Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Jerzy Bereś, Protest , Wood, textiles, mixed media, 2030 millimeters, 1976, Museum Kampa , Prague, Czech Republic
Tags: JerzyBereś , PROTEST , wood , textiles , mixedmedia , sculpture , MuseumKampa , Prague , CzechRepublic , NYTimes , bluetents , jobfair , Beijing , educationsupposedtoleadtowell-payingjob , economistsaid , "Thatisnolongermaterializing" , DeepDiscontentInChineseYouth , GoesPastCovid , JobProspectsDryUp , AsPandemicRulesEase , GenerationSeesBleakFuture , "zeroCovid"restrictions , protesters'demands , Moldova , PaidProtests , RussianPressure , GasLimitsbyMoscow , StirAngerAgainstPro-WestLeader , MaiaSandu , callingforremovalofMoldova'spresident , crowds , anti-governmentrally , ChisinauMoldova , protestsigns , pro-Russiapartypaysprotesters , DeemedFree , SomeRemainBehindBars , LouisianaDawdlesatReleasingInmates , NewOrleans , JohnnyTraweek , "overdetention" , LouisianaDepartmentofPublicSafetyandCorrections , BrittneyGriner , hostagediplomacy , GrinerStoryPointstoRisksForDetainers , Divorce , BeatriceWeber , portraiture , seeksstrongereducationforyoungestson , DivorceCanLockSomeChildren , IntoInadequateHasidicSchools , BadLobenstein , Germany , ACoupPlot , aPrinceandtheFarRight , GermanSpaTown , Royal'sLodge , Oneof150TargetsRaided , PrinceHeinrichXIIIofReuss , Waidmannsheillodge , rainorsnowshowerearly , decreasingclouds
Tags: MauricedeVlaminck , Larouteenforêt , oilonlinen , painting , landscape , forest , path , walking , route , MuseumBoijmansVanBeuningen , Rotterdam , Netherlands , NYTimes , aftertwoyears , pubertyblockers , EmmaBasques , prescribedestrogen , tostarthertransition , PressingPauseonPuberty , DrugsCanBuyTimeforTransYouth , IsThereaCost? , transgender , genderdysphoria , PresidentBiden , FacingBigDecisionOnHisFuture , EnteringHis80s , Pondering'24Race , history-defyingmidterms , midtermelections , SenateWin , GivesBidenABulwark , AgainstTheG.O.P. , HouseIsUndecided , PowertoConfirmJudges , ImpedethePlansofRepublicans , SenatorChuckSchumer , portraiture , victory , ModerationWins , battlegroundstates , swingdistricts , midtermvoters , shunnedextremists , fromtherightandleft , TrumpOftenSoughtTaxAuditsOfHisFoes , Ex-TopAideSays , formerchiefofstaff , JohnF.Kelly , PrivateEyes , SteeredtoSpyOnDissidents , surveillance , Ukrainiansoldiers , camouflageuniforms , childrenwrappedinUkrainianflags , yellowandblue , AUkrainiansoldiersignedaflag , mainsquare , Kherson , newlyfreedfromRussia , AssimilationIsFutile , HowaCityDefiedRussia , KhersonResistedPush , toEraseItsIdentityasUkrainian , mostlysunny , cool , clearskies
William Roberts, Study for ‘Parallel Bars’ , Graphite on paper, 191 x 133 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: WilliamRoberts , StudyforParallelBars , graphiteonpaper , portraiture , gymnastics , TateUK , NYTimes , rehabilitationcenter , FindingCamaraderieinRecovery , oldmedicalcenter , westernUkraine , waramputees , formingacommunity , theyadjusttonewlives , wheelchair , crutches , prosthesis , healing , TestingRevealsAlarmingDrop , MathSkills , ReadingAlsoSuffers , MostDefinitivePictureYet , Pandemic'sMarkonStudents , NationalAssessmentofEducationalProgress , SuspicionandBlame , TheirAmericaVanishes , DemocracyChallenged , WhereElectionDoubtThrives , RepresentativeTroyNehls , FortBendCounty , downtown , sunnyday , RichmondTexas , formerwhitemajority , hasfallento30percent , ColumbusOhio , TimRyan , Stressing'Ohio'Over'Democrat' , PutsSenateRaceinPlay , stumpspeech , "Mygrandfatherwasasteelworker" , BorisJohnson , EndsComebackBidAsRivalRises , PathClearsintheRacetoLeadBritain , RishiSunak , PennyMordaunt , London , Sunak'sVision , OnceIgnoredNowLiftsHim , XiJinping , InThirdTerm , XiStrengthensGriponPower , China , CommunistParty , cloudy , abitofraininthemorning
Wang Jin, Beijing - Kowloon , Chromogenic print, 116.8 x 78.1 centimeters, 1994, Asia Society , New York
Tags: WangJin , performance , chromogenicprint , Beijing , Kowloon , AsiaSociety , NewYork , DeMorgen , Belgium , Chinesevisitors , Communistmonument , Shaanxi , brickredsculpture , CommunistPartysymbol , hammerandsickle , publicart , textetchedonsurface , XiJinping , 20thNationalCongressofChineseCommunistParty , "TheGreatResurrectionoftheChineseNation" , NeleBauwens , portraiture , caberetartist , "Proust'sQuestions" , "Ireallydon'tcareaboutmyage" , Thefreelife , Doesthe'TomatoSoupAction'HarmtheClimateMatter? , protest , "araghadtobewashed" , Whatarewetalkingaboutthen? , SecretaryofStategrabsenergysuppliers , numberofcomplaints , billsfromenergysuppliers , stillrising , statesecretaryofConsumerProtection , EvaDeBleeker , OPENVLD , manybreadboxes , stillemptyatschool , oneinthreechildren , hasnonepoororinsufficientfoodwiththem , 'Forcemajeureisnotallowedtobecomeanexcuse' , 'nottocomplywithadecentservicegrant' , 'solveit' , LuisterenVersusKijken , Footballpodcasts , pushTVprogramsonthedefensive , rainthroughouttheday , cloudyskies
Thomas Hirshhorn, Drift Topography , Cardboard, tape, shoeboxes, alarm clocks, plastic, books, cotton wool and printed papers, 2200 x 4600 x 2800 millimeters, 2003, Tate , U.K.
Tags: ThomasHirshhorn , mixedmedia , installation , sculpture , printedpaper , TateUK , NYTimes , soldiersinaline , landscape , AndrewMilburn , founderofMozartGroup , privatemilitarycompany , SoledarUkraine , Richie , rescuedmutt , mascot , dog , AmericanFindsinUkraine , theWarHeSought , AMorallyClearEffort , AfterToursinIraqandAfghanistan , evacuation , "Pleasecomewithme." , retiredMarinecolonel , Kyiv , FearofReprisal , ForBridgeBlast , DimsKyiv'sJoy , KerchStraitBridge , EastpointeMichigan , HowLocalRaces , CouldHelpTiltDirectionofU.S. , ACriticalCourtCase , JusticesConsiderGivingStatesPowerOverFederalElections , struggleforMichiganSenate , federalelections , SCOTUS , independentstatelegislaturetheory , NourishingLifeandThreateningIt , mansittingonledgeoverlookingwater , SouthAsiamonsoon , growingmoreviolentanderratic , climatechange , CostsSoaring , BulletTrainGoesNowhere , PoliticalDeals , SnarledinCaliforniaProject , connectLosAngelesandSanFrancisco , FromWorkingtheDairyFarm , ToOwningtheBest-SellerList , author , ColleenHoover , portraiture , InGeorgia'sSenateRace , EvangelicalsFindaWayWithWalker , SupportingHimDespiteAbortionAllegations , HerschelWalker , twoincreasinglydivergentversions , AmericanChristianity , sunshine , patchycloudy , seasonable
Edward Hopper, Tennis Players , Opaque watercolor and graphite pencil on board, 37.1 x 25.1 centimeters, 1916-1920, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: EdwardHopper , tennisplayers , watercolor , graphite , pencil , portraiture , painting , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , war , Russianmilitaryretreat , twosoldiers , camouflageuniforms , road , destroyedbyfire , militarytank , rust , detritus , rubble , bluesky , StunnedMoscow , AdmitsToLosingMostOfKharkiv , RetreatDentsImage , MightyPutin , "regroupingoperation" , "StrengthistheonlysourceofPutin'slegitimacy" , AbbasGallyamov , ScotlandTensions , QueenElizabethII , flag-drapedcoffin , crowdspayrespect , hearst , arenewedquestforindependence , royalflags , SomeinFormerColoniesAsk , WhyDoWeEvenNeedaKing? , Honiara , SolomonIslands , Melanesianculture , prioritizelocalknowledge , mixedemotions , often-cruellegacyofBritishEmpire , AQuietDramaticBlow , ChildhoodPoverty , BroadenedSafetyNet , Drives59%DeclineOver30Years , TeenagerRulesTennis , CarlosAlcaraz , wonU.S.Open , gainedNo.1ranking , green , tenniscourt , AtlantaD.A. , TakesOnCrimeandaPresident , LongtimeProsecutor , FaniT.Willis , UnruffledbyCritics , PoorerNations , GetLittleHelpOnMonkeypox , scrambleforvaccinesandtreatments , wealthynationsboughtupavailabledoses , LimaPeru , Dr.AlbertoMendoza , "Ihavenooptions" , WorldHealthOrganization , mostlycloudy , humid , showers , thunderstorms , warmer
China, Jingdezhen, Jianxi province, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Reign of the Kangxi emperor (1662-1722), A standing figure , Porcelain with green, black, yellow, aubergine, and blue enamels, 12.5 x 4.5 inches, Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture , San Francisco, California
Tags: China , Jingdezhen , Jianxiprovince , Qingdynasty , Astandingfigure , porcelain , sculpture , enamel , AsianArtMuseum , Chong-MoonLeeCenterforAsianArtandCulture , SanFrancisco , California , NYTimes , TheKeeper , soccer , Fati , Inacountrywherewomenhadfewoptions , playinggoalkeeper , Afghannationalteam , gavehercourage , confidence , aname , WhenTalibanrolledintoKabul , shereceivedatextfromteammate , "Theyaregoingtokilltheathletes." , greenblackuniform , standingtall , portraiture , grass , soccerfield , WashingtonDC , UnwrittenRule , PosesDilemmaFor2Inquiries , MidtermsCouldDelay , JusticeDepartmentMoves , 60-dayrule , forbiddingovertactions , thatcouldimproperlyinfluencevote , RussiansUseBioweaponLie , ToSmearU.S. , DisinformationKeepsCirculatingAbroad , conspiracytheories , TheBiologicalWeaponsConvention , Russiacommandedinternationalforum , Geneva , EuropeSprintsToSupplyRelief , EnergyCosts , FearOfSocialUnrest , AsWarGrindsOn , BracingforColdDays , HotTempers , Berlin , ChancellorOlafScholz , pledged$65billion , reliefmeasures , inflation , energycrisis , Gazprom , Kremlin-controlledRussianenergygiant , halttoflowofgas , NordStream1pipeline , SerenaWilliams , tookselfiewithfans , afterherfirst-roundvictory , U.S.Open , Serena'sSeven-DayGoodbye , totheSportSheChangedForever , tennis , Yakima , Washington , WashingtonRiver , MightYieldModel , ForEndingaWaterWar , concrete-linedirrigationcanal , bluecurve , bluesky , WashingtonState , watermanagersofYakimaBasin , manageYakimaRiverandtributaries , fornext30years , ensurestablesupplyofwater , cloudy , notaswarm , humid , showers , thunderstorms
Adolf Dehn, Seven Mayan Women , Color lithograph, 41 x 53 centimeters, 1957, Printed at George C. Miller and Son, New York, Philadelphia Museum of Art , Pennsylvania
Tags: AdolfDehn , SevenMayanWomen , colorlithograph , printmaking , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , NYTimes , MargaretBourke-White , TheLifePictureCollection , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , TheFadingGhosts , India'sPartition , SikhsmigratingtoIndiain1947 , 75YearsLater , FinalGeneration , RecallsDeadlyChaosofPakistan'sBirth , Amritsar , India , SudarshanaRani , framedphotographs , wasachildwhenmostofherfamilywerekilled , Shehasheldouthope , thatabrothersurvived , OntheClock , TrackedtotheMinute , MoreEmployeesLabor , UnderDigitalEye , 8of10largestprivateU.S.employers , trackproductivitymetricsofindividualworkers , digitalproductivitymonitoring , AfterEarlyFuryAtTrumpSearch , TheG.O.P.IsSplit , TemperingTheTone , QuestionsonHowFartoGo , CriticismofLawEnforcement , SensingOpportunity , DemocratsSpotlightAbortioninTheirAds , midtermelections , dynamicofvoters , topunishthepartyinpower , SupremeCourt , overturnedRoev.Wade , MisinformationRiddlesTikTok , BeforeElection , primaryincubator , baselessandmisleadinginformation , asproblematicasFacebookandTwitter , InDryLosAngeles , GrassGivesWaytoGravel , AgouraHills , Californiadrought , ErinBrockovich , waterqualityactivist , replaced3100squarefeetofgrass , high-techartificialturf , lawn , SouthernCalifornia , middle-classfantasy , manicuredemeraldyard , climatechange , limitsofwatersupply , mostlycloudy , afternoonshowers
Andy Warhol, Sarah Bernhardt , Screenprint on paper, 40 x 32 inches, 1980, The Jewish Museum , New York
Tags: AndyWarhol , screenprint , paper , portraiture , PopArt , SarahBernhardt , TheJewishMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , blackandwhitescreen , television , text , FoxNews , televisionpersonality , AmericanNationalist , TuckerCarlson , ReshapedFoxNews , BecameTrump'sHeir , TuckerCarlsonTonight , NancyPelosi , PelosiVisitsKyiv , EchoingU.S.Vow , OfWide'Victory' , SomeCiviliansEvacuate , MariupolSteelPlant , UkraineIsLowonFuel , internationaldiplomacy , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , "AmericastandswithUkraine" , OneRussianTycoonSpokeUp , RetributionCameaDayLater , OlegY.Tinkov , "afiresale" , XiRemainsSilent , VirusLockdown , GripsShanghaiForWeeks , FlurriesofComplaints , HighlightCracksinZero-CovidPolicy , XiJinping , "dynamiczeroCovid"goal , PandemicHomeMarket , CreatesVastRiches , MoreInequality , $6trillionhousingwealth , CanYouAffordIt? , Homeprices , loanrates , youneedtodothemath , Régine , madeexclusivityanartform , 2013filmfestival , 1929-2022 , CreatorofWorld'sFirstDisco , ReignedOverDazzlingEmpire , RachelleZylberberg , Belgium , openedbasementnightclub , Parisbackstreet , ChezRégine , discothèque , 1970s , $500millionempire , 23clubs , EuropeMiddleEastandtheAmericas , cloudyandcool , coupleofshowers
Jan van den Bergh, After Giacomo Cavedone , Red chalk on paper, 293 x 205 millimeters, 1614, British Museum, U.K.
Tags: JanvandenBergh , Flemishpainter , redchalkonpaper , afterGiacomoCavedone , Bologneseschool , portraiture , BritishMuseum , London , NYTimes , groupofmen , camouflagejackets , MykhailoHiraldo-Ramires , leadingatrainingcourse , Kyiv , Ukraine , country'sdefenseplan , Ukraine'sCiviliansStaff , ResistanceinWaiting , TeachersAccountantsandWaitresses , PrepforanInsurgency , learncombatskills , NewVariantRisk , InNursingHomes , BoostersLaginNewYork , AmidOmicronSurge , SeaCrestNursingandRehabilitation , ConeyIsland , CadreofExpertWitnesses , HelpsClearPoliceinCourt , SameTightNetworkThatTrainsOfficers , TestifiesAboutDeathsinCustody , Dr.GaryVilke , establishedhimselfasleadingexpertwitness , cottageindustryofexoneration , expertshavetiestoAxon , makeroftheTaser , cowwithtag , strugglingranchers , sellingoffentireherds , BoominBeef , ButRanchersCan'tCashIn , Montana , cattleranchers , DubiousAdvice , FromTVDoctorInSenateHunt , Dr.MehmetOz , chiefpromoter , malariadrugs , hydroxychloroquine , chloroquine , fortreatingCovid-19 , wealthofevidence , noteffective , Dr.OzjumpedintoRepublicanprimary , forSenateinPennsylvania , DesmondM.Tutu , 1931-2021 , ArchbishopWhoseVoiceHelpedEndApartheid , powerfulforcefornonviolence , anti-apartheidmovement , earnedNobelPeacePrizein1984 , becomingmostlycloudy , showerslate , chilly
Nellie Mae Roe, When I Was a Little girl Looking for Santa Claus, Crayon, colored pencil and pencil on paper, Dimensions unknown, 1982, High Museum of Art , Atlanta, Georgia
Tags: NellieMaeRoe , painting , drawing , portraiture , SantaClaus , HighMuseumofArt , Atlanta , NYTimes , Lima , Peru , landscape , mountains , rocks , shrubs , nurses , PPE , blue , surgicalmasks , orangebag , orange , Sinopharmvaccine , offerszeroprotection , fromOmicroninfection , mostshotsusedabroad , maynothaltOmicron , AllSeemtoOffer , MajorShieldAgainstSevereIllness , ManchinSaysNo , DesertingBiden , OverPrizedBill , SenatorIsAdamant , OnInflationFear , WestVirginiaDemocrat , PotentialFatalBlow , Hits$2.2TrillionSpendingPlan , SenatorJoeManchinIII , citedconcernsaboutnationaldebt , DavidLevitan , listedasoneofNYC'sworstlandlords , SheltersRelyOnLandlordCalledWorst , nonprofitgroupsdon'townspaces , mustrentfromprivatelandlords , protectiveglass , separation , MariaEduarda , storewindow , Boston , SeasonalSnifflesPromptWorry , ColdorCovid? , EvenTestingNegative , FailstoSootheSome , panic , APopStar , WhoFeltTrapped , AManagerWhoBenefited , BritneySpears , JamesP.Spears , TRiStarSports&EntertainmentGroup , ownerLouiseM.Taylor , plentyofsunshine , seasonablychilly , alightwind
John Steuart Curry, Tornado Over Kansas , Oil on canvas, 117.5 x 153.35 centimeters, 1929, Muskegon Museum of Art , Michigan
Tags: JohnSteuartCurry , scenicpainting , landscape , portraiture , tornado , MuskegonMuseumofArt , Michigan , NYTimes , Kentucky , SurveyingtheAftermath , salvagingremains , destroyedhome , DawsonSprings , town , scoresofresidents , stillmissing , AmazonDepot , WinterPeak , AsStormsHit , Edwardsville , Illinois , alarmblared , "Ifeltlikethefloorwascomingofftheground" , AlonzoHarris , CovidHasKilled , OneOfEvery100 , OlderAmericans , DeathToll , Nears800000Overall , Three-QuartersAre65orOver , statisticalgraph , lightbluegreyorange , CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention , Port-Au-Prince , Haiti'sLeader , HadaListHisAssassinsWanted , ImplicatingPoliticiansandBusinessmen , DrugTrade , PresidentJovenelMoïse , portraitofthreemen , bluedressshirts , PresidentMichelMartelly , 2015photograph , LosAngeles , LitanyofCrises , ForNextMayorOfLosAngeles , crime , homelessencampments , drought , trash , RosyPlansFail , CompaniesPutOffReturns , DocuSign , Omicronvariant , FoxNewsAnchor , ChrisWallace , DecampsasRight-WingHostsSetAgenda , LeavingforCNN , LatestExit , NetworkWaxesConspiratorial , TuckerCarlson , recentdocumentary , "PatriotPurge" , objections , plentyofsunshine , milder
Vladimir Tatlin, The Sailor , Tempera on canvas, 71.5 x 71.5 centimeters, 1911, The State Russian Museum , Saint Petersburg, Russia
Tags: VladimirTatlin , sailor , portraiture , tempera , canvas , painting , TheStateRussianMuseum , SaintPetersburg , Russia , NYTimes , Ukraine , Ukrainiansoldier , camouflagenet , frontlines , pro-Russianseparatists , Donetsk , dirt , trenches , shovels , uniforms , rocks , PutinStaysFixed , OnUkraineClaim , UsingHistoryandTroops , toSignalIreatWest , Moscow , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , Kremlinthesis , Ukrainiansare"onepeople"withRussians , generations , linguisticculturaleconomicties , familyties , HowOmicronStayedaStepAhead , Undetected , BeforeItHadaName , VariantStalkedNewYorkEvent , animeconference , coronavirus , BobDole , obituary , 1923-2021 , SenateLeader , TenaciousSonofthePrairie , lastofWorldWarIIgeneration , towintheRepublicannominationforpresident , suitandtie , BuiltUponSyria'sRuins , ADrugEmpireFlourishes , AmphetamineProduction , BringsinBillions , fortheWorld'sNewestNarcostate , beige , pills , captagon , illegalandaddictive , popularintheMiddleEast , WithoutRoe , PathtoAbortion , WouldBeIntricateandCostly , Roev.Wade , SupremeCourt , arguments , MIssissippiabortionlaw , cloudy , turningwindy , warmer , showers
Simon Starling, Inverted funicular bridge , Mixed media, 768 x 278 x 254 centimeters, 2004, Museion Foundation , Bolzano, Italy
Tags: SimonStarling , bridge , mixedmedia , hempropes , resin , installation , sculpture , MuseionFoundation , Bolzano , Italy , NYTimes , RyanSanford , patrolofficer , Kittery , Maine , landscape , greenery , water , boat , portraiture , encounteredbruisedandshakingTanyaNeal , hegotherintoashelter , Tear-StreakedFace , ScrambletoHelpinMaine , motherdaughter , embrace , daughterJusticeStone , shedidn'tusuallyturntopoliceforaid , BidenExploresTalks , asChinaBuildsArsenal , SeekingWaystoAvoidAccidentalConflict , nuclearcapability , armscontrol , RacingToAssessHowShotsWork , Vs.NewVariant , 26UniqueMutations , VaccineMakersPrepare , ReformulateDosesforOmicronStrain , Pfizer-BioNTech , Moderna , 2300newdailycases , provinceofGauteng , SouthAfrica , VirgilAbloh , obituary , 1980-2021 , DesignerWhoBrokeBarriers , WhileReimaginingLuxury , Hehadhisownbrand , Off-White , artisticdirector , LouisVuittonmen'swear , bridginghypebeastcultureandluxuryworld , Honolulu , Hawaii , $4billiontransitproject , hasrisento$11.4billion , WhenU.S.BuildsBig , CostsandTimelinesSwell , AsU.S.HuntsForChinaSpies , ScientistsRecoil , AnmingHu , accusedofespionage , trialendedinhungjury , surveillance , universityprofessor , periodicclouds , sunshine , breezy , cold
Michel Nedjar, Untitled , Acrylic, oil pastel, and wax on brown paper bag, 12 x 8 inches, 1988, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: MichelNedjar , painting , portraiture , acrylic , oilpastel , wax , brownpaperbag , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , body , clothing , baseballcap , blanket , textiles , Mexico , 100000DisappearedPeople , acrossthecountry'sdeserts , mothershuntformissingchildren , NewYorkTimesphotographer , FredRamos , documentedtheirsearch , clothingfoundwithunidentifiedbodies , humanremains , identifyingthedead , longandarduousprocess , AlaskaDoctors , ForcedToPickWhoIsTreated , Overwhelmed , WorstU.S.CovidOutbreak , ProvidenceAlaskaMedicalCenter , Anchorage , ChiefJusticeJohnG.RobertsJr. , nolongertheswingvote , AbortionLeadsChargedDocket , CourtReturn , ChallengeForRoberts , JusticesDefendRecord , PollsShowDeclineinPublicSupport , WashingtonDC , Roev.Wade , SupremeCourt , increasinglyassociatedwithpartisanship , StudiesonUseOfPoliceHoldsAreChallenged , Face-DownRestraints , IgnoredinAutopsies , Greensboro , Maryland , AntonBlack , unarmedpeople , whodieafterbeingrestrained , Germany'sParliament , Isn'tJustNew , It'sYoung , AGenerationalShift , LedbyTwoParties , NowKingmakers , theGreens , theFreeDemocrats , HungaryRunsVastCampaign , ForU.S.Sway , governmentsaroundtheworld , seektoshapepoliciesanddebatesinWashington , foreigninfluenceinU.S.politics , aerialphotography , blueice , spotlight , whitelight , SpelunkingforClimateHints , Scientistsexploringicycaves , studyrelationshipwithglacialmelting , VietnameseAmericansMobilize , ToAidtheNewestWarRefugees , Afghans , mostlycloudy , rain , thunderstorms
Alexander Archipenko, Walking Soldier , 1917, Plaster, paint and wood, (enlarged cast executed ca. 1954), Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: AlexanderArchipenko , walkingsoldier , plaster , paint , wood , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , bluesky , windsweptsand , lightandshadow , golden , footprints , pattern , portraiture , MohamedouOuldSlahi , torturedatGuantánamoBay , nowlivesinMauritania , OneLegacy , September11 , ATorturePolicy'sStain , Nouakchott , Mauritania , nearly15yearsasadetainee , mind-numbingisolation , darkenedcell , withouthisQuran , G.O.P.Seethes , ButEveryStateRequiresShots , FuryatBiden , IgnoresaCenturyofRules , requireprivate-sectorbusinesses , withmorethan100employees , coronavirusvaccinemandates , California , ThrivingClaimsOfVoterFraud , EchoesOf'20InRecall , BaselessTheoriesBeforeElection , NewNormontheRight , Californiarecallelection , DemocraticGovernorGavinNewsom , LarryElder , leadingRepublicancandidate , AbortionRulingInflamesDebate , AmongMexicans , WellofPublicDissent , ProcedureIsNowLegal , butManyDoctorsWon'tProvideIt , MexicoCity , Mexico'sSupremeCourtruledabortionisnotacrime , Green-EnergyBoomTown , ButCantheGoodTimesLast? , Normal , Illinois , electric-vehiclemaker , Rivian , U.S.Open , SenseofRenewal , ontheCourtandintheCrowd , tenniscourt , net , crowd , blue , green , uniforms , tennisplayers , embrace , DaniilMedvedev , beatNovakDjokovicinthefinal , NovakDjokovic , ChrisEvert , "Thecrowdwasthethirdplayerthisyear." , partlycloudy , warm , humid
Tags: JapaneseArt , Netsuke , ivory , sculpture , portraiture , PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum , NewJersey , NYTimes , Tokyo2020 , TokyoOlympics , selfie , womenathletes , whiteuniforms , redblackuniforms , bandstands , cameras , phonecamera , AGlitteringFinish , Helpedbyitsseventhstraighttitle , women'sbasketball , U.S.endedatopthemedalcount , AHotterFutureIsNowInevitable , U.N.ReportSays , ScientistsUrgeImmediateSwitch , FromFossilFuels , toAvertGreaterPerils , humanshaveheatedtheplanet , by2degreesFahrenheit , sincethe19thcentury , byburningcoaloilandgasforenergy , significantjumpinextremeweather , WashingtonDC , SignalasU.S.MissionEnds , You'reOnYourOwn , AfghanForces , ReceiveScantAssistance , asIncursionsGrow , 3AfghanCities , FallToTaliban , InsurgentsMoveClosertoCementingPower , Kabul , Afghanistan , Kunduz , Sar-i-Pul , Taliqan , redwhitebluebuilding , roundabout , road , Talibanflag , blackandwhiteflag , flyinginKunduzAfghanistan , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sDeputy , ReadiesforCall , AsBossTeeters , deafeningcallsforhisresignation , outdoorscene , summer , Childrenracingon34thAvenue , Queens , closedtovehicles , togivepeoplemorespace , OnCar-FreeStreets , RethinkingUrbanLiving , ACityStirs , ALessoninQueens , 1.3-mile-longblockparty , LingeringCovid , DisruptsLivesOfYoungsters , post-Covid , neurologicalphysicalorpsychiatricsymptoms , partlysunny , humid
Kathy Prendergast, Lost , Digital print on paper, 855 x 1800 millimeters, 1999, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: KathyPrendergast , Lost , digitalprint , paper , TateUK , U.K. , NYTimes , maps , lightpeachlightblue , orangepeach , orangegreenblue , mapofUnitedStates , datanotavailableforAlaskaandHawaii , 30-YearTemperatures , 30-YearPrecipitation , ComparedWith20thCenturyAverage , newbaselinedata , temperature , rain , weatherevents , howemissionsfromhumanactivities , changedclimate , ClimateChange , NewDefinitionof'Normal'forWeather , 1961-1990 , 1991-2020 , CrimeSurging , CitiesReassessPolicingLimits , GunsFillStreets , aYearAfterFloyd'sKilling , LosAngeles , pandemicdespair , HelenJones , "Wedon'tneedtougherpolice" , "weneedmorealternativestohelppeoplethrive" , G.O.P.'sFuture , PuttotheTest , LittleRock , Arkansas , lightningquicktransformation , inlastdecade , fromDemocraticdominance , toRepublicanrule , Lod , Israel , PushinIsrael , ToTipBalance , InMixedCities , MovementSeeksMoreJewsAmongArabs , TorahNucleusassociation , intentiontoliftuppoor , neglectedareas , onthemarginsofsociety , inreality , presencecreatedtensions , builtupforyears , BelarusForcesPlaneToLand , SeizingActivist , FighterJetIntercepts , EuropeanOfficialsBlastMinsk , CallingEventa'StateHijacking' , prominentoppositionjournalistseized , RomanProtasevich , Ryanair , AleksandrG.Lukashenko , referredtoas"Europe'slastdictator" , personallyordered , MiG-29fighterjet , toescortRyanairplanetoMinskairport , portraiture , KyraCrawford , KamiCrawford , 2Sisters'Pain , bothexperiencedstrokes , FailureToScreen , forSickleCellCases , TheErrantGene , inheriteddisease , noticeablycooler , seasonable , partlycloudy
Dominic Di Mare, Mourning Station #11 , hawthorn, horsehair, feathers, thread, and stone, 111.8 x 49.3 x 40.7 centimeters, 1988, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: DominicDiMare , mourningstation , hawthorn , horsehair , feathers , thread , stone , mixedmedia , sculpture , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , menhuddledunderatent , afather , funeral , 17-year-olddaughterkilled , strikeonahighschool , Kabul , Afghanistan , 'WhyDoWeDeservetoDie?' , BuryingHazaraGirlsinKabul , Fury , Heartbreak , CriestoTakeUpArms , inDefense , shoutedprayersforthedead , Hazaraethnicminority , hardlyanysecuritytoprotectthem , ManyFamiliesTurningAwayFromSchools , EducationCrisis , BornNotOnlyofFear , coronaviruspandemic , remotelearning , studentsworkingdayjobs , maynotreturntoschool , BattleBrewing , RegulatingCryptocurrency , BidToInfluencePolicy , RippleLabs , FirmPlansStrategy , LawyersLobbyistsConsultants , portraiture , trophy , BobBaffert , seventhKentuckyDerbyvictory , FailedDrugTest , PutsDerbyWinAtRisk , TrainerUnderFire , MedinaSpirit , 2021KentuckyDerbywinner , thoroughbredhorseracing , DetailsofClaim , ThatShookUpAMayor'sRace , ScottM.Stringer , JeanKim , clashingnarratives , Ms.Kimaccusedhimofsexualmisconduct , Mr.StringersaysMs.Kimwasapeer , "on-and-off"consensualrelationship , bluetablet , cup , doseofpsilocybin , CenterforPsychedelicandConsciousnessResearch , JohnsHopkins , PsychedelicsArePoised , toReshapePsychiatry , CollegesandInvestors , RushtoGetInvolved , MDMApairedwithcounseling , broughtmarkedrelief , patientswithseverePTSD , strayshowersearly , cloudy , partlysunnylate
Shadi Ghadirian, Untitled from the Qajar Series , Silver bromide print, Image: 24.13 x 16.35 centimeters, Sheet: 25.08 x 16.35 centimeters, 1998, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: ShadiGhadirian , silverbromideprint , photography , portraiture , LACMA , NYTimes , Afghanschoolgirls , Herat , Girlsandwomen , Afghanistan , 40%ofcountry'spupils , schoolsareoftenTalibantargets , WithMuchtoLose , AfghanWomenFearStiflingReturntoPast , RightsWillSuffer , U.S.LeavesandTalibanAscend , "Allthetimewomenarethevictimsofmen'swars" , "Buttheywillbethevictimsoftheirpeacetoo" , RaihanaAzad , NewPoliceReformLaws , SeizeonCallsforChange , ActivistsPressforMore , Over140BillsArePassed , inU.S.CitiesandStates , creationofstrongcentralizedstateguidelines , setsbaselineforpoliceaccountability , behaviorandstandards , AScarredMinneapolis , BracesForaVerdict , Chauvin'sTrial , civilunrest , ledto$350millioninlosses , morethanathousandbuildings , destroyedordamaged , nearlyayearafterGeorgeFloydkilling , Minneapolis , consumedwithgriefandfear , Soccer'sRich , MakeaMoveToGetRicher , aftermonthsofsecrettalks , SuperLeague , allianceoftopteams , bringaboutsignificantrestructuring , ofeliteEuropeansoccersince1950s , WallStreetCandidate , Courts5Boroughs'Votes , McGuire'sMayoralBid , TriestoCatchFire , groupphoto , RepresentativeGregoryMeeks , Queens , endorsedRaymondMcGuire , PandemicBuoysOlderBooks , LeavingNewAuthorsinLimbo , pandemicshutdown , batteredphysicalbookshelves , bookstoreinterior , cardboarddividers , booksections , bookshelves , bookseller , stockingshelves , cloudsandsunshine , spottyafternoonshowers