , Ballydehob , Ministersattackedaftertroikabailout , FiannaFáilMEP , BillyKelleher , politician , dryandbright , sunshine , cloudyperiodstothewest
Tags: HughieO'Donoghue , ALineofRetreat , oilonlinen , painting , abstraction , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , EnglandclaimEuroglory , Wembley , cominghome , heartandsoul , clubchampionships , sport , royalhighness , MeathdenyKerry , toclaimAll-Irelandcrown , €23million , trainsecurityoverfiveyears , Ministerssupport , dedicatedtransportpoliceunit , IrishRail , BusÉireann , Dart , Dealoffershope , resumedUkrainegrainshipments , photojournalist , EvgeniyMaloletka , runsfromfire , burningwheatfield , Ukrainian-Russianborder , Kharkiv , BlackSeaports , FinanceMinisterPaschalDonohue , Covid , an'existentialchallenge' , Statelookingtotheislands , tohouseUkrainianrefugees , TheDepartmentofChildrenEqualityandIntegration , AvivaStadium , temporarilyhousingUkrainianrefugees , 'Twindemic'fluandCovidfears , TheIrishNursesandMidwivesOrganisation , RioDeJaneiro , Conjoinedtwins , operationasuccess , successfullyseparated , courtruling , cuts50jailsentences , mostlycloudystart , bandofrain , moderatesoutherlywind
Tags: GeneDavis , magna , canvas , painting , stripes , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , DonalLenihan , Aweekend , Irishrugbywillneverforget , golf , SmithedgesRorytoglory , StAndrews , MichaelMoynihan , finalsportscolumn , Triumphoveradversity , JohnKiely , Limerickmanager , pantheonofhurlinggreatness , Limerick , All-Ireland , finalwininfiveyears , CrokePark , LiamMacCarthyCup , LimerickbeatKilkenny , All-IrelandSHCfinal , elation , embrace , Climateminister , EamonRyan , Ryaninsistsoncuttonationalherd , Farmersmayreceiverewards , adoptinggreeneragriculture , CervicalCheckslides , outsourcedfortesting , CoombeHospital , cyberattack , Taoiseach , Thereisnopressuretoquit , MicheálMartin , growingdisquiet , FiannaFáil , leadership , dryandbrightafternoon , Hotandhumid , gentlesoutherlybreeze
Pablo Picasso, Footballeur , Unglazed ceramic and wood, 32 x 24.5 centimeters, 1965, National Football Museum , Manchester, U.K.
Tags: PabloPicasso , footballeur , unglazedceramic , wood , sculpture , NationalFootballMuseum , Manchester , U.K. , IrishExaminer , Historymakers , DonalLenihan , SimonLewis , PeterJackson , Ireland'srugbyheroes , greenuniforms , summerspecials , unrivalledfootballchampionship , Planstoincreasefarmers'solargrant , farmers , couldsellbackunusedelectricity , nationalgrid , solarpanels , TargetModernisationScheme , Kingdomofjoy , Kerry , greengolduniforms , KillianSpillane , AdrianSpillane , SeánO'Shea , celebratelast-gaspwin , Dublin , All-IrelandSeniorFootballchampionship , semi-final , CrokePark , ScrappingTVlicense , 'won'thappen' , RTÉ , statefunding , FutureofMediaCommissionreport , StatecannotoverturnHyde'splanningrulings , AnBordPleanála , PaulHyde , OfficeofthePlanningRegulator , BantryHouse , GrahamNorton , Nortontoastsmarriage , starrysong , dancebash , holidayhome , Ahakista , NohousesinCork , HAPrecipients , housingassistancepayment , CorkCity , adryandbrightstart , somelateafternoonshowers , windslightandsoutherly
Paul Mosse, Untitled (green) , Gouache on paper, 34.2 x 79.4 x 3.5 centimeters, Not dated, Hugh Lane Gallery , Dublin, Ireland
Tags: PaulMosse , untitled , green , abstraction , gouache , paper , HughLaneGallery , Dublin , IrishExaminer , KielyvCody , LimerickedgeGalwayinthriller , hurling , coaches , Corkconundrum , Kingstonstepsdownashurlingmanager , DonalLenihan , AllBlackshaven'tseriesunderlockandkeyyet , Golfbusters , GolferAdamScott , actorBillMurray , GAAuniforms , stripes , logos , supportingLimerick , All-Ireland , seniorhurlingsemi-final , CrokePark , greenuniforms , JPMcManuspro-amgolftournament , Adare , Cork , benefitinDáilexpansion , HouseofRepresentatives , ElectoralBoundaryCommission , 'Huge'barrierstodisclosingsexualviolence , Irelandcoach , VeraPauw , DRCC , welfareandfuel , targetedinearlybudget , Cabinetsettospendextra€2billion , Budget2023 , runawayinflation , risingprices , DeployingarmytoDublinAirport , 'lastresort' , ForeignMinisterSimonCoveney , AerLingus , cancelledflights , staffabsences , Covid-19 , DefenseForce , "delicateindustrialrelationssituation" , Escortedfromthebuilding , SiobhanHopkins , ActiveRetirementIreland , GundeathsinCopenhagen , Denmark , Fieldsshoppingcentre , Warningaboutsurveillancelaw , "vulnerabletolegalchallenges" , Oireachtascommitteewarned , slightlywetmorning , cloudcovervariable , someclearspells , moderatewinds
Áine Phillips, Bannerettes, R-E-P-E-A-L , Artists’ Campaign to Repeal the Eighth Amendment , Embroidered satin, dress and curtain lining, polyester, cotton, gold lamé, linen and rayon, 44 x 31 centimeters, 2017, Installation view, At the Gates , 2018, Talbot Rice Gallery, The University of Edinburgh.
Tags: ÁinePhillips , textiles , bannerettes , R-E-P-E-A-L , Artists'CampaigntoRepealtheEighthAmendment , AttheGates , TalbotRiceGallery , TheUniversityofEdinburgh , Goneforever , Familyopposeskiller'sparole , photographs , halfwayhouse , CanthisGovernmentlastitsfullterm? , Eyesore , BrawlmarsGalway'spenoshootoutwin , sports , Childrendeprivedofproperclothes , hand-me-downclothes , pyjamasasdaywear , familiesstruggle , cost-of-livingcrisis , worstdeprivationsince80's , Barnardos , Kerry , DavidClifford , greenorangeuniform , celebratesgoal , Mayo , All-Ireland , footballchampionship , Familiesurgeaction , Gardacustodydeaths , Gsoc , Irelandfacingwinterfoodcrisis , extremeweather , Ukraineinvasion , averagehouseprice , rises9.5% , €312000nationally , NewEUlawstoscreeninvestors , EUInvestmentScreeningRegulation , fumepollution , hikesdeathrisk , ratherovercast , chancesofshowers , moderatesouth-westerlywinds , 'Nocomplacencyonrights' , afterUSabortionruling , protestsigns , USembassyinDublin , BinnaMa , condemndecisiontooverturnRoev.Wade , forcedbirth=violence , IrishExaminer
Alexander Calder, Cow , Wire, wood, and string, 14.6 x 20.6 x15.2 centimeters, including base, 1926, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: AlexanderCalder , cow , mixedmedia , wire , wood , string , sculpture , MoMA , NewYork , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , Eatwell , humanfoods , poisonoustopets , Work-lifebalance , fightforthefour-dayweek , missingasummerWorldCup , Haveyouherdthegoodnews? , AnnaandRoseMurphy , Millstreet , Cork , ClaraAnguslivestock , CorkSummerShow , CorkShowgrounds , Curraheen , returnofshow , firsttimesince2019 , shiftinprofile , sexcrimeoffendersinprisons , youngeroffenders , difficulttoengagewith , sayspsychologists , IrishPrisonService , increasingconvictions , maskmandate , onpublictransport , PaulReid , concernoverCovidtransmission , nursinghomes , HSE , spikeinCovid-19hospitalizations , testpositivityrate , doubled , disbandingofNationalPublicHealthEmergencyTeam , Nphet , leftgapinserviceprovision , 'SuicidepandemicamongTravellers' , Travellercommunity , mentalhealth , Extra24-hourbus service , newroutes , Corkcity , NTA , €600millionplan , BusConnectsCork , busservices , willruninpreviouslyunservedareas , UpperGlanmire , Waterfall , KerryPike , somebrightandsunnyintervals , perhapsfewlightshowers
Unknown artist, Qafzeh Cave, Burial of a youth with antlers of a fallow deer , Cast, 60 x 19 x 50 centimeters, Middle Palaeolithic, The Israel Museum , Jerusalem
Tags: unknownartist , QafzehCave , MiddlePalaeolithic , cast , body , animal , burialofayouth , deerantlers , TheIsraelMuseum , Jerusalem , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , archivalphoto , TheCivilWar , soldiers , theconflictof1922 , thattorethecountryapart , MicheálMartin , It'snotassimpleas'whowasright' , 'Theymetaviolentgruesomeend' , bones , brownearth , someoftheremainsfound , NancySpain'spub , menburiedwithhandstiedbehindtheirbacks , archaeologicaldig , siteworkers , garda , redfence , CorkCitypub , centuriesoldremains , eleventhcenturyCork , sixpeople , defensiveditchfound , 1000yearsago , BarrackStreet , Mary-LouMcDonald , portrait , SinnFéinleader , insistsnegotiation , thewayforward , 'Dublinisfurious' , Protocolplans , customsprocesses , betweenBritainandNorthernIreland , Torygovernment , 'proposingtocreatehugedamagetonortherneconomy' , underminingGoodFridayagreement , Ukrainiansoldiers , flowntoIrelandfortreatment , BeaumontHospital , CorkUniversityHospital , UniversityHospitalGalway , EuropeanDisasterReliefProject , mostlycloudy , riskoffewlightshowers , windsmostlymoderateandwesterly
Archaic Greek, figure , Bronze, 114 x 90 x 22 millimeters, 520 BC - 500 BC, The British Museum , U.K.
Tags: ArchaicGreek , bronzefigure , girlrunner , marathon , 500BC , TheBritishMuseum , London , U.K. , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , Limerickdigdeep , towin , fourthsuccessiveprovincialcrown , greenuniform , player , sports , 'Emotionalmoment' , forhit-and-runvictim , OliviaKeating , Kinsale , CountyCork , JasonvanderVelde , CorkCityMarathon , ranmarathontogether , raisefunds , WestCorkRapidResponse , Ms.Keatingwastrainingfor2016race , hitbycar , Dr.vanderVelde , helpedsaveherlife , LizzieLee , wonthewomen'srace , TimO'Donoghue , wonthemen'srace , Cork , Noemergencybeds , forLimerick'shomeless , Mid-West , hashighestproportionofhomelessness , outsideDublin , Tributespaidtowoman , aftertragicdrowning , GillianDaly , diedwhenhercarenteredtheRiverLee , RussiastrikesKyiv , PutinwarnsagainstweaponsfromtheWest , womantakespicturesofruins , Kyiv , mostlysunny , thenpartlycloudy
Keith Edmier, Untitled (Wreath) , Silicon, dental acrylic, acrylic paint, polyurethane, polypropylene, steel and enamel paint, 34 x 20 x 20 inches; 8 x 21 inches diameter, 1999, Denver Art Museum , Colorado
Tags: KeithEdmier , UntitledWreath , sculpture , mixedmedia , dentalacrylic , steel , polyurethane , enamelpaint , DenverArtMuseum , NYTimes , PresidentBiden , thefirstlady , JillBiden , visitingmemorial , victimsofmassshooting , Uvalde , Texas , flowers , facesofchildren , cardboardstandees , photographs , FamiliarRitualofPain , BidenComfortsBereaved , PresidentTravelstoSite , SchoolShooting , HeaingaPlea , 'DoSomething' , RobbElementarySchool , ChurchVeneratedinUvalde , BecomesHubforTown'sGrief , SacredHeartCatholicChurch , "We'reafamily" , ArchbishopGustavoGarcía-Siller , WouldPhotosOftheBodiesChangeViews? , Woulddisseminatinggraphicimages , resultsofgunviolence , joltthenation'sgridlockedleadership? , TheThreeMen , Lostto20BrucknerBoulevard , OneofDeadliestConstructionSites , NewYorkCity , Bronx , MarcoMartínez , MichaelDaves , YoninPineda , MauricioSánchez , Uber , billboard , seriesofelectronicads , 20BrucknerBoulevard , visiblefromnearbyhighways , AsNATOSeeksUnitedFront , TurkeyDisrupts , TussleOverExpansion , MayBenefitRussia , PresidentRecepTayyipErdogan , BasquiatorNot? , F.B.I.IsSizingUp25Works , “Untitled(Cat and Firetruck)" , oneof25paintings , saidtobebyJean-MichelBasquiat , OrlandoMuseumofArt , F.B.I.ArtCrimeTeam , investigatingauthenticityofpaintings , mostlysunny , warm , becomingmorehumid
Charles Henri Joseph Cordier, Woman from the French Colonies , Pedestal attributed to designs by Charles-François Rossigneux, Algerian onyx-marble, bronze, enamel, amethyst, white marble socle, 95.9 x 59.1 x 31.1 centimeters, 1861, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: CharlesHenriJosephCordier , WomanfromtheFrenchColonies , Algerianonyx-marble , bronze , enamel , amethyst , whitemarblesocle , nineteenthcentury , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NYTimes , blueglow , nightsky , stone , ruins , PalaceofSansSouci , Milot , Haiti , monument , portraitbust , QueenMarieLouiseofHaiti , financialextraction , hobbledthenation , ABankCreatedforHaiti , FunneledWealthtoFrance , TheRansom , Haiti'sLostBillions , TheNationalBankofHaiti , mirage , Invaders , Bucha , Ukraine , 18DaysofHorror , ARussianBrigade , BroughtTortureandDeath , toCornerofUkraine , EasternFront , Russianforcespushedtowardkeycity , battleofattrition , NadezhdaCherednychenko , motherandson , holdingphotographofVolodymyr , 27yearoldson , shefoundhisbody , aftertheRussianswithdrew , wallpaper , pictureframes , homeinterior , SouthernBaptistLeadership , AccusedofIgnoringSexAbuse , QuickFunding , ForSteveMnuchin , AndJaredKushner , GulfInvestments , CameAfterOfficialTravel , AbrahamFund , wouldraise$3billion , forprojectsaroundMiddleEast , Trumpadministration , MiddaySubwayShooting , LatestShocktoCity , AttackComes6WeeksAfter , 10WereShotonNTrainlastmonth , Qtrain , ABaseballSuperstition , CanBeFoundinthePerfumeAisle , SomePlayersSeeking , WhiffofSuccess , cloudswithsomesunnybreaks
Shan Goshorn, Red Flag , Basket woven from inkjet prints with acrylic and artificial sinew, 8 x 7 x 7.5 inches, 2015, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: ShanGoshorn , RedFlag , sculpture , wovenbasket , inkjetprints , multimedia , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Friendsconsolingsurvivor , Saturday'sshooting , churchservices , TrueBethelBaptistChurch , Buffalo , mourning , grief , GriefAndRageRockBuffalo , AfterRacismFuelsMassacre , CreepingIntotheMainstream , ATheoryTurnsHateIntoTerror , AToxicBelief , WhiteRaceIsatRisk , DrivesViolence , replacementtheory , BeforeAttack , SolitaryTeenCausedAlarm , NewYorkStatelaw , redflaglaw , VictimsIncludeSecurityGuard , HailedasHero , TopsSupermarket , PatternOfRacism , MastenParkneighborhood , collectiveanguishandanger , longhistoryoftrauma , socialmedia , Platformsfacedquestions , responsibility , allowingviolentandhatefulcontenttoproliferate , FloutingRulesOfCampaigns , InPlainSight , CandidatesSteerPACs , viaLittleRedBoxes , candidatespostinstructionsonpublicpages , candidatewebsites , SuperPACscontinuouslymonitor , TwoCountriesTurntoNATO , InFaceofWar , TheIdeaofNeutralityInEurope , FadesAway , Finland , Sweden , forestlandscape , twomen , burnedtank , Russia'sinvasionofUkraine , endedanera , EuropeanillusionsaboutMoscow , crowds , MelbourneCricketGround , vaccinationcertificates , WhyAustralia'sCovidDeathRate , IsOnlyOne-TenthofU.S.Level , clouds , sunshine , severelate-afternoonthunderstorms
Rexy Tseng, 90X200 , Cloth, metal, wood, bodily fluids, and electronics, 90 x 200 x 60 centimeters, 2019, Arte Laguna Prize , Venice, Italy
Tags: RexyTseng , multimedia , installation , electronics , bed , whitesheet , bodilyfluids , ArteLagunaPrizeVenice , blackandwhitephotography , spenttimeinE.R. , aftersearchedonline , forsuicidemethods , youth , backyard , E.R. , examrooms , strippedoffixtures , topreventharm , ASwampedSystem , SuicidalTeens , KeptforDaysinE.R. , TheInnerPandemic , SanctuariesofLastResort , "psych-safe"room , "allyouseeiswalls." , Rivals , RememberingWorldWarIIVictory , HardenOverUkraine , Co-optingaReveredDay , toPromotetheInvasion , WestMakesShowofResolve , asPutinPoundsEast , WarplaneswillflyoverMoscow , "Z"formation , potentpoliticalstrategy , ShowOfEmpathy , JillBiden , meeting , Ukraine'sfirstlady , OlenaZelenska , nearborderwithSlovakia , NewYork , aFrostySilence , ForAdamsandOcasio-Cortez , fundraiser , Mr.Adamswarnedguestsaboutdangers , ofdemocraticsocialists , IsCourtPoisedToSweepAwayGayMarriage? , Roev.Wade , risk , ifcourtoverruled , SCOTUS , SierraLeone , Incountrieswithlowvaccinations , needforantiviralpillsandtests , urgent , SeekingCovidPills , FearingSameOldOutcome , InPoorNations , LackofDrugsPortendsCrisis , PresidentBiden , internationalCovid-19summit , "globaltesttotreat" , breezy , sunshine , clouds
Andy Warhol, Sarah Bernhardt , Screenprint on paper, 40 x 32 inches, 1980, The Jewish Museum , New York
Tags: AndyWarhol , screenprint , paper , portraiture , PopArt , SarahBernhardt , TheJewishMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , blackandwhitescreen , television , text , FoxNews , televisionpersonality , AmericanNationalist , TuckerCarlson , ReshapedFoxNews , BecameTrump'sHeir , TuckerCarlsonTonight , NancyPelosi , PelosiVisitsKyiv , EchoingU.S.Vow , OfWide'Victory' , SomeCiviliansEvacuate , MariupolSteelPlant , UkraineIsLowonFuel , internationaldiplomacy , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , "AmericastandswithUkraine" , OneRussianTycoonSpokeUp , RetributionCameaDayLater , OlegY.Tinkov , "afiresale" , XiRemainsSilent , VirusLockdown , GripsShanghaiForWeeks , FlurriesofComplaints , HighlightCracksinZero-CovidPolicy , XiJinping , "dynamiczeroCovid"goal , PandemicHomeMarket , CreatesVastRiches , MoreInequality , $6trillionhousingwealth , CanYouAffordIt? , Homeprices , loanrates , youneedtodothemath , Régine , madeexclusivityanartform , 2013filmfestival , 1929-2022 , CreatorofWorld'sFirstDisco , ReignedOverDazzlingEmpire , RachelleZylberberg , Belgium , openedbasementnightclub , Parisbackstreet , ChezRégine , discothèque , 1970s , $500millionempire , 23clubs , EuropeMiddleEastandtheAmericas , cloudyandcool , coupleofshowers
Catherine Yass, Corridors , Photograph, dye destruction print on transparency on lightbox, 890 × 725 × 140 millimeters, 1994, Tate , U.K.
Tags: CatherineYass , photography , transparency , lightbox , dyedestructionprint , TateUK , candlelight , public , worshipers , OrthodoxEaster , TroitskaChurch , Dnipro , Ukraine , bearinggifts , basketsfilledwithcakes , fruits , goodies , forsoldiersatfrontlines , U.S.boostingmilitaryaid , afterKyivvisit , SecretariesofStateandDefense , traveltoUkraine'scapital , Russiakeepsupitsbarrage , intheeast , $300million , newmilitaryaid , They'rewarmingtoicehockey , Mexico , thesportgainingtoehold , L.A.Kings , otherNHLteams , chancetodevelopfanbase , southoftheborder , icerink , youth , youngicehockeyplayers , skatethroughdrills , MexicoCityrink , Only2690playsportinMexico , 1600arejuniorplayers , BeverlyHills , increasessurveillance , cityhas2000closed-circuitcameras , planstobuy900more , privacyadvocatesandpolicecritics , seeroomformisuse , handholdingolives , leftoverolives , super-high-densityplantingdemonstration , UCDaviscampus , bitterconflict , oliveoillabels , Whocanuse'California'name? , fighthaswideimplications , Petaluma , McEvoyRanch , Womendumpedathospitals , bringscopsbacktorapecases , Allegedpatterncomestolight , afterdeaths , HildaCabralesArzola , ChristyGiles , drugcocktails , Travelersshouldtakeprecautions , CDC , topCOVIDdoctor , howtoreducerisk , L.A.paystribute , sixrevolutionarycomposers , ensuringsoundsliveon , What'soldisnewagain , vintagegasguzzlers , transformintoEVs , mostlysunny , warm , LosAngelesTimes , LATimes
Matias Faldbakken, Dobbeltherme Adolph Tidemand , Marble sculptures, pallet, polyethylene foam, cargo strap, 80 x 120 centimeters, 2014, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: MatiasFaldbakken , sculpture , marble , pallet , installation , Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo , Norway , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , Russianmissilesbombardthecity , apartmentbuildingsonfire , walls , residentswatch , smoke , rainystreets , FateOfMariupol , HinglesOnBattleAtSteelFactory , BrutalityofInvaders , HasDeepRoots , flashbacksofviolence , Chechnya , Grozny , Aleppo , Bucha , Ukraine'sLastStand , inCriticalCity , AzovstalIronandSteelWorks , "Thecitystillhasnotfallen" , DenysShmyhal , Ukraine'sprimeminister , Vanished , Russian-occupiedvillage , fivemenwenttofeedcattle , neighborswonderingwhathappenedtothem , Mar-a-LagoMachine , TrumpasModern-DayPartyBoss , GainingCash , GrantingFavors , TryingtoCrushRivals , PalmBeach , Florida , WeighingRisks , VirusThreatBecomesNorm , coronavirus , aerialview , statueofGeneralStonewallJackson , camedowninRichmondVirginia , hundredsgatheredtocheer , PerilousJob , TopplingConfederateStatues , Black-OwnedCompanyMetWithThreats , TeamHenryEnterprises , hauledaway15piecesofConfederatestatuary , HowDomesticPoliticsUnravel , TheWorld'sPledgetoRefugees , Britain'sgovernmentannouncednewplan , shipforeigncitizenstoRwanda , sunshine , clouds , somerainlate , cool
Tags: GediminasUrbonas , sculpture , granite , metal , MuseumofContemporaryArtKiasma , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , pileofluggage , suitcase , backpacks , plasticbags , clothing , bloodstainedfloor , trainstation , Kramatorsk , Ukraine , 50peoplekilled , missileattack , apartmentbuilding , damagedbybombings , peopleremainingfear , willsoonbeshelledintooblivion , PerilsGrowDire , OnEscapeRoutes , ToUkraine'sWest , 'TownIsDead' , AfterStationAttack , MassingofRussians , PosesNewThreat , burnedoutcars , signsofmassacreonhighway , nearDmytrivka , tableauofhorror , photographstakenbyTarasDidych , mayorofDmytrivka , CryptoFirmsHaveWishList , StatesAreTurningItIntoLaw , Florida , warmembraceofcryptocurrencyagenda , Binance , Ethereum , Dogecoin , Bitcoin , Paris , MacronandLePen , WillBattletoLeadFrance , Right-WingSurge , MayThreatenIncumbent , extremepartiesofrightandleft , took51%ofvote , Frenchangerandfrustration , PresidentEmmanuelMacron , whitestage , campaign , crowdwavingFrenchflags , runoffvoteonApril24 , KushnerFirm , Got$2BillionFromSaudis , SovereignWealthFund , OverruledAdvisers , AffinityPartners , JaredKushner , CollegeSpreadsBeliefsofRight , InK-12Charters , HillsdaleCollege , Michigan , "1776Curriculum" , fighting"progressive"and"leftistacademics" , sunshine , increasingclouds
Sophie Ristelhueber, Untitled from the series FAIT , Chromogenic color print, Edition: 1/3, 100.97 x 125.73 x 5.72 centimeters, 1992, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: SophieRistelhueber , FAIT , scarredlandscape , war , destruction , chromogenicprint , photoedition , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , NYTimes , landscape , houses , massgrave , trench , pileofdirt , burial , tocoverbodies , Bucha , Ukraine , yellowbrown , ochre , blackplasticsheeting , ScoresofBodies , KyivSuburb , 'TheyShotEveryoneTheySaw' , CiviliansWereFoundTiedandExecuted , CoronerSays , UkraineAccusesRussianSoldiers , WarAtrocities , OutragedWestDemandsNewSanctions , Putin'sTroopsPivottoDonbas , plumeofblacksmoke , explosion , Russianairstrikes , hittingOdesa , Trostyanets , FleeingNortheast , OccupiersLeaveBitterMemoriesinWake , storiesofviolence , frontyard , motheranddaughter , AntoninaPomanzanko , withbodyofherdaughterTetiana , waskilledinFebruary , Paris , France , DaysBeforeFrenchElection , LePenSeesSurgeinPolls , EmmanuelMacron , Macron'sUkraineFocus , TookTimeFromTrail , firstcampaignrally , MarineLePen , hard-rightcampaign , Sacramento , NewLawsRevealWideChasm , StatesVeertoLeftorRight , DividedOverAbortion , GenderandVoting , SCOTUS , WhenDiabetesandCovidCross , ResultIsOftenHealthDisaster , ConditionPlaysPart , In30%ofVirusDeaths , Covid-19 , mostlysunny , seasonablycool
Tags: BethBarron , repair , mixedmedia , bandaids , beads , canvas , MuseumofArtsandDesign , NYC , NYTimes , Mariupol , TeeteringAmidSigns , RussiaIsShiftingFocus , windowcutout , vista , cloudybluesky , cityinthedistance , sandbags , destroyedroom , frames , couches , rubble , detritus , InsideRegionalStateAdministrationoffice , Kharkiv , artilleryfire , killedseveninthecity , includingtwochildren , UkraineSaysFoeMayConcentrateonEast , EfforttoSplitCountry , Kyiv , HealthCatastropheLooms , WarinUkraine , threatenstoundo , decadesofprogress , H.I.V.tuberculosisandhepatitis , Biden'sNineWords , ad-libstatement , capturesattentionofforeignpolicyexperts , Congressmembers , NATOallies , NokiaDeparts , ButCybertoolsStayinRussia , digitalsurveillance , SORM , KremlinPurgesReporters'TalkWithZelensky , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , gave90-minute-longZoominterview , censorship , GrantTown , HowManchinAidedCoalIndustry , EarnedHimselfMillions , ASenator'sFortune , SenatorJoeManchinIII , TiedtoaPowerPlant , WestVirginia , Appalachiantown , usedpoliticalinfluence , "gob" , PentagonSeeksToOffsetRival , AsArcticMelts , DeltaJunction , Alaska , combattrainingexercise , soldiers , snowbanks , 8000Americantroops , tookpartintrainingexercise , camouflageuniform , landscape , lightblue , partlysunnyskies , breezy , cold
Pablo Martínez Díez, Mar Santamaria-Varas, 300.000 Km/s, dataWar, big data in times of war , Multi-media installation, Architecture Ukraine: Beyond the Front, Biennale Architettura 2016, Venice, Italy
Tags: PabloMartínezDíez , MarSantamaria-Varas , 300.000Km/s , architecturefirm , Barcelona , Spain , dataWar , multi-mediainstallation , bigdataintimesofwar , ArchitectureUkraine:BeyondtheFront , BiennaleArchitettura2016 , VeniceItaly , NYTimes , RussiaBombardsStrategicPort , FromLandAirandSea , aerialmap , orangeandpurpledots , reddots , locations , WidespreadAttacks , ResidentialAreasofMariupol , satelliteimagery , 391buildingsdamagedordestroyed , ForPutin , 'Truth'IsJustAnotherFrontLine , "specialmilitaryoperation" , disinformationinwartime , Mariupol , PortcityMall , TerraSport , Governmentbuilding , Azovstalsteelplant , SchoolandTheaterbombed , Maternityhospitalbombed , Regionalintensivecarehospital , hundredsheldhostage , ArtSchoolIsHit , HundredsTrytoHide , Lviv , Ukraine , WarThreatenstoCauseGlobalFoodCrisis , crucialportionofworld'swheatcornandbarley , trappedinRussiaandUkraine , largerportionofworld'sfertilizers , stuckinRussiaandBelarus , WhenRussiansCameandTookTheirHomes , RussianforcespushedtowardKyiv , stormedapartmentcomplex , heldresidentshostage , caughtoncamera , burningbuilding , smoke , camouflageuniform , surveillancevideo , JudgeKetanjiBrownJackson , Harvardportrait1989-1990 , AtHarvard , JacksonWeighedRaceJusticeandAcademics , mostlysunnyskies , breezyconditions , mild